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Coming Home by Kelley, Aine (5)

Chapter 4


I’m screwing around with my X-box when I get a call from Ben. I can hear the panic in his voice and instantly know something isn’t right. He asks to meet me at the diner we hang out at. With no hesitation, I’m out the door.

Ben’s been dealt some shitty cards in life. He’s been grieving for over two years, and I can’t stand to see him this way any longer. I try my best to be there for him in any way I can. Lately, I’ve been strategizing how I can help him get his head out of his ass.

I’m realistic. Finding another girl that will settle his heart will take time. I don’t expect him to jump right in and date again, however, just going out would be a nice start. It’s time to up my game and not take “no” for an answer. The problem is how do you reach someone whose sorrow consumes them on a daily basis?

I’ve had my share of loss and pain. My absent father pretty much abandoned all of us. I don’t think he could handle my mom’s issues. I hadn’t even graduated high school when my mom died. I was only seventeen and my dad was nowhere to be found. I don’t think he knew what to do.

So my older sister and I had to deal with some serious adult shit too fast. My life spiraled out of control after that and I found myself in a pretty dark place. Ben and his family helped us so much that I owe them my life. So if Ben needs me, I’m there. No questions asked. However, it’s time for an intervention, the way he did for me.

And he is going to be pissed.

I’m sitting in the booth when I see him enter. I give him the usual finger and make some crude comment because that’s what I do. People have gotten used to the obnoxious asshole that I can be. It’s simple to keep it up but it gets tiring. Only Ben knows there’s more to me. Jenny used to, too. It’s easier projecting this way and people expect it.

I can tell right away that something is off. He’s edgier than usual. “Dude, what the fuck is going on with you? You look like an addict needing a hit.”

Ben looks like he could punch me. So I put on my charming smile that works when I need to get out of jams, but he just smirks back at me. This must be big because he’s not loosening up. His mouth opens as he inhales several short, sharp breaths before he finally speaks. He forces out that not only is Jenny coming home, but her roommate Sam is too.

His expression changes when he says Sam’s name. There’s no doubt she’s gotten to him. A small path has been forged toward his stricken heart. It’s clearly freaking him the hell out.

My mind scrambles to figure out how I can make light of the situation, but I haven’t a damn clue. I suck at acknowledging my own feelings - always have. So how in the hell can I help him in this scenario? Shrugging my shoulders, I give it my best shot. “Man, it will be fine. Just be yourself and stay cool. Why do you care about this girl Sam coming anyway?”

I can see a tiny tear at the corner of his eye waiting for a blink to escape. Raising his hand, he wipes it away before speaking.“I don’t know. I’ve talked to her a few times. She kind of gets me. There’s no expectation or pressure. I feel a little bit like the old me.”

Leaning forward in the booth, I rest my forearms on the table. “This is a good thing. You need to feel more than sadness. Beth would want you to be happy. It’s time.”

Ben’s facial expression softens. He gives me a slight smile before nodding his head. The tiny glimmer in his eyes gives me hope. This is something that could work out for him. I pray like hell it does. He needs this. We both do. We sit in silence for a few minutes before deciding on our next topic.

The only thing I can think of is Jenny. At least he brought her name up first.

I try to appear casual as I redirect the conversation to his sister. I need to know more. My hope is that I don’t appear too obvious. “So, when are the two ladies arriving?”

Ben takes a sip of his coffee before mentioning that they are not traveling together. “Jenny’s coming home next week. My parents are traveling back with her.” My heart and cock do a simultaneous flutter. The nervous excitement forces my whole body to shift in the booth. I permit myself to go ahead and ask another question. It did not go unnoticed by me that my dick jerked.

Lifting my mug to my lips, I take a slow sip before speaking. “So are there any big plans for her return?”

Ben shakes his head. “Of course. Any excuse for a party.” We both laugh because the Fosters love to throw parties. Any kind of party. “Hey, you should come to the welcome home dinner Tuesday night. You’re part of our family and I’m sure Jenny would love to see you.”

There’s no hiding my visible wincing in regards to that statement. “Ahhh, on second thought, she may kill me for inviting you. But it would be worth it to see her get pissed off again. She’s certainly turned into a fiery one and takes it out on you.”

“Yeah, she seems to love directing it at me.” I work hard at holding back the grin that wants to form. I need to curb my excitement at the prospect of seeing her. I’m kind of surprised at how she’s affecting me. “Jenny pissed off would be pretty funny to see. I’ll think about it.”

We continue eating our meals in silence. It's clear we talked enough about feelings and shit. I take another bite, but suddenly I’m not feeling that hungry. The anticipation of seeing her next week sends my stomach into knots. As much as I love her feistiness, her attitude toward me is getting old. I know I made some mistakes. But come on, that was five years ago.

Part of my woman break is figuring out what I want. I realize I’ve got a lot of fucked up shit in my life. But she’s the only one I’ve been thinking about lately. It’s not just sexual. There has to be something to that. She was my friend first and I miss that.

Yet, the sexual energy I feel whether I’m around her or not I can’t ignore. The way I picture her and how keyed up I get won’t stop. It’s like the good and bad sides of me. My new sense of balance.

She makes me want to grow and be a better man.

Taking another sip of coffee, I picture the last time I saw her. Our brief moment gave me hope until my date ruined it. But, man, she looked stunning. She was only in a t-shirt and jeans, but it was the baseball cap that did it for me. I couldn’t help it. I watched her move every chance I could get. I’m sure she noticed too because her attitude forced me to tiptoe around her.

I’m tired of it. Her mind-set is in desperate need of an adjustment, which I’ll be happy to assist her with. Arguing is fun and passionate, a complete turn on. However, I want the make-up part afterward too.

It’s time to plan my next move.

First up is finding my friend again. Then, who knows?