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The Baby Favor by Chance Carter (141)

Chapter 12

“So, have you ever travelled outside the country before, Jane?” Brad asks, hoping he gets to be the first person to show her a whole new world outside of what she is used to.

“Well, honestly, no. My mother had a heart attack at the thought of me living in New York, she’d die if I told her I was going to somewhere completely foreign,” Jane replies.

“So you didn’t tell your mom you were going away this week?” Brad asks, piqued at the thought that Jane does have a rebellious side to her.

Jane blushes and looks to the ground, feeling like she was just found out. There has always been a battle inside of her, between wanting to do the right thing for her parents and wanting to experience more of the world.

She has urges to do whatever she wants without rules or limits, to see more, do more and break out of the box everyone wants to put her in. She knows her mother would be worried sick if she knew she was doing this, and would do everything in her power to make sure Jane wasn’t on this plane.

“Well, no, I didn’t. She wouldn’t understand. She’s very small-minded, you know,” Jane says calmly. “Life back home is a bit boring and everyone is afraid of strangers. They just wouldn’t understand.”

Brad loves the way she talks. Honest, yet composed, trying to hold in her anxiety and embarrassment. Her cute lips, how they move when she speaks, still revealing that part of Utah in her that is innocent and in his mind, simply charming.

She has the cute curl turning up on the side of her mouth when she finishes her sentences. Oh, how he would love to just go up to her and lightly kiss those lips, just to feel their softness.

“Well, that’s very courageous of you, Jane,” Brad acknowledges, truly impressed. “I admire women who are willing to walk to their own beat and show fearlessness. That takes a lot of guts.”

Jane has never really seen herself that way. She always felt herself to be frail on the inside and a bit of a coward. She doesn’t see herself as having guts just because she frequently withholds the truth from her parents or because she moved to New York. She sees herself as quite idiotic for chasing her dreams, especially since everything is falling apart. Jane had begun believing that only fools chase dreams, and in the end she would have to settle for the life she’s been given and accept her mundane fate, giving up her dream to dance in New York.

Jane looks around at the inside of the plane and sees her reflection in the window. She hardly recognizes herself with her hair up and the form-fitting outline of the dress. Is that really me? How did I go from broke and about to be evicted to here?

“Honestly, I never in a million years expected I would do such things. I just had to follow my spirit, but look at where it’s led me,” she says, looking Brad directly in the eye.

She turns and looks out the window. Flushing a bright red, Jane is stunned. She was so surprised she even did that. She has never been like this with anybody before, so bold, sassy, and direct. She really does feel this attraction to Brad, as if he has a magnetic pull on her.

She wonders if she’s losing her mind or if the drink has been spiked. How is it he does this to her?

She wishes she had the courage to lean toward him, push him back on the seat, stand up and lift her dress to straddle his legs. She wants to grab his hand and lead it down to rub her inner thighs. She imagines teasing him before he gets to touch her pussy, then pushing his face in between her tits to get him fully aroused, keeping him on the edge of his seat, so to speak.

She would sway her hips back and forth, using something she learned from the other ballet dancers who danced at a strip club part-time to put themselves through college. She would tease his cock to make it hard and keep him so horny. She’d rub her pussy on his cock with his pants on, releasing her juices all over him, not caring whether he didn’t have another pair to change into. She wants to make him squirm and beg for more. She can see in his eyes that he already is caught up in desire, he’s just afraid to show it.

Jane turns her head away again, trying to give it some kind of energetic shake to snap her out of these crazy thoughts. God, these dirty thoughts, where are they coming from?

Brad tilts his head, curious as to whether she’s really interested in him now that they are sober. Was that her being flirty, or is she just putting on an act for him because he’s paying her?

He had worried she wouldn’t be that excited to see him, and this would end up being just another woman pretending she likes him. He really doesn’t know these days. He’s met so many who just want to use him for his money and will go to any length to win his heart and his wallet.

Once, he was actually hooked on a woman named Linda, and it turned out she was the secret spy of another CEO, sent in to get in on Brad’s corporate secrets. He couldn’t risk that humiliation again and it nearly lost him the majority of shares in his own corporation.

He learned not to let his heart care when it came to the women he seduced, so now he’s a bit taken aback at how he is letting himself trust Jane so easily. He suspects it is because she really didn’t know who he was that night at the bar, and she still accepted this proposal.

“So, Jane, what do you like to do for fun?” asks Brad, half-hoping it might lead to some naughty play.

“Well, that’s a word I haven’t heard in ages,” laughs Jane, breaking the sexual tension in the room. “All I know is, I’m having fun right now,” she says, very sincerely.

Brad smiles and relaxes back into the recliner. “Me, too,” he says, thinking he hasn’t felt so truly at ease with a woman since Kelly, “me, too.”