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The Recoil Rock Series Box Set by K E Osborn (64)



As I walk into the kitchen Matt’s making himself a coffee and looks up at me and smirks.

“Pulled an all-nighter, hey bro? Should I guess who the lucky lady is?”

I just groan and ignore him walking straight to the stairs. The fucking ficus smacks me in the face as I walk past it.

“Fucking Fung Shui my ass,” I murmur as my feet feel weighty dragging them up each individual step and into my room. Heading straight to the en-suite for a shower, I need to wash her off me. All I can smell is her and even though I know I’ll never have this smell again, I can’t stand the thought of it driving me crazy all day either.

So I strip off and hop in, with the water burning my body as I try not to think of the disappointment and usual rejection that’s flowing through me. For once, I’d like to be good enough.

Removing all traces of her, I scrub my body and once clean enough I step out quickly, dry myself off and get dressed. As I look around thinking about lying on the bed and sulking, I decide I better not spend the day cooped up in my room knowing Matt will come looking for me. So I head down the stairs walking into the ficus again, then to the kitchen to see Matt cleaning up from his breakfast.

He looks at me and frowns. “What’s got you down, Missus Brown?”

I raise an eyebrow as I roll my eyes. “We’re quoting Mom now?”

Matt smiles. “Yeah, she was a wise woman. What I remember of her anyway.”

Immediately I tense as an image of Mom clutching her chest as she sat next to me, gasping for air while I clung to her arm, flashes through my mind.

I sure wish those flashbacks would piss off and be replaced with some other memory of Mom.

“Nate?” Matt calls, bringing me back to the now.

“Sorry, what?”

“Did you have a flashback?” I nod and exhale. “Shit, sorry. I shouldn’t talk about her.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll get over it one day.”

Matt nods tilting his head slightly. “It would happen sooner with some counseling.”

I groan rolling my eyes again like an errant child. “I can hardly talk to you about it. How the fuck would I be able to talk to a stranger?”

“You don’t know until you try, Nate. I can come with you…” he trails off and I shrug.

“Maybe… I was working on some things with Ria, but I think I’ve actually fucked that up now, too.”

Matt furrows his brows. “What? Why?”

Running my fingers through my damp hair, I sigh. “We slept together last night.”

Matt slowly grins.

“But then she did the whole… we’re still friends spiel this morning, and basically the… it’s not you it’s me thing, so I left.”

Matt winces and slaps my shoulder rubbing it slightly. “I’m sorry, bro. You thinking she just wanted a one-nighter?”

I shake my head. “No. I think she’s scared because she’s been hurt by that cockhead rocker, so she’s automatically lumped me in the same basket.”

Matt exhales. “Ahh… the infamous Kade.”

“Yeah… fuckhead!”

“Will things be weird at the video filming?”

Rubbing my face, I nod. “Yeah, I think so. I wish I’d kept it in my pants like Oliver told me to do. We had a great friendship and she was helping me… and I mean actually helping me.”

“In what way?”

I sigh looking to Matt. “She’s been teaching me to read.”

Matt opens his eyes wide and smiles. “Really? But you don’t tell anyone. Especially not women.”

Shrugging, I sigh. “She knew somehow. Ria just guessed it straight off the bat. And instead of making fun of me, she went out of her way to help me. I even wrote my first note, Matt. She’s been the only one to get through and stop the flashbacks from happening while I’m learning.”

Matt smiles wide and exhales. “Dude, you have no idea how happy this makes me. And there I was thinking Zaria was nothing but a rich pompous bitch.”

“Don’t call her that—”

“See, still defending her even after she made you feel like crap. You’re a good guy, Nate. I wish people knew you like I do. Got to see the real you, not the smart ass, conniving, idiot you come across as most of the time.”

“What? I do not!” Matt raises his eyebrow and smirks. “Okay, maybe I do come off a little… strong. I can’t help it, I’m fucked up, man.”

“Oh, I know. I live with you. I’ve known you for twenty-two years, I know how fucked in the head you are.”

“Shut up, ass.”

“But no, in all seriousness, and I don’t want to play the older by two minutes brother card here, but I’m gonna. You’ve been through some tough shit. Seeing Mom… well, what happened to you was horrible. You were five… that scars a person. And I’m not stupid, I know while growing up that everyone always chose you last for everything… or second to me. I know what kind of confidence shattering effect that has had on you. Nate, I know you better than you think I do. I know you struggle. I know how you’ve suffered. I know I didn’t help as much as I could and should have, but bro, you’re twenty-two and you need to think about getting your emotions out. Talking to someone about all this shit that’s been happening in your life, because… I’m scared, Nate.”

Furrowing my brows I tilt my head. “Why?”

“Because, it’s fragile, broken men like you…” I watch him choosing his words, “… that when thrust into heavy fame like we’re getting now…” again I see his mind ticking over, “… that they find other vices to cope.”

I curl up my lip. “You think I’d take drugs?”

“I know you’ve dabbled in your younger years, and I don’t want you to be another statistic. Adding Zaria into the mix scares me a little. Fame, depression, and being love sick… it’s all a toxic balance waiting for disaster.”

“Geez Matt, this got fucking serious.”

“Because I fucking love you, and I don’t want to see you spiral out of control. Okay?”

I nod and exhale. “Okay. But I swear… drugs are not on my to-do list. Never man.”

“Good, keep it that way. I don’t wanna come home to find you overdosing in the bathroom.”

“Wow! You’ve put waaay too much thought into this, Matt.”

“You clearly haven’t thought about it enough.”

“I’m hearing you, bro. But honestly… I’m okay. A little dented ego maybe, but I’m okay.”

He nods. “Well, I’m always here when you wanna talk. Always. You know that, right?”

“I do. You might be older, but I’m smarter.”

“Hmm… debatable. Better looking maybe, but smarter than me? I don’t think so.”

I chuckle. “I’ll take better looking over smart any day. Even though we’re completely identical in every way, except of course for our tattoos.”

Matt smiles pulling me into a hug. “Zaria’s a fool for not bagging you.”

I scoff. “Yeah, maybe... I just hope the weirdness is okay to deal with and not completely unbearable for everyone.”

“Why don’t you talk to her before we start filming, try to sort it out like adults?”

Shrugging, I wince. “Not sure she’ll wanna see me.”

“Only one way to find out?”

I nod and take a deep breath. “Shit! I hate adulting,” I say as Matt laughs and slaps my back.

“It’s a tough gig, but sometimes you just gotta be a man about these things.”

I sigh. “I’ll work up to it. Talk myself into messaging her.”

Matt chuckles. “You need some good vibes.”

I roll my eyes. “The ficus isn’t working,” I admit and he smiles.

“I agree, nor the coffee table where it is, I’ve stubbed my toe three fucking times.”

I laugh. “Exactly! Glad you’re seeing sense,” I say and pat his shoulder heading back upstairs to try and formulate an idea about what to say to Ria.




I’ve been in my room for a while, running over and over what to say, whether to call, whether to message. My mind keeps playing tricks on me and I can’t come up with a definitive answer. It’s driving me insane when I hear the doorbell ring. I furrow my brows and sit up on my bed wondering who the hell has come to our home. Then I hear the manic laughter of a little Asian man and my body tenses.

“Matt, you didn’t,” I murmur under my breath as I stand up and walk to my door peering out and listening to see if I’m hearing right.

“Oh hello, you sexy boy, your arms have gotten bigger, yes? Hahaha,” Whisper’s distinctive voice chimes up from downstairs. My body tenses and I roll my eyes wondering what the hell Matt is thinking. I thought we just said that this Fung Shui thing wasn’t working?

I move out to the stairs and traipse down them to see Whisper in his usual monk attire. He spots me and smiles wide throwing his hands into a prayer pose then he bows his head in greeting. “Namaste Nathaniel son. May waves of a thousand oceans roll over and caress your soul like endless soothing suns of heaven,” he says.

I raise my eyebrow at him and cock my lip up in confusion. “Umm… what now?” I ask.

“Hahaha you so funny. I see you have bad ju-ju again. It flow off you like a torrent. I wash it away, we go shower, sexy boy?”

I choke on a laugh. “Umm… fuck no, what the—”

“I kid, I make joke. Hahaha. I so funny. I got you good one, Nathaniel. Yes?” Whisper asks, and I tense up shaking my head slightly as Matt chuckles while grinning at me.

“I asked Whisper back to rearrange the Fung Shui again because it’s not working for us. We need to get it so it’s working better this time and all that?” Matt says and Whisper nods.

“Yes, yes… I see where problem lies. Art was all wrong and it threw everything off key. I did not take it in last time. I move it all again and it work much, much better this time… you see. It fix all your problems, you sexy boys. Okay?”

“Yes, sure,” Matt say.

“No,” I say at the same time.

“You see, Nathaniel, I fix the ju-ju. Then your luck change like flick of a switch! Trust in power of the Whisper.”

I roll my eyes and stand to the side. “Fine! Whatever! But Matt, you’re paying for all this shit.

Whisper glares at me and does his hand zip thing.

“Sorry,” I murmur slumping my body.

“Okay, I get to work, you big sexy boys. You stand there and say ‘cool, calm, collected’ over and over, yes?”

“Okay,” Matt says cheerily as I scoff and slump down even further.


Matt looks to me and tilts his head. “It won’t hurt, Nate. Just do it.”

Rolling my eyes, I murmur under my breath the three words over and over again as Whisper flits about the living room taking art from the walls and moving the pictures around. He then moves the coffee table from the wall to the side of the staircase, basically now it’s changed from one road block into another. I grunt slightly as he then moves the ficus from one side of the stairs to the other.

He’s pretty much just swapping everything from one side to the other.

There’s nothing harmonious or technical about this guy. He’s definitely a hack and I don’t know why Matt’s paying him. But I gotta admit the way he flounces about the room chanting and singing with absolute tone-deafness is pretty fucking entertaining. Thank God there’s no sage stick this time, it took ages for that smell to dissipate. I can still smell it occasionally in my closet and to be honest it stinks.

He suddenly breaks out into a verse of ‘Hava Nagila,’ the Jewish folk song and I look to Matt who bops his head from side to side seemingly oblivious that that’s not a Chinese Fung Shui incantation. I smile and I can actually finally feel myself starting to relax. Even though this is a crazy situation where there is obviously a quack and a half in my home, he’s making me chuckle inside and it’s lightening the mood a little, now that I can see the funny side of this. To start off with I was annoyed, but now, it’s actually rather entertaining and I’m kinda getting into it.

He’s lifting my mood and making me feel more energized.

What the fuck sorcery is this?

“Your ju-ju is lifting, Nathaniel sexy boy,” Whisper calls out.

I say nothing as he continues moving things and Matt bumps into my side playfully. We continue chanting ‘cool, calm, collected’ as he walks back over to us and he places his palms in front of me and closes his eyes humming. I open my eyes wide and stop chanting but Matt continues.

“I pull demon from you, Nathaniel. It be hard process, but you feel better, soon,” he says resting his palms on my chest and digging his fingertips into my flesh. I tense up as Matt chuckles and Whisper starts to vibrate. I smirk as I find this more entertaining now than absurd, and Whisper takes in a deep breath and gasps like he’s just taken in a very deep lungful of air.

He swallows harshly and backs up nodding his head and placing his hands in a prayer pose as he smiles at me. “I took one of your demons, Nathaniel. Something good happen today for you, sexy boy. You reach out for good, and good come back to you tenfold,” he tells me.

I think of Ria and my chat with Matt. I doubt that Whisper’s influence will have any effect on my relationship with Ria, but he’s given me the strength to at least make the move to message her.

I need to do this.

I need to make the move.

I can’t let this fester.

To bring the good, I have to make the good, at least Whisper has taught me something.

“I have to go do something,” I say and Whisper nods.

“Live well, Nathaniel. Be calm, be cool—”

“And collected. Yeah, yeah, I got it, thanks Whisper.”

He nods. “You’re welcome. Namaste and that will be $399.95… you pay cash?” he asks and I scoff as I walk off toward the stairs leaving Matt to deal with that load of bullshit.

My feet feel somehow lighter as I move with an air of excitement toward the stairs. Suddenly, my foot smacks into the coffee table, the pain radiates through my big toe and I groan out loud in annoyance. “Fucking hell,” I murmur, but round the table and walk to the stairs only to be hit by the ficus as I walk up them. I shake my head and chuckle, even though my toe is throbbing, I still feel good knowing I’m making the move to message Ria and not let things fester.




Sitting in the living room I feel like absolute crap. I’m looking over some contracts and a couple of scripts but I’m frustrated. All I can think about is Nate’s face as he left this morning. It’s late afternoon now and I genuinely feel like I’m having withdrawals from him. I miss his smell, his touch, his kiss. But even so, I know I’ve still done the right thing for me.

Groaning in frustration, I throw the papers onto the table and run my fingers through my hair when my phone buzzes alerting me to a message. So I bring my cell phone up to see it’s from Nate. My heart flutters and my stomach twists as I open the message to simply see an emoji of a dove. I smile and I hit reply, sending back a clown fish to let him know I feel bad too. I wait for anything else to come through or a phone call but nothing happens.

I don’t want to stop talking to him so I figure, fuck it. I’ll call him.

Taping the digits I dial his number, and as it rings my stomach flutters with nerves. It rings… and rings… and rings, and I think he isn’t going to answer when suddenly his voice sounds on the other end.


“Oh… hi. I thought you weren’t going to pick up.”

“I wasn’t going to.”

I pause and exhale. “Oh, right… what changed your mind?”

“Guess I’m a sucker for Oscar-winners.”

Smiling, I sigh shaking my head slightly. “You’re way too good to me.”

He chuckles down the line and it’s like heaven to my ears. “I am, but they say the nice guys always finish last, so this is all kind of making sense.”


“I’m sorry, I’m being a brat.”

“I deserve it… after this morning.”

“No, you don’t. You know what you want. Just ‘cause it’s not the same thing I want, doesn’t mean I have to be a bitch about it.”

“True, but just because I don’t want a relationship doesn’t mean I don’t find you to be an incredible man. You know that, right?”

“Thanks, but that doesn’t help, Ria. Basically, you’re saying I’m great, but I’m still not good enough.”

I gasp. “Oh God Nate, please don’t think that. You’re so good… too good, I’m just—”


I sigh. “Yes, very.”

“I told you, I’m not him…” I pause for a moment as I swallow hard. “Are you still there?”

“I’m here… just thinking.”

“I’m sorry, Ria. I’ve been rejected all my life and, to be honest, I thought I was used to it. No, I was used to it. I just wanted you to be different.”

Salty water forms in the corner of my eyes and I shake my head fighting back the urge to have it spill over in tears.

“I’m incredibly sorry I’ve made you feel this way… like you’re not good enough again. I know you’ve been dealing with this your whole life, and I don’t want you to go through that with me.”

“So what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that if you can promise me… swear to me on something important that you will never cheat on me… I’ll give us a go.”

He’s quiet. A little too quiet, and I’m worried that he won’t agree. That I’m asking too much.


“I swear on my mother’s grave that I will never ever cheat on you!”

Hearing those words brings a lump to my throat. I can’t fight back the tears. My throat chokes up and I sob, just the once, and then burst into a river of tears.

“Oh God, Nate, I didn’t expect that. That’s really serious.”

“That’s how serious I am, Ria. I’m not a cheater, never have been, never will be. Please don’t cry.”

I sniff and take a deep breath calming myself down. “Do you think you might want to come over?”

“I’m already on my way, I’m about five minutes out.”

Opening my eyes wide, I smile. “You’re driving?”

“I started when you admitted you were scared. I had a feeling you might need me by the tone the conversation was heading… though I didn’t see it heading quite this way. I can tell you I can’t stop grinning right now.”


“Like the fucking Cheshire cat, baby.”

I giggle wiping my eyes. “You’re way too good to me.”

He laughs. “I know, but you’re worth it. You’re giving a chance to a drummer who can’t read, that’s pretty amazing of you, too.”

“You’re worth it, Nate. You’re so worth it.”

He pauses for a moment. “No one’s ever said that to me before.”

My stomach sinks at just how badly Nate has been treated in his life, and I was only adding to the misery he was feeling. “Well, get prepared to hear it a hell of a lot more from now on.”

“Thank you. You have no idea what that means to me, Ria. You’ve literally changed my world.”

I smile thinking about how before we met he could barely read a few words, now he can string a few words together forming sentences and even write a few with my help. I’m so glad I’ve been able to do that for him.

“I think you’re gonna change mine, too.”

“I’m pulling up at the gate.”

“Great. I’ll meet you at the door.”

“K bye…”

Pushing myself up from the sofa, I rush through the house to the front door. I yank it open just in time to see Nate pull up, so I bolt down the steps to greet him. He jumps out of the car and runs to meet me, grabbing and lifting me up, then spins me around. I laugh as I wrap myself around him and lean in kissing him strongly. We both giggle against each other as he walks us back up the steps toward the house and inside closing the door behind us. He heads for the pool house but I stop him and drop from his hold breaking apart from him and reach out for his hand. Nate looks at me raising his eyebrow as I lead him off to the left toward the stairs. He furrows his brows and I smile.

“I think it’s time you see my actual bedroom, don’t you?”

He smiles and nods as we head for the stairs. Our feet move fast as we jog up the plush white carpeted staircase giggling all the way like a couple of teenagers. His hands don’t leave my body as we get to the top turning right and walk into my bedroom.

He stops as we enter and he stares in awe. “Sweet baby Jesus,” he says with a smirk on his face.

I turn to look at him and wince. “You okay?”

He looks down at me and says, “You have a four poster bed…” His grin is going wider and I furrow my brows and tilt my head.

“I do?” I say more like a question wondering why that’s important right now.

He chuckles, wraps his arms around my waist and walks us inside my room as his eyes shift around the walls of my bedroom.

“Your room is… really white,” he says matter-of-factly.

I let out a bemused laugh. “You don’t approve?”

He chuckles. “No, it’s not that… it’s just… for what’s about to happen in here, white seems very… um… angelic. Where I’m going to take you is a little more, south,” he says, his voice dropping to a deep tenor which makes my knees buckle slightly and my heart rate spike up a notch or two.

Chewing on my bottom lip as I clench my thighs together, I glance at him, seeing the hooded lust in his eyes. “What’s going through your mind right now, Mister Levine?”

He takes a deep breath and purses his lips. “You wouldn’t happen to have a set of handcuffs would you?”

My eyes open wide and I gasp slightly with a little nervous giggle. “Umm… I don’t tend to carry a set around with me.” His face falls slightly. “But… the tie on my bathrobe would probably be sufficient?”

His eyes light up like I’ve just said the best thing in the world. Nate pulls me to him and thrusts his lips to mine hard, his tongue pushes into my mouth with ease as my hands quickly dart up around his neck pulling him closer. My fingers trace through his hair, tugging slightly as he devours me.

He starts by pushing me backward toward my four poster bed, and I move with him. Our kiss is fast paced and passionate, no room for gentle and soft here. The backs of my legs hit the edge of the bed and Nate backs me up against one of the posts. His hands run down my sides, pulling my dress up my body swiftly. We part lips as he pushes it up over my head and moves back taking in my body. I have no bra on, and I’m only wearing a black lace G-string. He groans, rearranging his crotch as he looks around the room. I furrow my brows wondering what he’s looking for when his eyes light up.

“Stay there. Don’t move,” he demands while grabbing my arms and pulling them up over my head, making me reach for the post above me.

Chewing on my bottom lip, my body tenses at his little show of dominance. I like this side of Nate. As he walks over to the other side of my room and grabs my bathrobe, I grin wide as he pulls the tie from it, grabs each end and snaps it testing its strength.

Fuck! That was hot.

He stalks back over to me, my body throbbing with need as he steps up to me. He looks down at my naked chest and shakes his head slightly with a grin and looks into my eyes.

“You’re fucking stunning, Ria.”

He moves in pressing his body against mine and raises his hands up to wrap the robe tie around my hands above my head against the post. My breaths are coming in short, sharp bursts as he secures me tightly to the post. The tie is plush, so it doesn’t hurt at all. In fact, the feeling of the fluffy texture against my wrists is fantastic.

Nate moves in and plants a firm kiss on my collarbone, grazing his teeth against the protrusion of bone against my skin. I wriggle slightly against the post and he stops, pulling his head back and looks in my eyes.

“Naughty girl. You need to be still. I’ll have to punish you now,” he says instantly making my panties soak through. “What can I use to punish you with?” he teases as he looks around my room.

My chest is heaving as his fingers trail down my center. Along my sternum, between my breasts, down my stomach, his finger dips into my belly button and keeps traveling. It sinks into the front of my panties as I lift up needing him to touch me.

He grabs the hem of my panties and pulls them down. They fall to my ankles leaving me naked as I kick them to the side. His finger plunges lower tracing along the tip of my pussy.

“Please,” I beg and he smiles halting his track.

“Now it wouldn’t be a punishment if you want it. Would it, little dove?”

I wince and clench my thighs together trying to create some sort of friction to relieve the ache.

He gazes around the room again, his eyes open wide and he smirks looking back to me. “Stay still.”

He pulls back from me and walks over to a vase I have by my tall boy and pulls out one of the peacock feathers. Nate looks back to me and nods once. “This will do quite nicely,” he says wandering over to me trailing the feather over my exposed breast just once. The light touch of the soothing feather tickles my skin sending goosebumps spiraling down my side. My back arches as the tip of the feather caresses my nipple and I moan slightly surprising myself.

“Good girl,” he says.

The feather moves slowly to the center of my body and trails down to my stomach. I breathe harshly as it shifts lower and lower. It tickles and sends my senses into overdrive. My clit is throbbing violently and I feel like I’m on the cusp of an orgasm and he hasn’t even touched me. He trails it down, down, down, further and further.

I wriggle against the post—the tie against my hands rubs which is also sending sensations through me. The tip of the feather reaches my pussy and I gasp. Resting my head back against the post, he moves the feather over my pussy causing tingles to pulsate through me. The sensations make me wriggle and moan in satisfaction, or is it not enough satisfaction—I honestly cannot tell the difference right now.

I need him to touch me.

This is torture.

The ache of almost feeling pleasure is beyond anything I’ve ever felt. He wanted to punish me and this is definitely a form of torture, a beautiful torture that I’m loving—or is it hating—every second of. He waves the feather over my pussy again, and I moan out loud this time as I gasp trying to catch my breath.

“Nate, please,” I beg clenching my eyes together.

“You want me to touch you, little dove?”

“God, yes,” I whimper.

With that he drops the feather and his hand cups my pussy in an instant. His finger presses firmly on my clit and he holds it there. I moan as my head falls back against the pole with a bump while I arch my back with the pleasure as he starts using pressure in a circular motion, rotating and working me up. My toes curl and the plush cream carpet pushes up between my toes.

His mouth moves in touching my neck, and as his tongue darts out delicately he starts working it up along my jaw. It’s so erotic that every inch of me tingles with all sorts of sensations. Nate’s finger is working me up at lightning speed, and being tied up and totally under his control is a completely new thrill for me. Although I would have thought I might be a little apprehensive about the idea, doing this with Nate has made me so comfortable I haven’t even given it a second thought.

Harder and faster, his finger rotates on my clit, making my hips start to move against his hand. His tongue slides its way up under my ear, his teeth taking hold of my earlobe and biting down. The jolt from the nip sends a shockwave straight down between my legs as he presses firmly on my clit. I moan out as pleasure radiates through me.

My hips move faster against him causing a superb friction as his finger slides down from my clit and up inside me. His thumb pushes into place on my clit where his finger previously was, and his hand starts a new rhythm. His other hand slides onto my hip where his fingers dig in firmly, but not too hard, just enough to show dominance—which it seems is my new favorite thing in the bedroom.

Trailing along my jaw feathering hard kisses in time with the thrusting of his fingers, his lips meet mine and I have no hesitation in kissing him back forcefully, even though I’m panting for air. Not being able to touch him is both somehow deeply vexing and wondrous at the same time. Like a pain-filled pleasure.

His fingers inside of me work at a faster pace all the while our tongues dance together. His thumb presses on my clit a little firmer, as his fingers inside swirl and hit that spot. I moan loudly into his mouth as my back pushes away from the post. My breasts press into his chest rubbing my sensitive nipples into his shirt as he continues to perform his magic.

An insatiable heat floods my veins, burning me up from the inside, like hot lava melting my very molecules of existence. Droplets of tiny beads of sweat litter my skin and rivulet down my goose bump laden flesh, which has flushed bright pink with desire. My eyes clench as my kisses become lazy against Nate’s mouth while the pleasure takes me over, hitting me in consistent waves. My hands ball into fists above the tight bindings as sparkles glitter behind my eyes.

I break free from Nate’s kiss needing air and I gasp frantically for oxygen. My hips grinding into his hand as his free hand comes up taking my nipple into his fingertips and he tweaks it hard at the same time he presses on my clit and thrusts up sending me over the edge.

“Oh fuck,” I call out more like a moan. My muscles clench hard over every part of me.

Then it hits like a massive tidal wave… no, more like a tsunami rolling over me multiple times, crashing into me and drowning me in pleasure as I ride the riptide of satisfaction.

After what seems like forever my muscles finally relax as my body sags against the pole and Nate slows his movements working me down gradually from my massive high.

He’s so good, I don’t know how I ever lived before this. Nate softly chuckles, his deep tenor making me slowly tilt my head and open my eyes to see him watching me.

“Your pleasure face is so fucking hot,” he says and I wince.

“That’s embarrassing,” I admit.

He shakes his head and moves in bringing his hand up to caress my cheek lovingly. “No, it’s the truth. You’re fucking beautiful when you come.”

Smiling, I nod, and he leans in kissing my lips briefly before pulling back and then lifting his shirt up over his head revealing his well-toned abs. Drawing my bottom lip in by my teeth, I sigh slightly taking him in. He’s really good on the eyes. I guess to be a drummer you do need to be all kinds of fit and Nate is certainly that.

“You’re not so bad yourself there,” I reply.

He looks down to his abs and back up to me and smirks. Then pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and grabs a condom.

“Good idea,” I say.

Nate throws his wallet to the ground and then undoes his jeans and yanks them and his boxer briefs down, he steps out of them and his shoes leaving him completely naked. I grin as I look down to his rock hard cock springing to attention. It’s so thick and perfect. If I wasn’t tied up I’d drop to my knees and take him in my mouth and worship him, but I think he has other ideas.

He brings the condom packet to his mouth and rips it open with his teeth. Pulling out the latex, he takes it and rolls it over his length, and fuck if it isn’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m becoming anxious in anticipation of Nate being inside of me again. I honestly cannot wait.

Nate stalks toward me like a moth to a flame. I love that intoxicated look in his eyes, and I adore the fact that it’s me making him look that way. I love that I do that to him because he does the exact same to me.

He moves in close and looks me right in the eyes. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” I simply answer.

He nods and runs his hands up my thighs stepping right in front of me. The chemistry sizzling through the air is palpable, almost like there’s firecrackers going off in all directions around us. It’s popping and sizzling through the air making every touch, every movement, every hurried breath intensified as his hands graze up my thighs. They move around the backs of my legs, and suddenly he hoists me up. I let out a small squeal as he lifts me and I move slightly up the pole.

He moves in line with me and I pant knowing what comes next. Looking into my eyes, his fingers grip hard into my ass cheeks while his cock nudges the entrance of my pussy. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist as I pull him closer to me.

His intense stare takes me by surprise and something passes between us, a moment of clarity, that this isn’t just some mutual attraction. There’s actual chemistry here, real electrifying chemistry, and we’re about to burn this place to the ground.

Nate’s gaze hardens and with a swift upward movement, he thrusts inside me, stretching me and filling me completely. We both moan a deep satisfying moan. It feels totally as amazing as the first time, even with a condom between us. He moves back slowly, then thrusts into me quickly. It’s a rhythm that he has complete control of and I just have to hold on for the ride. He moves his mouth to mine and kisses me hard. I kiss him back with just as much gusto as we move in perfect cadence together. I ride him as he pulls me on and off him against the post.

His thick cock fills me pushing in the perfect amount and hitting at just the right angles. It’s an amazing feeling and I know we’re going to be doing this a lot more. I never knew sex could be this exciting. Nate is showing me new things, taking me to new heights, and making me feel things I never knew I could.

Nate’s fingers dig into my skin only heightening the pleasure as he rocks back and forth inside of me. Our tongues touching against each other as we frantically find a passion we didn’t know we had together.

He thrusts up, pulls back, and thrusts again, in a perfect rhythm. My arms move up and down the post with his movements, but I don’t mind the friction, it only adds to the satisfaction. As he moves in me, the molten lava spreads through my veins again. It trickles out through every pore in my skin making me scorching hot. I groan into his mouth as sweat rolls down my temple. His chest slickens with a mist of sweat too, and a fire begins coursing through us, ready to singe the entire room.

Taking no prisoners, Nate pumps into me hard and fast. This is not gentle. It’s not delicate. This is persistent and rapid. He pummels into me, my back thrusts off the post pushing me further into him. It intensifies the pressure and it sends me over the edge. My muscles clench and I break free from his kiss moaning loudly as it hits like nothing before. Everything clenches, including my pussy which makes Nate moan loudly and begin to jolt.

“Fuck, Ria,” he calls out moving his head into the crook of my neck while I continue to explode. He bites down on my shoulder and my body goes limp as he jerks a few times groaning and moaning as he pumps into me twice, coming hard and begins to slow his pace.

We both slacken a little and eventually stop moving as he rests his head on my shoulder, and I lean my head against his. We’re both panting frantically trying to catch our breaths.

“Holy hell,” he murmurs and I let out a lazy giggle.

“Feel free to tie me up anytime.”

He lets out a small laugh. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

“Please do. Now untie me and take me to bed,” I demand.

He pulls back looking at me and winks with a simple nod.




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