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Daddy's Little Angel by Mia Clark (80)



We finish with our food.  It's good.  I even give in to her stupid fucking girly idea about the root beer float.  Kissing?  What the fuck bullshit is that?  It's kind of cute, though.  It's definitely an Ashley thing.  No idea how else to explain that one.  She's so fucking sensitive and responsive, it's ridiculous, but then she does and says shit like that and it's like she wasn't just cumming around my cock, she wasn't just thrashing on the pool table while I was balls deep inside her, she wasn't just trembling from excitement when I ate her out for the very first time ever.


This girl is fucking everything any guy could ever want and I don't know why none of them can see it.  None of them have ever been able to see it.  It's just so fucking strange and insane to me.  It's goddamn weird.


We leave the restaurant and, for fun, I open the door for her again.  She sashays that beautiful fucking derriere at me, too.  Is she doing that shit on purpose?  I follow behind her while she heads to our car.  Scoping the parking lot out, making sure no one's watching, I sneak up close and then smack her ripe little ass.  She squeaks--some fucking delicious, beautiful sound--then spins around and slaps me hard.


Holy fuck, Princess has spunk.  I love it.  I touch my cheek where she smacked me; it stings red hot.


She stares at me, lips parted, then she gasps.  "Oh my God, Ethan, I'm so sorry, I... you startled me, that's all.  I didn't mean to, I swear.  Are you alright?"


"Kiss it," I tell her, offering her my cheek.  "Go on, kiss it better, Princess.  Show me how sorry you are."


She fidgets and squirms.  It's asking a lot.  I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't do it.  I don't actually think she'll do it, but just for fun I add something else.


"I dare you," I say.


There it is.  Determination in her eyes.  And something else, too.  Fuck, she's gorgeous.  It's her eyes.  They're as emotional as her body is responsive.  They say so much, if only you take the time to listen.


She peeks around the parking lot quick, then she slips in close and kisses my cheek.  I think that's it, and she pulls away after, but then she grabs my cheeks in her palms and stands up on tiptoes and she kisses me.


I grab her.  It's instinctive, but only for a second, and then I realize what I'm doing, but I don't give a fuck.  I hold her hips and pull her close and I kiss her back.  My tongue finds hers and we dance, holding each other, kissing with passion and lust.


Yeah, I've had a hard-on this entire time.  Full throbbing erection.  I can't help it.  This girl does shit to me that you wouldn't even understand.


Someone whistles at us, a cat call.  Ashley stops kissing me and blushes, flustered, then tries to pull away, but I keep my hands on her hips, holding her close.  I slip in once more, giving her a final, soft kiss, then I let her go.  We both turn to look at who we just gave a show to, and it's just some random fuck.  I don't know who.  No one important.  I don't recognize him, and he sure as fuck doesn't recognize us.


Which is good, because if he did, he'd realize I was just making out with my stepsister.  And, yeah, probably not the best thing for someone to know about.  I'd really rather they didn't.


It's supposed to be a guilt-free temporary thing, anyways.


We head back to the car again.  She gets in her side on her own this time, and I get into the driver's seat.  Doors close, we're sitting there.  I put the key in the ignition, turn on the car, but just let it idle for a bit.  I want to go back home, I want to lift her up over my shoulder, drag her upstairs, and fuck the shit out of her.  Maybe we won't even get upstairs.  I don't know.


It's just too much, though.  You ever want to fuck someone so bad that when the time finally comes, it seems too good to be true?  And you just don't want to ruin it, so maybe you'll wait a little longer?  What's the rush, right?


This is kind of like that.  Kind of.  I just want to savor the fuck out of it, that's all.  I don't expect you to understand, but just try, alright?


"Hey, um..." Ashley says.  She's got her phone, must have pulled it out of her pocket when she got in.  "Do you want to...?"


"What?" I ask.  "Tell me, Princess."


She blushes and mumbles and taps on her phone, swiping through menus.  "Hold on, um... don't start driving yet, alright?"


"Yeah," I say, grinning.  "I'll wait."


She's so fucking adorable it hurts.  Sexy as fuck, cute as a button, I want to fuck her hard and then squeeze her tight and hug her for days.  Yeah, it doesn't even make sense to me.  I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.


"The drive-in just started playing again this year," she says.  "They opened last week.  It's a double feature like always, and um..."


"Starts at sunset," I say.  Everyone knows this.  It's an old school kind of place.  Not many left, but it's nice.  Updated to try and make it more appealing, but I like the classic charm of it, too.


This is going to sound fucked up, but my favorite time to go to the drive-in was when it was slightly rainy out.  Not a full on rain, because then they canceled the show for the night, but if it was just a little drizzle they risked it, and, fuck, that was the best.  Real great ambiance, with the sound playing through your car radio, and the gentle pitter-patter of rain on the roof of your car, and maybe you'd turn the wipers on now and again to wipe away the rain, while the movie played on the big screen up above.


It's just nice, that's all.


"If you want to go, we um... we can?" Ashley asks.


"Listen, Princess, it sounds like you're trying to drag me out on dates or some shit," I say.  Because, yeah, that's what it sounds like.


"I'm not," she says.  That's it.  That's all.  No explanation


"Good, because that's not how this works," I say.


"How does it work, Ethan?" she asks.


What the fuck?  Shouldn't it be obvious?  Except, maybe not.  I realize we haven't really talked about it, so maybe we should.


"I'm your stepbrother with benefits for the week," I tell her.  "We're not dating or anything."


"I know," she says.  "But does that mean we can't go on dates?"


"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what it means."


"Why?" she asks.


"What the fuck?  What do you mean why?"


"I don't know," she says, but there's more to it.  She knows.  I know she knows.


"Just tell me," I say.


"You said this was supposed to be fun," she says.  "Rule number six," she adds, mumbling.


"I meant with sex," I say.  "Like if you want to try out different positions or whatever.  Anal sex?  I don't fucking know."


"Anal sex?" she asks, eyes wide.  "Oh, um..."


"You want to?" I ask.


"I... I don't know?" she says.  "I've never thought about it before."


"It's up to you.  It's not for everyone.  No big deal if you'd rather not."


"Maybe?" she says.


I laugh.  "Yeah, sure.  Maybe."


"Alright," she says, and the way she says it, the way she smiles when she says it.  Fuck, she's so perfect.  This is fucking me up bad.


"I don't want it to just be sex fun, though," she says.  "I want to have actual fun, too."


"At the drive-in movie theatre?" I ask.  "Princess, that sounds a lot like a date, except it sounds like I won't even be able to make out with you or feel you up because we'll be in public.  Shitty fucking date, don't you think?"


"We can hold hands?" she offers.  " We can sit in the back seat and cuddle and hold hands."


"Do you realize what you're saying right now?"


"Um, yes?"


"You're fucking cracked."


"Well, maybe, but I'd still like to go to the drive-in.  It's nice, and they're playing good movies."


"It's two romantic comedy flicks, isn't it?  Hit me with the news, Princess.  I can take it.  It's definitely two romantic comedies."


She hesitates.  "No..."


"No?  I don't believe you."  I go to grab her phone to check for myself, but she slaps my hand away.


"It's one!  It's one romantic comedy!  The other one is just a regular romance.  I don't think it's a funny one.  It doesn't sound funny, at least."


Holy fuck.  Are you kidding me?  Is she for real?  "So you want me to go watch a romantic comedy and some romance movie that isn't even funny?  With you?  When we could go home and fuck for hours instead?  Because, really, I'm ready, Princess.  You just say the word and I'll be in that pussy a second later."


"I would like to go to the drive-in," she says.  "Please."


"I'd like to fuck you until you can't walk," I say.  I don't say please, though.  Who the fuck do you think I am?


Also, guess who wins?  Just guess?  Where do we go?  Home or to the drive-in?  I think the answer is pretty obvious.  It should be.