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The Baby Favor by Chance Carter (171)

Chapter 43

They go back into the party and sit down to eat dinner. Jane sits next to Brad on his left and it feels good to be with him. She can see how everyone respects him and listens to what he has to say.

Brad puts his hand on Jane’s knee and squeezes it lightly, reassuring her. She feels calm in his presence and confident that everything will be okay.

Jane doesn’t understand half of the jokes people say, nor does she get what they are talking about when it comes to finances. It is all over her head. Finally, a woman named Margaret speaks to Jane.

“So, dear, how did you get into ballet?”

The whole table goes silent and looks over at her. Jane feels very self-conscious now.

Brad puts his arm around her to give her strength.

“Well, honestly, when I was a kid watching T.V.,” she says earnestly.

Everyone laughs. “Oh, that is so sweet,” one woman says pretentiously.

“It’s true. I watched those shows for years, studying their every move. My parents couldn’t afford to send me to ballet school, so I had to wait until I was older. A teacher noticed my interest and encouraged my parents to send me to classes,” Jane continues.

Jane’s boldness about being a poor girl surprises many people at the table. They don’t know how to react, turning their eyes down toward their meals and picking up their glasses for a drink. Jane has never experienced this kind of reaction before.

She looks over to Brad, a bit perplexed. Her expression asks him if she had said something wrong.

Brad speaks up.

“I admire self-made people. I was of the lucky few who were born with money, and I didn’t have to work half as hard as someone like Jane. You’re a strong woman!” he says, raising his glass to toast her.

They all raise their glasses in sync with Brad. Jane takes a breath in and smiles, feeling the warmth of his acknowledgment.

“To Jane!” he says.

“To Jane!” they repeat.

They finally finish up dinner and dessert. Wendy brings out coffee and tea for everyone, and they all move to the living room.

“Now it’s time for Jane’s performance,” announces Brad.

Jane instantly gets butterflies in her stomach. She feels a bit numb, and now, has doubts she will be able to perform. But she knows she has no other choice at this point.

They dim the lights and bring everyone together in a semi-circle. Jane leaves the room and waits for Brad to turn on the music. She fixes her hair and fidgets with her dress.

A modern, pop ballet song comes on, one that her ballet instructor introduced them to at the beginning of the year. Jane is amazed that Brad knows all of these details.

She takes a deep breath in and out and gets into position. She races into the center of the room and stops. The crowd feels her intensity. She then rushes forward and back, showing emotions of desperation and passion. She twirls and stops, adding in wild and funky movements most people have never seen before.

The crowd is thrilled and amazed at Jane’s abilities. They hold their breath, clap, ooh and ah, and are truly impressed by her skills.

The music stops and Jane flops to the floor, crumpled into a tiny ball. Everyone stands up and cheers. Brad goes over to help Jane up.

“Oh my gosh, young lady, you are the next big thing!” says one man.

“We must get your autograph before you become famous,” says another.

“You have to be the best ballerina I’ve ever seen,” says an older woman.

Jane is so pleased and stunned that people there really like her.

Brad puts his arm around her waist with pride. “I told her you would love her. I fell for her the first time I saw her dance,” he says, kissing her on the cheek. “You were absolutely marvelous, darling,” he says.

Brad wraps her overcoat around her and they walk out to the patio to spend time alone. The cool breeze of the sea and the night air sweep through her hair. Jane feels on top of the world. All her hard work, quiet suffering, and difficulty culminated into this one performance, and it proves she was right to listen to her heart. She absolutely glows with possibilities for her future.

“Jane, you have no idea what you just did tonight. You will become a world famous ballerina. I can promise you that!” Brad says, beaming with excitement.

“I don’t even know what to say, Brad. I can’t thank you enough, and yet, I’m still in shock. What am I supposed to do?” she says.

“Just keep being you. Life will take care of the rest. I’m right here and I will support you,” he says.

Life could not get any sweeter than it is right now. Brad holds Jane close to his chest and she can hear his heart thudding. It makes her feel like everything will be just fine.

Paul comes through the sliding door, drunk.

“So, you got yourself a virgin, eh, Brad? Can I have her first?” he says crassly.

Brad turns to look at him, holding Jane’s hand.

“Shut the hell up, Paul. Don’t you dare treat Jane like that ever again. I can’t believe you hit on her. You and I are no longer friends.”

“What? Because of a chick? Come on, man, you’ve lost it.”

“No, because I don’t hang out with assholes like you. Leave, now. I don’t want to see you again.”

Jane is so touched that Brad would stand up for her like this. She can’t believe he’d do this to his friend for her.

She leans into him more and looks up to him. “Thank you, Brad. You are a true gentleman.” She kisses him on the mouth.

“You are worth it, Jane.” he says, kissing her back.