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His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance by Kara Hart (47)


“Here’s your weapon,” Hawk says, sliding a pistol across the table. “Go ahead. Hold it in your hand. Get a feel for it. It could save your life.”

I pick it up, reluctantly and hold it in front of me, at Hawk. I envision what it would be like to fire a round straight at him. He flips his lid. “Put it down!” he screams. “Are you fucking joking me, mate?”

“Sorry,” I laugh. “Just getting a feel for it.”

“Yeah, you’re really testing my patience,” he says, turning red.

Edward jumps in and throws his arm around my shoulder. “This here’s my brother, Hawk. We’re going to kill these wankers together, massive.”

“Sure,” he says, waving him off. “I should hope so. If you don’t, there will be repercussions.”

“We hear you,” I say. “There won’t be any blunders. We’ll shut them down for good.”

“Godspeed,” he says, lighting up a cigar. “Give them hell.”

Edward and I have been over the plan nearly all day. He’ll go into the shop first, asking for a beer. They’ll serve him, although Edward stands out a little. They’ll ask him where he’s from. “London,” he’ll say. Where? They’ll ask again. “Kings Cross,” he’ll reply. “Over at Goldsmith College.”

“They’ll make me out as an art pooft,” he says. “They’ll poke fun. They’ll serve me a pint and get under our skin.”

“And that’s when I come in?” I ask.

“Guns fucking blazing,” he smiles. “Pow, pow, pow.”

I give him a sour look. “Bollocks,” I laugh. “No shooting, remember?”

“Right, right,” he nods. “Fine then. You’ll hold your gun proudly, but get ready to fight if you have to.”

“I’m ready,” I say. “I’ll do fucking anything to get home.”

“Right. To see that lady friend of yours?” he laughs. “Fuck, man. You’re off your head.”

We take a car down to London and it takes a good two hours. Once we’re in Dalston, the moon is out. It’s full tonight, which doesn’t help calm my nerves. I’m not superstitious, but I also don’t like to take chances on these things.

Erica. I’m doing this for you.

He walks into the old pub and I can hear the commotion coming from inside. One of the windows reveals the reactions from the drinkers. “Outsiders not welcome,” a sign reads inside. On the telly, Manchester is playing West Bromwich Albion. Fuck, coming here brings back memories. I hate it.

I look around me and see all the old sights. Only, so much has changed since I’ve last been back here. Suddenly, I hear the sound of glass crashing against the bar. I snap out of my nostalgia and run into the bar. I grab my pistol and keep it pointed in front of me. One of the men has Edward in a headlock, but he doesn’t see that good old Edward is reaching for his gun.

“Alright, settle down!” I scream, firing a round off into the air. That wasn’t part of the plan, but they’re the kind of people who won’t listen. Suddenly, everyone stops. The guy even lets go of Edward, who now has joined me in pointing pistols.

“Everybody against the fucking wall!” he screams, with a big smile plastered on his face.

All this just to get back to the woman I adore. Fuck, I’d do more than this if I had to. She’s worth it.

All eight of them line up against the wall. “Come on now!” Edward yells. “Show some enthusiasm. Let’s see those smiles.”

“From here on out,” I say. “This place is finished. No more dealings on the north side of Manchester. That’s our ends. I know, you’re feeling gutted right now. That’s the fucking point.”

The deal is we eliminate everyone of these bastards, but I told Edward he can’t do it as long as I’m around. I promised him ten grand to comply, so naturally he agreed. Still, he’s not about to leave the place with them on our backs. I hear him cock the damn pistol and open fire. “No!” I scream, but it’s too late. All eight of them are on the floor, crying like babies.

“Don’t worry, chap. I got them in the shins. It’s less than what they’d do to us,” he laughs. “Come now! Let’s get that money.”

We run into the back, where a tall safe is. He blasts it open and grabs all of the money. “One hundred large,” he smiles. “Beautiful.”

We’re out of there within two minutes and we jump in the car. I’m almost home. I’m so close I can taste it. The warm breeze. The feeling of freedom beneath my feet. Fuck, it’s all I want.

She’s all I want, dammit.