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Daddy's Little Angel by Mia Clark (57)



I can't even think right now.  I'm way too tired.  I'm exhausted, I somehow managed to cum inside Fiona three times over the course of who the fuck knows how long, and now I'm staring at her sexy ass after I just finished pounding into her from behind.


This ass is everything I've ever dreamed of and then some.  Staring at it during yoga earlier?  Yeah, that was nice, but staring at it when I'm balls deep inside her pussy is basically what dreams and magic are made of.


Going to be honest, despite how tired I am I kind of want to spank her again.  Just a little bit.  Not because she needs to be punished, but just because.  Maybe a little swat here and there, you know?


Also, I'm about to pass out.  I'm not even sure how I'm still awake.  What time is it?  No, don't answer that.  Don't even tell me.  I know I have to wake up early to bring Emily to college and now I'm dreading it.  What the fuck was I thinking?


I pull out of Fiona then I jump off my bed.  I grab her around the waist and just lift her up and off my bed before putting her on the ground.  She squirms in my arms and giggles like the sexy fucking nymph she is.


"We need to sleep," I tell her.  "No more.  I can't."


"Awwww," she says, pouting at me.


"Don't you fucking pout at me, Fiona."


"But... but, Daddy..."




"That's sad."


"You know what's sad?  This bed.  Look at what you did."


"What!  Me?"  She pouts at me.  "I think you helped, too."


I wave my arms over the bed.  What used to be my nice, comfortable bed, is now a mess of wetness caused by my cum and Fiona's orgasms.  I really shouldn't complain about this because it's pretty impressive if I do say so myself.  And I have sheets and everything so I can change it easily enough.  I'm just tired, so...


I stride confidently towards my closet, open it, and pull out a thick blanket.  One smooth sweep is all it takes, and the blanket unfurls completely.  Like some sort of sex magician, I drape the blanket over my entire bed in a single pass.  All together, that whole thing, from closet to unfurling to draping, it all somehow works out perfectly.


Fiona stares at me, eyes wide, clearly impressed.


"Wow," she says.  "Daddy, you're amazing."


"That?" I ask her, sighing and shaking my head.  "You thought that was amazing after everything we just did?"


"I mean, that was amazing too, but in a different way."


"Get your naked ass in bed before I spank it," I tell her.  "I'm going to sleep."


"Can I sleep with you?" she asks.  "Is it alright?"


I slide onto my bed and then pat the spot next to me.  "Come here, Fiona."


She scurries into bed, shy, and then lays down next to me.  I reach over to the side of the bed and flick off the light.  I usually use the light switch on the wall instead, but I'm too lazy for that right now.  We lay together, close, but it's different now.


I don't know what I just did.  I don't know why I did it, either.  I probably shouldn't have, but...


I wrap my arm around Fiona and hold her tight.  She nuzzles against me.  We're both naked, just laying on top of the blankets without a care in the world.  It's nice enough outside that we don't need anything more than ourselves to keep us warm.


Spooning with her, my cock nestled lightly against her ass, I hold her tight.  I gently pat her head and tease her hair, kissing lightly behind her ear.  She lets out a soft moan and presses tight against me, satisfied.


"I hope you know what a good girl you are," I tell her.  "You really are amazing, Fiona."


She melts in my arms.  She melts my heart, too.  I can barely take this, but I want more of her.


"Thank you, Daddy," she says, whispering softly.  She bends her head lower and kisses my arm that's holding tight around her chest.  "Thank you for everything.  I promise to be your good girl.  Always."


I mumble something back to her, but to be honest I don't remember what it is.  Don't hold it against me or anything.  I'm tired, and Fiona's tired, and she's mumbling back to me, too.  We have some kind of mumbled conversation that I'm pretty sure neither of us remembers.


It's nice, though.  This is nice.  Yes, I'm going to hell, but for now, everything is nice.


I fall asleep with Fiona in my arms and for a brief moment I wonder how I ever fell asleep without her.