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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (117)


His kiss is strong and it’s making me feel weak in his arms as he presses me against the wall. His tongue dances with mine and even though I’m in the moment with him, I can’t help but think of Chad’s face when I didn’t choose him. He looked so lost, and I feel so bad for him right now. Danger pulls back from me and rests his forehead against mine.

“I’m sorry I hurt you, sugar. I’m sorry I was blind and didn’t make the effort to try. I like you and I want to be with you, Ella. I really am willing to give this a shot with you if you’ll have me?” he asks and gently pulls his body away from mine, letting me pull myself away from the wall.

My heart is pounding ferociously in my chest. This is what I wanted. I’ve wanted this for so long that now that it’s right here in front of me, why aren’t I more excited about it? I can’t stop thinking about Chad, but now that Danger is willing to give us a shot I have to take it, right?

“What made you change your mind?”

He brings his hand up to my cheek and caresses it tenderly. “Hearing you say if I really wanted you I’d fight for us. Then hearing you yelling in the hallway and seeing you with Chad, it made me realise that I do want to fight for us, sugar. You’re too special to let this go. It will be hard, I’m not going to lie. The distance is long and the time zones will be a pain, but we can work through it,” he says leaning in and gently kissing my lips again. “I want this Ella, I want you,” he continues and I let out a small smile and move in embracing him tightly. I rest my head on his chest and feel his heart beating erratically against his chest.

“So, please say yes, sugar. Say you’ll still have me, even though I screwed up, big time.”

This is what I’ve wanted, for him to want me. Now he does, I have to go with it, right? My thoughts turn to Chad and a knot forms in my stomach. I press my lips together remembering Chad’s lips on mine and the tenderness I felt flowing from him. I swallow hard as I try to remember why I’m here in Danger’s arms. I chose him, I need to choose him now too.

“I’m yours, Danger,” I say and he holds me tighter and exhales in relief.

“I’m so sorry I hurt you, Ella. And I know we have to leave each other tomorrow, but I’m going to make sure that I try and fly out to see you as often as I can. We can Skype whenever you want. Our phone bills will be high, but I don’t care, as long as I get to hear your voice. But there is one condition, though, sugar.” He looks me in the eyes and I raise my eyebrow at him. “Our relationship, it’s been pretty much a secret throughout this whole tour. Only Ryan and Chad have known about it, and if we’re really going to get serious about this, then we will need to eventually tell Colt. But I want to put that off for as long as possible if you’re okay with that?”

Telling Dad isn’t high on my ‘to do’ list. He would flip out. I know he doesn’t like Danger and, to be honest, the way he treated Aston when he was dating Annie makes me question telling him at all. He liked Aston, so who knows how badly he will treat Danger?

“I'm okay with that. I think the less Dad knows, the better. In fact, I believe the less everyone knows, the better.”

“Okay, I’m happy to keep it a secret if you are.” He leans down kissing me and I kiss him back feeling pleased that we’re going to try to work on this, but not as excited about it as I thought I’d be. I guess I was so used to the idea that there wasn’t going to be an us, that I’m just waiting for this to all fall apart again.




After talking for a while, and Danger swearing that he was all in and wanted to work on us being together, we made love. Then Ryan came bursting into the hotel room just as I was cuddling naked with Danger. I was embarrassed, but Ryan let me stay the night snuggled into Danger even though it felt weird sleeping with someone else in the room. It was nice that Ryan let us have our last night together.

It’s the final night of the tour and everyone is tired but excited. We’re in Scotland at The Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow and Recoil are performing for the last time, and Danger is on fire. I’m at the side of the stage watching and cheering him on. I have a sense of energy today. Last night, I felt drained. I was so emotionally raw from my time with Danger and then my moment with Chad, and then getting back with Danger, that I couldn’t function. But today my head is clearer.

I chose Danger and even though Chad is distant today, he isn’t avoiding me like I thought he would. But he isn’t coming over and being my best friend either. I can see the hurt in his eyes and I never wanted that. If things were different and Danger hadn’t wanted to make a go of it, then maybe Chad and I could’ve taken things further. But Danger is my choice and I have to stick to that.

Danger sings the last lyric of the final song and the crowd cheers for him, and I smile and jump on the spot getting excited. He’s uber talented, and his voice makes my insides quiver and my panties melt. He thanks the crowd for the last time and comes running off the stage smiling on the natural high of performing. He spots me and runs over encasing me in his arms, lifts me up twirling me around making me laugh at his excitement. I lean down and kiss him and he slides me down his body and we kiss forcefully as his hand fists in my hair. He pulls back and looks into my eyes.

“That was…” he pauses looking behind me at something grabbing his attention. He quickly lets me go and takes a giant step backward looking terrified. I furrow my brows and turn my head to see Dad looking right at us. I swallow hard, wondering how much of that he saw. He glares at Danger and looks at me raising an eyebrow almost as if he’s asking if I’m all right. I smile at Dad and he looks back at Danger and huffs, turning his back and walking over to Dingo to talk to him. I turn back to look at Danger and smirk.

“I don’t think he saw the kiss. Otherwise, you’d be sporting two black eyes right about now,” I say.

Danger frowns and nods. “Yeah, I think he just saw me holding your hair and pulling back from you. Shit! We have to be more careful. We didn’t spend six months being cautious to fuck it all up on the last day,” he says. I nod and glance back at Dad.

“Well, when I get off stage can we go somewhere while Dad’s performing. One last backstage bang?”

“Abso-fuckin-lutely, one last hurrah. Who knows when we’ll be together again, so let’s make the most of tonight, hey?”

Tightness fills my chest and my stomach knots. I swallow hard, and nod as my eyes begin to water. “Hey, no tears, not yet. You have to perform your heart out. Then give your heart to me after your show and I’ll take it with me so I have a piece of you wherever I go,” he says. I smile and nod quickly wiping away a tear that’s falling down my cheek.

“I wish I could hug you right now,” he says and I smile and look over to Dad, he’s facing away from us so I take the risk. I lunge forward and embrace Danger tightly.

He tenses, but gradually eases into the hug and cuddles into me hugging me tightly.

“Ella, group huddle,” Caleb calls out and I break free from Danger and look up at him.

“Be here when I get off stage, okay?” I demand and he chuckles.

“Yes, ma’am.” He fakes a salute as I smirk and rush over to the huddle.

Chad looks at me and I half smile at him as he exhales and looks away. I try not to let it bother me, but it does. I hate that I hurt him, it makes me feel terrible, and I hate that a part of me is hurting at not being with him. It makes me feel guilty, like all of me should be wanting Danger, but there’s this part of me that wants Chad. I push that part down because Danger is making the effort for us, so I need to too.

Caleb gives us all our pep talk and we say our mantra and throw our hands in. Chad places his hand on top of mine, and it sends a shock wave straight through every atom inside of me. I start to shake and I feel a little nauseous. I hate that one touch can unsettle me so much. But I need to get my game face on. I need to work for the crowd right now and not dwell on my personal life.

I strap on my guitar and run onto the stage taking in the atmosphere, the lights, the crowd and the noise. It’s all radiating through me and for the next hour, I can get lost in the music and not have a worry in the world. For the next hour, the music will surround me and keep me sane. For the next hour, I can get lost in a sea of faces that won’t judge me for my choices like I’m judging myself.




I’m bounding off the stage on such a high from the rush of performing. I don’t think I can ever get used to this feeling. The adrenalin coursing through my veins is like a drug. I get high on it, I live for it, and I’m so glad that this is my life. I place my guitar on the stand and smile widely and I’m greeted by strong arms wrapping around me from behind.

“You were on fire tonight, sugar,” he whispers in my ear and then bites on my lobe sending a strong sensation straight down my centre right to my clit. I gasp at the feeling and nuzzle my back into his chest.

“You were watching?” I ask and he chuckles.

“The whole show. You’re the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, you know that?” he says and spins me around to face him.

I giggle and shake my head. “Not likely,” I reply and he smirks and moves a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Sugar, seeing you stroke your guitar like that, it’s no wonder you have magic hands. I have a hard-on just thinking about it,” he says grinding his cock into my side.

I laugh as I feel his hard cock against my leg. “Well, we better fix this situation then,” I suggest and he waves his eyebrows suggestively and I giggle as he takes my hand and leads me down the hall.

“Normally we fuck in any room we can find, right?”

“Yeah,” I say.

“Well, I thought tonight I would make it better for us. So I’ve made it so no one will come into the Recoil green room while Slayed are on and there’s a lock on the door. There’s a sofa in there so we can be more comfortable.”

“Thank you,” I say and he smiles.

“Anything for you, sugar,” he says and I move up closer and snuggle into his side. We arrive at the green room and walk in. We check that no one is in there and he closes the door locking it behind him.

“So, now we have two hours to ourselves,” he says and I smile wide and as he turns to face me. I don’t waste any time pulling my top off over my head leaving me in a black lace bra.

“Okay, so we’re not wasting any time, I gotchya,” he says with a chuckle pulling off his vest and throwing it to the floor. We undress until we are both naked. He steps toward me and my breathing hitches as I look down at his tattooed naked glorious body and try to take it all in. This will be the last time I see it for who knows how long, so I need to memorise as much as I can.

“You’re so breathtaking,” I say as I bring my hand up to his chest and trace his tattoo. He brings his hand up to meet mine and holds both our hands over his heart. I smile and step in closer so our bodies are touching in every way.

“I think you’re the one who’s breathtaking, Ella.”

I smile and lean up on my toes wrapping my arms around his neck to kiss him. Our soft and gentle time was last night, I know we’re not going to have that now. Tonight is going to be typical Danger-style, as he kisses me rough and hard. His hand moves to the back of my head and he grips onto my hair and holds on forcefully. I moan into his mouth as he pulls back making my lips pull away from his. He moves in kissing my neck as his other hand runs down my side and in between my legs. I part them for him and he presses his finger on my clit. Circling his finger and nipping on my neck, I close my eyes relishing in the feeling of Danger touching me. His hand in my hair forcing my head backward as his teeth graze my neck. It’s like a primal instinct for him, which only turns me on.

“Blow me, baby,” Danger murmurs against my neck as his hand on my head begins to force my head downward. I smile and oblige by bending down on my knees in front of him. His hand hasn’t left my head while his cock comes in line with my mouth. I take the tip and lick the edge and he sucks air in through his teeth. I know he loves it when I do that. I wet my lips and wrap my hand around the base of his cock with my hand, and start to pull on him slowly working him up, as I run my tongue over the tip. He moves my head with his hand ever so slightly, and that’s how I know he likes what I’m doing. I slowly edge the tip of his cock into my mouth and he hisses through his teeth as I take him in and swirl my tongue over the end slowly taking him into my mouth. I continue to work his shaft with my hand and bring my other hand up to play with his balls because I know he likes that too. The gentle clicking of his piercing hitting my teeth always makes me want to laugh, but I don’t because that would spoil the moment for Danger. I move my mouth on him deeper, taking him in further and he moans as his grip on my hair tightens.

“Fuck, Ella, you give good head,” he says and I inwardly smile.

I move my hand on his shaft slightly faster and bob my head at the same tempo. He groans and pushes my head with his hand gripping my hair.

“Fuck, baby.”

That’s twice he’s called me baby tonight, he’s never called me baby before. I smile as I take him deeper into my mouth and suck slightly.

He tenses and moans loudly and then stops all his movements. “Fuck,” he says and then let’s go of my head, and I look up at him as he pulls out of my mouth trying to catch his breath as his chest heaves.

“What’s wrong?” I ask sitting on my knees looking up at him.

“No, nothing. It was too good, I was going to come, but I want to be inside you every time I come tonight.”

“Get off your knees, sugar,” he says grabbing my arms and pulling me up from the floor. I stand up and he turns me to face him.

“I need to fuck you tonight, Ella. Are you okay with that?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

He smiles and exhales like he can finally relax. “Good, now can you bend over and grab your ankles?”

I furrow my brows and purse my lips. “I don’t know? I guess?”

“Good, grab your ankles,” he reiterates. I raise an eyebrow and turn away from him and bend over grabbing my ankles.

“God, you’re fucking beautiful like this, sugar,” he says running his hand over my back and down my arse cheek and then he slaps my arse hard.

“Ouch,” I say and he grabs my hips steadying me.

“Now stay like that. It will feel unsteady at first, and you will feel like you’re going to fall forward, but I’ll hold you, I promise. Do you trust me?” he asks and I nod.

“No, I want you to say it, Ella.”

“I trust you,” I say as I start to feel a little giddy from bending over.

“Good, now part your legs a little more for me,” he says stepping in behind me and holding onto my waist tightly.

I step out and he grabs my hips so I don’t fall. I feel super exposed like this, and I’m a little embarrassed, but I do trust Danger so I know it will be okay.

“You ready, sugar?” he asks and I start to breathe heavier knowing I’m about to receive another one of Danger’s fucks of a lifetime.

“Yes,” I say and he moves his rock hard cock to my opening and slides the tip in. I take a deep breath and he gently and slowly moves the rest of the way in stretching and filling me, which causes me to moan at the joyful pleasure. I was expecting it hard and fast and for the initial thrust to sting. But the first one was soft and gentle to let me acclimatise.

That was sweet of him.

“You ready to feel me now?” he asks and I take a deep breath and whimper out a yes.

He pulls back and thrusts into me much more forceful than the first time, much more like what I was expecting initially. The thrust jolts me forward and I think I’m going to fall, so I put my hands out onto the floor. Danger slaps my arse and I yelp at the contact.

“Hands on ankles, sweetheart,” he says and I bring my hands back to my ankles and he thrusts into me again knocking the wind from me. He starts a steady rhythm and he pulls me on and off him forcefully, and the pleasure is building increasingly. I begin to pant with the pressure building inside of me. My body begins to shake feeling like I’m on fire. I clench my eyes shut as he thrusts into me forcibly.

“Fuck, I’m so close, sugar.”

My body tenses as he pulls me onto him and hits just the right spot. I see flashes of light behind my eyes and my body trembles with the pleasure unfolding within me. I feel weak as my body flames and I breathe rapidly. He thrusts again, and it’s my undoing, my body tenses and like a drop of water landing on a hot light globe, I explode and shatter into a million pieces.

Danger groans as my pussy tightens in reaction, and it causes him to tense and thrust deeply into me and then unload with a long drawn out moan. We both pant heavily as I let go of my ankles and place my hands on the floor. Danger’s grip on me eases as he leans over my back gently kissing my shoulder. The tenderness of that moment makes me smile. He wraps his hands around my stomach and pulls out of me. I’m completely limp as he pulls my body up and carries me to the lounge suite.

“You’re amazing, sugar,” he says laying me down on the lounge and then scooting in and laying in front and cuddling me. I cuddle back into him as I continue to come down from my high.

“That was…I’ve never done anything like that,” I say and he smirks.

“I know, I’ve had all your sexual experiences, remember? I’ve wanted to do that for six months. Ever since the first moment I saw you,” he says.

I smile and bring my hand up to caress his cheek. “Do you think we’ll be okay?” I ask and he smiles and leans in kissing my nose.

“Sugar, we’re going to be great.” Then he leans in kissing me softly.