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SEAL Me Daddy by Ashlee Price (143)


Chapter One


"Hailey, hurry up!"

My eyes opened groggily as I heard my father shouting again downstairs in the kitchen.

"I'm coming!"

Fuck... Everything was a mess. My room looked like it was struck by a tornado two times over. There were clothes all over the floor and my laptop was at the edge of my bed. Well, it was a mattress on the floor. I never liked having bed frames since it felt more liberating to do it Japanese-style.

The only issue though was that now I had no idea where my clean clothes were.

"Hailey, get down here!" My dad called out again.

Damn it. I picked up the first set I could grab on to - a tight pink tank top and a pair of ripped denim short shorts. I'd wear a bra if I could find one but in this heap of stuff in my room it'd take me hours to find one that was clean enough to try.

I was tying my hair in a ponytail when I finally made it out of my room and to the kitchen. When I saw who was there, my jaw dropped in shock.

I saw my dad along with his two friends, Josh and Brad. They were his newest friends, and if I got the stories right my dad met them while he was out dating his new girlfriend Jessica.

Brad a huge guy, standing around six-feet and five inches and had neatly cropped blond hair that paired beautifully with his green eyes. He had a large but lean build so I guessed he lifted weights and did some kind of martial arts.

Josh on the other hand was a tall and wiry man with shoulder-length dark hair and hazel eyes. He wore glasses but I always assumed that they were just for show.

My dad waved at me and beckoned for me to sit at the table with them. "Hi honey, you remember Josh Connor and Brad Ingram, right?"

I took a seat right next to my dad, reached for a plate and started digging into the pile of waffles they were having. "Yup," I replied as I gave a slight nod to both men.

"Well," my dad started to explain in his 'this-is-probably-a-bad-idea' tone. "I need to head out for a few days for an important transaction so me and Jessica can get us a house up in Maine. I'll have these two check on you okay?"

I rolled my eyes in disbelief, "Dad, I'm eighteen! I don't need baby sitters."

Josh and Brad chuckled. They knew I was right but I couldn't help but notice how they were staring at me. I shrugged it off and stared at my father with a ruthless, cold gaze.

"Yeah, you're eighteen and yet still living under my roof," he retorted.

Okay, I had to give him that. I didn't have a job since that modeling gig a few weeks ago when I turned eighteen. I'm a slightly bigger girl with a few good curves which I think makes me really sexy, especially because I know I'm packing a bigger set of tits and ass than most chicks, but modeling agencies often want girls so thin they have to be anorexic just to be considered.

Without a job, I was a slave to my father's rules and whims.

"Okay fine, you win."

Dad pointed to Brad, "Brad's a seaman but he's on a six-month leave so he's the one with a lot of free time."

"If you need anything, you just give me a call, honey," Brad told me. It felt oddly sweet to hear him call me 'honey'.

Josh raised an eyebrow and butted in, "You can rely on him to eat all the food in your fridge. Don't worry Hailey, I'll make sure you'll be in good shape."

"So says the skinny man," said Brad.

My dad laughed and said, "See Hailey, they're not boring. I promise I won't be gone long."

"Whatever," I replied as I rolled my eyes. "Just make sure you get me a souvenir or something, okay?"

"Sure honey," he told me. "I'll have Jessica pick something for you."

I just had to laugh at that notion, "Dad, the last gift she got me was a giant dildo."

My father laughed and both Josh and Brad stared with shocked expressions sprawled all over their faces.

"It was a prank," my dad assured them. "Hailey's been single for over a year now so Jess bought her that to tell her she needs to go out."

Awkward silence ensued but from the way Josh and Brad stared at me I knew what they were thinking. They know I'm sexually active and they know I'm not a virgin. I noticed how they took quick glimpses at me, probably trying to figure how I looked underneath my clothes. I swear it felt like their eyes were burning right through me but it also turned me on. I felt my nipples begin to harden and I had to get out of there before my father noticed.

"Anybody want some coffee?" I asked to break the silence.

"Sure baby, thanks," my dad answered as if nothing weird just happened. "I need to go right after, okay dear?"

I nodded and fought hard not to bite my lip as naughty, kinky perversions began to flood my head, "Okay Dad... Let me get this cup done for you first."

My dad waved me off and as I moved out of sight and behind the kitchen counter I listened to them talk about Jessica and her friends. Apparently my dad's new girlfriend was going to introduce some of her friends since both Josh and Brad were still single, although I thought I heard from a previous discussion that Brad had a son with his ex-girlfriend but they broke up after she cheated and went with someone else.

Soon after though their words melted away into the back of my mind as I kept thinking of the way my father's friends stared at me earlier. It was like they were peeling off my clothes with their gaze. I felt naked, as if they could already see my tits perk up. It was a good thing I was behind the counter because I was starting to get moist between the legs.

Fuck! Why the hell was I getting turned on by my dad's friends! This was not the right time for this. They're going to be with me all through the weekend... I need to be comfortable with them, not shy or worried that I might suddenly get hot whenever they're around.

Ding! My thoughts shattered into oblivion when the coffee maker sounded off.

"Honey, pour some for these two, okay? Put mine in a styro-cup, K really need to get going."

"Okay Dad," I answered and began pouring coffee. I put a lid with a small drinking port on my dad's cup. He has a habit of drinking his coffee while backing out of the driveway so he needed to make sure his drinks won't spill.

"Here you go," I said as I passed the drinks around. Josh smiled at me as he took his but Brad only gazed at my tits. Somehow though I didn't feel the slightest bit offended.

My father stood up from his seat, took his cup, and gave me a kiss on the forehead before he started heading out the front door, "Be a good girl. Don't give these two a hard time."

"I promise Daddy!" I yelled back just as he shut the door behind him.

When I turned around I found Josh and Brad just sitting in their seats, sipping coffee, and staring at my ass. It made my cheeks flush red.

"So uh..." I managed to stutter as I walked past them and started my way back up the stairs to my room. "

I'm going to take a quick shower. You guys need anything?"

Josh meekly lifted a hand. It was such a cute gesture, "Yeah, you mind if we stay in the living room to watch TV?"

I giggled and waved them off, "Duh, there's no need to ask. Relax and feel at home. It's a small house so I guess you guys might get bored."

Brad laughed at that notion, "Don't worry – Josh and I have plans to keep us occupied."

I wonder what those plans were. I just hope they weren't planning on watching football all weekend. They'd get loud, drunk, and smelly in front of the TV until my dad came back to shoo them off.

I simply smiled and scurried up to my room. As soon as I locked the door I slipped out of my clothes and sprawled on my bed.

Fuck. I hated admitting but those two were hot. Brad had those huge muscles he probably could lift me up while smothering me with kisses. Josh might seem like a quiet shy guy but I knew there was a darker side to him. I dated a tall wiry guy before in high school and believe it or not he was the one who took my virginity.

God just thinking of those two downstairs made me wet. I reached down between my legs and was shocked to discover my pussy was dripping wet. It felt so moist I could push my finger in and it would come out soaked in my own juices.

With my eyes shut I could picture them there in my room, fondling me and caressing me. I wanted them both. I needed them both. I wouldn't be able to choose one over the other...

Wait, what was I thinking? These were my dad's friends! They're here for the weekend... I can't afford to get turned on by them.

I got up, took a towel, and gently opened my door to peek outside. I heard them downstairs laughing at something on the television so I knew I was in the clear. Naked, I crept out of my room and to the bathroom across the hall.

My shower took forever. As the warm drops splashed on my skin I could only think of how their cum would shower over me as I submitted to their will. No matter what I did I kept thinking of them taking advantage over me and yet I loved every moment of it.

To be honest I was a little disappointed when I was done showering. I guess my fantasies of having two hit hunks taking me from all sides would just be a dream in the back of my head.

"Ah crap," I said aloud when I realized I didn't bring any clothes. I decided to just wrap myself with my towel but when I did I realized it was a bit too small. My ass was still exposed and I think my pussy was still visible too.

"What the heck," I told myself. "It's just a few steps to my room."

I walked out of the bathroom and quietly tiptoed to my room. Right as I was getting my room open I heard someone run up the stairs.

"Ah!" I yelped in panic. For the life of me I couldn't get the door open.


I turned around and saw Josh standing nearby, his eyes fixated on my exposed ass.