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Daddy's Little Angel by Mia Clark (73)



While Ashley goes to clean up and put some clothes on, apparently it's my job to play host to her friend, Julia.  Well, fuck.


I kind of wish she hadn't done that.  Because, going to be honest here, I'm nowhere near done with Ashley yet.  Not even close.  I've got a week to get this shit out of my system, and I plan to take full advantage of that.


Is that what this is then?  Getting it out of my system?




Alright, maybe a little bit.  Who the fuck knows?


It's supposed to be for her, too, to show Ashley what's up, to give her some experience and teach her what a guy who's actually into her can be like.  Which I am.  Fuck, I'm into her alright.  Holy shit this girl is my stepsister.  I don't know what I'm thinking right now.  This is messed up.  Yeah, alright, but who cares?


Not me.  Not exactly.  Her pussy is fine as hell and I plan to take full advantage of my week with her.  It's just...


This whole thing is more complicated than I first thought.  To be fair, I didn't even think about it much, though.  Friends with benefits?  Yeah, that works great when you can stop, when once it's all done you can just go your separate ways and never bother with the person again.


Ashley lives in the same house as me.  We're stuck here together for the rest of the summer.  Once her mom and my dad come back from vacation, how's that going to work?  Future planning isn't exactly my strong suit if you couldn't tell.


I'll just leave.  Go on vacation like Ashley thought I would.  She can have the house to herself for the rest of the summer, or as much to herself as she can with our parents hanging around, too.  Not that they really count for this, since I'm the one fucking her and that's the reason it's going to be awkward.


Maybe.  Who knows?  I'll play it by ear, see how it goes.  Maybe it'll be fine.  Not that I give a shit, because I don't.  Ashley's the one I'm worried about.


Worried?  What the fuck bullshit is this?  I don't even know.


Anyways, I have stuff to do.  Get the fuck out of my head.


I head downstairs and go to the front door, then walk towards the front gate.  Going to invite the girl in all personal-like, be a good host, whatever.  Yeah, I could just hit a buzzer and open the gate for her, but I need some time to think and a short walk sounds good.


Except I forgot my shirt.  Not really.  I didn't wear a shirt on purpose, and it doesn't bother me, but when Julia sees me walking to the gate to let her in, her jaw drops.  The pretty bitch just stands there, staring at me, practically salivating over my ripped abs.  Yeah, that's right.  I work out.  Sexy as fuck, and don't you forget it.


I'm not trying to be.  I didn't plan on this.  It's not like I want to hook up with my sister's friend or anything.  Not that I have anything against it, either, but this isn't supposed to be like that.


Well, fuck, she's still staring at me.


I open the gate and let her in, and she stammers out some words of thanks.


"Umm... thanks... hey, Ethan," Julia says.


"Hey, what's up?" I say.  You know, common greeting, right?


This chick takes it super seriously.  I didn't mean to start a full on conversation here, but whatever.


"Oh, just going to hang out with Ashley.  She texted me last night.  I would have come over, but she said you two were having a movie night together?  That's so nice of you!  I wish I had a brother like you that I could hang out with."


By that, I'm pretty sure she means she wishes she had man candy to stare at, because going by the way she can't keep her eyes off my abs, she's not at all interested in just hanging out with someone like me.  Yeah, she wants the D.  Oh well, what can you do?


"Yeah," I say.  "She's inside.  Let's go."


Julia starts following me like some lovesick puppy dog, which is probably pretty close to the truth.  I don't know why this shit happens to me.  I mean, no, I know why it happens, and I should have put a shirt on or something, but it probably would have happened either way.  Once we step inside it gets even worse.


Holy fuck, girl, my eyes are up here.  Yeah, the air conditioner is on, and, yeah, my man nips are hard.  It's natural.  Biology or whatever.  I'm just not that into you.  I'm sure I could have sex with this girl if I wanted to.  It wouldn't be hard.  She's pretty cute, decent body, probably into it.  I like her voice, too.  That's important, alright?  When a girl screams your name while you're thrusting into her, pounding the fuck out of her, naked and covered in sweat, you want it to sound nice.


"Ethan!  Ethan!  Yes!  More!  Ethan!  Yes!"


Yeah, I bet Julia would be good at that.  I can believe it.


"You look different," she says, putting a hand on my bicep.  "You play football, right?  I know you did in high school but do you still play in college?"


"Yeah," I say.  "Quarterback.  We went 11-1 this year.  Good season."


"So you won eleven games?" she asks.


Uh, yeah, that's exactly what that means...


I think I'm supposed to be polite right now, though.  This is Ashley's friend, so it makes sense.  Why the fuck does she keep touching my bicep?  Chicks always do this.  I don't get it.  Do I walk up to them and just start copping a feel, groping their breasts?  Nah, I don't think so.  I wouldn't mind, though.  Maybe I'll try it sometime.


And then she moves to the abs.  It's like a fucking script, preplanned.  I could have told you all of this would happen.  Yeah, where's my shirt?  I don't fucking know.  Ashley's the smart girl.  Why the fuck didn't she tell me to put my shirt on?  I'm blaming this on her.


"So... do you have a girlfriend?" Julia asks.  "I've just been um... curious.  Not for any reason.  I'm single, myself.  Haven't met any nice guys yet, so..."


I have no clue what that means.  I'm definitely not a nice guy.  I mean, obviously she wants my cock, but that still doesn't make me a nice guy.  Well, whatever.  Let's just go with it.


Because, yeah, you know what?  I just realized this, but it's important.  Friends with benefits.  With Ashley.  For a week.  And then what?  I need a way to break it off.  I need Ashley to know what a prick I am, to want nothing to do with me.  It's going to be hard.  For her.  Not me.  I've done this a million times before.  No big deal.


I think Julia is the answer, though.  When I'm done with Ashley, I'll coincidentally start hanging out with Julia, get them both to hate me, then they can hang out together and hate me at the same time.  Girl talk.  Movie nights.  The whole nine yards.


Wait.  Wow.  Fuck.  What if Ashley has a movie night with Julia to get over me, and they both get drunk and... nah.  That doesn't happen, does it?  Accidental lesbians?  Bisexual?  Huh...


I'm too lost in my fucked up ideas to realize that Julia's fingers are creeping past the waistband of my pants and we're standing in the middle of the hallway, right by the stairs.  My cock is still twitching, ready for some action after leaving Ashley, and I think it's giving this thirsty chick some ideas, too.  No clue.  It's definitely not just my shirtless abs she's staring at anymore.