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SEAL Me Daddy by Ashlee Price (293)


An hour passed, perhaps two. I couldn’t tell, really, lying there on his bed with his cock deep inside my pussy.

After he had emptied himself he took position on top and slid his cock inside of me. I thought he would still continue but instead he simply shut his eyes and began to drift to sleep.

I thought vampires didn’t sleep. But then again I thought they were basically zombies with brains but I was wrong about that. He told me the truth when he said they were still living creatures because I could feel his chest heave with labored breaths. I could still feel his heartbeat.

“I thirst,” he told me.

“Then have me,” I replied. “I trust you know when to stop.”

He looked at me with a stern face, as if he was studying me, looking for an answer. “Are you sure?” he asked. “What if I didn’t stop?”

“Then this rose would die and you will live an eternity in regret.”

I saw sadness in his eyes and felt like I had struck a chord. I had to tread this path carefully but to do so I had to take a few risks. Willingly I cocked my head to the side, exposing my neck to my new vampire husband.

“In human movies and literature, the vampires always suck blood at the victim’s neck,” he whispered. “This is true, because there is a vein in the neck that we can access but this isn’t the only area we can feast on.”

“Feast on me.”

He bared his fangs and in an instant he bit down on my flesh. I felt a sudden, searing pain in my neck that burned over all my senses. For a moment I felt panic rush through my veins, especially when I felt my blood pulse out of my body, but slowly these feelings began to fade.

I felt numb but perhaps it was from the loss of blood. My vision began to fade but right as I was about to shut my eyes I felt a sensation of flight and elation. It was then I realized that he had stopped.

“See,” I said weakly. “I knew you would know when to stop.”

“Foolish girl,” he said with a bloody face. “I could have ended your life right then and there.”

“You could have ended my life hours ago, my love, by tossing me to the vampires in the lobby. Yet here I am, still breathing.”

He slid out of my pussy and for the first time I was completely free from his grasp. I had no ropes binding me, his hands were not on me, and his cock was not stuffed down an orifice.

“You are mine,” he told me, perhaps after reading my very thoughts of freedom. “That doesn’t mean I need to chain you down.”

“You never have to,” I told him as I caressed his pale, bloodied cheek.

“For I am willingly giving myself to you.”

He slid up beside me and wiped his face clean with a bedsheet which he later then tossed to the floor. After wards he rested his head on my breast and I warmly embraced him closer.

“Will you not miss your old life?” he asked me.

Was this guilt or regret I felt in his tone?

“Perhaps a little bit,” I answered.

There will always be a lingering slither of reminisce inside of me. I will always have memories to cling to. I will always remember what foolish plans I had for my future. Yet when I think of it all now I realize that my ‘ordinary life’ was meaningless. I would grow old and die and in a few years be forgotten. It would be as if I never existed at all.

“Your life here will be different,” he told me.

“Yes, you will breed more vampires for us, all of them shall be my children, but you will also live a life of a queen. You will never see sunlight again, for we only go out at night, but when the sun is down you and I may go out into the human world so it isn’t like you’ll be imprisoned here in this manor forever.”

“Do vampires really die when they go out into the sunlight?” I had to ask. Just about every movie I had ever watched depicted vampires perishing by exposure to the sun.

Surprisingly, this was true. “Yes,” he replied. “Long ago we were just like early humans, capable of living in the light. But evolution forced us to remain in the shadows. Our eyes adjusted, our skin adjusted, and soon our whole being depended on being in the dark. Exposure to the sun became a curse instead of a blessing. It didn’t happen overnight but in time we are exactly as you would imagine. If I stepped out into the light right now I would burst into flames.”

“Then never do so,” I whispered. “You brought me into this life, my love, and now I am your responsibility. If you die, then I would die too. As you burn my heart would burn too. The day you die I will end my suffering so that I may join you in the after life where we may continue this mad dance.”

“You are indeed worthy of being my wife,” he said. “You are the second woman I had ever taken, in all my four thousand years, to face me with such passion. I feel no fear in you. I feel only the burning flames of love and lust.”

I frowned and asked, “The second woman in your life? Who was the first?” I can’t believe I felt jealous.

The Alpha laughed when he too was surprised at my genuine sense of jealousy. “My first wife,” he explained. “She was a princess, in a forgotten empire. She wasn’t abducted to be my wife, you see, but she willingly walked into my lair and asked me to take her.”

“What happened?”

“All humans grow old and die,” he said.

“Vampires do too but we age so differently. I am at about half of my expected lifetime so for a human I would pass for a person at around thirty-five years old. She knew about our differences and she did not want to grow old and wither.”

“Did she take her own life?”

He shook his head and I saw deep sadness in his eyes as he replied,

“She made me turn her into one of us when she was only twenty-three. For a while she seemed the same but after a few decades she became just as empty of a shell as I had become. Gone was the fire inside her. After a few centuries she grew tired and bored and went her own separate path. To this day I do not know if she is still alive. Perhaps she died long ago. Perhaps she has her own coven.”

“What was her name?”

“It no longer matters, for she is gone in my eyes.”

“I will never do this to you,” I told him.

“I will never lose the fire of passion that we had shared tonight.”

He looked at me longingly and gave me a slow, passionate kiss before he pulled away and asked, “Would you not want to live forever too?”

I shook my head, “Physically living but with no love left in me? That is not life eternal. I would rather die today but have my legacy carry on. That, my love, is true immortality.”

“But you will be forgotten,” he said.

“We are all forgotten after the pages of time have gone by.”

“If my memory fades then my legacy will continue with our children and our children’s children. For as long they roam the Earth then I will never truly be gone.”

“You are mad, woman,” he said as he kissed me again. “Mad, but somehow you make sense.”

I shrugged back, “Maybe I read too many romance novels and watch too much TV.”

“Or maybe you want me to fuck you again and this time make you swell with our child.”

I laughed and yet the thought filled my head with kinky ideas and all sorts of different things we could do in the future.

“Yes, why not? I am your wife, after all, am I not? Fill me with your seed then, husband, and make me feel what it is like to be the queen of the Vampire Alpha.”

“I have never told you my name, little flower, haven’t I?”

I only looked back with mild amusement. I waited for him to answer. I wanted him to give me this tidbit entirely on his own intuition and desire.

Impatient, I reached down and grabbed his cock. To my surprise it had grown stiff again, long and ready for another round. It aroused me and already I felt my pussy begin to moisten in excitement.

“Tell me,” I demanded as I stroked the length of his cock.

“So that I may scream it out loud while you spill your cum inside of me.”

He closed his eyes, kissed my cheeks, and sank his teeth into the punctures on my neck. My grip on his cock loosened as the blood began to drain away.

Weakened, I couldn’t resist as he spread my legs and began to pump his cock in and out of my flesh with ease. I was wet and willing anyway.

When he lifted his head, done with his blood feast, he looked at me in the eye as he began to cum deep inside of me and said,

“My name... my name is Khafra, former king of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. You my dear, may simply call me Cain.”

I closed my eyes and smiled at the irony of it all. Just eighteen hours ago I was just another girl getting ready for college and now here I was, in bed with a man who was both a king and a vampire, and I was to bear his children.

I loved him. Perhaps life’s subtle jokes had taken their toll but indeed, after the mess that I had gone through today, I could honestly say I loved him.

And so I spread my legs, and welcomed him in.