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SEAL Me Daddy by Ashlee Price (123)


Chapter 3

It was well past noon when the threesome finally got to the parking spot. They were already several thousand feet up in the air and the view was breathtaking. Carly got out of the truck and forgot about everything but the nature all around her. She never felt so at peace.

“Look dad, it is beautiful here. Why have we never been here before?”

“I didn’t know you could come around the backside over here to the park. How did you know about this Lonnie?”

“I have my ways.”

He shot a look to Carly that reminded her how naughty she had been in the truck and wishing that she had a few moments to herself. She looked down, unable to keep his searing gaze.

“Well I think it is beautiful. I am ready to go.”

Carly climbed into the back of the truck and threw down everyone’s packs. Jumping down, she shimmied hers on her back and looked back at the two men.

“Come on Grandpas. We need to find a good place to camp soon. It is already later than I thought.”

Lonnie and Saul looked at each other slightly wounded and followed behind Carly as she led the way. The trail was not as broken in as she was used to, but it was still pretty clear to follow. Her dad had taken the lead after a while and she could hear Lonnie close behind her. She looked behind her once and saw that he was watching her ass as she walked. When she turned back, she could feel it burning with his steady gaze. She grinned to herself and too extra care to make sure her shorts rode up higher.

There was a bit of interplay between the two while they walked. Carly didn’t see a stump and almost fell back, but Lonnie was quick to catch her at the last moment. Her body felt small in his arms and she thanked him with a little blush on her cheek. Saul was not paying any attention. He too was caught up in the view and the experience.

They came across a clearing in the thicket and after several hours, everyone was ready for a little break.

“Why don’t we just set up camp here for the night? There is a stream right there and we might be able to catch a few fish.”

Saul was already unpacking his small tent and erecting it before anyone else could agree. It was a perfect spot, so no one objected. Carly was finding herself a little frazzled and she was having trouble getting the rods on the top of her dome tent right. After the second failed attempt, Lonnie came over and finished.


“Anytime you need anything Carly.”

She wondered what needs the offer covered, but was pretty sure she knew which ones he was talking about. Carly hoped that he could not see how turned on she was. She turned and finished before she went in the tent to hide. She just needed a few minutes to calm down. Her body felt over-heated and she decided to swim up the creek a ways to give herself a few moments. In truth she just needed to cool her ardor and she figured a cold swim would do that.

The woman found the water colder than expected and gasped when she jumped in. Her whole body tightened from the sudden chill, but she was soon moving forward, trying to adjust to the frigid water. It seemed to do the trick because after a couple of minutes in the creek, she had long since forgotten why she had jumped in from the start.

Carly cursed a little as she pulled herself up from the bankside. She was numb from the neck down and all she wanted to do was get dry and warm again. The two men had started a fire in front of the tents. Her tent had been moved and they all faced the roaring fire. The heat and flames beckoned her closer. She stood shivering for a moment, her palms up towards the fire.

“I was going to tell you that creek is fed by a natural spring up a ways. Bet you about froze yourself to death.”

Carly shot him a dirty look. The water was definitely colder than it should have been. She looked down at the goosebumps that covered her arm and she held them close to her body to warm back up.  The movement sent her two breasts apart and her turgid, dark nipples were clear through the white fabric.

“Why don’t you go get dressed Carly? You are going to catch your death out here like this.”

Lonnie ripped his gaze from her darkened nipples, looking away embarrassed to be caught. He could clearly see the suspect in Saul’s eyes.

“Come on man, you ready to catch some fish?”

Saul’s momentary frown was gone. He told himself he was just being silly and followed after his old friend. He looked back to see Carly watching them leave, still standing by the fire dripping wet.