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The Baby Favor by Chance Carter (27)



The good news began to roll in after the day Derek proposed to me.

When the tests that the doctors had run on Walter came back, they were astounded by the inexplicable results. The tumors in his lungs had begun to shrink… rapidly. Within the month, they were completely gone. Walter quickly bounced back into good health. Between that, and his improved relationship with Derek, he practically pulsated with energy and life.

A week after the hospital visit, we found out that Marshall Harrison had been skimming money from Walter and the investment firm. Walter declined to press charges, but Marshall was fired, and would be hard-pressed to find anyone else who would hire him. None of us heard from him ever again, which was fine by me.

Derek and I got married on Labor Day weekend, just three months later. We didn’t have very long to plan the event, but we were eager. With the help of our combined families, it turned out beautifully.

My sister, my mother Diane, and Charlotte all helped me get ready that day. We were having an outdoor wedding, at a location near the Cliffside diner.

The pregnancy had only just begun to show, with my stomach the slightest bit rounder and stretched than usual. I had never felt better. Everyone kept telling me how much my skin glowed and my eyes sparkled, but it might have been a side effect of the happiness that had taken over my life.

While Charlotte curled my hair and Abby did my make-up, my mother supervised, chatting nervously in order to make sure that everything was going smoothly. I had been anxious to explain about Derek and our relationship—after all, I’d never even told her about him before announcing our engagement. But I shouldn’t have worried, the moment she met him, she fell for him as well, so no explanations were required.

While they all worked together to get me ready, it was all I could do to sit still, and not bounce right out of my chair in excitement. I was still finding it hard to believe that this was all happening. That I had—with complete certainty—found my soulmate. That I was going to spend the rest of my life with a man I loved… and that I was going to have his child.

I rested my hands on my stomach, smiling to myself.

Over the course of the next few months, Derek and I settled in together, our lives meshing with ease. We both moved into his father’s mansion, along with Zeus, who absolutely loved how much space he now ruled. Aneta and I had taken on the task of bringing a little more brightness to the lonely estate, redecorating and renovating a bit.

I was going to take a gap year, but intended to go back to college next fall. With Derek’s encouragement, I decided to change my major and take some classes on photography and journalism.

I didn’t have a single worry in the world. I was living a dream come true.

Finally, I was ready. I took a deep breath, and turned to face the mirror. Behind me, the three other women gasped and put their hands to their mouths, cooing and awing.

Every young girl grows up imagining her wedding day, but this, this was beyond anything I ever could have dreamed for myself.

Charlotte had pinned my hair into an elegant up-do, leaving a few tendrils loose and curled, framing my face. Abby had kept the make-up natural, to my surprise, accenting my features and drawing attention to my face. The dress, which Charlotte designed, was breathtaking. The white lace fit me snugly, showing off my tiny baby bump. It flared out at my hips in a sweeping, graceful manner, twirling out when I spun around. The sleeves were long and off the shoulder, made of sheer lace. It was a one-of-a-kind dress made just for me.

“Thank you so much,” I said, my voice cracking. I threw my arms around Abby and Charlotte, grateful to have such a wonderful sister and best friend.

Soon, it was time for the wedding.

Walter walked me down the aisle. I had asked him to do it that night at the hospital, and he agreed, without hesitation. He had become the only father figure I had ever known in my life. He held onto my arm tightly, promising not to let me fall, even when my heels wobbled and my knees felt weak. As I stepped out into the aisle, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, like my head was spinning, like—

But then I saw Derek, and everything was crystal clear.

He was dressed in a crisp tuxedo, looking charming, as always, but on this occasion, especially so. When he saw me, he flashed me that smile of his that I’d fallen for on that very first day. He mouthed to me, ‘beautiful,’ looking completely star-struck.

I made it down the aisle, and Walter kissed my cheek before handing me over to his son. I took my place across from Derek, whose eyes never left me once.

It was a gorgeous day. The sky was crystal blue, with a cloud here and there, providing some cover from the warm sun. There was a slight breeze from the ocean, and the smell of salt water and rhythmic sound of the waves set the perfect ambiance for the wedding. We stood by the cliff side during the ceremony, overlooking the beach.

Soon, it was time for us to share our vows which we had each written for the occasion.

“Amelia Parker,” Derek started, pulling a folded piece of paper out of his jacket. “This is about the thirty-eighth draft of my wedding vows. By now, I think you have figured out that I’m not perfect. I am far from it. You have witnessed my faults. You’ve seen me broken down, panicked, and helpless. And yet, you are still here with me. Amy, you have shown me more compassion and generosity than any man on this planet deserves. I don’t know how you find such superhuman strength and patience, but I am so very thankful that you do.”

He paused, gathering himself as he got caught up in his words. “I feel as if I have very little to offer you—nothing even close to what you deserve. All I can do is humbly give you my life, and my love. I want to dedicate every moment to the woman who saved me, who made me see the purpose in my life. Everything that I have or will ever have, my love, is yours.”

Derek cleared his throat, and glanced up at me with a grin. “We were brought together by a most unconventional situation. Looking back, I laugh at how unaware we were of where we might end up. Never in a thousand years, would I have believed that I could be lucky enough to be marrying the beautiful, clever girl who walked into my office that day. Our circumstances pulled us together, but our love, whether we acknowledged it or not at the time, was what kept us together. I am so grateful to be here today.”

He turned over the page, tears now appearing in his eyes. I was already crying, tears streaming down my cheeks the whole time as I listened to his vows. “Not only have I have been blessed with an impossibly wonderful woman, but also a child. Before meeting you, I never would have expected to want a family. But, you have opened my eyes to this as well. Now I see that there is nothing else, nothing in this entire world, that I could ever desire more. All I want, and all I need, is the two of you. That is enough for me.”

Putting the paper back into his pocket, he now held up the wedding band. I let him slip it onto my finger. “This ring is my promise to you, that I will love and cherish you for all of my days.”

He stood back, wiping his face and nodding at me. I took a deep breath, and started to read my own vows.

“Derek Rittsman,” I said, peering shyly up at him. “When I first met you, I was an awkward, self-conscious girl who wasn’t happy with her life, even though she couldn’t quite admit it to herself. But you changed that. Every single day, you continue to surprise me. You have made me a happier, healthier, more confident woman, and that is priceless. I can never thank you enough for the impact that you’ve had on my life. But, even with that said, I still cannot express how fond I am of you.”

My voice was trembling, and I was trying my hardest not to break down and cry. The joy, excitement and nerves were overwhelming, but I managed to hold it together. Derek smiled calmly at me, and that was enough for me to pause, take a deep breath, and keep reading.

“You are the most wonderful man I have ever met. The moment you came into my life, you immediately pulled me into adventure. Every day with you is day worth living. I have no doubt in my mind that we were made from and for each other. Derek, you are my soulmate. More than that, you are my life. You are the father to our precious baby. You are the man who looked at a girl who didn’t believe in herself, and somehow convinced her that she was worth something. That, Derek, is some kind of magic.”

I took out his wedding band, and slid it onto his ring finger. “So, with this ring, I am making a promise to you. I will spend every day being everything you believe me to be.”

With our vows said, the pastor pronounced us man and wife. We kissed, and everyone in attendance clapped and cheered.

The reception was outdoors as well, right down on the beach. The sun was setting, so we hung lanterns around the venue, which gave off a mystical blue glow.

After an hour or so of dancing and chatting, we all seated ourselves for cake and toasting. I leaned against Derek as I ate a huge slice of chocolate cake. Chocolate had become my main pregnancy craving.

Charlotte was the first to do a toast. She got up on the stage and took the microphone. As always, she set the standard for fashion, wearing an orange maxi dress and large sunhat, perfect for the location. She waited for her audience to turn their attention toward her, before starting.

“I met Derek the day that I turned one month old,” she said “Though I don’t really recall the occasion, I have heard this story many times from my mother, so I feel safe in telling it. Derek was three and lived next door. My mother was out taking a walk around the neighborhood with me, and Derek, who was playing outside, ran over to her, wide-eyed. He asked my mother what happened to her stomach to make it shrink. She explained to him that she had been pregnant, and had given birth to a baby, then turned the stroller so he could see me. Derek took one look at me, stuck his tongue out, and declared that he didn’t like me, that I was the ugliest thing he had ever seen in his life. So ugly in fact, that he ran back inside the house to hide.”

Charlotte paused as we laughed, smiling to herself. “So, for the next few years, Derek kept his distance. Well, he tried anyway. Soon, my parents started working with Derek’s father, so, whenever the adults would get together to discuss business, Derek and I would be forced to hang out together. At first, I always thought it was the most awful thing in the world. I mean, five year-old me wanted nothing to do with some grubby eight year-old boy who lived only to sneak out of the house and climb trees. I was content with quietly playing with my dolls. But somehow, I always got dragged along on Derek’s adventures. And as I recall, I usually ended up being the one in trouble, for some reason or another.”

She smiled at the memory, and I sensed something bittersweet about it. “Derek became my best friend. He stood by me through the most difficult times in my life. When my parents divorced, and my mother moved back to England, he was the only thing that kept me from breaking down. He also helped me when I wanted to start my own business. Derek has been a consistently stable, caring, wise, and courageous force in my life.”

Charlotte grinned, her lighthearted spirit returning. “Now, Derek was never someone that I ever expected to get married, if we’re being honest. He was always so busy working. And really, I couldn’t imagine any woman deserving a man like him. Until I met Amy, that is. Immediately, after spending just one day with her, I knew. I knew that these two were made for one another. They’re pretty much the same person, when you think about it. Sweet, awkward, loving, funny, unselfish, clever… I could go on and on. But you’re probably getting tired of listening to me ramble by now. I know, I know, I talk a lot. But I can’t help it. Derek and Amy are my best friends. I could talk for hours about how amazing they are.”

Charlotte sighed. “But I won’t. Instead, I’ll leave it at this. Derek and Amy, I have no doubt that you two will live long and happy lives together. I cannot wait to meet your child, and watch what great parents you will be. So, here’s to you.” She lifted her glass in a toast to the couple.

My mother followed, with a short sweet toast that brought tears to my eyes. Walter was next, and by the end of his touching speech, I was practically sobbing. Aunt Joelle and Adam even spoke.

Last of all, Abby took the stage. She faced me, her eyes bright.

“First of all, I would like to take full credit for this union,” she said, then paused. “After all, I babysat the dog.” We all laughed, and Abby grinned. She had always been good with people. “One day, Amy—my sweet, innocent, naive, and slightly socially-awkward sister who hated even leaving her house—called me, and begged me to watch her beast of a dog for a week. When I asked her why, she dodged the question for a good hour, before finally admitting to me that she had met a guy. I didn’t believe her. And yet, here we are.”

Abby tucked her hair behind her ear. “That was a long week, folks. For one, I had suddenly become the sitter of a five-million pound bear, which, as I discovered, likes to lay on top of you and not get up. Yeah. Most of my week was spent trapped and suffocating. But, more importantly, my sister fell in love that week. So, let’s talk about that, since I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re here for.

“As her sister, I am highly critical of any man who thinks he can walk into Amy’s life and actually be good for her. And yet, for all my suspicion, I have not found a single thing wrong with Derek. I am currently convinced that he is inhuman. I’m watching you, man.” Derek chuckled beside me.

“My sister, ever since meeting Derek, has become so much happier, so much more confident in herself, and so much more adventurous. Now, I am the one she’s always begging to go somewhere with her, not the other way around. Our roles have reversed and I can barely keep up with her. She’s living her life, and man, is it a good one.”

Abby wiped under her eye. “My sister is the most generous, selfless person on this planet. To know that she found someone who appreciates her for the goddess that she is, gives me hope. Looking at my little sister, and seeing how happy she is, and knowing that I’m going to be an aunt soon, man, I’m really glad I agreed to watch the dog.”

* * *

Our daughter, Lydia Diane Rittsman, was born in the middle of February. She was small, pink and wrinkly, and she was ours.

The first time I held her, I knew what it meant to be alive. Everything else seemed to fade away, leaving only me, my husband, and our tiny baby girl… our miracle.

The decision to name her after our mothers had been easy. Walter had finally told Derek the truth—that he and Derek’s mother had been planning on getting back together before the accident. The relationship between father and son had vastly improved over the months leading up to the wedding. With so much lost time to make up for, Derek was happy to be so close to his father. And Walter’s health only seemed to be getting better every day.

The day that Lydia was born, people flowed in and out of the hospital room, eager to meet her. They all cradled her and cooed… congratulating her lucky parents.

“She has your eyes,” Abby told me, examining Lydia carefully. “But Derek’s smile. Man, she’s beautiful. I am going to be the coolest aunt ever.”

“I made an outfit for her to go home in,” Charlotte said, holding up a bag. “It’s super soft, and there’s a matching hat. Rest assured, she will be the best dressed baby in the country.

Aneta cried when I handed Lydia to her. “She looks just like you did when you were born, Derek,” she blubbered in her thick, Polish accent, then kissed Lydia’s forehead. “Nana Aneta is here for you, little one. Even if you’re as mischievous as your papa was.”

Walter just held Lydia quietly for a while, his eyes never leaving her tiny face as she slept in his arms. Derek sat by me on the hospital bed, holding my hand as we watched the two of them.

It was late in the evening and I was exhausted. I rested my head on Derek’s shoulder, feeling whole.

“I’m so proud of you, Amelia,” Derek said, kissing the side of my head. “You’re so strong.”

I smiled. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she? I’m completely in love with her already.”

“Lydia? She’s…” Derek inhaled, shaking his head, struggling to find the words. “She’s the most precious thing in the world. The moment the doctor handed her to me, I swear the earth stopped spinning. She looked at me, with those blue eyes of hers—and I have never felt more helpless than in that moment. She looked at me—this tiny, vulnerable person—and it was like I was holding a piece of me.”

I nodded, understanding what he meant. “It’s like taking your heart out of your body and holding it in your hand, then passing it around the room. You don’t really have that much control anymore.”

“All I can do is protect her,” Derek said. “And hope that life is kind to her.”

I looked over at Walter, whose gaze still hadn’t left the little girl. Derek followed my line of sight, and smiled to himself.

“I have a feeling,” I said, “that those two are going to be completely inseparable.”

“Absolutely.” Derek squeezed my hand. “You already know how much he’s going to spoil her. Look at him. He’s completely taken by her.”

“And I’m completely taken by you, Derek. Thank you for giving me this family.”

“I love you, Amy, I will never let you go.” he said.





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