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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (79)


I stayed in the hospital for a week, having a very minor infection in my incision, but it cleared up with some more intravenous antibiotics. Mum and Dad never left the hospital room and neither did Indi, even though it was her place of work she wanted to be there for me. It was great. Well, it wasn’t great. I was in a lot of pain and it brought back a lot of memories of the hospital when I was a child, but it was awesome having everyone around to support me. Annie cried so hard when she first saw me. She was the most upset I’ve ever seen her and it broke my heart, poor thing. But Indi reassured her that I was going to be fine and that she's making sure her cousin was going to be well and fighting fit in no time.

The police came in and took my statement. It was hard to tell them anything seeing as I couldn’t remember much, but they took a statement from Aston, Chad, and Johnny too. Then they charged me with ‘Driving without due care and attention’ and, of course, ‘Drink Driving.’ They found that my blood alcohol level was at eighty-five. Seeing that the legal limit is eighty, I was, of course, over the limit. They said because I had no prior incidence, and my driving record was flawless, it would work in my favor.

My baby, my Lexus, my gorgeous car that I worked so hard for was totalled. I hit the tree on the left-hand side. It smashed into the car so forcefully that it came all the way in and the tree crashed into my left-hand side and pushed me up against the right-hand driver’s side door. That’s why all the damage was on my left side, from the tree impaling the car so badly. I couldn’t bear to bring myself to see my car in that fucked up mess, so I just let Dad handle it all and I haven’t bothered purchasing a new car. On consultation with our Lawyer, he’s positive I’ll be suspended from driving for a year, so there’s no point in having a car. It’s just going to make getting to and from Oxfordshire very difficult. But Chad said he would drive me everywhere seeing as we both live in London and if Chad can’t Indi will. I still can’t help but feel like less of a man. I can’t even drive my girlfriend around, it’s so damn lame, and all my fault.

We’re pulling up at my house on the way home from the hospital. Indi is going to stay with me while I recover, and then we’re going to talk more seriously about where she’s going to live. I want her to move in permanently, but she wants to take things slow, which I am fine with.

Rob was okay with me being out of it for a while. He said the gigs that he had lined up weren’t anything massive anyway, and we could concentrate more on recording an album instead while I was recovering. I’m glad, because I’ll feel like I’m still able to do something without having to run around on a stage and perform, because right now I couldn’t do that even if I wanted to.

Indi stops the car and gets out at a lightning pace while I fumble with my belt and try to open the door, but before I can, she’s there and opening it for me. I huff and she leans in putting her arms under my armpits and helps to lift me out of the car. She’s so tiny, I’m not sure how much help she can really be.

“C’mon up you get,” she says.

I wince while standing up and rest my weight on my right side.

“You okay?”

I close my eyes trying not to show her how much pain I’m actually in. I want to be brave for her and I definitely don’t want her to worry. I open my eyes and look right at her with a smile.

“There’s that panty-dropping smile I love,” she says and it makes me chuckle.

“Baby, I’m all for you dropping your panties, but maybe wait till we get inside at least. I don’t want the neighbourhood seeing what’s mine,” I tease and she giggles and moves in propping herself under my arm and helps me walk to the front door.

“Right for the rest of today, I want you to stay in bed and I’ll bring you some food in a bit. Then tomorrow, maybe we can venture to the lounge room. How’s that sound?”

I roll my eyes, she’s going to be far more nurse Indi than girlfriend Indi over the next few weeks.

“How about a compromise?” I ask while she slides the key into the door lock.

“Depends, but try me.”

The door clicks open and we walk through into my messy lounge room.

“You come to bed with me,” I say and she giggles and lightly taps my chest.

“Caleb, I think someone needs to clean your house so we can live here without catching something. So I’ll do that for you then I’ll come and lay in bed with you, okay?”

“I should get my bags,” I say and go to turn around. She grabs and faces me back toward my bedroom. She’s quite strong when she wants to be.

“No, I’ll get those. I’m your maid, your nurse, your cook, your personal assistant—”

“What about my girlfriend?” I ask and she smiles as we reach the edge of my bed. She spins us around and sits me down on the bed slowly. “Most importantly, I am your girlfriend. So let me undress you, get you into bed and then I’ll join you in an hour or so,” she says and moves in to pull off my hoodie.

“Can I undress you?” I ask raising an eyebrow before she pulls my hoodie over my head.

“Behave, Caleb! No sex for quite a while. We don’t want to contract the muscles around your wound and sex would definitely do that.” I frown and she smirks pulling my hoodie off and then leans down to take off my shoes.

“So if we’re talking abstinence, how long are we actually talking, Nurse Indi?”

“A long time, Caleb.”

I huff and run my hand through my hair.

“So, what, are we talking about? Like four days?” I ask and Indi laughs loudly which makes me furrow my eyebrows while she pulls my legs slowly up and onto the bed. I wince at the pain shooting through my left side.

“No Caleb, we’re talking weeks. You won’t be fully healed or functioning for at least six weeks, babe. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to just get used to the fact that we won’t be sleeping together for a long time, as much as we both want to,” she says. I pout and she smiles at me and leans in kissing my bottom lip.

“You’re cute when you pout,” she says. “Lean back.” She fluffs the pillows up behind me.

“Argh,” I moan out as I lay down and Indi screws her face up. Luckily the covers are at the end of the bed, so she simply pulls them up and tucks me in.

“I’m sorry you’re in pain, but I have all your medications with me and I’ll make sure you’re taking them regularly. I want to try and make you as comfortable as possible.”

“Thanks, baby, I’m so glad I have you to look after me.”

“Yes, you are. Now try to get some rest while I clean up and bring the bags in. Then I’ll be in, in a bit and I’ll lay with you, okay?”

“Thanks, Ind, I really do appreciate you taking time off work for me.”

“I have a heap of holiday leave time anyway. Plus, I think we really need to spend some time together. I told them if they have emergencies and they need to call me in that they can. I’ll get Chad to come watch you, or Hux, so I’m still available to the hospital if needed. But I want to be here for you, for us. I think we’re important right now and we need some work. And let’s face it while you’re an invalid, I can get my way.”

I smirk and raise an eyebrow at her.

“Right first thing’s first, I’m bringing your bags in so I can give you some pain meds. You don’t fool me rock star, I can see you’re in pain.”

“Sorry, I want to be brave for you,” I admit and she shakes her head and caresses my cheek.

“Babe, be brave by admitting when you’re in pain. That’s being a real man. Let me help you, okay?”

I nod, she smiles and leans in kissing my lips tenderly. I love kissing her it just feels so perfectly natural and so damn right. She pulls back and wipes some hair from my forehead and then leans down tenderly kissing it.

“Right, I’m off. Get some sleep,” she says and then stands up and walks out of my bedroom closing the door. I smile and shake my head at just how utterly lucky I am. How the hell have I managed to get her back again? It’s beyond me. But I am very aware that I’m one lucky son of a bitch. I’ll be damned if I am going to let her slip away again. Not for anything or anyone. I close my eyes and try not to think about the pain and the awkward position I’m lying in. I don’t want to move because every time I move it fucking hurts. So I stay where I am while I listen to Indi moving about the house cleaning and doing whatever it is she’s doing.

My back is cramping really bad after laying here for probably an hour, so I decide to roll on my side. I know it’s going to hurt, but I can’t stay like this any longer and I don’t want to interrupt Indi just for her to roll me over. I grab hold of the edge of the bed and take a couple of deep breaths and pull myself onto my right side. The pressure on my left eases instantly, but the pulling on my wound aches like a bitch and I groan slightly. I try and shuffle into a comfortable position. Eventually, I find a spot that feels almost comfortable and I close my eyes and let the sounds of Indi’s gentle singing drift me off to sleep.

An arm creeps around my stomach making me feel calm and loved. It’s followed by my entire back being covered in warmth and then a gentle nuzzle into my neck wakes me up fully. I realise Indi has slid into the bed behind me and is now spooning me. Her small delicate body trying to encase mine feels almost funny if it weren’t so sweet. She nuzzles her nose into my neck and she wraps her arm loosely around my torso and places her hand on my chest over my heart.

“Hey,” I say as I nuzzle into her and then flinch from the pain.

“Shit sorry, did I hurt you?” she asks raising her head to look over at me.

“No, it was me. Forgot about the pain for a moment and nuzzled into you.”

“Are you in a lot of pain? Do you want something for it?” she asks and then kisses just behind my ear.

“No, I’m okay, just having you here is all the medication I need,” I reply and take hold of her hand on my chest and interlace our fingers.

“I cleaned everything and I have a delivery of groceries coming tomorrow. Kenzi is coming over tomorrow to with my stuff. I hope that’s okay? She’s bringing it all here. I figured if I’m going to be here for at least the next six weeks I may as well have all my stuff.”

“Baby, you can move it in permanently if you want to,” I tell her being completely serious.

“How about we just take this slow for now. We seem to race forward and then end up taking a galaxy of steps backward. I just want to do this right this time, you know?”

“I know exactly what you mean. I don’t wanna fuck this up either. So we can do this any way you want to, baby,” I say and turn my head slightly.

She understands my gesture and moves across and leans in kissing me softly. The kiss isn’t filled with lustful intention or melting her panties off. Instead, it’s a sweet, delicate kiss that lets me know Indi is being gentle and safe with me. She doesn’t want to hurt me, and I don’t want to hurt her, physically or emotionally, and I don’t intend to ever again.

“I was so worried, Caleb, I thought I’d lost you. When you were brought to the hospital and I saw you all banged up like that, it destroyed me.”

“Hey, I’m okay. I’m sorry I put you through that. I hate that I hurt you that way—”

“No, you didn’t hurt me, Caleb. But it did make me realise what I was throwing away.”

I desperately want to turn over and look her in the eyes so I make my move, but moan in pain in the process.

“Don’t move, stay as you are. I know you want to look at me, but stay where you’re most comfortable. Plus, I like holding you, makes me feel like I’m in control for a change.”

“I like you holding me too. It’s an odd feeling, but one I would very much like to get used to,” I say and she kisses behind my ear. It kind of feels like the roles are reversed, and where I would normally be the one protective over her and holding her against me, she’s the one doing the protecting now. And even though I do feel vulnerable, I’m glad she’s the one picking up my pieces.

“Are you still tired?” she asks and I decide to be honest with her.

“Exhausted,” I reply. She grabs the bed sheets and pulls them up higher over us and snuggles down.

“Then let’s sleep, and when we wake up tomorrow it’ll be a new day and we can start on the rest of forever. How’s that sound?”

“Sounds very poetic, you should write songs.”

“I think I’ll leave that to you. Now close your eyes.” She kisses my neck softly and it sends a tingle up and down my spine, but in a very good way. I smile and close my eyes holding tightly onto Indi’s hand and she snuggles into my back as much as she can without hurting me, and it feels utterly fantastic!




I had the best night’s sleep I’ve had since the accident being locked in Indi’s arms, that and being in my own bed and not in a hospital is always a good thing. I’m sitting on the lounge suite watching re-runs of Torchwood while Indi is making us a cup of tea.

“You know the special effects in Torchwood now seem really, really bad. Don’t you think?” Indi asks as she walks in with our mugs.

I chuckle and nod. “Yeah, but you can’t beat Captain Jack, he’s the best alien ever.”

“Seriously, if people knew about your sci-fi addiction you’d definitely not qualify as a hot rock star. You know that, right?”

“Yep, that’s why only you know about it.”

She sits on the lounge next to me bringing her feet up and snuggling into my side. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lean my head against hers. It’s nice to just be spending some quality time with my girl.

“Did you know that Torchwood is actually an anagram of Doctor Who?” Indi says out of nowhere and I look down at her with creased eyebrows.

“You nerd!” I say and she smirks and nods.

“You’re not the only sci-fi lover in this house.”

I smile wide as Indi always says things to make me love her more and more. The Weevil on Torchwood is about to attack Captain Jack when the doorbell rings.

“I’ll get it,” Indi says detaching herself from me and racing to the front door like she knows who’s there. I turn to look around, but I can’t move my torso much without it hurting so I patiently wait.

“Hey bitch, how’s married life?” I hear while turning to see who it is, even though it hurts. I moan and turn back grabbing at my side before I can actually see.

“Geez, trying to kill himself already,” she says and I recognise the voice, but I just can’t place it.

“Leave him alone. You okay, Caleb?” Indi asks coming over to me and rubbing my back as I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing to stop myself from being sick.

“M-hmm,” I murmur and Indi sits down next to me.

“See you made him hurt himself,” Indi says. I open my eyes and breathe in slowly seeing Kenzi sitting down opposite me.

“Sorry, big guy. You doin’ okay?” Kenzi asks and I swallow hard and slowly lean back as Indi assesses me with concern.

“I’m fine, just turned a bit too suddenly.”

“So while you were apart from my bestie here, I had to put up with her miserable and moping antics because she loved you so fucking much—”

“Kenz, stop it—”

“No, he needs to know this shit can’t happen again—”

“It won’t. I love her, Kenzi. Thank you for taking care of her when I couldn’t, and thank you for picking up the pieces when the news story broke. I’m sure soon enough when the news of my accident gets out they’ll be back around, but I’ll do my best to protect Indi from them this time. I won’t let anyone hound her again. I love her, Kenzi…I love her,” I say honestly and she frowns at me and swallows hard.

“Look, I was nice to you while you were in the hospital ‘cause you were my patient and all, but honestly I’m reserving my judgment—”

“Kenzi!” Indi berates.

“No, really, he’s hurt you, Indi. I’m your best friend and he wasn’t there to see you when this all went to shit. She loves you more than you deserve, Caleb. So please, please, don’t fuck up again! ‘Cause I can’t handle seeing Indi that distressed, and if you can’t do it for my sanity then do it for Indi because, for some reason, she loves you more than life. You need to stand up, be a man, keep your cock in your pants, and love her back as much as she loves you. You got me?” Kenzi asks and I swallow hard and look at Indi, who seems a mixture of pissed off and suitably impressed.

I take hold of the edge of the lounge suite and try to lift myself up.

“Caleb stop,” Indi says, but I continue and Kenzi stands up following my actions.

“Kenzi, I know you’re coming from a good place and I know it’s because you love Indi, but I also love her with every ounce of my being. If you wanted me to do a cartwheel right now to prove my love, I would—”

“Go on then,” she dares.

I open my eyes wide and take a deep breath and bring my hands up ready to cartwheel.

“Oh my God, Caleb, no way in hell are you cartwheeling. Kenzi you’re a nurse! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Indi asks rushing to my side and stabilizing me by placing a hand on my back and chest.

“I just wanted to see if he would do it, and the dickhead would have. That’s all I needed to see. Keep that intensity of love and devotion for Indi and we’ll be okay. You and me, Caleb. But fuck her around again, and you’ll be doing cartwheels off the edge of the river Thames…with concrete boots on. You got me?” Kenzi says and I try to hide my smile and I nod.

“I got you,” I reply and the way this started I was headed toward a total dislike of Kenzi, but now I can see how much she just wants what’s best for Indi. I really like her, and I think we’ll get along fine.

“Good, now sit the fuck down will you. You’re making me nervous that you’re going to pop your stitches.”

Indi smirks and helps me to sit back down.

“Right, now where’s your coffee? I need to be caffeinated!” She walks off into the kitchen and Indi smirks and sits down looking at me like she’s waiting for me to abuse her.

“She seems—”

“Crazy!” Indi says and I chuckle and then wince.

Indi grabs my hand and holds it. “I was going to say protective. I like it. She can be protective of you while I’m an invalid,” I say and Indi opens her eyes wide and smiles biting her bottom lip.

“So, can she stay here for a while and hang out?”

“Of course, she’s your friend, baby. She knows everything about me. I need to know who she is. Plus, she’s making herself at home in my kitchen, so I guess I don’t have a choice,” I joke and Indi giggles.

“Yeah, she has a habit of taking over. But thank you, sorry for her…abrasiveness.”

“No, it’s all good. I like her, Indi. Don’t worry, she has your best interests at heart and that’s all that matters to me.”

“We’re you really going to cartwheel?”

I nod and smile. “Absolutely, I would do anything to prove how much I love and care for you, and if it takes a cartwheel to show it then so be it.” She shakes her head smiling as Kenzi walks back in.

“I found your stash of Galaxy chocolates so I’m going to confiscate them. They won’t help your recovery at all,” Kenzi says coming in and jumping over the back of the opposite lounge and making herself comfortable with three Galaxy bars in her hand. She rips open one packet and gnaws down on it instantly. I chuckle and look at Indi and she smiles snuggling into my side as we sit back.

“Torchwood, hey? Captain Jack is so hot. Such a shame he’s gay. We could’ve had a great thing, him and me,” Kenzi states. I laugh a belly laugh and then wince in pain grabbing my left side, as Indi smiles and rests her hands on my side trying to ease my pain too. I think Kenzi and I are going to get along just fine.




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