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Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel by Weston Parker (92)



I walked into Kadia stiff and contemplating faking some rare illness that would put me out of commission for a few days. I'd gone so far as to research a few legit ones.

"Hey, brother." Luke walked up beside me and pointed to the darkened windows of the third floor of the club that loomed over the dance floor. "You know what that is?"

Forcing a chuckle, I gave him a look. "I'm overworked, not dead."

He laughed and wrapped an arm around the back of my shoulders. "All right, but no hitting on my girl tonight, but if you find one of your own, I'll cover for you if you want to take her up to the fuck tank."

I rolled my eyes and moved with him toward the bar. After ordering two shots of whiskey and a beer, I turned to face him. "Where is this Olivia chick from?"

"I don't know. I'd say California by the looks of her." He glanced around and took a sip of his beer. "She's going to knock you off your feet. Just keep your thoughts to yourself."

"You’re my brother. I'm not going to hit on your girl." I turned and took the liquor from the bartender and nodded toward Luke. "Put it on his tab?"

The guy chuckled and nodded. "I think he's paying for just about everyone tonight."

"Yep. He's a great guy like that." I turned back to Luke. "Stop looking for her. You've been together for three years. You're acting like you just started dating."

"She makes me feel like I could dance on water, bro. She's the real deal." He brushed his fingers over his lips and turned back toward the crowd, scanning it as if nervous.

"And you still feel this intense about her after three years? Shit. Does she have a sister?" I laughed and tossed back one of the shots. I knew exactly who she was, what she had and didn't have. And I knew the feeling of wanting to dance on water because of her. It was every day of my life before that fucked up night our senior year. The night that changed... everything.

"We've been off and on for three years. She's a tough bitch and doesn't put up with much." He licked his lips and turned back to me. "Sister? No, but her friend Dana's visiting from Texas. She's a cute little Hispanic thing. Hot would be a better word to use. I'd tap that ass."

Dana Young. That wasn't a name that I'd heard in six years. Her brother Kevin was the running back our senior year when I played quarterback. Great football player, excellent family. No denying it now.

"That shot for me?" Luke reached for the other shot of whiskey, but I popped his hand back.

"No. It's for me. I need to figure out how to relax a little." I tossed it back, grimaced and took a quick swig of my beer. Two shots and a couple of beers, and I could see the ghost of Christmas past and not give a shit. The burn of the liquor was already starting to calm my nerves a little.

Where I was scared to death of coming face to face with the only woman I could imagine in my life, I wanted to see her. To touch her. To make love to her for hours. Days. Years.

Shit. I needed to go. Now.

"You all right? You look pale as fuck." My brother popped me in the gut as I locked eyes with Jeremy.

"Yeah. Get the fuck out of here and go greet everyone. You know I hate doing that crap." I pushed at him and downed half my beer as I turned to Jeremy. "I gotta get the fuck out of here dude."

"What?" Jeremy had been a close friend to me since my freshman year at NYU. We'd played ball together too, and where he respected my brother for his business savvy, he was my closest friend in and outside of work.

"I gotta go." I ran my fingers through my hair and glanced around, paranoid as fuck.

"What's going on with you?" He gripped my shoulders and forced me to look at him.

"That girl you mentioned earlier. Olivia?"

"Yeah, what about her? You worried about Luke cheating on her?" He snorted and released me. "You're too good of a guy, dude. It's not you-"

"Shut the fuck up, Jer." I glanced around again. "You remember the girl I told you about our freshman year. The one I dated all through my childhood. The only one I... I..."

"The one you're still in love with? Which I think is ridiculous but-"

"That's her." I turned back to him and pursed my lips.

He jerked around and scanned the room before looking back at me. "Where? She's fucking here? In New York?"

I grabbed the front of his shirt as my stomach rose in my chest. "No, Jer. The girl that's dating my brother is my girl. My girl from back home. He's with my Olivia."

"No fucking way, dude." Jeremy paled as well.

I had to laugh as there was nothing else to do. "Right?"

"You're kidding me, right? I mean, what are the fucking odds of that happening? No way. You're just drunk and making shit up." He moved up beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I locked into place.

"Shit." The air in my lungs left in a violent burst as my eyes ran across the long line of her back, over the curve of her ass to her legs. "There she is. I know that body like the back of my hand. Fuck."

"Dude, just chill out. She dicked you over, so if you are right, which there is no way in hell you are, then you're going to show her that she doesn't mean anything." He moved back in front of me and popped me in the face softly. "Hey. Wake up. You're the man. Okay? She missed the boat. Got it?"

"Got it." I moved to my left to watch my brother move her around the floor. They were laughing at something together and my heart broke in my chest. It should’ve been me. That smile. That laugh. Those arms. They were mine to covet.

"Hey. You're not pulling it together."

"I gotta see her." I handed him my beer and swallowed the torrent of emotion that was blistering the inside of my chest and leaving my knees weak. "Please tell me this is the woman that you keep blabbering over, Luke."

My brother stopped and pulled her to his side as a smile lifted his lips. "Olivia. This is my little brother, Caden. Bro, my girl, Olivia."

Everything stopped. Time stood still as my eyes moved across her face, taking in the subtle changes that moved her from being the prettiest girl I'd ever seen to the most beautiful woman in the room. Her high cheekbones and full lips beckoned my fingers to brush across them, but it was her eyes. The fear in them matched mine. She knew who I was, and if I was a betting man, she knew before she showed up that night that Luke was my brother and not some random guy. Now the only question was really how long she'd known.

"Nice to meet you, Olivia." I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles as I breathed in deeply. She smelled like home like love and lust wrapped up in the goodness of memories I'd tried to forget and couldn’t kill no matter how fucking hard I tried.

"You as well." Her voice was sexy, southern and yet filled with confidence. "Your brother tells me that you're the brawn behind this little mom and pop shop you guys are running."

I released her hand and laughed before glancing over at Luke. "Go man the door and I'll spin your pretty woman around the dance floor."

"I'm good." She shook her head 'no'. "I need to get a drink anyway."

"Don't deny me a dance. Not on our first interview for your position." I smiled and took her hand, pulling her away from Luke and pulling her tightly against the front of me.

"Keep the wolves away for me," Luke called over his shoulder as he walked off the floor.

"Let me go." She pulled back, but I held on tightly.

"Hell no. Did you know that Luke was my brother?" I brushed my hand down her side and gripped the soft curve of her hip as my cock grew thick and hard just being so close to her. She was every wet dream I'd had since I was a boy.

"Hell no," she barked back as her eyes narrowed. "I'm not taking the job. How the fuck we not only ended up in the same city but possibly working for the same firm is a sick joke."

"You're telling me." I spun her again and studied her expressions. I didn't want to blink and miss a moment with her, even if it was tense and every part of me wanted to run for cover from the emotional fall-out I'd experience in my bed later that night.

"I'm done dancing, Caden. I don't care how this happened. I'm not interested in even a working relationship with you. You're a ghost from my past, and I'd rather your brother not know anything about us." She shrugged and glanced over toward the bar as if looking for someone.

"Why doesn't he know that you're from Texas? Why lie to him about where you came from, Olivia?"

"Stop saying my name like we still know each other. We don’t." She tightened her grip on my hand as her jaw locked.

"Fuck me," I mumbled and released her hand to reach up and grip the side of her face. "How many nights have I laid awake wondering where you were, and you were right here. Right under my nose."

"Don't do this. I'm not that girl anymore. You made sure of that." She pushed against my chest. "Luke doesn't know where I'm from because he never asked. We're lovers, Caden."

"Don't remind me, please. You're better than him."

"You don't know shit." She cupped her hand over mine, turned and brushed her lips by my palm, leaving me an inferno for more of her. "Don't talk to me again tonight. I'm not taking the job."

"Of course you're not. You're just a cute little cheerleader from the country trying to play with the big boys." I pulled my hand back and shrugged. "Nice to see you again. Take care of my brother, whatever he is to you."

I turned and walked off the dance floor. She'd not only take the job, but she'd be in my face later that night or the next day at the latest. Either would work. As long as I didn't lose her again. I might be a glutton for punishment, but having fate give me another shot at something as precious as what we had... I wasn't wasting it. Not for anyone.




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