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The Recoil Rock Series Box Set by K E Osborn (86)



My eyes open slowly as I wake from a peaceful sleep. My dreams were all in aqua last night, though I don’t remember what I was actually dreaming about—weird. Rolling over in my bed, I stretch my arms out to my sides and yawn, probably over exaggeratedly as a slow smile creeps up on my face. Reaching out for my cell, I swipe to open it and press on the Lovepessimist app. Once open, I see a reply message from Jacqueline. I read it right away.


Jacqueline: Hi Matthew, I’m glad you messaged. And it’s fine you’re just starting out, we all have to start sometime. I like your profile… I like a man who knows what he wants out of life and is a go getter with a no-nonsense attitude. I like your profile picture too. The man with a little mystery, it’s suave, and I like the thrill of not knowing exactly who I am talking to. I also like that you’re a musician in your spare time. I love music, and it’s a big deal in my family too. It’s good to have some things in common, although my father is a horse breeder in Bakersfield. That’s where I am and the field I work in. Anyway, I’ve rambled on enough, I hope to chat with you some more xo.


She comes from a good solid family background, and she has a stable life from the sounds of it. She doesn’t live too far, only about two hours away from me, so that’s not too far to travel. I like the look of her so far, so I write back.


Me: Good morning. It’s great you love music! It’s quite big in my life, so it’s a good thing that’s a common interest for us both. Horses are cool, can’t say I know a heap about them, but I’m willing to learn if it comes to that. Your profile pic is great, the horse in it is really beautiful, but you’re far prettier ;) So what’s the plans for today, got anything exciting happening?


I wonder if it is way too soon to send the pretty comment, but I figure fuck it, it’s the truth, so I send it anyway and get out of bed to start my day. After getting dressed, I head downstairs to Nate who’s already plating up our cereal. He looks to me and smirks as I continue to peer down at my cell.

“Everything okay? It’s not like you to be late for breakfast.”

“Sorry was answering my messages… from my future wife.”

Nate raises an eyebrow and scoffs pouring out his cereal. “Um… come again?”

“Okay, so that might be rushing it, but she seems great,” I tell him as Jacqueline texts back.


Jacqueline: Going in for the cheesy one-liners already, wow… we might make it after all. I’m a sucker for flattery ;) Not much other than a normal weekday, just work, work and more work. You?


“So, that’s who has your attention right now, I’m guessing?” Nate asks, and I slowly look up from my cell to him as he smirks.


“Is that her?” he asks, nodding to my phone in my hand.

“Oh, yeah,” I state and go about typing a reply.

I chuckle to myself then keep taping away.


Me: Yeah, I’m all about the cheese. If I’m having a good day, you might even get extra cheese.

I’m going to be heading into work too. Not sure what’s on the cards today, but I’m sure it’ll be interesting knowing my work colleagues.


I smirk as I hit send knowing full well I mean Danger and Ryan, but knowing she’ll have no idea what I mean as Nate eats his cereal watching me. “So you haven’t told her who you are, have you?”

Her reply comes in. I ignore Nate’s jab and read it right away as he shovels more cereal into his mouth.


Jacqueline: Well, being an entrepreneur does sound intriguing. I do hope to hear more about that, for sure. It certainly sounds interesting. So random question alert, what’s your favorite fruit?


I laugh out loud, and Nate shakes his head at me as I start frantically typing back to her. I hear Nate put his bowl in the sink. “I’m done talking. I gotta head off to the gallery. Try not to get too caught up too quickly. Okay?”

I nod, still typing back my reply. “Yeah, yeah, go to work. I gotta go into the office anyway to catch up with the boys and Oliver, I’ll see you tonight.” I grab my keys and walk out of the house toward my car without eating my cereal, and leaving Nate behind. I slide into my car and try to keep off my cell while I drive to the office building. But when I get there I check my messages again to see another has arrived and I quickly type up a reply as I walk through the halls.

As I walk into the kitchen I notice Lunar and Danger, so I turn to them while putting my cell down for a moment. “Hey, what’s happening today?” I ask.

“Not a hell of a lot actually. Tillie has called a meeting about a new marketing campaign she wants to formulate. She’d like Nate to be here, but she knows with the gallery that he’s needed there, and that you’re kinda his proxy vote in all this shit. So yeah, I think that’s on the agenda today,” Danger answers and I nod. My cell alerts me to another incoming message from Lovepessimist. It’s from Jacqueline telling me to please call her Jaci and what she’s planning for the day.

Danger and Lunar look at me and chuckle. “What’s going on there, Matty Moo? That cute grin you have going on there tells me that’s not Nate you’re texting,” Lunar teases.

“Nah, definitely not Nate. It’s a chick, but I only met her last night.”

“Oh, where?” Lunar asks excitedly.

“The internet,” I explain while still typing into my cell.

The general lack of conversation thrown back at me as the room fills with silence makes me look up to see them both staring at me with furrowed brows and quizzical looks. “What?” I ask

“The internet?” Danger questions.


They both gawk at me like they’re trying to figure out if I’m joking or not, and I roll my eyes and turn my cell around to show them the app. They both look at it, and their eyes open even wider in response.

“Matt, seriously? You’re a celebrity rock star. You can have any girl that walks in off the street, and you’re resorting to the internet?” Danger asks.

Lunar scoffs, smacking him over the back of the head.

“What?” Danger asks looking to Lunar.

“Matt, what Danger means to say is finding a girl comes a lot easier for guys like you. Why are you resorting to the internet?”

I shake my head. “See that’s where you’re wrong. Finding a particular type of girl is easy for a guy like me. Finding the girl I want… well, that’s a lot harder. The girls that come with being in this industry… yeah, they’re not the girls I want to have hanging off my arm. You know… groupies, women in the industry, I don’t want one like that. No. I want someone who doesn’t want me for my fame. Someone who wants me for me, and not for who I am or what I can do for them.”

“We get that, we do, but there are other ways.” Danger runs his fingers through his hair. “The internet? People on there are going to know who you are, Matt.”

“Eventually, but not as they get to know me. They will get to know me for me. Like me for the person I am before they find out who I really am. See how it works?”

“So you’re basically catfishing them? But in a kinda reverse way, because you actually are the celebrity.” Lunar giggles.

I shrug. “I suppose, but I’ll make them like my personality so much that they won’t care, and they’ll just accept me for me when they do find out.”

“This is a big risk, Matt.” Danger sighs.

“If anyone has shown me love is worth the risk it’s you and Lunar. Fuck, even Ryan and Tillie put it all on the line for love. Why can’t I do the same?”

“All right, just be careful, okay?” Danger instructs.

“Of course, I’m the wise twin remember.”

“Hmmm… debatable at times,” Lunar quips, poking me in the ribs, and I chuckle as we all walk into the boardroom.

Tillie, Ryan, and Oliver are already seated, and Oliver is busy looking over his cell, while Tillie’s typing on her notebook. We all walk in taking our seats, and the meeting is due to start.

Tillie looks up placing her hands together on the table in front of her, and looks over at the three of us. “I would like to try some new marketing strategies with the group since the release of I’ll Take Your Breath is still soaring, we don’t want it to plummet. We need to keep up the momentum.”

“I was a little concerned about Nate not being here for this meeting, but now we’re talking about this song, I’m glad he’s not here because talking about it will only make him think of the film clip and therefore Zaria. He’s already struggling as it is, so it’s better he stays away from here for the moment until the hype of the clip dies down.”

My cell buzzes in my hand and I look down to see it’s another message from Jaci, and I subtly look at it under the table while Tillie continues to talk, but I’ve kinda zoned her out.


Jacqueline: So if you like pineapple as a fruit then why not on a pizza?


I smile and type back.


Me: Isn’t it weird having fruit on a pizza? I mean it just seems weird to me.

Jacqueline: Explain tomato then sucker…

Me: …………

Jacqueline: HA! I win, first pizza we get, it’s having extra pineapple!

Me: Okay fine, but I’m not caving on the pepperoni, we have to have that. Pizza without pepperoni is like an ocean without water.

Jacqueline: Okay agreed… Wait aren’t you supposed to be in a meeting?

Me: Umm, I am lol.

Jacqueline: I hope you’re paying attention!


“Matt! Are you paying attention?” Tillie asks, and I look up seeing everyone is staring at me raising their brows.

“Sorry, what?”

“What’s the vote for you and Nate, Matt. Yes or no?”

I look up having no idea what she’s talking about and simply nod. “Ahh… yes?” I say as more of a question than an answer as I have no idea what I’m agreeing to.

“Really? That’s surprising. Everyone else said no,” Tillie says looking confused.

I take in a sharp breath. “Shit! Sorry. What was the vote for?”

“Matt, you need to take this seriously. This is important business we’re discussing here,” Tillie berates sternly, and I nod putting my cell down with a sigh.

“You’re right, sorry… just um… what was the question?”

“Do we want to put the single up on Spotify as a free download for a limited time?”

My eyes widen. “Ahh… no. Sorry, that’s a definite no.”

“That’s what I thought. And Nate would be a no to that, too?”

“Yes. His vote would be a no, too. Sorry, I’m here, I’m listening, I promise.”

“Well, we’re pretty much all done now. You can go back to your cell conversation. I really only need to talk to Oliver now. You guys can go and rehearse or write or whatever it is you do while you’re here,” she states.

I look to Ryan and curl up my nose in apology as Tillie goes back to her notebook.

“Sorry, Till,” I apologize again. She forces a small smile and focuses back on the work in front of her as I stand up with Ryan, Danger, and Lunar, and we head out of the room down toward the studio.

“Sorry, Ry, I didn’t mean to piss her off.”

“Nah, it’s all good, Till’s just stressed. She’s trying to figure out ways to keep the momentum going. Till just wants the song not to fall or plateau, and she’s putting way too much pressure on herself.”

“Maybe you should help relieve some of her tension, hey, fucker? You really need to take her to that shop on Wilks and Third. Danger and I swear by it,” Lunar says making me chuckle.

“Thanks, Lunar, but I can keep her satisfied without the bondage. Trust me, we’re fine in that department.”

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I bring it up to see another text from Jaci. I read it as we arrive at the studio and grin widely while typing my reply.

An image of Alex suddenly flashes into my mind, and I wonder how she’s going with her internet dating saga, so I send off a quick text message to see how she’s faring.


Me: Hey Alex, just checking in to see how the winks are going? Have you had any hits and are you messaging anyone?


I take up my stool next to the amp that had my bass on it. I sit down as Ryan and Danger muck about doing whatever they want to when I receive a message back from Alex.


Alex: Hey Matty Moo! I’ve had a couple of Pessimistic winks, and there are a couple of guys that are cute, but I haven’t made contact with anyone as yet. I feel strange about making the first move.


I type back to her, as Danger and Ryan begin to wrestle in the studio.


Me: C’est la vie Alex, you should message. Guys like a girl with the initiative to make the first move.

Alex: There’s this one guy I could message. He seems okay…


She seems tentative, so I try to reassure her.


Me: Go for it! I’ve been messaging Jaci all day, and it’s going great. You could have that too, you just have to take a leap.

Alex: Okay, I will. On a side note, Nate is staying back late tonight. So do you wanna come over to my place for takeout, and then we can compare notes on our Lovepessimist matches and just hang out?


Smiling wide at the thought of hanging out with Alex alone, a few nervous flutters run through my stomach. I’m not sure what that is, but I like it.


Me: Yeah sure. I’ll come after 6:30?

Alex: Awesome, see you then!