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Kings of Chaos Box Set: Books 1-5 by Shyla Colt (50)



I feel Skull before I see him. Setting my laptop aside, I stare at the doorway where he’s hovering. We’ve been on a truce since the party. He threw down for me, and showed the soft side I love. I saw the sense in what he was trying to do, though I don’t agree on the way he’s going about it. There’s a part of me that finds my attraction to submission disturbing. I like the way he manhandles and overwhelms me with his authoritative personality. I spend my entire day in charge of a large advertising department. I’ve taken care of my sister our entire lives, and walked on eggshells for my mother.

When it’s done with respect instead of anger, letting go and allowing him to drive the car can be exhilarating. He has issues. I can understand why, given what I’ve learned, but I can’t help him if he remains in denial. He needs a serious education by a professional on mental illness. It’s not the dirty little secret or misunderstood condition it once was. Medicine, treatment, and doctors have come a long way. I’ve thought about bringing it up, but I don’t want to set him off.

I’m not in the practice of being a hypocrite either. I have my own family issues to deal with. I haven’t spoken to my mother since we left her house, and not for lack of her trying. Every day, I have a dozen missed calls and voice messages from her. I haven’t listened. I know stress isn’t good for the baby, and I’m not ready to make nice or deal with her when she’s this hopped up. Rochelle has been our go between. Part of me hates to put her in this position, and the other half thinks it time for her to pay her dues.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“When were you going to tell me you were loaded?”

“You know who my father is.”

“Yeah, he made himself rich. I didn’t realize he passed that money on to you,” Skull says.

“Only good thing he did do, other than encouraging me to take self-defense classes and learn to shoot. I guess he saw so much ugly, he thought I should have the best odds possible to survive. Does it matter?”

“You know how stupid I felt when Stone made a crack about your millions?”

I snort. “It’s not that much.”

“No, but I saw the statements. Shit, Ruthie. What the hell are you doing with me?”

“Having a baby,” I state in deadpan.

He snickers. “I’m serious. I don’t get you.”

“Why is anyone attracted to anyone? Just the way it worked. You’re straight forward, funny, protective, and sweet when you want to be. I thought we were on the track for greatness until we weren’t.”

“Because I slipped up once?”

I sigh. “It was never about her. I get they want to get a foothold in any way possible. I expect that shit from them. You were the one I trusted. I don’t do that with men. When I saw that picture, it re-affirmed for me, that men can’t be trusted.”

“And now?” he asks.

“The jury is still out,” I say not willing to make myself completely vulnerable to him yet.

“You ever going to get over it?”

I frown. “You’re asking me that like we aren’t always fighting.”

“We fuck too,” he says.

“And it’s great, but not enough to make a happy life together or a healthy environment for a child to live in.”

“I’m trying. You get more than any bitch ever has from me,” he admits.

“And I should feel honored? Should I thank you for not acting like an asshole to me?”

“Don’t be a bitch, Ruthie.”

I roll my eyes. “You seem to bring that out in me.”

He sighs. “I thought we agreed no secrets.”

“I didn’t realize my bank account number was something I needed to announce. You want me to whip my clit out now, so you can measure it against your penis? I promise you, you’ll win.”

“That fucking mouth—”

“Is one of the things you used to love about me until you got this chip on your shoulder. What happened? You went from being one of the most chill people I knew to a damn tyrant.”

“I explained why—”

“No, you’re hiding behind that. Yes, I have plenty to learn, but I’m not stupid. I learn fast and there are ways to tell me without forcing me to lay down on my belly like a she wolf to show you my submission.”

“You like it when you submit.”

“When it’s of my own volition and because I want to…yes,” I admit.

“Look at Ms. Thesaurus using big words.” He sneers.

“There he is. Asshole extraordinaire.” I wave my hand at him.

“This is what’s going to keep you safe, girl. Don’t you understand that? You know damn well what the men in my family are capable of. You pushing my buttons. Nothing good is going to come of that.” He stalks over, sits on the side of my bed, and cups my face. “Don’t you understand I’m doing this for us? For me, you and the baby. We cannot end up like them. I won’t let that happen.”

“You never worried about this before while we were together. I don’t understand.”

“We were never a committed relationship or expecting a child,” he counters.

“You’re not a werewolf. You won’t turn into some sort of monster because of the sins of your father.” I grip his wrists. “Why can’t you see that?”

“I’ve spent my entire life struggling to not become my father. How can you expect me to stop that now, when I’m finally living the same life he did? It’s like a cancerous cell I have to keep a close eye on. I’m pre-disposed to it.”

His words break me open and I begin to bleed out slowly. This beautiful man fully believes himself capable of atrocities. “No, your paranoia and irrationality is twisting you all up and screwing with your head. I want to help you, but baby, I don’t know how. I think you need to see someone. And I’m speaking from a place of knowledge. I had to see a shrink when I was in my teens. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was unworthy.”

“Why would you ever think that?” he asks.

“Because my dad bailed. He chose drugs, alcohol, cheap bitches and infamy over his family. What did that say about me? If the first man in my life couldn’t hang around. Why would anyone else want to?”

“That’s bullshit. It was his loss.”

“Exactly. Eventually, I came to accept that as truth. I’m still bitter as hell about the choices he made in life and the way they affected me.”

“That’s understandable,” he says.

His attempt to pacify me gives me the courage to continue. I know his parents are a touchy topic, but this is a necessary conversation. “As is your situation. That’s heavy shit for anyone to deal with. You’re not exempt because of who you are and the M.C. you belong to. If I didn’t think you were the one for me, I wouldn’t be here. We have rivers of crap to wade through before we can get there. I could pretty up the truth, but that’s not the way either of us operates.” I move my head forward and brush his lips. “Give us a real chance, heal these open wounds before they fester and poison us all.”

“I don’t know how.”

“See someone. If not for yourself, then for this little one in my belly.” I rest a hand on my stomach.

He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against mine.

I’m so close to a breakthrough with him. His phone rings.

“Ignore it.”

“I can’t, you know that.”

I release a heavy sigh as I let go of his wrists and lean back against my pillows.

“Hello. Yes. Alright man, I’m on my way in.” He hangs up. “I gotta go, babe.”

I sigh. “Where?”

“We had a no call no show at the Bar and Grill and Shadow has already worked two closings in a row.”

I nod my head. “Go.”

“We’ll talk about this more later, okay?”


He delivers a kiss that steals my breath away. “If I didn’t want this to work I wouldn’t be here. Don’t throw in the towel on me, girl.”

“We have until the baby is born to get this right. Tick tock.”

“Using my own words against me? You’re lucky I have to leave right now.”

My body tingles with anticipation. I like the power play. Pushing his buttons yields results that cause fireworks. But the unhealthy back and forth needs to stop. I wink.

“If you need anything call me or Shadow and Blue.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Smart ass,” he says as he heads out of my room for the door.

I’m a hypocrite telling him to get help when I’m dodging my own mother. I have things to put right. When the front door closes and his bike rumbles to life, I grab my phone and bite the bullet.


“Yeah, Mom.”

“Oh, thank God. I was worried. I was giving you a few more days before I called the police. I thought maybe that that man had done something to you.”

“Really, Mom? Please don’t bring trouble like that to my door.”

“After the way you two left, can you blame me? This is how he treats his pregnant girlfriend?” Disgust drips from every world like honey from a honeycomb.

“He had every right to be mad. I should’ve told him about Dad.”

“You defend him? God, where did I go wrong with you? After all those people did to us, how can you procreate with them?”

“Those people are my family. They didn’t do anything to us. Different MC, different rules and attitudes.”

“M.C.? God, you’re using their slang too. What are you thinking?”

“That I want to be happy and he does that.” I exhale and peer up at the ceiling, silently praying for strength.

“Couldn’t see it from where we were standing.”

“You formed your own opinion the minute you realized he was with Kings of Chaos,” I reply drolly.

“Yes, because I know what that means.”

“How could you possibly? I’m safer with them than I am with anyone else.”

“You really drank their Kool-Aid, didn’t you baby girl?” She clucks her tongue. “I’ll be there to pick up the pieces when this crumbles, like I know it will.”

“Is this why you’ve been calling me? To tell me imminent disaster is in my future?” I ask.

“To beg you to reconsider. You’re not that far along, you can—”

I hang up the phone, numb and pissed off. How could she even consider telling me to get rid of my child? What kind of mother does that? She was the only permanent parental presence. Now even that’s gone. I wrap my arms around my knees and cry for the broken mess that is my family. When there are no more tears left, I call my sister.

“Hey, Ruthie.”


“You don’t sound right. What happened?”

“Mom. Mom told me I should get rid of the baby and start over.”

“Jesus Christ. I didn’t realize how far off the plantation she’d gone. Forget that noise.”

“Why?” I hiccup. “Why can’t she just be happy for me? Why have I never been good enough?”

“Honestly. I thought about this a lot over the years. In her head, you’re too much like Dad. You’re creative, open-minded, and tough in a way I don’t think she ever was. Our past sucks, but we never let it cripple us the way she did. She could’ve moved on, found a man, and formed a life outside of us. She chose not to because she’s afraid. That’s weak. She sees you, the embodiment of everything she could never be, and it gets to her. I always tried to live my life by her rules. I craved her praise and approval to an unhealthy extent. I couldn’t see it until I went away to college and met Tim. He was my wake up call. You never needed that. I envied you growing up, because of your independence and rebellion.”

I snicker. “I don’t think not trying to be a Stepford wife was a rebellion.”

“Are you kidding me? With a mom like ours, just daring to live as you see fit was a direct kick to the gut,” Rochelle explains.

“We had a fucked up childhood.”

“Yes, but we are not our past,” Rochelle counters.

I give a dry laugh. “Used to be me telling you this.”

“So I’m returning the favor, big sister. Keep your chin up. I saw sparks flying between you and your biker boy. I could see the appeal. And you better than most, know the life. I trust you to not get in over your head.”

“At least someone does.”

“It’s not like you to be so on the fence about anything.”

“I’m blaming the hormones, but the truth is…I’m out of my depth. I’ve never done a serious relationship and now, I’m neck deep in one.”

“Because of the baby?”

The query reminds me how clueless she is about the life. “Because I’m his Old Lady. That’s like marriage to them. Even more binding actually. Not like I could send paperwork and bail anytime I got ready.”

“Really? Being in this, you can’t?”

Rochelle’s shock makes me laugh. “It’s whole other set of rules, sweet pea.”

“Then I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Me too,” I whisper.

“I’m behind you one-hundred whatever you decide, or need. You know that right?”

“I do. I love you, Roch. Thanks for listening to me.”

“Always. Love you too, big sis.”

I hang up feeling a little less alone, but no less damaged.



I smooth Ruthie’s red locks away from her face and kiss her forehead. I’d been saved by the bell when work called me last night. She was hitting on issues I wasn’t ready to touch or think too deeply on. I’d spent years building it up in my head. My life was an escape route from my family’s dark past. Coming up with a new plan scares the piss out of me. The old one worked. No one got hurt and I enjoyed my life. If I don’t do something, I’m going to lose them both. It’s amazing how important these two beings have become to me.

“Wake up, sleepy head.”

“Hmmm.” Her eyelids flutter open.

I take in her sleepy-eyes and makeup free state. I like her best like this. When she’s pliant, soft, and natural. I used to think the pregnancy glow was a myth, but she’s got it. “Hey. Nap time’s over.”

“How long was I out?” she asks, slowly sitting up on the couch where the television had been watching her, instead of the other way around.

“About an hour and a half. I know you didn’t want me to let you sleep the day away. I have something I’d like to show you.”

“Oh, yeah?” She smiles up at me.

With her sweet smile, it’s all too easy to imagine her as a teenager. “Yeah, Trouble. Are you up for it?”

“Yes, just let me freshen up real quick,” she says easing off the couch.

I watch her go, eyes glued to her ass in the gray sweat pant capris. Her ass is getting fatter by the day, and I can’t get enough of it. She always had nice portions, but the pregnancy is ripening her like a fruit. All I want to do is pump her full of my cum. Which is insane, because I can’t get her any more pregnant. Mother Nature is a crazy ass bitch. I sink down on the couch wondering if I’m doing the right thing. I don’t share much of my past with people, and I’m about to take her on the scenic route of Tritt Alexander Matthews.

I tug my beanie lower on my head. All or nothing. I can’t be half in and half out. I commit or she won’t. I’m already in it for at least eighteen years raising the bean. The bean. I smile as I remember the first time we saw the baby. I knew she was pregnant, but the child was an abstract concept until I heard the steady whump whump of its heart beat and saw the tiny form Kermit flail on the screen. It was more than an ideal, it was a living, breathing, human, half me and half the woman I’m in love with. I’d never admit that out loud, but this woman has got me hemmed up for as long as she’ll have me.

“I’m ready.”

Her sing song voice makes me smile. She’s tamed her bed head and put on sunscreen I’m sure. One thing I know about the woman is she takes her skin serious swearing up and down a redhead burns like a vampire in the sun if she’s not lathered in sunblock.

“I’m driving,” I say.

She scowls, but tosses me the keys to her first baby.

“You know I don’t like riding bitch,” I say.

“No, but you like it when this bitch rides you.”

“Damn straight.” I palm her ass, enjoying her giggles. She’s been down recently. It’s good to hear her laugh. I wrap my arm around her waist and guide her outside. Once we’re buckled in, I take a deep breath and pull out of the driveway.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” she asks.

“Back to the beginning, where it all started.” I reach out and take her hand in mine. “You want me to open up, spill my guts. I’m more a man of action than speech. So, I’m going to show you. This time around, it’s me trusting you.”

I take us thirty minutes away to the run down house in the shady part of town and park my car. “This is where I lived for the first five years of my life with my mom and dad. Back then, it was a decent neighborhood full of working class people. My dad had issues, but he kept a steady job. My mom stayed at home with me, when she wasn’t on a bender or running the streets. My father’s parents spent a lot of time watching me. I guess it made sense I ended up with them in the end. Mom was originally from Arizona, so visits to her side were few and far between. I don’t think they got along really. Everything about her is hazy. They never reached out after the incident. She was their only child, and I think it hurt them too much to see the path she’d gone down. This is also the place where my father took her life before taking his own by swallowing a shotgun shell.”


“It’s an ugly thing. Mental illness runs in our family. The trend seems to be it skips a generation. My grandfather’s mom had it, but he was fine. Then his son had it, and I’m fine.”

She squeezes my arm.

“Now, you see my concern with junior,” I say.

“Concern is one thing. What you have going borders on paranoia.”

“Yeah, you’ve said it a time or ten.” I massage my scalp through my beanie.

“What happened…after the murders?”

“I went to my grandparents’ home, which is our next stop.” I pull away from the curb, eager to be away from the home that to me was as evil as Amityville. A chill races down my spine. We were resurrecting ghosts I wasn’t fully ready to lay to rest.

The house is a twenty-minute drive. Warm memories fill me as I pass familiar landmarks. The gas station where I used to ride my bike to get ice cream treats. The park I used to play in. The church we attended every Sunday. My grandparents were good people with a strong work ethic and plenty of faith.

I pull up to the ranch style stucco house with the perfectly manicured lawn and a white picket fence. The shutters are the same teal blue my grandmother loved so much.

“This is beautiful.”

“Thank you, it’s the same way they left it.”

“Do you own this?” she asks.

“I never had the heart to sell it after I inherited, and living in it didn’t seem right either. This is where I learned everything I know. How to be a man. A good one. Work ethics and morality. My grandfather was amazing. He knew how to build things, fix things, and earned a living as an electrician at a local private company.”

“Did he teach you how to do all of this too?” she asks.

“He did, but my heart was never in it. I had no desire to follow in his footsteps. He wasn’t angry about it. He said every man had to find his own way in this world.”

“Sounds like a wise caring man.”

“He was.” I turn to her. “Do you want to go inside? I have a cleaning person and a lawn person to keep things from going into disrepair.”

“How far do you think this is from the clubhouse?” she asks.

“About fifteen, twenty minutes by bike,” I say.

“All this time you were in their backyard.”

“Yeah, kind of ironic how things happen when they’re supposed to.”

“Do you really believe that?” she asks.

I study her face. I realize that if she’d come along earlier in my life, I would’ve butchered this relationship. “Yeah, I do. Come on.”

We climb out of the car and make our way up the walk. I can imagine my grandparents sitting out in the rocking chairs on their porch, the way they used to. A pitcher of sun tea would rest between their chairs, as they’d watch the world go by.

“What are you seeing right now?”

“Them sitting in the rocking chairs they used to have here. A pitcher of fresh sun tea resting between them. Grandma was originally from the south, and she held onto a lot of their customs.”

“That’s where you get those impeccable manners I found so out of place, given your environment.”

I laugh. “Yeah, that was all her. She beat them into me, literally at times.” I use the key to open the front door and we step inside.

The house is dated with its quirky fifties era furniture. The kitchen has black and white squared tile, and the cabinets were the same teal they’d always been growing up. An oval table with black chairs with white stripes down the middle sat as a centerpiece.

“Oh my God, this house is amazing,” Ruthie says.

I can’t help the pride that wells up inside me. “Yeah?”

“Yes, thank you so much for sharing it with me. I know this is a special place for you.”

“I wanted you to see where I come from, so you can understand more about who I am.” I scratch the nape of my head, uncomfortable with the spotlight being cast on me.

“Can I see the rest of the place?”

“Yeah.” I lead her down the hallway of the three bedroom with a Jack and Jill one-bathroom split in the middle to function as two. Cherry hardwood runs throughout the house. Pictures of me from infancy to my later twenties line the walls.

“Oh my God, you were so damn adorable!” Ruthie gushes stopping at my baby picture. “I hope bean looks just like you.”

“Uh-uh. They need to have your eyes and this hair.” I give her ponytail a playful tug.

She wrinkles up her upturned nose. “No, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. They’ll be teased relentlessly and burn in the sun.”

I chuckle. “Grass is always greener.”

She snickers and continues her journey. She touches the frames carefully, treating them with a reverence that sears her name on my heart. She gets the shit I can’t say. I trail behind her, a living shadow. Her eyes glow with happiness. I did that. It feels good to finally get something right when it comes to her. She’s a complex woman. I’m used to superficial things who want clothes, money, and prestige.

With Ruthie, I have to dig deeper and think things through. It’s like using a muscle you didn’t realize you had. The growing pains as I build up strength and endurance have led to some crazy altercations. Today feels like the first step of an upswing.

“Why don’t you live here?”

“It wasn’t where I wanted to be. After I moved out, got my own place and started doing my own thing, it was always nice to come back and visit when they were alive. Once they passed, it felt wrong to be here by myself. Plus, I wanted to be in the thick of the debauchery with my brothers.

“Somehow, I think it was more the latter.” Her eyes twinkle at me.

I shrug. I’ve always been the type to live to the fullest because I knew firsthand how quickly the ride could end.

“Tell me more about growing up here.”

“Honestly, it was pretty all American. I played sports, went to church, and kept my grades up. My grandparents were very old school.”

“Then how the hell did you end up with KOC?”

“I didn’t want to do the school route, so I did the trade route. It paid my bills, but I wasn’t happy. Then I did some work for the KOC clubhouse and we just clicked. I hung around for about two years before they put me on as a Prospect. I just really connected with their way of life. And no, I’m not talking about the women. They look at things differently than most people. They have their own code of justice and civility. I’d been missing that in the real world. People are all for themselves and so wrapped up in meaningless shit, they waste their life away. Here, I’m helping maintain a brotherhood meant to last. If I go, I’ll be remembered. It’s a worthy cause. We help keep things safe around here too. We’re doing a service.”

“That’s a pretty incredible way to look at it,” she says.

“You think I’m wrong?”

“No, you guys are the most stand-up people I know. You get a bad rap most of the time. You can’t judge every M.C. by a few who are more…vocal.”

“Yeah, that’s a nice way of saying it.”

She pauses in front of my grandparent’s old room. The main bedroom was painted a soft lilac. The white lace curtains were an heirloom. “This is beautiful.”

“It was my grandma’s favorite color. After she passed, Grandpa didn’t have the heart to change anything. That set was a wedding present from my grandmother’s family.” I nod toward the blond wardrobe set with thick silver rectangular handles.


“What?” I narrow my eyes.

“You’re so much more than I ever imagined.” She glides over to me and places her hands on my chest. “I like this person in front me. I want to get to know him better.”

I take a shaky breath. “Showing you this, ain’t easy.”

“Why not?”

“Out of practice? I buried this part of me. Only person who gets to see it on a regular basis is Ray.”


“He used to work for my grandfather. They became close friends, and once Grandpa passed, he sort of took his place. But he’s from that life, so it’s different.”

She scrapes her nails over my pecs. “Don’t you think it’s time to build a bridge? We can’t live in the world like you do. We’ll always be half in the world and half out. Soon, you’ll be plunged back into the civilian world. Car pools, diapers, playdates, and parent teacher conferences. You have to be ready for that.”

The picture she’s painting is terrifying, but tempting at the same time. It’s been a long time since I had a place that felt like a home in the traditional sense. Living with Ruthie has reminded me of what that once felt like. “You think we can do this, girl?”

“I think you can do anything you put your mind to. I wouldn’t be doing this, otherwise. If any man pulled the shit you have on me, I would’ve found a way to put him on his ass and walked.”

“Why are you still here with me?”

“Because I want this to work. I care about you deeply. I like the way you make me feel when it’s good. I don’t like the way we careen out of control or hide our issues behind rough sex. Though, I do love the roughness. Don’t shut me out after we leave here. Please?”

I close my eyes. “What do we do?”

“Shit. Fumble through it together. Do you—never mind.”

“No. What?”

“Do you feel that way, or is this…”

“Ruthie?” I grab her chin and tilt her head up. “What are you trying to ask me, babe?” I ask drowning in her pale green gaze.

“How do you feel about me? Not the mother of your child, or your Old Lady, Ruthie, the girl you were seeing off and on.”

“Do you really have to ask me that?”

“Yes, you’re hard to read on a good day.”

I should tell her I love her. “I more than care for you,” I say, unable to speak the words circling in my mind.

“Yeah?” Her eyes light up like I gave her the hope diamond.

“Yeah.” I let a real smile slip free. I don’t have to keep my walls up with her. She’s the only person I want close to me like that. Pushing her away would be stupid. There’s plenty of shit I’m not certain about, but Ruthie isn’t one of them anymore. I wrap my hand around her neck and pull her to me, pouring all the things I can’t say into the lip lock. She leans against me and I place my opposite hand on her back, moving her down as I deepen the kiss. Our tongues glide against each other. She tastes sweeter than she used to.

I take my time, sampling and exploring. The urge to take her in my childhood room rises. I move away and lift her into my arms bridal style. She giggles and I nip her full lips. Her nipples strain against her white tank top. I bend down and suck a hardened peak into my mouth through her fabric. She arches her back and I nuzzle the valley between her breasts. She smells clean and fresh. “I want to crawl inside you and live, little girl. You give me light and healing when I don’t deserve. I’m going to make you feel as good as I do.” I slip into the light blue room and lay her on the twin-size bed. “I never dreamed I’d have a dime piece like you here in my room.” I peel off the tank top and admire the increase in her cup size. The delicate pink lace bra is working overtime to contain her creamy flesh.

“A dime piece, huh?”

“A perfect ten for me,” I agree.

I strip off her layers and make my way down her body, nipping and tasting every inch of her skin. She tugs off my beanie and buries her fingers in my hair, massaging my scalp. I press a kiss against her belly. The flat belly is gone and replaced with a slight curve. I dip my tongue into her belly button. She gasps and her muscles contract. The scent of her arousal calls to me like a siren. I spread her thighs and trace her slipper slit.

“You’re so sweet right now. I could stay here forever.” I circle her clit and delve the tip of my tongue inside her tight center.

She rocks her hips and I love her slow and steady. Her breath hitches and she grinds her pussy into my face. I suckle her clit and she flies over the edge, yielding her cream as she chokes out a cry.

I watch her recover as I take off my clothes.

She’s beautiful, flushed. Her dark pink nipples stand out in contrast to the creamy skin of her breasts. Her pussy is bare except for a strip of hair that ends above her cleft. Her juices glisten on her thighs.

I grip my base and kneel on the bed, tapping against her sensitive clit. She whimpers and I grin. “One more time for me, girl.” I run my cock between her slick lips, nudging her clit gently.


There it is. That needy tone I live for. A fresh coat of cream covers my dick. “You ready for me, little girl?” I slip inside her slowly, letting her slick walls stretch around my cock.

“Yes.” She throws her head back and digs her nails into my back.

“So tight and wet, mama.”

“Oh.” She flexes and jerks.

“You like that?” I ask as I pull out and ease back inside this place fast becoming my favorite in the world. I lean down and capture her lips. Our mouths meet in a sensual dance that matches the ones our hips are doing.

She stares into my eyes, fearless, passionate, and adoring. I’ve never had this. Her body quakes as she flexes her muscles. Our connection is wide open and I can see love. The reconnection has me exploding inside her, in an all-consuming orgasm so powerful…I lose my breath. Shell shocked, I bury my face into her neck as she rubs my back and peppers the side of my face with kisses.




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By The Wild Atlantic Way (The Runaway Romance Series Book 1) by Samantha Walsh

Avery (Random Romance) by McConaghy, Charlotte

Predator (The Hunt Book 1) by Liz Meldon

Dirty Deeds (The Dirty Series) by HelenKay Dimon

Beyond Scandal and Desire (Sins for All Seasons #1) by Lorraine Heath


Cheering the Cowboy: A Royal Brothers Novel (Grape Seed Falls Romance Book 7) by Liz Isaacson

Hope Falls: Guardian Angel (KW) (WI 2.5) by Mari Carr

The Bitterroot Inn (Jamison Valley Book 5) by Devney Perry

The Evolution of Us by D. Kelly

by Keira Blackwood, Liza Street

Just In Time For Christmas (BlackPath: Oklahoma Book 1) by Vera Quinn

Acquisition (Takeover Duet Book 1) by Chelle Bliss

Hard Freak (Rock Stars on Tour Book 3) by Candy J Starr

Drawn To You: A Single Dad Opposites Attract Romance by Walker, Preston, Kingsley, Liam

Wasted: Falcon Brothers (Steel Country Book 3) by MJ Fields

Taking The Virgin (The Virgin Auctions, Book Three) by Paige North