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SEAL Me Daddy by Ashlee Price (286)


Aria grumbled for a minute as she looked through the clothing. It was like the furniture and the house itself, from another time. She did not see much of anything that she wanted to wear until she came to the back that had some more modern choices. There were still mainly dresses, but there were some leggings and a couple of tops that she thought would do.

While Aria had a real aversion to all things girly, it was the idea that he wanted her to wear them that made her rebel so much. Keith seemed to be one of the collaborators and not a victim. There didn’t seem to be anything vulnerable about him and she had the feeling, he could read her mind anyways. Something was amiss and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know what. Some things can’t be unlearned or unseen. Her resignation feeling from earlier had passed and she started to wonder how hard it would be to just walk out of there.

Walking into the bathroom, she sighed from the bright interior. Even though everything else seemed dated, there were modern conveniences tucked away and she wanted to hug the shower. It wasn’t because she was dirty, but because she ached for something familiar like the relaxation of the steamy water. As soon as the steam started rising in the room, Aria was already feeling better.

She quickly undressed and slipped into the shower stall, groaning from the hot spray on her skin. It felt heavenly and helped wake her up. She didn’t hear the door to the bathroom open, nor did she see the moving blur through the opaque textured glass. It was only when the door opened and a naked Keith started to push in, did Aria realize she wasn’t alone.

Aria cried out and covered herself. “What are you doing?!”

She clung to the side of the shower as his body filled up the cocoon she was in. He closed the door and though she tried hard not to touch him, her large breasts heaved inches from his rock-hard chest. There was one part of him that touched her and when she looked down, she gasped, moving farther away.

“I am here to help dove. Turn around and I will wash your back.”

He was already turning her, long before she gave her permission. Once again, the man did not find her compliance that important. Aria had very little time to worry about anything, before his hands were on her. With a bar of soap in hand, he started to rub a trail of bubbles on her shoulders and arms. Keith worked his way down her body, his hands massaging more and more.

The soap dropped from his hands and instead of trying to pick it up, he used the soap already everywhere on her, to continue his torture of her quivering body. Aria’s head dropped back to his shoulders as she let him envelope her. It was when he got to the area between her legs that she finally balked. Her hand tried to move his, but it only resulted in him capturing hers and holding them down to her sides.

“It is impossible to deny me. I bet your body is already wet.” Aria denied it in her mind, but when he slid his hard length between her thighs, the bluff was called. He hissed in her ear as he started to slide himself back and forth across her quim. The wetness was slicker than water and for a second, Keith didn’t want to wait or to do things the right way.

His grip tightened on her arms as he pumped quicker between her thick thighs. His breath was ragged and matched Aria’s. The friction and rubbing were heating her below and each thrust of his hips, slid his thick rigid head across her clit. Before she could stop herself, her body tensed up. She tried to push away, not wanting to give in to him.

“Stop Keith.”

He immediately did. His throbbing head was discolored purple as blood poured in and she could see it sticking out of her legs below her.

Her hand wanted to touch it, but she was held down and unable.

“Are you sure?”

Keith’s voice was strained, as he too had found the stimulation enough as well. He was on a cusp and he could still feel her quivering against him at her own precipice.

“Yes, I just wanted to take a shower. I am not ready for this.”

Keith slid back slowly, pressing his twitching rod against her. It was as if he was nudging her at the edge, leaving her teetering. She made an anxious noise and she almost asked him to finish her, but she didn’t. His mind reading didn’t seem to work and he turned her back around to face him.

“Only when you’re ready Aria. Are you sure you’re not ready now?” His large hands engulfed her breasts, pulling at the hard tips, making her blue eyes flutter closed. Each pleasurable shock went right to her needy core. When she didn’t answer him, he gave her a light kiss and got out.

“Soon Aria.”