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Daddy's Little Angel by Mia Clark (65)



Did he almost kiss me?  No way.  Ugh.  Weird?


Maybe I shouldn't have pushed him away.  Wait, what am I saying?  Did I want him to kiss me?  Uh... no!  I'm supposed to be smart, but I'm just acting like one of those bimbo girls Ethan likes to screw around with and then dump.


Why did I even tell him about what happened with Jake?  I bet Ethan hasn't been in a real relationship in his entire life.  What does he know?  He probably agrees with Jake.  It wouldn't surprise me.


He unwraps the towel from around his waist and hands it to me.  "Here," he says.


I take it, staring at it, then I look at him.  He's smiling at me, cocksure and confident.  What an asshole.




"You needed something to blow your nose with, right?" he says.


I laugh.  "Ethan, this is a towel."


"Yeah, so?"


"I can't--"


He tries to take the towel to wipe my nose himself, but I pull it away from him.  "Stop it," I snap.  "Fine, alright?"


I blow my nose.  Maybe this is a bad thing.  I feel like I can smell him.  Remember that melted sex thing I mentioned before?  Yeah, that.  It's like I'm rubbing the smell of his sexuality directly onto my nose, his pheromones making me crazy.  Is that how that works?  Is that why girls go wild over bad boy Ethan Colton?  I kind of want to Google it.  He'd probably call me a nerd if he knew.


Google, can bad boy pheromones make a girl go wild with lust?


"Let's get drunk," Ethan says.  "It'll help you get over that stupid prick."


"Drunk?" I ask, laughing.  I still have his towel up close to my face.  I pinch it over my nose and blow.  It's kind of gross and weird, but Ethan doesn't care.  Why would he?  He's the one who suggested it in the first place.  Ugh, I can't believe I'm doing this.


"Yeah," he says.  "Drunk.  Watch a movie.  Get some pizza.  Whatever you want, your choice."


"We're eighteen," I remind him.


"Almost nineteen," he counters.


"Um, that's not twenty-one.  How are we even going to get alcohol?"


"Mom and Dad are on vacation, remember, Princess?"


"Stop calling me that!"


"Yeah, whatever.  Anyways, Little Miss Perfect, they're gone, and--"


He moves next to me, putting his hand on my waist to guide me towards where he wants me to look.  I bristle and slap his hand, then I jump away.  Ethan just laughs.


I see it, though.  He points.  Across the hall to the game room with a bar and liquor cabinet.  Did I mention Ethan's father is rich?  There's a full bar with a huge assortment of alcohol behind it, set into the wall in the game room, which is visible down the hall from the kitchen.


"There's probably some beer in the fridge, too," he adds, as if we needed more of an excuse to be irresponsible and do stupid things.


Ethan Colton never needs an excuse for either.  It's what he's done since the day he was born.


I don't do things like this, though.  I'm the good girl.  I've always been the good girl.


Yes, and what did that get me?  A stupid boyfriend who broke up with me because he couldn't go a couple of months without having sex.  Not even just sex with me, but sex with anyone, sex with someone else entirely.  He's just like Ethan.  Maybe worse.  I can't believe I dated someone like that.


"You'll let me pick the pizza?" I ask.  I'm angry.  So angry that I'm considering Ethan's offer.  Maybe it'll make me feel better.


"Yeah, whatever you want, Princess.  Even that stupid ham and pineapple shit you like.  If that's not the girliest pizza ever, I don't know what is."


"It's not girly," I say.  "You're just... you're stupid, Ethan.  That's what you are."


He laughs.  "Great insult, Princess.  Top of your game.  I can see why everyone says you're smart."


"I hate you," I tell him, straight up.  I'm not sure if I do hate him or not.  I don't think I do.  I actually really appreciate him trying to make me feel better.  It's probably the nicest thing he's ever done.  Probably the only nice thing he's ever done.


"Yeah, right back at you," he says, smirking.  "But, hey, I'm going back in the pool.  Want to join me?  Then we can order food."


My mind wanders.  Unfortunately.  This is a bad thing.  Joining Ethan in the pool?  Just the two of us.  Splashing, playing, wet, almost nothing between us but the thin cloth of our bathing suits.  I have a bikini, even.  His board shorts obviously don't hide all that much, going by the bulge I noticed from before.  I mean, technically it's covered, but...


And we could be... in the pool... huh.


"N-no," I stammer.  I need to stop thinking these things.  I really do need to stop it.


"Suit yourself," he says.  "If you change your mind you know where to find me."


He leaves and heads back outside to the pool.  I watch him go, trying to convince myself this is a good idea.  Or a bad idea.  None of this is good.


I can't believe Mom left me here with him for the week.  Alone.  I can't believe I'm stuck with Ethan Colton alone for a week.  I don't even want to know what kind of trouble he's going to get into.  I refuse to be a part of it.  I'm not like that.