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SEAL Me Daddy by Ashlee Price (259)


Ted had meant that the work was hard and grueling. While Penny was used to hard work, she was not used to so many horses. There were a couple other trainers but she was still responsible for twice as many horses as she was used to at home. Penny took it all in stride though, making sure to take a hot, steamy shower at the end of the day. It was the only way to work out all the kinks that had developed in her back. What she needed was a good masseuse, but there was a shortage of them in Clayton.

There was a shortage of everything there and Penny was forced to order some things to keep a few must-haves on hands.  She had yet to meet the other partner Jaxon, but she had heard good things. Actually none of the other guys had anything bad to say about the two bosses. It was rare, but if Jaxon was anything like Ted, she could see why.

Ted took the hands on approach and Penny had seen him out every day working right along with everyone. One minute he was putting a fence up and the next he was feeding and then helping train. Penny had liked the extra view, but it was distracting, especially went he took his shirt off. She tried not to stare, but there were a few times that he had looked over to catch her staring and she had looked away, pink and embarrassed. It was the man’s haunting eyes, she was sure of it.

It was in one of her moments of fantasy, that she did not see Ted walking up behind her, nor did she hear him. There was a deep voice behind her that took her out of her thoughts and she blushed from the content, thankful that he could not read her mind.

“Penny I was hoping you could join us for dinner tonight in the house. Jaxon would like to meet you. He wasn’t sure if you would last, but apparently we were both wrong.”

Penny nodded. She had been dining at the bunk house, already feeling outside of things living in the ranch house, instead of with the rest of the help. Her eyes trailed down his sweaty body and it took her a moment to move back up to his face. She could feel her own temperature rising and she nodded her head, not trusting her voice.

“Good, we will eat around seven. You can uh, dress up a bit if you want.”

Penny looked down at her jean shorts and button up.

“When did cut-offs lose style?”

“On you never, but Jaxon is a bit more refined and he may find them…distracting.”

The look he gave her may Penny blush and she wondered if Ted found her distracting as well. It would serve him right. He had been distracting the hell out of her for a long time and it just seemed fair that she could get him a little hot under the collar as well. “I will make an effort.”

He thanked her and turned away abruptly. She smiled to herself and got back to work. Her mind went to what she had brought to wear for the first time and there was only one summer dress that wasn’t work clothes and that was for if she found herself going to church. It would be distracting in a different way, she was sure of it, but it was not like there was a formal clothing store for a hundred miles. It would just have to do.


Penny quit work at five and looked in the front to see if her package had arrived and it hadn’t so she went in to take a quick shower. The shower became longer when her fantasies from before filled her mind and the hot water relaxed her body. She needed her bullet, but it had broken the second night in and there were no adult stores anywhere around to get another. The package had been sent days ago and after leaving the shower agitated, there was nothing else to do but get dressed. Penny put on a little makeup and did her hair, but it still only consumed about ten minutes. She never understood what women did in the bathroom for hours at a time.

It was almost dark when she got downstairs and she was a little late because of the extra effort in the shower. Her other boss was there waiting at the table beside Ted and he seemed perturbed. She skipped a step when he looked up and it stopped her in her tracks for a minute.

“Sorry about that. Time seems to have gotten away from me.” Penny was moving again, though she could feel a little heat on her cheeks. She stretched her hand out across the table. “You must be Jaxon.”

The man was much like his other partner, dark and handsome. Instead of tight Wranglers and button downs though, Jaxon was wearing a suit and looked quite nice in it. He was almost a refined version of Ted and she didn’t know which one she preferred. She certainly knew that there would be an addition to her fantasies, but even that quick thought made her face brighten.

“Nice to meet you Penny. Ted has said good things, yet he forgot to mention how beautiful you are.”

Penny’s face couldn’t get any redder. “Oh well thank you. Ted is very professional.”

Jaxon’s eyes took in the swell of her large breasts and the way the cotton material hugged her curves. “Professional indeed. I am speechless. I do not know what to say, but welcome.”

She thanked him for the job, but it was hard to look him in his eyes and she paid more attention to the empty plate in front of her. This was seen that she must be hungry and she didn’t argue when Ted had the first course sent out. It was definitely different than the stews and bread they ate in the bunkhouse. Truth be told, the other food was better, but it kept her mouth occupied so she couldn’t say something to embarrass herself. Out of all the challenges that she had thought would be a problem with her new job, gorgeous bosses that left her tongue-tied had certainly not been one of them. Penny really needed to find her a boyfriend.

“So Penny, how do you like it?”

Her mind instantly went to her bent over the table and him slamming in from behind. The thought made her squirm and re-cross her legs.


“How do you like the ranch?”

“Oh, it’s wonderful. Everyone is so helpful and nice.”

‘You seem very young to be so good.”

Penny looked at Jaxon for the first time in several minutes. His dark brown eyes held hers and it seemed that everything he said could have a double meaning. “You know, practice makes progress and all. Started young.”


The table got silent and was saved when the housekeeper brought in dessert. Penny was happy the awkward meal was almost over. She had driven herself crazy in the shower and they were driving her crazy in front of her. Penny just needed ten minutes in her room to take care of her needs. Her eyes went from one man to the next as they talked about business matters that didn’t concern her. She had zoned out again, the pie in front of her long since forgotten for the two gorgeous men that employed her.

Penny could see that they were completely different side by side, but they both had the same feel. She tried to imagine Jaxon dressed as Ted and then shirtless. Her heartrate jumped and she chided herself for her reaction. She needed a day off to check out what the local bar had to offer. If not, she was really going to make a fool of herself.

“Well I am tired. Nice to meet you Jaxon and thanks for the meal, but I am going to head to bed.”

They seemed surprised by her departure, but it was for her own good, she reminded herself. She had that Saturday off, so she could satisfy her cravings and get her brain to work again. Not looking back, she headed upstairs for the bedroom she was staying in.