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Hell's Fire MC: The Full Series by Erin Trejo (1)

Chapter 2


Our clubhouse is awesome. It’s an old ass hotel, from back in the day.  Dragon acquired it when he first started up this club, since then, Hell’s Fire MC, called this place home. It works for us. It’s out in the middle of nowhere, and it has enough room to house us–plus our guests. No one comes out here to fuck with us. At least no one has in a while. Locking my door, I head down the hallway of peeling paint and stale beer. Its home. It’s the only one I’ve ever had.

“Hey, Roc!” Angel sways her ass as she walks toward me. Club whores are the best. I lean down to kiss her cheek. “Hey, sweetheart.”  She slides her arm around my waist. I look down at her and ask, “You ridin’"? She bats her eyelashes at me. Nice try, but no one gets on the back of my bike.

“I want to go.” Bumping her hip into me, I stop. Not happening.

“Ask Dragon. He ain’t takin’ anyone.” I tell her.  She licks her lips before scooting even closer to me.

“I was hoping I could ride with you.” Shaking my head, I kiss her cheek once more.

“Not in this lifetime.” I walk away listening to her cuss and bitch.

As I step out the front door, I take in a deep breath, hoping this trip is better than the last one. 


As my bike rumbles beneath me, I glance around the wide-open road littered with bikes. This is what I love. This, is my family. Family means something different to everyone. To me, it’s the people that hold you down in life. It’s the ones that keep you in your place. The ones that make you better.

Hell’s Fire MC has been that for me since the day Ghost dragged my ass to the clubhouse. I can never thank him enough for that either. The past holds secrets. Secrets that not even my family knows. As much as I love these guys, I won’t let them fall victim to the circumstances in my past. I grin as we pull up to the hotel that the events being held at. Maybe this will be better than last time. I follow Dragon into the line of parked bikes and cut the engine. Throwing my leg over the side, I climb off, hanging my helmet on the handlebar.

“Now the party has arrived. Let’s do this!” Dragon roars as he slaps a hand on my shoulder. The place is insane with people. Everywhere you turn, there are half naked bitches hanging off someone’s dick.

“Shit, brother.” Devil slaps a hand on my shoulder before making obscene gestures.

“Suck me off, Roc.” Devil says in his most girly tone−he has us all laughing.

I shove Devil off before saying, “Just go grab one, brother.”  I follow behind Dragon. I know the drill. Presidents and VP’s meet up first. Ghost may be the VP, but he’s so damn unreliable that I often stand in for him. Clearly, today is going to be one of those days. Dragon glances over his shoulder at me.

“How’s your unofficial shit comin’?” He’s the only one that knows there’s something up outside the club. He never presses me for info, but he keeps checking in.

“Silent for a while. Hope to fuck it stays that way.” He grunts his agreement but he has no clue what that bastard Martin Tomlin has me doing. It isn’t fair to the club to drag them into it. It was my fuck up that landed me in the situation to begin with.

“Heard that, brother. You know we got you if shit goes down.” I nod my head, I know he would stand behind me, but that’s just not my style.

“Let’s get this meet and greet over with. I’m hungry as hell.” Dragon is a big-ass guy. Ever since I’ve known him, he’s been hungry.