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Daddy's Little Angel by Mia Clark (98)



I don't know what's wrong with him.  In addition to that, I don't know what's wrong with me.  Why am I even considering doing this?  Our parents are right downstairs!  They could hear us.  They could come up looking for us.  They could stand right outside our door and knock and ask to come in, and then what?


I can say no, I guess.  I can be quiet, too.  I don't know if I want to be quiet, though.  Maybe they won't come up at all?


I hesitate, and Ethan stares at me.


I stare back at him.  Hard.  This is my room, isn't it?  He's not the boss here, I am, and...


I don't know.  That's as far as I get with that line of thinking.  I have another thought, though, and I kind of like it.


"What if I don't want to?" I ask him, haughty, smirking.


"Oh, you're going to play that game?" he asks.  "You want to, Princess.  Don't deny it."


I shake my head and lift my chin up.  "Nope!"


"You're making me so much fucking harder right now," he says.  "I'm going to make you pay for that."


He steps towards me, but I'm quick.  I think I'm quick, at least.  I leap over my bed, scattering my clothes from the shopping bag, and dive for the other side to slip away from him.


It doesn't go very well.  Ethan grabs my ankles and stops my dive, then pulls me back slightly.  He moves his hands up my legs towards my thighs, then flips me around onto my back.  I'm trapped now, pinned on the bed by his strong arms while he looms over me with an intense look in his eyes.


"Now why'd you have to do that?" he asks, smirking.


I cross my arms over my chest and pretend not to look at him, even though I can see him out of the corner of my eye.  "Because," I say.


"Because what?" he asks.  "Because of this morning?"


"You were kind of mean, huh?" I ask.  "Actually, yes and no.  I was really upset about that, Ethan."


He lets go of my legs and slides onto the bed next to me.  I turn to face him and we lay like that, sideways across the bed, both of us staring into the other's eyes.


"Yeah," he says.  "Look, I'm sorry about that, Ashley.  Can you forgive me?"


"Why'd you do it?" I ask him.  I'm curious to know the answer, but I"m even more curious to hear him apologize and ask for forgiveness.  I don't think I've ever heard Ethan Colton do something like that on his own before.


"I was angry," he says.  He refuses to elaborate.


"If you want me to forgive you, you have to talk to me, alright?" I tell him.  "You need to tell me everything."


"I don't do this," he says.  "It's too much like... like shit I don't do."


I understand.  It's too much like a relationship, which is something we can't have.  But maybe we can, too?  I don't know.


"Ethan," I say, reaching out to touch his cheek.  "I know what we're doing is um... unorthodox?  I want you to know that no matter what happens, you're like my family now, too, though.  Your dad is my stepdad and my mom is your stepmom, and we're stepsiblings, so I think we should be able to talk to each other about things."


He looks away for a second, but then he turns back to me.  There's some look in his eyes that startles me for a second.  It's different from how he usually looks at things; how he usually looks at me.


"I'm not used to talking about emotional bullshit," he says.  "It's easier to just move on and forget it."


"Is that what you want to do then?" I ask.  "You want to move on and forget this?"


"No," he says.  "That's the problem.  I like what was going on.  I'm pissed that our parents came back early and they're ruining it.  You want to know what I thought about while I was driving?" he asks.




"Stupid shit," he says with a grin.  "Just dumb, stupid shit.  I was thinking about how we could get a hotel room or something for the rest of the week and do our own thing there.  Maybe go on a vacation or something.  Hang out in Cancun or Aruba or wherever the fuck, I don't know.  Then we wouldn't have to stop early and we could have a good time."


"You weren't really thinking that, were you?" I ask him.  I don't know how he could.  He just... he confuses me.  He seemed so upset this morning.  So dismissive of everything involving me, that I'm not sure how he could have thought of any of that.


"Yeah, I don't know," he says, shrugging slightly.  "It's fucked up."


"I really like you," I say without thinking.  Oh God, did I just say that?  "Um... as a friend, I mean.  Stepbrother.  With benefits.  Or without benefits.  I think.  This is the first time we've ever really talked a lot, huh?"


"Yeah," he says.  "I guess so.  You're pretty cool, yourself.  I don't hate you."


"Oh, you don't hate me?" I say, rolling my eyes at him.  "Thanks a lot!"


"I like you, Princess.  I'd hang out with you, even if we weren't going to fuck."


"Me, too," I say, nodding quick.  "But, we are.  As soon as you get my pants off."


"Shit, is that a challenge?" he asks.


"Um... yes, maybe, because we have to be quiet!" I say.  "Maybe this won't work.  I don't know how this is going to work.  Do you really think we're going to be able to sneak this past our parents for the rest of the week?"


"I've got an idea," he says, smirking.  "What I'm really curious about is how we're going to manage rule number fifteen."


"That's the..."  It takes me a moment, but then I remember.  "That's impossible!  We definitely can't do that one."


"Nah, your rule, Princess.  I didn't make it.  You can't give up now."


"They'll figure it out," I say.  "Ethan, we can't sleep in the same room together.  It's not going to work."


"We're sleeping in the same room together," he says.  "Tonight you're going to come to my room.  You think I'm just going to give up on this?  You're wrong."


He says all of this while sitting up and reaching towards my pants.  His fingers unbutton my jeans and tug on the waistband, pulling them down my hips.  Then a little lower, lower still, until he has them all the way off.  He tosses them on the floor by the side of the bed.


"Maybe we can... I can sneak out," I say.  I'm distracted.  I don't realize he's pulling at the waistband of my panties at first.


"Hey, some help here?" he asks.  "Lift that beautiful fucking ass of yours up so I can pull this shit off and shove my cock in your glorious pussy."


"Wow, really?  You're so romantic.  Do you seriously say these things to girls?  I don't know how you ever have sex."


"Please?" he asks, grinning.  "I want to taste your sweet pussy first, too.  You're fucking delicious, Princess."


Well, I can't really object to that, now can I?  Because I do kind of want him to lick me there.  Um... it was very good last time, and...


Our parents are seriously right downstairs!  We definitely shouldn't be doing this.  Unfortunately my hips are intent on giving in to Ethan's seductions, and they seemingly lift of their own accord.  He pulls my panties slowly down my legs and I lay there on the bed, bare from the waist down.


"Fuck, you're beautiful," he says, staring at my crotch.


"Not really," I say to him.  "You just like my pussy."


"Nah," he says.  He claps a hand against my sex, holding me there tight, and then he moves up until his face is right over mine, our lips almost touching.  "I don't usually say this shit, Princess, but since you're my stepsister, I'll make an exception.  You're beautiful everywhere.  You're pretty as fuck, cute, and a lot of fun.  Not just sex fun, either.  You're the entire fucking package."


I don't know what to say to that.  I reach up and cup his cheeks with my hands and then pull him down to kiss him.  He comes and he kisses me while his hand holds my bare pussy.  He slides his fingers up and down, teasing at my arousal.


I have something to admit.  I know this is strange, but I've been horny all day.  I've missed being able to see and touch and feel Ethan whenever I want, and I thought about maybe masturbating, but um... mostly I was with my mom, so that wouldn't really work, you know?  When we finally came home and I went upstairs to look at my clothes and put them away, I was seriously considering locking my door, laying down on my bed and...


But now I don't have to.  Ethan is here.  He can do it for me?  The thought makes me giggle into his kiss, and he pulls back, giving me a funny look.


"Something funny?" he asks.


"Yes," I say.  "Why are you taking so long to have sex with me?  I'm ready, if you haven't noticed."


"Holy fuck, being sassed by a chick with no pants.  This is unreal.  You want my cock that bad, Princess?"


I bite my bottom lip and nod at him.  "I would not be opposed to it," I say.


"Yeah yeah, hold the fuck on..."  He gets up, pulling away from me.


My body misses the heat of his hand as soon as he's gone.  I feel the chill of the open air caressing against my slick arousal.  To make up for his loss, I sneak my hand between my legs and start playing with myself.  Ethan undoes his pants, slow at first, but when he sees me touching between my legs, he hurries up fast.


Now he's naked from the waist down like me.  Pants on the floor, shoes kicked off, no socks, underwear gone... His cock throbs and bounces in front of me.  I lick my lips, staring at him.  I think this is going to be a lot of fun...


"I wanted to do this properly," he says.  "We don't have a lot of time, though.  Dinner's going to be ready soon.  Probably ten or fifteen minutes now.  So, yeah, this is going to be quick as fuck, Princess.  I'll make it up to you later.  Promise."


I start to answer him, to say that's fine, that I just want him right now, that I need him, but he stifles me by pressing his lips hard against mine.


His mouth, those lips, against um... not my mouth... not those lips...


He slaps my hand away from my pussy and grabs my thighs, then pulls me across the bed closer to him.  Lifting me up until only my shoulders and my head are the only things touching the bed, he pulls my thighs over his shoulders and buries his mouth into my wet, bare pussy.  The sensation is instant, almost shocking, like falling through the ice while walking across a frozen lake in the winter.  This is a good shock, though.


My body bucks and writhes as his tongue laps at my slit.  He tickles the tip of his tongue against my clit, side to side, then up and around, slow, fast, everything.  His hands hold me up, fingers digging into my butt, keeping me pressed tight against his mouth.


"Oh my God!" I scream out.  When I realize what's going on, I clap my hand over my mouth, trying to quiet myself down.  This is a huge struggle, though.  This is exciting in all the wrong ways.  I really shouldn't be excited at my stepbrother um... eating me out... when our parents are right downstairs.  For some reason that makes it kind of more exciting, though.  This is so wrong it's ridiculous, and the risk makes it all the more interesting.


My stomach flutters, a mix of nervous butterflies and orgasmic anticipation.  Because, mhm, I'm pretty sure that's where we're going with this.


Ethan lays me back on the bed softly.  His lips are wet and glistening from my arousal.  "Holy fuck, Princess," he says.  "I could eat you out all day."


"Maybe tomorrow?" I offer.


"Don't even fucking tempt me," he says.  "I'll drag you to a fucking airport, get us both tickets on the next flight to who gives a fuck, and do whatever the hell I want with you for days."


"Really!" I say, laughing.  "It sounds fun, but maybe a little more romance?"


"What do you want from me here?  Cover the bed in roses and then drench your pussy in red wine while I eat you out?"


"Um... actually that would be kind of hot," I say, squirming.


"Oh yeah?" he asks.  He slides my butt on the bed, moving my head closer to my pillows.


I nod quick.  "Mhm."


"I don't usually do shit like that, but I'd do it for you," he says.


It's just so... so crass, but romantic, too?  But in a weird way, because I don't think this is supposed to be romantic.  We aren't romancing each other, we're just doing a stepbrother with benefits thing.


Right?  Yes... I think so... I'm not sure anymore.


Now is not the time to think about that, though.


"Here's how we'll do this," he says.  "You need to be quiet, right?  Me too.  So first we--"  He grabs my hips and before I realize it I'm flipped over onto my stomach.  "--just like that, and then if you have to scream or anything, bury your face in a pillow.  Got it?"


"Very scientific and technical," I say, laughing.


"Don't fucking sass me, Princess," he says.


Ethan laughs, too.  Not for the same reasons at all.  He laughs because in the middle of telling me not to sass him, he lines his cock up with the entrance to my pussy and thrusts all the way into me.  When he finishes his sentence, I let out a sharp gasp, arching my back.  Thankfully my face naturally ends up in a pillow, because right after thrusts inside of me I make a lot of noises.  I'm not even sure what I'm saying, but it's loud and uncontrollable.


Ethan grabs my hips and pulls me up slightly, bringing the center of my body a little ways off the bed.  He sneaks his hand towards my stomach, then down to my clit, and starts rubbing lightly.  When he's set himself up nicely, he pulls out of me, then thrusts hard back in.  His other hand holds my hip, keeping me in place and pulling my body harder onto his cock.


I reach for a pillow.  Another pillow.  I grab it.  I shove it under my face and scream as loud as I can into it.  It's kind of fun and cathartic in a weird way.  I can hear myself, but I hope no one else can.


I didn't know I was this worked up.  Before being with Ethan, I didn't know I could even be this worked up.  I'd only had orgasms with myself, never with someone else, and the sex I had was um... not very exciting.  It felt nice, and I thought that's what sex was.  It was just something nice.


No.  Apparently not.  Sex with Ethan is raw and primal and hard.  It isn't nice, it's reality-shattering.  With each of his thrusts, I can feel my entire world falling to pieces all around me.  There's so much sensation existing inside me, there's so many wonderful feelings to experience, and I never even knew any of this existed before.


I cum.  I was more than ready to, and I do.  Usually it takes me a little longer when we're further into having sex, but not now.  Ethan keeps teasing and toying with my clit while he thrusts hard into me, but I can tell it's a little more difficult for him with me squeezing and clutching against him.


"Fuck, did you just cum?" he asks.  He sounds cocky and overly arrogant, but I guess he has a reason for it right now.


I shift my mouth away from the pillow, turning my head to the side.  "Shut up and keep going," I say.


He laughs, but quietly, a little bit.  "I wasn't planning on stopping," he says.  "Not yet."


Something comes over me.  This is too insane.  I don't know why I'm doing this, or what we're even doing.  This is not something that girls like me do.  Ethan's corrupted me, hasn't he?  Except I kind of like being corrupted.  I guess a corrupted person would say that, wouldn't they?


It's just...


One orgasm leads into the next.  I'm not sure the first ever stopped.  I didn't know I could have multiple orgasms before now, but here I am, having them.  It's another new experience, and it's absolutely amazing.  My body shivers and thrives on its newfound sexual energy.


To make up for my clenching resistance, Ethan shifts up, right above me now.  He pushes his hand on the small of my back, holding me down, then slams hard into me.  My body resists him because of my climax, but at this vantage point it doesn't matter.  He is filling me whether the inner depths of my pussy want him to or not.


I don't care what they want.  I want him to fill me.


My body cools.  Not completely, but my last orgasm trembles away to a more steady, even moment of passion.  I think it does, at least.  My arousal flares up again when Ethan spanks my ass hard and sends a smacking echo through my room.  I clench my eyes shut and moan into the pillow again, trying to stifle the noise.


He does it again.  My body quivers beneath him.  My ass shakes.  He thrusts hard into me and smacks my butt and...


Oh my God it's loud, isn't it?  I turn to say something to him, but it just comes out in a garbled mess of partial nonsense words.


"You want me to be quieter?  Then cum again for me, Princess," he says.  He must have understood me whether I thought I made sense or not.


I didn't think I liked being spanked before this.  I'm not even sure if I do like being spanked or not, or if it's more to do with the fact that all of this is wrong.  Having sex with Ethan is wrong, doing it in my bed when our parents are downstairs is wrong, and now him spanking me makes it even more wrong, and...


I give in to him.  Again.  He's tiring, getting tired.  How long have we been having sex?  I glance over at the clock on my bedside table, and it hasn't even been that long.  How is this possible?  It's like time is standing still all around us while we condense these intense sexual sensations into a fraction of the amount of time they should take.


We've discovered it.  We've discovered the secret to time travel, haven't we?


It all comes crashing back, though.  Time speeds up again and my body convulses in another orgasm.  I belatedly realized this isn't my third, it's my fourth.  I don't know how that happened.  I'm really not sure.  I can't explain it.


Ethan presses hard into me with one final thrust and grabs my hips with both of his hands, pulling himself as far into me as he can.  His cock twitches and throbs.  I know what's coming next, but my own body is betraying me in treacherous orgasm already.  He cums, filling me as deeply as he can, while my inner walls grab and milk his cock, begging him for more.


This is so... it's so perfect.  How can something so wrong be so perfect at the same time?


I don't know.  I don't think I want to ever know.  I just want to live in the moment, to be where I am right now, and not think about anything else.


I want to stay here.  Forever.  I want to be with him...


That's not a part of this.  It won't work.  I know we can't.  I still kind of wish we could.


Ethan slips out of me and slaps my butt one last time.


"Let's go, Princess," he says.  "Mom and Dad are waiting."


Cool, cocky, and confident.  He gets up off my bed like we didn't just fuck with wild, reckless abandon.  It was wild.  And reckless.  It was amazing, too, though.


"I can't believe we did that," I say, in awe and disbelief.


"You know you loved it," he says.  Bending down, he grabs his pants off my bedroom floor.


I lay on the bed, feeling the remnants of him inside me.  I like it.  It feels right for some reason.  I watch him pulling his pants on.  They hang loose on his hips even after he's zipped and buttoned them.  I like the way his abs tense when he moves, even small movements, and I like how there's a little muscular V near his hips, like there's an arrow pointing the way to his sexual treasure.


A sign to lead me, or one to warn me away from danger.  I still haven't figured out which it is yet.  I'm still half naked long after he finishes putting his clothes on and fixing himself up to look mostly regular again.  He gives me a look.  It's a strange look.  I don't know what it means at first, but then...


He's on me.  Above me.  Two of his fingers thrust deep inside me, claiming my sex as his.  I gasp and arch my back, eyes rolling into my head.


"Ethan!" I gasp.


"Listen, Ashley, you think you can get away with looking at me like that, laying on your bed with no pants on?" he asks.  "Nah, I don't think so.  You're still mine right now.  Yeah, that's a good girl."  He moves his fingers inside of me and I writhe and squirm at his touch.  "Fuck, you're so sensitive.  How many orgasms did you have?  Tell me."


I whimper and moan, but he ignores me.


"Tell me.  Now.  How many?"


"Four," I whisper.




"Mom and Dad will... they'll hear us, Ethan," I tell him.  If they haven't heard us already, that is.  "You need to stop."


"You think I care?" he growls.  "Tell me how many orgasms you had?  Your pussy is mine, and I want to keep track."


"Four," I say again.  I realize immediately this is a lie, though.  My body is betraying me again, and small tremors of ecstatic excitement shiver through me.  There's something wrong with me, isn't there?  I shouldn't get this excited, especially now.  We really do need to stop.


I admit it, though.  Judging by the grin on his face, he already knows.  "Five," I say, blushing.


He thrusts his fingers into me harder now, sending me into thrashing spasms on the bed.  I hold my hands over my mouth to keep from screaming out my lust.  Finally he stops, and I stop, but we're not done yet.


He brings his fingers to my mouth, the same ones that were just inside me.  "Taste," he says.


My God, this... this is wrong.  All of this is wrong, though.  I'm getting too attached to this.  I'm becoming too wrapped up in it.  I wish it wasn't happening.  Not because I want it to stop.  I wish Ethan wasn't my stepbrother.  I wish we could...


We can't.


I open my mouth without thinking and lick and suck at his fingers like they're his cock.  I glance towards his crotch while I taste everything he has to offer me, which is everything I had to offer him, and, yes, he's erect again.  He's as aroused as me.  Maybe I don't have to suck his fingers?  Maybe I can... do we have enough time?


He pulls his finger away and smirks at me.  "Now put some damn pants on," he says.  "Mom and Dad are waiting for us."


No sooner than he says it, I hear something, though.  I'm not sure how we didn't hear this before.  Footsteps, coming down the hall.  Closer.  Right outside my door.  Panicking, I glance towards the door, but it's locked.  Ethan locked it before he came in.


"Fuck," he says, hushed.


Well yeah!  Fuck is right!


Someone knocks softly, and a second later I hear Ethan's dad.  "Ashley, is everything alright?  I thought I heard something."


I freeze.  Ethan glares at me, then nudges my shoulder a little.  Oh, right!  Um...


"Tell him it's alright, Princess," he whispers.  "You're up.  This is your time to shine."


The way he says it almost makes me laugh, but I stop myself because this really isn't funny!  This is honestly more than a little scary.  My heart races and I breathe in deep, then exhale, trying to calm myself down.


"Yes, um... sorry.  I was in the shower."


"It's alright," my stepdad says.  "I just wanted to let you know that dinner's ready."


"Alright!" I say.  Too excited.  Calm down!  He's going to suspect something.  "I'll be down in a second.  Sorry."


"No rush.  Me and your mom just finished up.  Have you seen Ethan?  Did he come to talk to you?"


I glance over at Ethan.  Have I seen him?  Um, yes, he's standing here right now.  Also, I still don't have pants on.  I stand up, legs shaking, and go to get them.


I start putting them on and say, "Um... yes, he did.  He... well, I haven't seen him since then.  I don't know where he is.  He's not here now.  Because I was just in the shower, of course.  So he wouldn't be.  That would just be weird."


Ethan gives me the most deadpan look I've ever seen.  He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't have to.  Are you serious, Princess?  Are you seriously serious?  Did you just say all of that?  That's what he says to me with his eyes.


I glare back at him and shake my head, eyes wide, lips curled, tongue sticking out.  What was I supposed to say!


"Alright," Ethan's dad says.  "I hope you two are doing better.  I know it's rough sometimes.  I checked his room, but he isn't there.  If you see him, could you tell him dinner's ready?  Maybe he slipped outside.  I'll go check."


"Sure," I say.  "I will."


Ethan's dad starts to walk away.  I hear him stop a few steps down the hall, though.  I freeze.  Again.  Ethan freezes, too.  Sort of.  He doesn't look nearly as frozen as me.


A couple of seconds later, his dad keeps going, heading to the stairs.


"Apparently you're outside," I say, glancing towards the window.  "Maybe you should jump out so your dad doesn't suspect anything?"


"Did you seriously just tell me to go jump out a window?" he asks.


"I don't know!"


"You don't know if you told me to jump out a window?  I can tell you for sure that you did," he says, grinning.


"I was just saying," I say.


"How are you going to explain going down to dinner without wet hair after you apparently just took a shower?" Ethan asks.


"Oh no... wait, I just didn't wash my hair.  That's it.  Today isn't the day I wash my hair.  It'll work.  It makes sense."


"Or you could take a shower," he says.


"I don't have time to take a shower, Ethan!  Dinner's ready.  Didn't you hear your dad?"


"Yeah, so you're going to go down like that, Princess?" he asks.  "You realize I just filled you up.  Came inside you.  Your pussy is coated.  For real.  You sure you don't want to sneak in a quick shower?"


"Why did you have to say that?" I ask.  "Why did you have to remind me?"


"Just go downstairs like that," he says, grinning.  "No big deal.  Eat dinner in front of your mom and my dad with my cum leaking out of you.  What do I care?"


"Gross.  Ick."


"How about this," he says.  "Later, after dinner, when we're both going to bed, I'll take a shower with you.  I'll clean you inside and out, Princess.  What do you say?"


He moves close to me, grabbing my chin in his hand, lifting it up so that my eyes meet his.


"You're just trying to trick me," I tell him, rolling my eyes.  "Once I'm clean, you're just going to make me dirty again, aren't you?"


"You want me to?  You want to be my dirty girl, Princess?"


I don't answer.  I don't answer because, yes, I kind of do?  A little bit?  Maybe a lot.  I don't know how we're going to do this.  It's not going to work.  Someone's going to find out.  Someone is going to catch us, and then what?


It's only for a week, though.  That's it.  We can do it.  I can do this!  I think.  I hope.  I really want to.


I like how Ethan makes me feel.  It's not just my body, but it's everything.  I like how we can laugh, even during sex.  I thought sex was supposed to be serious before, but Ethan makes it fun.  I like how we can cuddle after, even without sex.  I like how I'm going to sleep in his room tonight.  I don't know how that's going to work.  I don't think I can explain that to my mom if she finds us in there together, cuddled under the blankets on his bed, but...


I just want to do it anyways.  I like how he's warm and rough and hard and soft and gentle and careful but he pushes my limits, too.  I like how wrong this is, but how right it feels, and it hurt before.  It hurt when he left me like that, it hurt when he said things like that at breakfast, but Ethan is a bad boy.  I've heard him say a lot worse to other people.


He's mine, though.  He's my bad boy.  For a week.  We don't have a lot of time left.  I want to savor it.


It's all I'll ever have of him.  I don't know what kind of relationship we'll have after that.  I don't know if we'll have anything.  I don't know if it's possible.


I try to convince myself it will be fine having Ethan as a friend, as just my stepbrother.


I try, but I'm not sure if I succeed.


I put my panties and pants back on, then we listen at the door to make sure no one's there.  Sneaking out together, we head to the stairs to go down and eat dinner with our parents.  Before we do, he grabs me and pushes me up against a wall and kisses me.  His hands roam up my sides towards my breasts, and he gropes and fondles me like that.  One hand sneaks lower, to my crotch, feeling me up in the middle of the hallway.


I don't care.  I kiss him back.  It's just for a second.  Two, three, four.  We're done.  He pulls away from me, and only then do I fully realize what we just did.


I open my mouth, gaping, and just stare at him.


"Did you really just do that?" I ask.


"See you downstairs, Princess," Ethan says, grinning.  "Dinner's ready.  Don't forget."