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Billionaire's Nanny (A Billionaire Romance) by Alexa Davis (118)



6 Months Later


I stepped out of the meeting with my publisher, grinning brightly. That meeting was a positive one, and my medial writing career was looking to be a successful one.

Since I had all my notes from over the years, the first book hadn’t taken me very long to write, and surprisingly, I’d managed to get a publisher’s interest much so that they wanted me to write a series. They claimed that my writing style was entertaining as well as informative and that it could speak to other health professionals, teachers, and parents of children with speech difficulties equally, which would turn out to be quite a large market, much more than what I was expecting.

As soon as I was outside, I tugged my phone out of my pocket to speak to the one person that needed to know right away, my rock in all of this.

“Hello?” Matthew answered, sounding about as on edge as I’d been feeling that morning. I already knew that he wanted to know how my meeting had gone, and I couldn't wait to put him out of his misery. “How was it?”

“Excellent,” I squealed. “I cannot believe it; they want me to write a whole series.”

“That’s incredible!” he gasped, so excited for me. “Although I’m not surprised; your book is amazing.”

“Yeah, but you have to say that,” I joked, feeling like I was walking on cloud nine. “The publishers don't.”

“Well, while we’re sharing the good news, I have some for you...” he trailed off, leaving me hanging. “I’ve won an award, one that I didn’t even realize that I was nominated for, for my practice. The awards ceremony is tonight. Do you think that you’ll be back from the city soon enough to come with me?”

“Oh my God, of course I will,” I promised, knowing I would race back if I needed to. “That’s such good news. I can’t believe it. I mean, I can because you’re such a good doctor... Oh, you know what I mean.”

My head was all over the place, jumping about with everything. Ever since the horror of losing my mom, things had been going well for me and Matthew, making us both so happy. That suggested to me that not only was my mom watching over us, but we were also both where we needed to be. We had made the right decision in picking one another. “This will look good for the charity foundation, too.”

We had started up a charity in Mom’s name to help fund research, with Matthew putting in a lot of his lottery winnings, and that cash was going to do a whole lot of good. Not only were we raising a lot of awareness, we’d also commissioned projects to help families of cancer sufferers; housing for family members nearby hospitals, specialized, dedicated nurses to help each patient, funding for new treatments...anything to help others through their own, traumatic journey.

“I have to get things organized.” I could tell that Matthew was smiling as he said that, which made me grin, too. “So, I’ll speak to you later, okay?”

On the drive back home, I called Kerri to tell her the good news, too. We were closer than ever, which helped because she was going through a lot of life changes, too, which meant that we could support one another.

On seeing me finally let my guard down with Matthew, she seemed to do the same for Willy, and now they were in the happiest relationship I’d ever seen. Without all the barriers that she’d set up for herself, she could finally just be, and it was perfect. They were so meant to be, it was crazy.

The other big news, although only the four of us knew about it at the moment, was that they were having another baby, and I was over the moon for them. If anyone deserved to finally have that family unit, it was them. They’d jumped over endless hurdles to get there, but now they’d made it – a sentiment that Matthew and I could relate to.

Despite all the craziness in her own life, she still managed to find time to be happy for me and my successes, and when I told her what had happened with the publisher, she screamed with joy for me.

When I thought about that chat Matthew and I had on that hill, where we both confessed that we wanted to stay living in Florence, I was grateful for that choice. I had my mom’s home, a job that I loved, my man, my best friend: why in world would I want to go anywhere else? I was just lucky that Matthew felt the same way. Things could have gone very differently if not.

Or not. I probably would have followed him to the ends of the Earth.

As I eventually pulled up at Mom’s home, my heart fluttered once more. At one point, Matthew had asked me to move in with him, but I hadn’t felt ready to leave Mom’s home behind, but maybe I would be soon. I didn’t think that I could ever sell it, or even rent it just yet...not when everything was exactly as she had left it, but I might have been ready to try something a little different.

After all, I could talk to Mom in my mind anywhere. I didn’t have to be in her bedroom, even if it was where I felt most comfortable.

Well, Mom, I thought happily. Look where I am now. Who would have thought it? I have a book about to be published, Matthew is doing well in his clinic, and I’m about to get dressed to go to an awards ceremony. I miss you like crazy, but I’m happy, too.

I’d gotten to a place where I never thought I would, and that was a huge step forward for me.




I glanced at my reflection in the full-length mirror once more, hoping that I looked okay. I had opted for a floor-length, maroon gown that hugged my curves in a nice way, but I couldn't help being a little critical of myself. I just wasn't sure if the look was quite right and considering I’d had no time to prepare, I was pretty much stuck with it.

Knock, knock.

Especially since Matthew was already there!

“Coming!” I called out, feeling my heart race all over again. Even after all this time, even after everything that we’d been through, he still gave me butterflies. I guessed that he always would.

As I swung the door open, I felt stunned as I saw the gorgeous man standing in front of me. He was wearing a tailored tuxedo that showed him in his absolute best light, causing me to fall in love with him all over again.

“Wow,” I giggled, excitedly. “You look amazing.”

“You don't look so bad yourself,” he grinned before tugging at my arm. “But if we don't leave now, we’re going to be late.”

I had to forgive him for all the rushing around because there was no denying from his pale, sickly expression that he was nervous as all hell. In fact, he looked more anxious than I’d ever seen him before, which had me gripping tightly onto his hand in a reassuring gesture.

I wanted him to know that he would be fine, that he was amazing at his job and that I was certain that he would win, but it didn’t feel like the right thing to say. I felt like he needed my silence for a moment, so that was what I gave him.

At least, until the car pulled up at the docks.

“Wait... What is this?” I asked him curiously. Was this some crazy detour for some weird, unknown reason? And why was Matthew looking at me like this was exactly what he wanted? He didn’t say anything; he simply slid out from the car, and indicated for me to follow.

As the fresh air hit my face, I found myself looking up at Willy’s boat, but it looked completely different from the other times that I’d seen it. I wasn't sure quite what it was, but as I turned to ask Matthew again what the hell was going on, he gave me a look that had me silenced. I wasn't sure why, but I suddenly had the distinct impression that whatever was about to happen would be life changing.

“Come with me,” he said calmly to me, finally looking like he was a relaxing a little bit. He reached out and took my hand before leading me onto the deck. As I got there, I clapped my hands across my mouth in shock, drinking in all the beauty of it.

Matthew had clearly gone to a whole lot of effort to clean the place up before decorating it with candles, red roses, and lights everywhere. This was already the most romantic thing that had ever happened to me, and nothing had even happened yet. I could only assume that maybe there was no awards ceremony, after all.

“What’s going on?” I spun around to drink it all in, and when my eyes fell on Matthew again I felt my heart leap up into my throat. He was on one knee, holding out a ring box to me.

What? Oh my God, is this really happening?

As my brain tried to process what was happening, finally coming to terms with the fact that this actually was going to be the most important night of my life, my eyes spotted something else. Something a little too familiar.

“Is that Grandma’s ring?” I asked in shock.

“It is,” he confirmed, causing my eyes to snap up to him. “Your mom left it for me, with a note in case I wanted to finally make an honest woman out of you.”

“She did?” I couldn't believe it; Mom was still influencing my life even from beyond to grave. “Wow, really? Can I see the note?” I still had my note tucked safely away, so I was sure that Matthew did, too. I wondered why he didn’t tell me about the letter in the first place.

“No,” he laughed loudly, indicating towards himself on the ground. “Can I just ask my question? I am down here for a reason, after all.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, of course,” I giggled. This had to be such anus proposal, all imperfect and a little crazy. I couldn't have loved it more if I tried. “Carry on.”

“Okay, well I just want to say that I love know that, I love you so much, and I have known for a very long time that you’re the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You’re kind, sweet, funny, the one person that I want to see in the morning, and the last person that I want to talk to at night. We’ve been meant to be for years, but we’ve been through some real trials and tribulations along the way, bringing us to where we are now.”

He grinned up at me, making everything inside of me flutter happily. I hadn’t been expecting this at all, but now that it was happening, the timing felt so, so right. “So, I want to know if you want to tie this hot piece of ass down,” he joked, making me giggle in a girly fashion. “And make me the happiest man alive by agreeing to become my wife?”

The answer was obvious; I didn’t even need to think about it. This was where all of this had been leading for many years now, and I couldn't believe that we’d made it. “Yes,” I gasped out loudly. “Of course, yes.”

With that, he jumped up and spun me around in the air, before slipping my grandmother’s ring onto my finger, signifying a new change for the both of us.

This was it, us together forever, and I couldn't have been happier.

Get my never released free book Tempting for a limited time.


By Alexa Davis


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2017 Alexa Davis



Chapter One




“This is the life!” I called out in a singsong voice as I scanned my eyes over the bright blue sparkling ocean. “We really do have it made, don’t we?”

“Well, you do, boss.”

I spun around to look at my friend and bouncer, Braxton, giving me a wide-mouthed smile. I knew what that meant – he thought I was the only one who had the world at my feet. What he didn’t seem to realize was that by working for me, the whole world was his oyster, too. I extended what I had to guys who deserved it, and he was one of the best.

“Braxton.” I threw my arm over his shoulder, which wasn’t easy since he was built like a brick shit house with at least 300 pounds behind him. “Look at this: we’re on a yacht, cruising the ocean in the bright hot sunshine, beers in hand, with women as far as the eye can see. How many jobs would allow you to have this much fun?”

“You’re right, Terrance, don’t think I’m not grateful. It’s just...” I stepped back to stare at him as his eyes fell to the ground. There was something going on in that big beautiful mind of his, and I needed to know what. “You have it all; you’re a good-looking bloke with killer green eyes, height that any guy would want. All the women are throwing themselves at you.”

“Mostly because of my money.” I shrugged wryly, wanting to at least seem modest. “If I was skint, none of these broads would even give me a second look.”

“Oh, I highly doubt that. I’m the one no one looks at because... Well, look at me.”

“Dude, you have an incredible big ass. It’s confidence you lack.” I waved my arms in front of myself as I spoke. “You just need to know what to say!”

Braxton fell into silence. I could tell that he was drinking all of that in, so to give him a moment alone with his thoughts, I sucked back the beer I had in my hands and scanned the crowd of beauties. I didn’t know any of them, really – I had a guy who got gorgeous women to attend my parties on the day I needed some company – but I already knew that every single one of them would be happy to spend some one-on-one time with me.

That was the power that came with the Canton name. I was famous for my cash and, if I was honest with myself, my striking looks, which was why every single one of them was giving me a seductive look back.

They all wanted me – it was just up to me to take my pick.

“I guess,” Braxton started speaking out again, grabbing my attention back to him, “I want more than just a hook up. What I really want is someone to spend the rest of my life with.” He stared intently at me, his dark brown eyes shining with questions. “Don’t you ever feel like that? Don’t you ever want a little bit more?”

“What, like, I want a wife?” I scoffed like the idea was totally ridiculous, which was exactly how I felt about that topic. “Come on, you know me. I don’t want to be tied down to anyone. I’m only thirty three years old. I have all these women wanting me; why would I want to settle with just the one.”

“But... No, it doesn’t matter.” Braxton’s eyes looked everywhere but me. He had something else to say, but it seemed I was going to have to coax it out of him.

“No, go on, please tell me what you’re thinking. You know how much I value your opinion. You’re my closest friend, I hope you realize that.”

Was it sad to be so close to one of my employees? Then again, did I really care? Braxton was an awesome bloke; that was all I cared about.

“Well, it seems to be more than just about me. I think the reason you don’t want to settle down is more than just the women.”

I sighed deeply and stared up at the cloudless sky, needing just a moment to compose myself. It was a good thing Braxton was my friend, but sometimes it made it very challenging to keep up the upbeat, happy version of myself when he could see into the depths of my soul. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”

“I thought so. Is this to do with Mason?”

Urgh, Mason. My wonderful brother. Okay, so maybe he was a little wild at times, he didn’t always behave in the way that I wanted him to, but he did not deserve what happened to him. It fucked me up over and over again to think about it.

“Yes, I guess so. It just messes me up that the murder still remains unsolved. I put a lot of money into my own investigations and still, nothing has come out of it.” My eyes slid closed for a second, and I could clearly see the image of his ice cold dead beaten and bruised body, as if it only happened yesterday, rather than three whole years ago. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to recover from that.

“I’m sorry, boss. I’m sure you’ll get your answers in the end-”

“And then there’s losing my father, that still hurts,” I interrupted without really meaning to. “I know it was five years ago, but that heart attack came from nowhere and I’m still pretty messed up about it.”

I hadn’t expected to get so deep on this wonderful day, but I did feel a little weight left from my chest. Talking about my issues sucked and felt wonderful all at once. “I don’t want to settle down and end up bringing another life into this fucked up world. It just isn’t right.”

A thick pregnant pause filled the air. Braxton didn’t know what to say to me, and I had nothing left, either. It’d happened, it was horrible, but I had to remember that I was still alive. Sometimes I got so lost in all my thoughts that I completely forgot about that. I was here – it was my duty to live because they didn’t get to.

It was time to change the subject.

“Okay, Braxton, you want some tips on speaking to the ladies? Here it is.”

I could hear him protesting beside me, but I paid absolutely no attention. I leaned forwards onto my knees and indicated to the two nearest women to come over. One of them had long blonde hair cascading down her back and a tiny red bikini that left nothing to the imagination, the other one had a black flowing top over her swimwear, which only served to highlight her impossibly long legs, and a very adorable Mediterranean look about her. “Right, Braxton, take notes.”

“Hey,” blondie purred. “How are you today, Terrance?” Of course, I didn’t have to introduce myself, I never did. Any self respecting gold digger would’ve seen my pictures in all the society pages.

“I’m good, and how are you two?” I smirked at winked.

They glanced at each other and giggled, enjoying my focus. “Yeah, we’re fine. I’m Sandi by the way, and this is my friend, Maria.”

I shook both of their hands far too slowly, maintaining intense eye contact with each woman as I did. Neither of them minded me taking time with the other girl, as long as they could glean some of my attention. “So, are you enjoying the party? It’s fun, isn’t it?”

“Oh, it’s amazing; thank you so much for inviting us. This is wonderful.”

“All the more wonderful for having you two to look at.”

I glanced towards Braxton, trying to get him to say something. He’d seen me complimentary and flirtatious with my body, he could at least try to emulate that. There was no reason to be nervous – these were practice women.

“So, what do you girls do for a living?”

It took all I had not to throw my head into my hands. Blondie began to ramble on about her beauty salon, chatting excitedly about make up and hair products in a very boring way. This was such a mistake. Learning more about the women left them open to ask questions, too, and I wanted to remain a mystery. I didn’t want anyone to know anything about me. It was all supposed to be physical, a moment of carnal fun.

“Right, girls,” I finally felt compelled to interject. “We need to have a chat, so do you mind going back to the bar for some drinks? I will come over and grab you in a bit.”

Blondie looked put out, but her friend didn’t seem to care. I liked that attitude, it was quite nice.

“What did you just do?” Braxton exclaimed as the girls left. “That was going so well, she was actually talking to me.”

“She was talking at you, and you asked her too many questions.”

“I asked her one.” His expression of utter bewilderment make me chuckle. He really didn’t get it, did he?

“One is too many. You don’t want to find out too much about her before you hook up.”

“Why not?”

I leant back and smiled at my friend. “I have so much to teach you. You need to come to the Lights Out Club at the weekend. I can show you more then. The VIP section is filled with women desperate for some fun.”

His lips curled up, and his eyebrows furrowed. “This weekend? Actually, I was going to ask you if you minded me taking off this weekend. It’s my sister’s kids’ christening and I promised I’d be there. I did ask you a while back...”

“Of course, you did, don’t worry about it. I vaguely remember you asking me now, and you do deserve some time off. You go and have fun. I will show you how to get with the ladies the weekend after.”

Maria was still giving me a look, one that was clawing at my chest. She seemed just like me: unwilling to share personal details, up for some serious fun, plus she was absolutely gorgeous. I was going to have to wrap this up so I could take her below deck.

“Thanks, boss, I really appreciate it.” Braxton gave me a very grateful grin. “And the weekend after, I’ll do whatever the hell you want me to.”

I stood up and clapped him happily on the back before stretching my arms up to allow my tee shirt to rise. I worked hard for my body, so I liked to show it off at every available opportunity. If there wasn’t such a strong breeze, I would’ve had it off already. “Right, buddy, I’m going to go and give Maria a tour of the boat, if you know what I mean?” I winked at him, and he laughed. “I’ll see you in a while, okay?”

I didn’t even need to talk to Maria, I just raised my eyebrows at her and she was by my side in a heartbeat. I flung my arm over her shoulder, protectively claiming her as my own, just for a moment. She swung her hips as she walked, but kept her lips firmly squeezed shut. She was my kind of woman: quiet, sexy, and up for a good time.

I indicated towards the stairs and watched her walk in front of me, a stirring occurring in my pants. This really was the life, I had it totally made. Why the hell would I want to settle down? In fact, why would I want to change anything about my life when it was so perfect? It was absolute insanity.

I had a life that others were jealous of, why would I want to even think about anything more?




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