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Daddy's Little Angel by Mia Clark (103)



It's too cuddly in here.  You know what happens when things get too cuddly?  People start making out and having sex or falling asleep.  There's something really fucked up about the contrast there, but that's what happens.  I've seen it happen before.


In my case, I usually stop the cuddling from getting too cuddly and out of hand, but again in my case it usually ends up moving towards the making out or having sex end of the spectrum easily enough, too.  Not right now.  Nah.  You want to know what's happening right now?


She's sleeping.  That's it.  We finished eating our pancakes and sausage, downed the orange juice fast, and kept watching Netflix.  Now Ashley's curled up under the blankets, sleeping.  I guess we aren't that close, all things considered.  I'm still on top of the blankets, laying down next to her, watching what's going on.


I have no clue how someone can fall asleep while watching some biker gang do fucked up shit, but whatever.  She's sick.  I'll give her a pass.  She deserves it.


Someone knocks on Ashley's bedroom door, then opens it before I can say or do anything.  I glance up, trying to act all nonchalant, but the fact remains that I'm laying in bed with my stepsister.  Kind of weird, don't you think?  More weird when you remember we were arguing in front of our parents yesterday, and we've never really been all that close before now.  I don't know.  Whatever.


It's Ashley's mom.  She sees me there, and sees Ashley sleeping, then lifts one brow, staring at us with peculiar interest.  I can't say I blame her.


"Hey," I say.  Be casual, don't fuck this up, Ethan.  "What's up?"


"I was just coming to see if Ashley was awake," my stepmom says.  "I know she slept in late yesterday, so I thought maybe she did today, too.  I wasn't sure, though, what with everything that happened between her and Jake."


Oh yeah.  That guy.  Fuck him.  What a stupid, undeserving prick.  I should find out where he lives and kick his fucking teeth in.


"She's not feeling good," I say.  "Sick or something?  I don't know what.  I made her some breakfast and we were watching TV, but then she fell asleep."


"Oh," her mom says.  "Well, that's nice of you.  Thank you, Ethan."


"Nah, don't--"  I start to say more, but then Ashley fidgets in her sleep.  Her arm stretches out and moves to my chest, wrapping around and hugging me.  I stare at her hand.  Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do now.  "Don't uh... don't worry about it?"


Her mom laughs, but hides it behind her hand, trying to keep quiet.  "Seems you make a good stuffed animal replacement," she says.


I roll my eyes, try to play it off.  "Yeah, I'm cuddly as fuck.  Who knew?"


"Ethan!"  My stepmom glares at me for swearing, but she smiles to hide her laugh, too.  "Do you want me to help?  I can get one of her stuffed animals and we can do a quick switch if you'd like?"


I shrug.  "Nah, I don't care.  Whatever.  She's tired, right?  Sick, too.  Should let her sleep."


"I was going to come find you after and see if you two wanted to go out to dinner with us tonight," Ashley's mom says.  "Maybe tomorrow, though?  That might be better.  I thought we could all do something together as a family.  I know that might be strange for you.  I hope you don't think I'm imposing on you and your father's life, Ethan.  I never meant to."


Where's this coming from?  I don't know.  No clue.  "Dinner sounds nice," I say.  "Yeah, maybe tomorrow would be better.  You're not imposing or anything.  Sorry if I'm a jerk sometimes.  I'm not used to this family thing yet."


"I know," she says.  "And I know we've had this conversation before, but it's been a few years now and I'd like to say it again.  If you feel weird with me being your stepmother, I hope we can at least be friends, too.  I don't want to replace anyone important to you, Ethan.  I don't want you to feel like you have to treat me a certain way or call me Mom if you'd rather not.  I'm easy to work with.  I'd like to be a part of your life, though."


"Yeah," I say.  I don't know how to deal with this shit.  What's with all these emotions and junk?  Confusing as fuck, really.  "I do like having you as a mom," I say.  "I kind of like calling you Mom.  If you don't mind, I'd like to keep doing it.  I just... yeah... maybe we can play it by ear?  Me and my dad have always been kind of like friends, I guess.  Sort of.  Except uh... yeah, you know."


"I know," she says.  "I'm sorry you had to deal with that."


"It's cool," I say.  It's not exactly cool, but it's been a few years now and I'm over it.  "I thought things were going to get bad when I found out about you and him, but everything got a lot better.  I really appreciate it.  We're kind of screwed up here.  I don't know how you and Ashley deal with us," I add, laughing.


"The most perfect things in life are created by our imperfections," my stepmom says.  "You and your father are a part of that, too.  Maybe you're both a little rough around the edges, but you're kind and unique and special in your own ways, too."


I roll my eyes.  "Yeah yeah, thanks for the inspirational speech, Mom."


She giggles.  "What I'm really worried about is you and Ashley.  I know it's strange.  I hope you two can get along?  Maybe this is a good start?" she says, nodding towards the hand draped over my chest.


"She's alright," I say.  "I wouldn't mind hanging out with her.  I was going to ask her to come to the beach with me today, but then she was sick, so yeah, we're just chilling here.  Sorry about the laying in her bed thing."


Her mom smiles.  I don't know what she's smiling about, but it looks mischievous as fuck.  What's up with that?  She's got some devious machinations going on in her head or something.  I don't like it.  She's too smart, just like Ashley.  Runs in the family, probably.


"You don't have to apologize to me," she says.  "It's between you and her.  You might have to apologize to her when she wakes up, but she looks comfortable right now while she's sleeping, doesn't she?  I think it's fine.  I know you've been through a lot, Ethan, but Ashley has, too.  You both probably have more in common than you might think.  Be careful with her, alright?  I know we're not your real family, but I hope we can become close like one, and I hope you'll look out for her.  My daughter is intelligent, but she's not always good at dealing with people or relationships.  I think her breakup with Jake is hitting her hard."


"Yeah, he's just a stupid prick," I say.  "I'm sorry, but I'm going to say it how it is."


Ashley's mom smirks.  "Well, thank you.  If I remember correctly, you're somewhat of a heartbreaker yourself, though."


"Yeah, I guess so.  Maybe."  Might as well admit it.  "I know how it must look, but there's a difference.  I'm upfront with girls straight from the start.  Maybe that doesn't make it better, but I kind of think it does.  I really try not to hurt anyone, you know?  I still do, so maybe it doesn't matter, but I try not to.  I try to keep it simple."


"I think what probably hurts them the most is that they know they're missing out on an amazing experience with a wonderful guy," she says.  "You might be upfront about everything, but that doesn't stop them from missing you when you leave, now does it?"


I'm not those things, though.  I'm not amazing.  I'm not wonderful.  Girls don't miss me.  Seriously, man, they're much better off without me.  I'm an arrogant, cocky prick, a football jock asshole, and not a very nice guy.  What more is there to say?


I don't want to start an argument, though.  I shrug it off and grunt.  Ashley's mom just smirks at me and gives me one of those looks.  Yeah, you know the look?  The ones moms give to their sons.  It's family.  She's my family now.


I can't ever tell her about what's going on with me and Ashley.  I don't want to fuck that up.  I don't want to ruin this, and I don't want her to hate me.  Why'd I get myself into this situation in the first place?  Because I'm stupid, obviously.  No one's ever claimed I was smart.


"How about I go to the store and get some soup?" my stepmom says.  "Biscuits, too.  I'll make some up fresh for when Ashley wakes up, and I'll bring everything up for you both later.  What do you think?"


"Sounds good," I say.  "I bet she'll like that.  Hey, if you don't mind, maybe grab some cheese, too?  She likes melted cheese on her biscuits."


Her mom smiles wide and nods at me.  "She does, doesn't she?  I almost forgot.  It's nice having you both back in the house.  Your father and I missed you two."


"Yeah, it's nice being back," I say.  I smile a little, too.  Just a little.  Don't get any wrong ideas here.


"Alright.  I'll leave you two be.  If you need me, you can call me or come downstairs.  I'll tell your father to leave you two alone, so Ashley can get her rest."




"Thank you again for taking care of her," my stepmom says.


After that, she leaves.  She almost keeps the door open slightly, but then at the last minute she turns around and closes it completely.  It's cool.  Whatever.  I don't care.


I sneak my arm under Ashley's head and around her shoulders, pulling her closer to me.  She sighs in her sleep and tugs at my chest a little more.  It's fine.  She's under the blankets and I'm on top of them.  We've both got pajamas on.  I swear this isn't as fucked up as it looks.


Nah, it's probably fucked up.  I'm just taking care of my sister when she's sick, right?  Stepsister.


Nah, that's probably even more fucked up.  I don't know what's wrong with me.