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BABY ROYAL by Bella Grant (33)


“What the hell are you doing here, Rozanne?” I exploded at her when Debra walked out, slamming the door behind her hard enough to make me wince. My tone was a bit harsher than I’d usually use with Rozanne, but she’d probably fucked up the leeway I’d made with Debra. The girl was hard to get to know and a week later, having dropped her to and from work, I still knew very little about her.

Normally, if a chick gave me such a hard time—which they rarely did, anyway, except the one I hadn’t known was a lesbian— I would lose interest and cast my net elsewhere. Could she be a lesbian? Nah, she didn’t give me that vibe. Plus, just now, I would have sworn she’d been a bit jealous of Rozanne’s entrance. Which was the reason for my fury. If she thought I was screwing Rozanne, she wouldn’t give me the time of day.

“I thought you were alone,” Rozanne said now, leaning against the door in a provocative pose which thrust her breasts forward. “I know you don’t have a girlfriend. Though I can change that.”

“I don’t want a girlfriend!” I exclaimed but my mind flashed to Debra. I didn’t want a girlfriend. But if I did, she would be the perfect girlfriend material. I wouldn’t have to worry I’d be running into guys on campus who’d had her legs over their shoulders at some point. I was positive Deb was different. The way she spoke, the way she moved…she was different and I was drawn to that aspect of her. She intrigued me.

“Okay, no pressure,” Rozanne announced and untied the front of her belly-baring cropped top. She undid the few buttons and pushed the material apart. Her full breasts I had enjoyed cupping and pushing my dick between now flashed at me from the pink lace bra she wore. I could make out her large, dark areolas and the points of her nipples pressing against the material.

“It’s been a while since I got laid,” she murmured. I didn’t bother to tell her I’d heard a couple guys talking about taking turns with her at a frat party, passing her around like money exchanged from one hand to the other. Still, that wasn’t the reason I didn’t want her now. If I didn’t have Deb on my mind, whether she’d been with a dozen guys or fifty wouldn’t have made a difference to me. I would have still had her on her knees on the bed, grinding into her. I wasn’t trying to date her, after all, just getting both of us off. But I couldn’t now, as concerned as I was about Debra and the impression she had left here with.

“I can’t do this with you, Roz,” I told her. “You know you’re hot but my mind is elsewhere.”

With a deft flick of her wrist, the zipper at the back of her skirt eased down and the little skirt she wore fell to her feet. Fuck, no underwear. Her bare pussy stared me in the face and I paused for a second, remembering how good it had felt to slide my cock inside her. Not the best, but good enough. We’d definitely had some good times.

But that was weeks ago, I mused. I didn’t need this right now.

“I’ll give you a BJ,” she suggested, stepping out of her skirt and walking over to me. She cupped my flaccid dick through the thin layer of my shorts.

“Roz, read my lips,” I growled at her, removing her hand from my private parts. “What you and I had was just sex and I’m over it. I have been over it for three weeks now. Stop throwing yourself at me. Find somebody who can appreciate you. Now please go.”

Her eyes flashed blue steel and she jerked away from me. “How dare you treat me this way?” she demanded. “You lowlife jerk! I love you and you just fuck me and leave me.”

Fat tears rolled down her cheeks but I wasn’t disturbed by them. I knew an act when I saw one, and given that her major was Theatre Arts, she put on a very damn good one.

“With a little more effort, you’ll make the Oscars,” I said, a little irritated now at the unnecessary drama. “You can cut the act, Rozanne. I know you haven’t been pining for me these three weeks. I know of at least two guys you’ve slept with recently, so get dressed and leave.”

Her sobs stopped. “I only did it because you stopped fucking me! I’m not leaving until you make love to me. At least one last time.”

I rolled my eyes at her when she threw herself onto my bed, widening her legs.

“Suit yourself,” I announced, going over to my closet. Nobody could fault me if I’d picked her up and dumped her half-naked ass into the hall. I’d asked her twice already to leave and she insisted in staying, lying on my sheets with her legs spread and touching herself like she thought it would get me to change my mind.

I selected a random shirt from the closet and dragged it over my head. Although it was a bit cold out today, I couldn’t pause to put on anything warmer than the shorts I already had on. I jammed my feet into a pair of Jordan’s and grabbed my car keys, just to be on the safe side. She could trash everything else in the room if she had a mind to. Maybe she should. Get it out of her system and leave me alone.

“Where are you going?” she asked in disbelief, sitting up on the bed. Now, Ill have to change the sheets and do another bout of laundry before I leave with Debra tomorrow. It might be a tad foolish, but there was a difference in having a girl over and having sex with her on your bed and her coming over uninvited, trying to initiate something you weren’t interested in.

“Out. Shut the lights off when you leave. And I must warn you, if you’re not gone by the time I get back, I will throw you out, Roz.”

I pulled the door shut on her look of disbelief. I wouldn’t put it past her to find a random dude to fuck on my bed just because. Damn. I really needed to do something about sex with all these random girls. Not only was it becoming distasteful after the act, but it was losing its appeal too. By my standards, I shouldn’t have walked out on Roz. I should have smashed her real good until she left with a stupid grin on her face.

But I had only one girl on my mind. Debra. What was I going to do with her? She didn’t necessarily act like she was into me, more like a girl who didn’t have a choice about much and so she accepted my offers of help. Maybe I should leave her alone. For all I knew, she already had a boyfriend. Probably back in her hometown, too. Why else was she so eager to return home for Christmas? Who took a two-day break to drive five hours to a place and five hours back?

The thought of her with another guy made me sick. Why hadn’t I felt the same when I’d learned Rozanne had been sleeping around? I’d known this girl for one week. The effect she had on me was too profound. I needed a distraction.

No way would I drive the five hours from Denver and back. When I got back to my dorm room, I would see what I could get by way of a plane ride. Maybe one of my dad’s jet was available. Now that would be something. Even though I didn’t like the idea that my wealth would get her more interested in me, I wasn’t above using it to impress her.

“Hey, Luke, what ya doing out here?” Kevin asked when I walked into the lounge where a few guys were gathered around the Foosball table. Tomorrow, they’d head for Aspen and I had planned to head that way too until the new semester began. But now I’d inform him of my change of plans.

“I need an excuse to use the lounge?” I shot back at him.

He grinned at me, leaving the Foosball table to sit on a bean bag close to the chair I slumped in.

“You do when you got a hot thang like Rozanne visiting you,” he quipped. “Or wasn’t it you she visited this time? I saw her head upstairs and I know the other bloke on this dorm she usually fools around has already left campus.”

“She’s in my room all right, but I’m no longer interested. I haven’t been for weeks but can’t seem to get her to accept that.”

“You always go overboard, spending too much on these chicks, that’s why,” Kevin stated. “They get hooked on the G’s and you can’t shake ʼem.”

“Well, damn, I’d give her five grand just to leave me alone,” I mumbled, making him laugh.

“What about the party tonight at the club? You still down for that?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

“Great. I heard the colleges all around will be representing, so you know what that means? More babes. That wait to go to Aspen will pay off when I’m cushioned in heaving bosoms.”

I couldn’t help laughing at Kevin.

“I’m heading out town with a friend and won’t make it to Aspen,” I remarked.

“What friend?”

“A girl I met.”

“Aha. There goes the mystery of why you no longer want Rozanne.”

I shook my head. “I stopped sleeping with Rozanne before that.”

“Okay, so who’s this chick? The girl you’ve been running out on us with to drop at work?”

“Yeah, but for now, I can’t say who she is. I’m still not able to read her.”

“Sounds like you’re falling, my man. At least smitten

“Maybe smitten but definitely not falling,” I murmured. “You know my stance on women. They only stick around until they find something they think is better.”

Kevin observed me in wonder. “That view’s so screwed up, man. I mean yes, that does happen, but I could point out several women who stuck around. Look at Andrew and Cammy.”

I dismissed that example. Andrew was our next close friend. All three of us had been in the same private high school along with his girlfriend Cameron. They had been together since Sophomore at high school, and Andrew had copped out of attending Regis with us to be in the same university with Cameron. They were my two best friends, closer than my own family. I had a flock of followers and guys I hung out with, but Kevin was the one who knew the real me.

“Say, maybe I can help you with your situation with Rozanne,” he announced with a wink. “You know sometimes, a girl needs to get under another man to get over one.”

I spread my arms wide open in an invitation. “Be my guest. Just take her back to your room. We’re close but not close enough to fuck chicks on the same bed.”

He sprang up off the bean chair. “No problem, dude. For all I know, she might say no anyway.”

“I doubt it.”

An hour later, when Rozanne walked by the lounge with a big grin on her face, I sighed with relief. Thank you, Kevin.