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SEAL Me Daddy by Ashlee Price (178)


Trent called Karen up. He didn’t have any new horses to look over, but he had one that was not acting right and he thought that something might be going on with it. She agreed to come down the next day and he tried to ask casually about Foster. “So did your assistant run out on you yet?”

Karen laughed a little. “No, this one is a glutton for punishment. I figured that since she has made it two weeks without quitting on me, I am not going to lose her. She is stronger than she looks Trent.”

“I think you are right Karen.”

“So was that all you were going to ask?”

The old woman knew that he fancied her. He wasn’t the type to gush about it, but just by the fact that he had asked about her at all was proof that he liked her. “Yes. Well I don’t know Karen. Is she single?”

Karen smiled to herself and sat back in her office chair. “She is.”

Trent sighed on the other end. She was having too much fun with him. “So what time do you think you can make it tomorrow?”

“Probably in the evening. I am booked up for the day, but I think I can squeeze you in. Can I expect to see you there?”

“Yes, I will be here.”

“I bet you will Trent. I am going to go now. I will see you tomorrow.”



“Is she way out of my league?”

“Probably, but I doubt that will stop you. Just be slow with her Trent. She has some healing to do.”

He nodded to himself. He had known that there was something in her that was broken and usually he ran the other way when he saw that trait in another, but with Foster it was different. With her, he wanted to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. With her he wanted to fix it. Trent hadn’t felt that way in a long time and it made him nervous to feel something after so long. The feeling was almost foreign to him now.

Trent hung up, thinking about the redhead that had caught his eye. He hadn’t heard much about her, only that she had worked at the diner before quitting to get the job with Karen. A few had seen her in town with an older woman, but no one knew that much about her. None of the ranchers locally knew her or anything else about her and Trent found that strange in a small town like Cross Junction. Everyone knew everyone there, but Foster had managed to keep her secrets to herself and Trent wanted to know what they were.

He found himself at the diner with a neighbor when he heard someone talking about Foster. They were talking about the new redhead in town and he knew that a woman like her was going to stir up interest as it had in him. His neighbor Duncan asked him why he was so interested in the other conversation. Trent didn’t know what to say, except that a woman like her was hard not to be interested in. “Have you met her Duncan?”

“Yes, she came over with Karen, but I had too much stuff going on to say much to them. You know how things are and Karen likes to take her time too much. She was talking that girl through it and I just couldn’t wait around for it.”

Trent nodded. Duncan was never known for his patience. “Well if you didn’t have the wife at home, I am sure you would have noticed more.”

Duncan chuckled a little, surprised that his friend was interested in her. Trent wasn’t usually interested in anyone, but it seemed that the girl had reached him where many others couldn’t. “So you like her eh?”

He nodded. “I don’t even know her, but there is something about that woman.”

“If I hear it right, I think it is the set on her. I don’t notice much, but even I noticed the nice little body that she had.”

Trent felt a moment of anger and looked away. He had no right to feel jealous, but he didn’t like the idea of anyone else looking at her. There were too many single men in town for her to stay single for long. He suddenly felt like he was in a competition and he knew that he wanted to win. Win over her body and her heart.

“I think she is a bit young for you Trent.”

“She is in her twenties. I am not that far out of mine.”

Duncan nodded, “Several years out, but who is counting?”

The two men sat and listened to a couple other ranchers talking about her and Trent’s jaw got tighter with each crude word. She deserved more than their leering. Trent ended up leaving early before he did something he would regret. It was silly, he told himself. He didn’t even know her or how long she was staying, but he wanted her to be his.

He rode home in silence and when he got into his empty house, it was the first time that he wished there was someone there to greet him. His mind conjured up the curvy redhead that was coming by the next day. He had plans to ask her out, but for the first time in a long time he was unsure of himself. As with most women, he didn’t worry too much about one in particular. He didn’t have but one night stands when he drove into the city. But with Foster, she was somehow different. He wanted to know what made her eyes so sad and more importantly, he wanted to change them.

Trent didn’t sleep too well that night, too worried about what the next day would bring. When morning came, he thought of the tall redhead and wondered if she would even be receptive to going out. She had had many offers from what the men in the diner said. Some were even convinced that she must be a lesbian since she had turned several of them down. Trent knew that wasn’t true, but why would she saw yes to him when she had turned down so many others?

His confidence was gone and his nerves were rattled when he saw Karen’s truck pull up. His heart pounded in his chest, his body knowing something that his mind had not came to terms with. Trent waved at them as they walked up and his eyes went to Foster.

“Afternoon, ladies. Thanks for fitting me in today Karen. I know you are busy.”

She waved him off. “Just point me in the right direction and we will have her taken care of in no time.”

Karen was all business, but Trent wanted to chat more than anything. He knew that the horse was sick and a couple of shots would have her better in no time, but it was the only way to get Foster out there, so he was willing to pay for the vet visit.

“So how are you liking the job now Foster? Is it getting easier?”

She looked up at him as he stood close. “I like it well enough. I am certainly learning a lot. If I stay with Karen too long, I may never want to leave this place.”

“That sounds good.”

Foster was not expecting that answer or the way he looked at her. He was wearing a disarming smile and she tried not to focus on it too much. She looked down as she held the horse steady so that Karen could look at her properly. “I guess if I am going to have to stay here, I should learn to ride a horse too. Could you recommend a place around here that teaches lessons?”

Trent could have named off three ranches that specialized in it and did well, but he didn’t want to. He liked the idea of spending time with her and teaching her to ride would be far less expensive than calling out Karen every time he wanted to see her. “I could always teach you and I wouldn’t charge you for it.”

“Really? Well thank you for the offer, but I couldn’t possibly ask that of you. I could pay you for lessons.”

“No, free of charge. Just getting someone else to love them would be enough for me.”

She thanked him and he asked when she would want to take a ride.”

The horse suddenly neighed and moved towards Foster. She held her ground, but Karen scolded them for flirting and not paying attention. Foster felt her face getting red and went back to the task at hand with more diligence. “Sorry Karen. This customer is a little more distracting than the other ones.”

Trent chuckled but backed off. “I get the hint Karen. I will be up at the house when you are done. I will make a pitcher of tea.”