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SEAL Me Daddy by Ashlee Price (238)


Chapter 7

Scott didn’t go back to the ranch later in the morning. He didn’t want to go back and he wasn’t in the mood to do any work. Scott was still trying to wrap his brain around what had happened and though Gemma was right, he shouldn’t care who it was that Lisa was with, he did. It was something that ate at his insides and he just had to know. There was someone next to her and doing the things that he had done to her and it was driving him crazy.

He turned off his phone after it wouldn’t stop ringing. First it was Henri that called, and then Gemma and then Elna. He ignored them all and sat at the small bar drinking. It wasn’t enough that it was only noon and he was already plastered, but it wasn’t enough. He still remembered the voice behind her telling her to come back to bed and his rage took over.

“Scott, I think you have had enough. Do you want me to call one of your brothers to come and get you?” Ralph had never seen the youngest brother so drunk, so early. It had been a long time since he had seen him in such a state.

“I’m fine, give me another.”

Ralph didn’t want to, his pudgy face showed the concern that everyone seemed to have for him lately. He was sick of everyone feeling sorry for him. Did Ralph know too? “Have you seen Lisa this week?”

He nodded, but knew that it was not a good time to talk about her. Everyone knew that they were together, thus everyone knew when they broke up. It was a small town and Ralph wasn’t so stupid as to get him riled up. It wasn’t the first time that Scott had torn up his bar and he didn’t want a repeat. Sure the family would pay for the damage, but it took several days to clean up from his last fight.

“Yea, I have seen her a couple of times. She has been coming in her sad like. I was sorry to hear that you two broke up. I always thought you would be together always. You guys seemed perfect for each other.”

Scott nodded. He realized more than anything that she was the one for him, but Lisa had moved on. “She already has someone else and I want to know who it is.”

Ralph moved back and shook his head like he didn’t know. He knew that Scott would find out it was David from the feed store, but he was not going to be the poor soul to tell him. “I wouldn’t worry about it, Scott, everyone has a rebound. That is what people do to forget about other people. She loved you and she is just trying to get over you.”

Scott knew it was true. He had never questioned how she felt about him because he didn’t have to. Lisa had always been there for him and they had shared everything together. But now that she was gone, it felt like half of him was missing and he took down the shot with the thought.

“Last one, Scott, and then I am getting you some coffee.”

Scott didn’t want coffee, but even he knew that he had had enough to drink. The only problem was that he hadn’t forgotten about her. After all that was going on, all of the alcohol in his system, he was still thinking about her without restraint. Scott didn’t think he was ever going to be able to get over Lisa. He hadn’t thought any of it through and the last thing he was thinking about was moving on with another woman. He didn’t want someone else to forget about her. There was no one to compare to her and Scott had made the worst mistake of his life.

Ralph went to the back to brew some coffee and when he got back out, he was happy that Scott was still there. After he got a cup in front of him, he called down to the ranch and had Marcel come down and get him. The man was hoping that the big brother would be able to help him see that his destructive behavior was not going to do him any good.

Marcel arrived a few minutes after he called. The family was starting to worry about Scott, but Scott wasn’t so worried about everyone else.

“Come on bro, let’s go home.” He touched his arm and the man pulled away. Scott was drunk and never had been good at holding his liquor. He just wanted to forget everything in the bottom of the bottle. His plan of action was working fine and the last thing he wanted to do was talk about it. Talking about it wasn’t going to make anything better.

“I’m good here Marcel. Why don’t you go home to that pretty little wife of yours?”

Marcel sighed and sat down next to him on the stool beside him. “Look, I know you are bummed out right now, Scott, but it will all work out.”

Scott didn’t want to hear it. The coffee wasn’t what he wanted and he tried to lean against the counter to get the bottle of whiskey that he had been drinking from. He had nearly finished the bottle himself and he wasn’t done. It was still light out and Scott wasn’t ready to stop until he was out. He had always been one extreme to the next and Marcel had seen this before when their father had died. Scott had been in his teens and had gone over the deep end.

Now was just the same. He could see the same look in his eyes that told him that his brother didn’t care what happened. It was not a good place for Scott to be in. The last time he had been like that, jail is what finally slowed him down. The Callahan money got rid of the problem, but he was older now and if he did something really stupid, there may be no way for them to save him the next time. Marcel knew that he had to get him home before he started wreaking havoc in the town. Everyone knew why he was acting out and most knew who Lisa was now dating. It wouldn’t be long before Scott found out as well.

“Scott, come on. Don’t make me drag you out of here.”

He just kind of sneered at him, sure that Marcel wasn’t big enough to do such a thing. “Go on brother. You have a wife to get home too.”

Marcel closed his eyes. He had always had a short fuse when it came to Scott’s rebellion, but even he knew that the man was hurting and he felt bad for him. There was no time for it though. The rest of the patrons would be in soon and Marcel wanted to get him out of there before anyone else could see him like that. He knew that Scott would be embarrassed the next day or he would wake up in jail because he had started a fight with someone.

“You either come with me or I am going to call mom.”

Scott looked over at him. “You can’t be serious.”

He was, though, and Scott knew it. Even in his stupor, he didn’t want Elna to see him that way. He had always been the baby of the family and he had also been the one that was close with her. Marcel tried to help him up and that time he went willingly. To Marcel it was a win to not have to knock him out to get him home, that was always the last resort.

“Thanks for calling me Ralph.”

He just nodded and asked if he needed any help. “Do you want me to help you get him out to the car?”

Scott answered, telling him that he had it, though if it wasn’t for his brother’s strong grip on his arm, he would have already been flat on his back. Scott had drank way too much and there was no way that he was going to make it anywhere on his own steam.

Marcel got him into his truck after a little wrestling and threatening and was on his way back home when Scott finally passed out. When he got back he had Henri help him to his bedroom and laid him on the bed. It wasn’t even three in the afternoon and he looked like he was out for the night.