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The Baby Favor by Chance Carter (147)

Chapter 18

“Okay, so here is how it works,” Brad begins. “I will give you an envelope for our first day before we leave this plane. You will get one envelope for each of the seven days we’re together. All I ask is that you follow the instructions inside. For some days, there will be a piece of clothing I’ll ask you to wear, sometimes a bit more risqué than perhaps you’re used to,” he says, trying to ease her into it.

“What does clothing matter, anyways?” replies Jane, pretending to not be as nervous as she feels inside. She can only wonder what he’s planning for her. A bikini? Black leather? A show girl’s outfit? Her mind is running wild, and she wonders how she would look and feel in each.

“How bad could it really be? I’m used to a bit of performance, and we’re on vacation, aren’t we?”

Jane takes a sip of champagne, realizing she’s almost willing to do anything for a million dollars at this point. If she’s tipsy, it may not even be that big of a deal if she sleeps with him. In fact, she’s starting to think she would like it.

“And Jane, please know at any time, you can let me know if you’re uncomfortable. You know that, right?”

Jane nods. “Yeah, I think I’m getting it, Brad. I trust you, for some reason.”

“Good. That’s how it should be. And you know, Jane, I need to put it out there that I’m very attracted to you, and I hope we do get to be together for more than just as a business arrangement, if you get my drift, but I understand if you don’t feel the same way.”

Jane is kind of taken aback, though she’s not surprised. They did kiss, there were sparks, and she’s been feeling his sexual energy since she got on the plane. She’s never had a man be this direct with her, ever, and she’s not sure how to respond.

“Well, we will have to see, won’t we, Brad?” replies Jane, with a strange sense of self-assuredness. “We never know what the week will bring.”

Brad likes this side of her. This virgin in her who is also confident in herself and kind of flirty, like she’s rehearsed her lines from T.V. shows.

He gazes at her with a longing inside of him, waiting to see if maybe she would be open to even a kiss. He’s learned to never be forceful with women, or to make assumptions, instead waiting for that signal that shows she wants something more.

He reaches out his hand, hoping she’ll respond to the invitation. She complies and he holds her small hand in his grasp.

“You know I would never want to hurt you, Jane. You are very special, and I know you’ve never been with anyone before, so I don’t want to scare you away or make you do something you don’t want to, okay? It has to be something you want to do in your heart. Alright?”

Jane feels his sincerity, and it makes her feel even more at ease with him. She takes a breath of relief, grateful that she doesn’t have to feel the pressure of performing for him. He feels her hand calm down in his, and it relaxes him as well.

He strokes her hand to reassure her, making her feel safe, held, and comforted all at the same time. She loves his large hands. He is a man who takes care of so many important things in the world, but all he wants to do now is sit here and be with her.

He lifts her hand and kisses it gently. “I’m really looking forward to getting to know you, Jane.”

Jane smiles with a tenderness in her eyes.

“I’m looking forward to getting to know you, too.”

Just the way he touches her sends tingles up her arm and neck. She wishes he would kiss her hand, then make his way up her arm, then kiss, lick, and suck on her neck, going around and finally kissing her on the mouth.

Before meeting Brad, she had only been kissed once before, by Jimmy, that guy she worked with who lied about not having a girlfriend. He was two years older than her when she was only 15. She was working at the local restaurant and they were in the basement getting supplies. He claimed he had a crush on her, and she was confused but flattered enough to let him kiss her.

They spent about two minutes playing with each other’s tongues and biting lips, as awkward as most teenagers are. She thought she was a special girl in Jimmy’s eyes, then found out the next day he had a girlfriend. She never trusted boys after that and just stuck with her studies.

But with Brad, she really does feel what he’s telling her is true, and she would love nothing more than for him to woo her, put those gorgeous lips on her, and kiss her so deeply she can hardly breathe.

After he kisses her hand, he looks up and continues to hold it.

“I hope you will have the best time of your life this week, Jane Bryden. You of anyone deserve to have a break like this. You are one beautiful and unique young lady, and I want you to walk away knowing that with every ounce of your being.”

Tears of joy and love start welling up in Jane as she is really beginning to feel how special she is.

“So, here is the first invitation for tonight.”

He hands her the card.

She opens it and reads it out loud. “Go to your hotel room. You will notice a bag with a dress in it and a pair of shoes. Put them on and meet me at the hotel restaurant at seven sharp. Don’t be late.”

“Well, that seems easy enough,” Jane comments. “I will accept your invitation,” she says, smiling back.

“Wonderful,” Brad replies. “I am glad you will be my dinner guest.”