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Daddy's Little Angel by Mia Clark (30)

32 - Grey


Fiona and I deal with the bubbles.  This is going to be one of those don't ask don't tell situations.  The bubbles have been exterminated.  That's all you need to know.


Also, Fiona looks so fucking hot waltzing around naked and shiny, fresh out of the tub.  Maybe it's the bubbles.  I don't fucking know.  I just know that even though we just had amazing orgasms together, I kind of want to toss her on the bed, pin her arms above her head, and rail the fuck out of her until I literally can't move anymore.


I can't do that right now.  I want to, but it's physically impossible.  The mind is willing but the body is weak.  See what you do to me, Fiona?  Ugh.


And then, well...


“Daddy!” Fiona squeals, opening the closet door just outside of the bathroom.  “Look.  It's bathrobes!”


Sure enough, two fluffy white bathrobes draped across hangers hang in the closet.  She takes one and tries it on, but it's way too small for her.  Even still, she wears it.  She pulls the sleeves up as best she can so she can tie the little bathrobe belt around her waist.  The whole thing makes her look like she's somehow shrunk a couple of sizes, but once she's done she looks happy with the results.


“You too,” she says, pulling up the sleeves again so that her hands can reach out and grab the other bathrobe.


She tugs it off the hanger and then scurries over to me.  I try to take it from her, but she makes the cutest angry sound ever, kind of an “nnnnfffhhhh,” and then she jumps behind me and starts to put the bathrobe on for me.  I slide my arms in each of the sleeves, pulling it closed.


I don't even try to tie it off in the front.  Fiona hops back in front of me, pulls up her sleeves again even though it barely helps and they fall back over her hands immediately, and somehow manages to grab either end of the fluffy bathrobe belt.  She ties it off as best she can, making a bunch of murmurs and nods and all-around looking very focused and intent on what she's doing.


“Good?” I ask her once she's done.


“Your bathrobe fits better,” she grumps.


“I'm pretty sure they're the same size,” I tell her.


“My sleeves are too big, though,” she pouts.


I snicker, and she just pouts some more.


“Hold out your hands,” I say.


She does, all while watching me, curious.  I go for one sleeve first, rolling up the cuff until we finally get it so that her hand is mostly sticking out, visible.  She beams at me like I've just performed some sort of witchcraft or wizardry, and then she waves around her other sleeve-covered hand for me to do.  I roll up that one too, and then she's mostly good to go.


Mostly.  The bathrobe is still comically large on her.  She basically disappears inside it.  Fiona's got the curves of a goddess but with this bathrobe on she's just a little ball of fluff.  She's my little ball of fluff, though, so basically I couldn't care less if I can't see her beautifully spankable ass right now.


“I feel like an abominable snowman,” she says, then she holds up her hands in what I think is supposed to be a monster pose.  “Rawr!


“Yeah, you look like one, too,” I say, keeping a straight face.


“Hey!” she shouts, smacking my arm.  “Be nice to me, Daddy!”


“I am nice to you.  You're the one who roared at me.”


“No.  I rawred.  It's different.”




“Roar is scary, but rawr is cute,” she adds.


“So you're a cute little abominable snowman?”


She nods a lot, very fast.  “Uh huh!”


“Come here and let me cuddle the fuck out of you then.”




Which, you know, I do.  Never going to pass up a chance to cuddle the fuck out of Fiona.  Seriously, why would I do that?  She's basically the cuddliest person I've ever met.  Just cuddles all the fucking time.  I'll be in the kitchen trying to make dinner and then all of a sudden I get cuddled.  I'm in the shower, completely unsuspecting, and from out of nowhere comes a naked cuddlebug behind me, wrapping her arms around me.


Fiona is cuddly as fuck in every way possible.


“Sleepytime,” she says, hugging me tight and looking up at me.


“You're finally tired?” I ask her.  “I figured we'd stay up for a few more rounds, really dig into it, get everything out of our systems.”


Her eyes grow wide as she looks up at me, first shocked, then trying to figure out if I'm serious or not, and finally she gets suspicious.  She harrumphs at me before quickly shoving her hand in my bathrobe and going straight for my cock.


“Liar!” she says, finding my not-quite-soft but nowhere near hard cock.


“Hey, if you keep that up I won't be a liar for very long...” I say to her.


She strokes me to test if I'm telling the truth.  I get a little harder, and I think I could go all the way if she seriously wants to keep it up, but eventually she just shrugs and goes back to hugging me.


“Can we have a night when we get back where we just have sex a million times?” she asks me.  “Not tonight, though.  I really am sleepy, Daddy.  I was just teasing you.  You were teasing too, right?”


“Yeah,” I say, smiling and kissing the top of your head.  “Just teasing you.”


“What about the night when we get back where we have sex a million times?”


“I don't know about a million...” I say.


“Nope!  It has to be a million!”


“What about, like... ten times?”


“Ten million?”


“What if we track everything and just go for a million as a lifetime goal?”


“Um, can we?” she asks, suddenly excited at the prospect.


“Yeah, sure, why not?”




Seriously I don't know what the fuck I did to deserve a girl like Fiona but I'm going to make sure I keep doing it for my entire fucking life.  A million times and more than that.  Fuck, man...


“Daddy?” she asks, nuzzling against me.  She says more, but it comes out muffled with her mouth hard against my bathrobe.


“What's that?” I ask, patting her head softly.


“I said, um... can we get blankets and cuddle up outside and look at the stars?”


“You're not going to fall asleep outside on me, are you?” I ask her, one brow raised.


“I'll try to stay awake but if I fall asleep you'll carry me to bed?”


“I suppose I could do that...” I say, hiding a grin.


“Yay,” she says, both excited and growing more tired by the second.


We go about stealing the blankets from the bed and then bringing them over to our private balcony.  I don't think the balcony was made for blanket stargazing, but who cares?  We're doing it.  Fiona pulls a pair of patio chairs together for us to sit on, and then we kind of fold the blankets over the chairs.  I sit in one, regular, and she sits in the other, with her feet curled up under her while she leans onto my shoulder and holds my arm tight.


I wrap the blankets snug around us, warding off the chill of the night air.  It's fucking February and it's kind of cold out.  Really not sure stargazing in bathrobes with blankets is a great idea, but Fiona and I make it work.


It's not that cold, either.  We've got plenty of warmth to go around.  My little fucking cuddlebug over here makes sure of that one.  Somehow she knows exactly how to maximize our body heat and make sure that we both stay optimally warm despite being on a balcony during a chilly February night.


And then we stargaze.  Fiona looks at all the stars, silent, her eyes flashing this way and that, almost like she's in awe that something like this exists.  The night sky is nicer here in Emily's college town and we can see a lot more stars than we can back home.  The way she's looking at the sky makes me want to drive her way up north sometime, to a cabin in the middle of nowhere, so we can see all of the stars without any light pollution whatsoever.


I just cuddle with her and look at the stars, too.  I recognize some constellations from when I was little.  Before the tragic accident with my parents, my dad and I used to do overnight fishing trips and we'd look at the stars while cooking our day's catch over a fire.


I start to point one out to Fiona, but when I look down her eyes are closed.  She breathes gently, clinging softly to me.  Yeah... you didn't even try, Fiona!  Just fell asleep on me after a few minutes.  Wow.  Way to go.


Nah, it's cool.  I like watching her sleep.  I love everything about her, and this is just one more thing I get to enjoy.


I stay outside for a little longer.  I don't know how long.  I look at the stars and I think about things I haven't thought of in a long time.  I think about looking at these same stars when Fiona and I are old enough that twelve years doesn't even seem like that much of an age difference anymore.


Eventually I get up.  I carefully slide her away from me, doing my best to make sure she doesn't wake up.  I stand and scoop her out of the patio chair, blankets and all, and then I carry her back inside.  We left a bedside lamp on, but that's it.  More than enough light to guide me to bed and tuck her in.


Steady, slow, I get her nestled on the bed and I fix the blankets so she's cuddled up and warm.  I go to my side, switch off the lamp, and get in bed under the blankets with her.  As soon as we're together again, she lets out a soft yawn and mumbles something, then she crawls under the blankets and latches onto me.


I hold her tight, wrapping her in my arms, and we fall asleep together.


I love her so fucking much.