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BABY ROYAL by Bella Grant (23)


Jason cupped her face and hovered, his lips only a hair’s length away from hers, the heat emanating between them holding him there like a magnet. He had dreamed of that moment for months, and his thumbs moved to stroke soft cheeks still stained with tears. Her lips moved, and he saw the words I love you form there. He pulled his head back, astonished by what she had said. She laid her hands over his hands, which were still resting on her cheeks, and fresh tears made her eyes glassy.

“You love me?” He wasn’t expecting her to say it, but the words warmed him on the inside.

She nodded her head and kissed his palm. “I always have,” she whispered. “I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way.”

Jason chuckled and pulled up the chair. Her hands fell to her stomach and stroked the child that had begun moving slightly. “You have no idea how wrong you are,” he replied lovingly. “I could have had any other girl in the village. Easily. Do you think I came after you for the challenge?”

“Actually, I think that was my strong suit.” She smiled.

“Well, yeah, you have a point. I did find it interesting to chase the one girl I couldn’t have.”

She slapped him on the back of the hand. “I knew it.”

He laughed again. “That was in the beginning. But I realized I really had to sink my teeth in to get your attention. After that, the harder I tried, the further away I pushed you. It was so frustrating. I wanted to give up so many times, but…I had already fallen for you.”

Elena swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “You want to feel her move?”

“It’s a girl?” Jason asked with surprise.

“I don’t know,” Elena told him. “I like to think of the baby as a little girl.”

“Hmm,” Jason grunted and rested his hand on her stomach as he leaned his face down to within inches of her bulge. “Hi, little one. It’s Daddy.”

He felt such pride saying those words, not having thought about them his whole life, but within those moments, he wouldn’t have traded them for the world. The baby must have heard him, for ripples formed along her stomach, and Jason’s eyes widened as he realized the baby was responding to him. Excitement ripped through his frame, and he stroked the lines of movement.

“You did hear me, didn’t you? Well, guess what? You’re going to be hearing me a whole lot more, and when you come out, we are going to travel the world and—” His head whipped up when he saw Elena’s head move and she eyed him suspiciously. “With Mommy’s permission, of course. But maybe, if we are nice,” he whispered to her stomach, “she might come with us too.”

Elena giggled. “We’ll see about that. First, I need to get out of here.”

“Right. About that. What did the doctor say?”

“He said he wants me here another day,” she said breathily and fell back against the pillow. She placed her palm on her forehead and closed her eyes. “I don’t want to stay here another day.”

“Well, maybe there is something we can do. Give me a minute.”

“Jason, wait! Where are you going?”

“I’ll be back,” he told her and left the room hastily.

There was no need for Elena to remain another day merely for observations, not when he could pay for that at home. He skipped down the hallway, receiving and partially returning smiles from other visitors and staff members who recognized him. He wanted to show more civility, but he had more pressing concerns at hand. He greeted a few of the people briefly, shook hands with others, and was relieved when he got to the office with the plate labeled Doctor Suarez. He rapped on the door and was joyful when a voice beckoned him inside.

“Prince Jason,” the doctor said as he stood instantly.

“Please,” Jason waved his hand about and indicated the seat, “you don’t need to do all of that now.”

The old man smiled and sat again. “All right.” He clasped his hands on the table and leaned forward. “What can I do for you?”

“It’s about Elena Rose. You’re planning on keeping her overnight again?”

“Yes,” he replied promptly. “I want to monitor her a while longer to be safe.”

“I understand that, but what if I hire a nurse at home? Could she be discharged? She would feel a whole lot better being home than being here.”

Doctor Suarez shrugged. “I don’t see why not. That’s the same thing. As long as you ensure she receives the proper care. She is experiencing a very high-risk pregnancy and is extremely vulnerable.”

“I understand that.” Jason walked over and held his hand out. “Thank you, Doctor.”

“Let me walk you out,” Doctor Suarez said as he pushed his chair back and stood. “I need to sign the release papers.”

Jason was over the moon that he could return to Elena with some good news, and she attacked him as soon as he entered the room.

“What’s going on? Where did you go?”

“It doesn’t matter where I went… what matters is where we are going.”

“Jason, don’t play games with me. I’m too tired to entertain it.”

Jason chortled. “Fine. I went to see Doctor Suarez.”

She didn’t wait for him to continue. “And?”

“And…he said you can go home.”

She bolted upright instantly, her eyes wide and hopeful. “Are you for real?” Doctor Suarez came into the room. “Is it true?”

“Yes, Miss Rose. Prince Jason has assured me he will have you taken care of.” He handed her an envelope and smiled. “You’re free to go.”

Jason stood next to the bed, grinning, and he clapped Doctor Suarez on the shoulder as he passed. As soon as the door clicked shut, he hurried over to her.

“I’m going home,” she cried with exuberance. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and was ready to hop off when Jason caught her.

“Whoa, whoa! Hold it right there!”

She froze and turned to him. “What?”

Jason stood up straight, his broad shoulders squared and giving her the appearance that he was taller than he actually was. “I thought you wanted to go home.”

“That’s what I’m doing,” Elena fired back.

“Oh yeah? Well, at the rate you’re going, you’ll have another fall and be back in here in no time.” He took her by the hand. “You need to take it easy.”

Elena relaxed. “You’re right. But I miss the farm and the animals, and…”

“Nope. Don’t even get me started. You are officially on bed rest, and I think the best place for you is my home.”

Elena’s eyes flashed red. “No,” she growled and backed away from Jason. “I want to go home. To my father’s farm.”

“But think about it. At my home, you can get the best care

“I can get the same at the farm. Whichever nurse you were going to hire, send him or her to the farm. I’m not going to the castle.”

“Okay, okay, don’t get upset,” Jason hushed her. “I’ll arrange for the nurse to come to the farm. But I wish you would come to my home for a change.”

Elena was quiet as she tried to calm herself. “We aren’t married,” she said softly as she stuffed the few clothing and personal items inside the duffel bag on the table next to the bed. “It doesn’t feel right.”

“There’s only one reason we aren’t married,” Jason reminded her.

“Doesn’t matter,” Elena replied. “I think I need to call Mom in case she is coming by. Dad said she would and she hasn’t come yet.”

Jason handed her his cell phone and watched as she focused on the device. She dialed and was smiling and talking animatedly to her mother about the fact that she was coming home. He couldn’t help but feel happy she was, at the very least, on speaking terms with him again. But he didn’t want her to leave without knowing for sure what she wanted. He had waited for months and he wasn’t playing the fool anymore. When she was done with the call, she handed him the phone and he caught her by the hand as he took it.

“I need to know something, Elena,” he stated. “Are we going to go back to the way things were before? Me being at home and you staying at the farm? I mean, we are going to be a family soon.”

“I don’t know,” she muttered. “I didn’t even think I would see you again, much less talking about this.”

Jason moved closer and took both her hands. “Sweetheart, you don’t want to know how miserable I’ve been these last few months being away from you. I knew what it was like to kiss you, to feel your body press against mine, to hear you laugh.” He stroked her cheeks that blushed, and her eyes, as he had grown accustomed to, glossed over again. “After knowing all of that, it was torture being away from you, so it’s fine if you want to stay home, but I am not leaving you again. You are mine, and you’re not getting out of my sight again.”

He cupped her face and lowered his head. Her lips parted to receive his before they made contact, and he pressed against her as he tasted her warm, soft lips that provoked even greater sensations below his belt. He desperately wanted her, and as their tongues engaged in a playful dance, their souls connected and their bodies responded by beginning a slow dance of their own. They moved almost undetectably, lost in euphoric bliss, in a moment they had never known they would share again.

Jason pulled back reluctantly and smoothed the hair around her hairline. “I think we’d better go.”

Elena smiled and watched as he grabbed her bag. His driver was waiting for him, and the two snuggled in the car on the way to the village. Jason noticed Rick’s smile through the rearview mirror, like he approved of them being together, and though it shouldn’t matter to Jason, it gave him a tingly feeling deep down.

They entered the village to hooting and hollering as the same people who had despised Elena before ran into the streets, happy and anxious to see her once more.

Nathan was the first to dash out of their family home as the car pulled up to the curb. Jason could see how close the family was, and in a way, he envied them that closeness. He helped Elena inside and reminded her she was on bed rest. Gregory promised to ensure she did nothing on the farm that would harm her health, and Jason, like the doting father and lover, was always present in the days that followed.