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SEAL Me Daddy by Ashlee Price (261)


Penny woke up slightly refreshed, but there was still an aching need from the dreams. Ted had been in her dreams since she had arrived and saw him that first day. But now there was an addition and the combination was a bit more than her conscious mind could take.

Her hands were slightly shaky on the glass of water on her bedside table, but she managed to clear the dryness in her throat. She had a lot of work to do and since she wasn’t going to be able to sleep anymore that morning, she figured she might as well get a jump on her morning chores. Grabbing up her gear, she went downstairs to grab some coffee before she left.

“Well good morning Penny. You are up early.”

“Yeah I couldn’t sleep. What are you doing here?” She looked down for a second. It had come out wrong. He owned the place of course, along with Ted and it was none of her business. “I mean, I did not realize you worked here as well. I have never seen you here in the morning.”

Jaxon had this grin on his face that made her breathe a little faster.

He was certainly disconcerting first thing in the morning and he was dressed closer to what Ted usually wore and she had to say, it did not look like the man had gotten soft. He filled out the shirt and jeans quite nicely and she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him.

“I have decided to help out for the next couple of days or maybe a bit longer. See how it goes.”

“Oh, well it will be good to have you around. There is a lot of work to do for sure.” Penny moved to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup before moving back away and putting some space in between them. He had a way of pulling her in with his eyes, much like Ted could.

“I was going to go out for a ride. Would you like to come?” Penny wasn’t sure. She still didn’t really have a horse and she finally used that as an excuse. There were of course many that she could ride, that needed the exercise, but he had another idea to persuade her.

“You can just ride with me. It would be quicker and I have Bladdy out anyways.”

How could she refuse? She agreed and drank the rest of the coffee in her cup. He was ready to go and she trailed behind, trying to find a good excuse not to get behind him. The mere idea of being tight up against him was not near as bad as the reality and her body reacted almost immediately to his touch. She felt her nipples get hard and press up against his back. She had to hold onto him and her hips nestled against him. Penny thought she heard a groan and it made her feel a little better. At least it wasn’t just her that was being driven crazy.

Jaxon rode faster than she was used to and she clung to him in fear that she may very well fall off. He was wild and the horse seemed to enjoy the moment to push. Penny was having too much stimulant and she closed her eyes. Her head was pressed against his shoulder and the lack of sight, just made her other senses stronger. Her tits jiggled against his back and she moved slightly to drag the turgid tips against the fabric. He felt too good and his body between her thighs felt even better.

It was too quickly that he was stopping and she realized that they were out in a pasture. The sun was just coming up over the rim and the colors were bright and scattered everywhere. It was a sight to see and she forgot about her need for a moment.

“You going to let go so we can get down?”

Penny pulled away, scooting back to give him some space. She didn’t want to move, but she knew she had to. He was her boss after all. Penny wasn’t supposed to be dreaming about the two of them taking her, but she was. Being next to Jaxon made it even worse and she was a little wobbly as she got off the horse. There was a large flat rock and they both sat down.

A silence came over them and it was rather peaceful. It was a better spot to enjoy the array of colors, but then she felt his eyes on her and she looked over. “You seem to have done this before.”

“I used to come out here every morning, but life got busy and it has been a while.”

“It is a beautiful place to be.”

He looked back in front of him until she did as well. It was a far better view beside him, but he knew he was staring. It was hard to keep his manners around her and he knew if Ted knew he was out there with her, he would not be happy. Jaxon did want her for himself, but he knew that it would have to be a joint effort. He was only trying to get her thinking about it.

“Ted seems quite smitten with you. I hope you are treating my friend well.”

“Smitten? I haven’t heard that word said out loud in a long time.”

“I am a bit older than you. What do you call it nowadays?”

“Hots for someone or in lust.”

“Lust? That seems like such a dirty word though.”

Penny blushed. It seemed to be that was all she did around them and she wished sometimes that her skin was darker to cover it up a bit better. “You’re right. That is inappropriate to say about a boss. I guess smitten sounds a little better.”

“I liked lust. It sums it up so much better, more blunt.” Jaxon moved towards her and she didn’t back up, even though she knew he was going to kiss her. She wanted it more than her next breath and when their lips finally touched, Penny moved closer into his embrace. Her eyes closed to the scene in front of them and she was lost in the moment. She didn’t hear the horse hooves on the ground coming closer, her own heart beating too loudly in her ears.

She did feel the shadow over her and then the change in mood as Jaxon pulled away. Their eyes met for a second and then she became more aware of the man standing over them. Ted looked at her as if she had cheated on him, betrayed him in some way. Jaxon didn’t look so worried, with a grin on his face.

“Good to see you up so early Ted. You were always such a lay about in college.”

“Can I talk to you a minute Jax?”

“Sure.” He turned to Penny and told her he would be right back.

Penny was a similar shade of pink as before and she wiped her mouth, sure that their kiss could somehow be seen. In truth she wanted to get on the horse and ride back to the ranch. Let the two men work it out. She was beyond embarrassed to be caught kissing someone she had met just the night before. If Ted had kissed her like that, she would have long since been his.

They moved away and she couldn’t hear the words, but she could see their body language and it was clear that Ted wasn’t very happy. She waited for a few minutes and they finally walked back. “I need to get to work, so can one of you give me a ride back?”

She wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t a couple of miles away and there was a look between them. “I will take you back Penny.”

Penny was surprised that Ted had offered. He had stayed away from her and after what he just saw Penny figured he would be upset. When she got up on the horse behind him, she was quickly unsure of which one felt better. They were both muscular and strong, her body molding against the back of him.

The ride was much of the same until her hand slipped a little too low and the side of her palm nudged something hard in his jeans. She heard his hiss and Penny moved her hand away, but there was no denying the surge of fluid that went to her core. He was quite large it appeared and it made her desire him that much more. She remembered to release him when he stopped, but it was Ted that was not ready to get up. She snuggled against the back of him and felt too good to want to move away from. His cock tingled with her hand had touched him. He slid off the back and turned to help her down. With his strong grip on her hips, he lifted her down, her body pressing against his own on her descent.

“I wasn’t expecting you to be with him this morning.”

“He took me by surprise in the kitchen. How long is he here for?”

Ted searched her eyes. He wanted to know why she wanted to know, but he could not bring himself to ask, afraid he wouldn’t like the answer. He wasn’t ready to give her up for Jaxon. “Not long. He is preoccupied for a bit, but will get bored and go back to the city soon enough. Then it will be just me and you again.”

“And the other twenty guys in the bunkhouse.”

“Yeah, them too.”

Ted looked at her like he was going to kiss her and she readied herself for the touch but it never came. She was a little disappointed that he didn’t want a kiss, even though she had locked lips with his partner only a few minutes before. So quickly she could forget one, when the other looked so good in front of her. The two men were going to drive her crazy.




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