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The Baby Favor by Chance Carter (187)

Chapter 60

Brad has to stay in Iceland because of the court case in the U.S., though he sees Jane off at the airport.

“You are the most special thing to me, Jane. You know that, right?” he says, looking deep into her eyes. He strokes her hair and pushes a strand behind her ears. “Can I kiss you goodbye?”

“You never need to ask a silly question like that,” Jane responds, tilting her head to reach in for a kiss.

He wraps his arms around her and pulls her into him and they kiss until the pilot motions that they need to take off.

“You have my number, right? And you can call me anytime? I don’t know what I will do without you, sweetheart. I’ll miss you in more ways than one,” Brad smirks, looking down into her cleavage.

“You’re so naughty, Brad. These ladies are all yours to devour next time we meet. I promise,” she says, licking his lips with her tongue.

He smacks her ass when she starts walking away.

“Don’t forget about me, Jane, okay?”

“I can’t now,” she replies, motioning to the engagement ring. “You’re in my heart.”

Jane gets on the plane and sits at a window seat, watching Brad outside, seeing his wavy, brown hair brushing against his face and the outline of muscled arms. His dress shirt is slightly buttoned down and pulled out over his jeans. It’s the first time Jane has seen him look so relaxed since she met him.

She sees the sun behind him and the gorgeous landscape. It looks like a scene straight out of the movies.

Looking down at her silver and diamond ring, she is in awe that this is now her life. A private jet, flying to other countries, engaged to a billionaire who genuinely loves her, having amazing sex and orgasms, and being loved and respected as a ballerina on the world stage.

Her whole life has taken this insanely amazing turn and she has no idea how it happened and why she deserved it.

The plane heads back to New York and Jane sleeps most of the way there. She has a dream about her future life. A ranch with horses, a ballet studio, a private spa, she and Brad in a master bedroom with satin sheets and luxurious pillows. Her parents even live close by in a coach house.

In the dream, an older man is there speaking directly to her. “This is what you deserve, Jane. It’s the life you’re meant to live.”

Jane wakes up and looks around, startled by her surroundings in the jet. She takes a deep breath in and out, trying to re-orient herself. She gets up and goes over to the bar to fix herself a drink, choosing gin and tonic with lime. She takes a couple of gulps and lets it settle within her.

She heads back to her seat and looks out the window at the clouds. There’s a beautiful rainbow over-arching. Everything is going to be okay. She knows this in her heart.

The plane descends into New York. She looks at the Statue of Liberty in a whole new way—a woman standing there saying that anyone can make their dreams come true in New York.


Jane believes this whole-heartedly now. She reflects on where she was even a week ago, much less a month ago, and how everything took a huge turnaround. Now, here she is.

A limo is there to pick up Jane from the airport. “Mr. Halliwell made sure you would be safe getting home,” says the driver, opening the door for her.

“Oh wow. Thank you,” Jane responds in amazement.

“You’re the future Mrs. Halliwell, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I suppose I am.”

“Well, then, you need to get used to this kind of treatment. Congratulations, by the way.”

“I guess news travels fast in Brad’s world,” Jane notes.

“Not much is private in his world, Miss,” the driver acknowledges.

She gets back to her apartment and notices the door is open and people are walking out with her boxes. Jane rushes up to them.

“Hey, where the hell do you think you are going with this stuff? Get the hell back here! I paid my rent. You can’t evict me!” she yells.

“No, ma’am, Mr. Halliwell has ordered us to move you. He’s moving you over to a condo on Fifth Avenue so you are more comfortable. I hope that’s okay with you. You don’t have to lift a finger,” one of the movers assures her.

“Oh, I see,” Jane says sheepishly. “Wow, sure. Just as long as I know where the address is.”

“We’ll take care of everything for you. Why don’t you go down to Le Paris Lane Bistro and the driver will come to get you when we’re finished.”

“Wow, okay. I’m still a bit stunned by this, but okay,” Jane says, walking away to go to the Bistro. She wonders what the new place will look like. Much better than where she has been, that’s for sure.

She sits down at a table by herself and orders a basket of bread, cheese, and a fine wine. She contemplates how she is going to tell her parents that she is now engaged to Brad Halliwell, the infamous billionaire. She knows she has to ease them into this.

She picks up her phone and dials the number to her mom. She hangs up immediately and then tries again nervously.

“Hi, Mom, it’s me, Jane,” she says. “Yes, I’m back in New York. It went pretty well. Everyone seemed to like the performance… I know, things are really taking off now. I don’t think I’ll be coming back home anytime soon… uh huh… yup... okay... hmmm.”

Jane listens to her mom speaking about her life.

“So Mom, I feel a bit weird about telling you this, but I actually started dating a guy. No, not in Iceland, before that, a few months ago,” Jane says, lying again. “Yeah, he’s pretty great. No, I didn’t want to tell you about him because I wasn’t sure how you would feel... I met him through ballet. He’s a patron,” Jane explains.

Her mom asks a string of questions about him.

“Oh, his name is Brad. Yup. He’s into business. He’s about 30 years old. I know, it’s a pretty big age difference, but we get along really well. He supports what I’m about,” Jane says, trying not to disclose too many details. “Well, I hope you’ll get to meet him one day soon.”

They finish their conversation, with her mom giving Jane a ton of advice and showing concern, but in the end respecting her choices.

“I love you, Mom. I hope to see you soon. Thanks for everything.”

Jane reaches over for her wine, feeling more relaxed about what she shared. She eases back in her seat and orders more food, enjoying the scenery. She waits for the driver who shows up about an hour later to take her to her new, temporary home.

“Life has a way of working out in your favor. It really does,” she thinks.