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The Recoil Rock Series Box Set by K E Osborn (73)



The woman stands there in Ria’s doorway with her arms wide open smiling broadly as Ria just gawks at her.


I freeze on the spot not knowing what to do.

Motek, I’m so glad you’re home,” she says the first word in her native tongue. I don’t understand it, but I’m assuming it’s some sort of term of endearment as she rushes down taking Ria into her grip, kissing her frantically from cheek to cheek.

“Mom… Mom… stop. Where’s Patrick?”

“He’s by the pool… relaxing.”

“He’s here? Oh my God, you should have told me you’d be coming.”

“We wanted to surprise you, darling. Come in, we have so much to talk about.”

“Mom, Nate’s here.”

Her Mom turns finally noticing me and smiles looking me up and down. “Nice to meet you, Nathaniel, but my girl and I have some talking to do. You’ve had her for two months… you understand?”

“Mom!” Ria’s eyes open wide as she glares at her mother.

Feeling about as small as an ant or maybe smaller, I fake a smile and nod. “Sure… you guys have heaps to discuss, I’m sure. I’ll ah… see you tomorrow, Ria?”

She struggles with herself by taking a step toward me and then stopping as I place her luggage down at the bottom of the stairs. She mouths ‘I’m sorry’ to which I nod and turn heading back to my car with a sinking chest and an aching cock.

It’s been two months you idiot, what’s one more night?

Getting in my car, I look back to see Ria being dragged inside by her mother. She glances back to me with a quick wave, I smile and wave back before she’s gone. Taking a deep breath, I start my car and drive home.




Pulling up, I walk in and Matt looks up at me raising an eyebrow as he spoons a mouthful of ice cream into his mouth. “Umm… Israeli goddess at your beck and call and you chose me? I’m flattered.”

I smirk and shake my head. “Her parents were there… at her house.”

He nods and moans in acknowledgment. “Ahh yes, the good ol’ buzz kill. Especially after having no sex for two months and listening to Ryan and Tillie, Danger and Lunar going at it like fucking rabbits all the time. I’m guessing right now blue balls doesn’t begin to describe the feeling?”

I chuckle. “Well, at least I’m not the only one with blue balls, right?”

“Oh no, brother, that’s just you. There’s plenty of execs and groupies on the road for me in between stops. Just ‘cause it’s not happening on the bus doesn’t mean it’s not happening.”

Groaning, I pluck the spoon from his hand and shovel it full of Ben and Jerry’s. “Goddamn it.”

“Maybe she just doesn’t like your ice cream, brother?”

“My ice cream is great… very, very creamy.”

Matt laughs and grabs the spoon back from me. “Full of creamy goodness, hey?”

“Not for lactose intolerants that’s for sure.”

“Okay, this got officially weird.”

“Yeah, I need sleep or sex… probably both, but I’ll have to only have the former tonight.”

“What’s one more day?”


I squint at him. “Why are you eating ice cream? You only eat that when you’re depressed?” I ask, and he sighs and shakes his head.

“Ah alas, nothing gets past you, little bro.”

“So you are depressed?”

He shrugs. “More like feeling nostalgic.”

Raising my eyebrow, I cock my head to the side. “Matt, are you high?”

He laughs. “No, it’s just seeing all you guys with women and happy, it’s kinda making me wonder…” he pauses and shakes his head like he’s being silly and spoons another mouthful of ice cream.


He swallows and exhales. “Well, it makes me wonder if I should be looking to settle down, too. You know… find a girl. A nice girl. Not some groupie or some skank, but someone respectable, someone modest… a real lady. You know, classy and elegant, sophisticated and shy.”

“So she’s a shopping list?” I scrub my hand over my head. “Matt, you can’t find a woman with every quality you want. They don’t exist. You’ll be looking forever.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right. I should give up now. Back to groupies and sluts it is,” he says shoveling in another spoonful.

I pat his shoulder. “Matt, your girl is out there, and one day she will just appear in your life out of the blue and it will be the least expected thing ever.”

“Yeah… maybe.”

Suddenly the doorbell rings and I glance up furrowing my brows wondering if this is some weird sign or just a coincidence.

“You expecting someone?” I ask as Matt places his spoon into the tub and walks toward the door.

“Yeah… needed a pick me up.”

“So you rang dial a slut?” I chuckle and Matt snorts.

“More like hire a hippie,” he replies.

I open my eyes wide as he opens the door and I peer around the corner to see Whisper standing there smiling wide in his usual monk attire.

“Namaste you sexy boy! I missed you,” he says rushing in and hugging Matt tight swaying him from side to side.

I smile because even though I’m in two minds about Whisper’s seemingly weird methods and whether or not they actually work, the guy somehow has me liking him, and after a couple of months not seeing him, he’s been on my mind and it is nice to catch up.

“Hey, Whisper! How’s things?” Matt asks as he lets Whisper walk into the kitchen. He spots me and smiles tilting his head.

“Oh there he is sexy boy number two. Hahaha. You boys I missed you so much like sand misses ocean at end of king tide, you know what I saying? Come here let me squeeze demon from you, Nathaniel,” he says rushing to me and grabs my cheeks squeezing them tight while he squints at me and makes a kissy face.

This guy, really?

I smile and shake my head.

I have to admit I was feeling like crap after having to leave Ria, but within thirty seconds of Whisper arriving I feel lighter already.

I don’t know how he does it.

He looks around the house that hasn’t changed since he last rearranged it and he shakes his head. Putting his fingers to his chin and he sighs slumping his body. “Oh boys, this qi in here all wrong for your ju-ju now. Your energies all different since I last here. This Fung Shui all have to change, it all have to move to create good flow for you, yes? And I get the sage out, too. So many bad demons in both of you this time. Matthew you feeling so negative, it wash over you like a storm cloud eating you up like a mouse nibbling moldy cheese. It bad, bad, ju-ju. I clear it right up! You not even know I here!” he says while frantically pulling a sage stick and lighter from a pocket in his monk suit. He lights it up before we even have a chance to say anything. I shake my head looking to Matt and he smiles. I think he knows we’re wasting our money on this. It doesn’t change the qi—whatever the fuck that is—of the house, but having Whisper here does change our moods, so that’s good enough.

He starts running around the house waving his sage around singing Hava Nagila again making me chuckle to myself as I look to Matt and start chanting ‘cool, calm and collected.’ Whisper looks to me and smiles so wide like he’s mega proud of me and continues to wave the sage over every inch of the kitchen and living room.

I turn to Matt seeing him finally smiling and I’m glad. Walking in from Ria’s seeing him eating the Ben and Jerry’s has me concerned for him. I don’t like seeing him collapse inside of himself. Matt’s always the happy, go-get-em type and for him to be falling down emotionally has me a little worried to be honest. So if paying $399.95 to have Whisper here is going to make him smile, then hell I’ll pay it myself. It’s not like we can’t afford it.

Whisper finishes Hava Nagila and comes back over placing the sage stick on the kitchen island. He takes a deep breath placing his hands into the prayer pose and bows in front of us.

“Namaste, sexy boys.”

“Namaste, Whisper,” we both say back.

“Matthew, I worry for you. You eating lots of dairy. Bad for your inner Buddha. You stop eating dairy and relax your chakra… okay?”

Matt smirks and nods. “Okay, but how does one relax their chakra?”

I smirk, I can’t wait to hear this answer. It will probably be something outrageous and cost another $399.95 on top of the cash we’re already paying.

“Well, I not only Korean Fung Shui master, but internet dating guidance guru. I help you on your path to seeking perfect ten.”

I open my eyes wide and so does Matt as we look at each other wondering how the fuck Whisper knows Matt is sad about being single.

“You know I’m looking for a perfect woman? And I’m sad about being single?” Matt asks.

“Whisper know everything… everything Matthew. I one with the wind, I hear and know all. I speak with nature, it speak with me. I a Korean guru remember?”

Shaking my head, I bump into Matt’s side and let out a small laugh as he stands here stunned.

“You think about it, sexy boy, I be here when you need my dating services. And in mean time, I Fung Shui your house,” he says and rushes off to the coffee table and pushes it back to the other side of the room, right back to where he moved it the first time he was here.

I shake my head and chuckle as he goes about moving the artwork and vases back to where they were originally the first time he moved them and I look to Matt who still looks dumbfounded.

“You okay, bro?”

He shakes his head slightly and clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “Maybe…” he pauses for a second, “… I should do internet dating?”

I raise my eyebrow to him and tilt my head. “Matt, really? You’re gonna try finding your shopping list on the internet?”

He shrugs. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.” He picks up the spoon in the tub of ice cream and shoves a mouthful into his mouth.

“Relax your chakra, sexy boy. No dairy!” Whisper calls out not even looking at Matt but somehow knowing that he’s eating the ice cream. Matt swallows and drops the spoon to the bench with an almighty huff.

I smirk as Whisper moves the ficus to the other side of the staircase and I roll my eyes as he walks back over to us and nods. “There, flow all better. You see improvements in your lives now, you mark my words.”

“Thanks, Whisper,” Matt says.

“Oh… anything for you, sexy boys, you like family now. We like brothers. I your third twin, yes? Hahaha. You pay cash now? Usual price… $499.95.”

I chuckle through a snort realizing he has raised the price significantly and Matt just nods pulling out his wallet and sorting through a wad of cash.

“Okay, I’m hitting the showers. You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good… thanks, Nate. I’m glad you’re home tonight.”

“Any time you need me I’m here. I’m always here for you, just like you’ve always been there for me.”

“Thanks. Go shower, I’m good, I promise.”

Slapping his shoulder, I nod to Whisper. “Good to see you, Whisper.”

He brings his hands up in a prayer pose and bows to me. “Namaste, sexy boy.”

I head for the stairs, the ficus customarily hitting me in the face as I walk up the wooden stairs toward my en-suite feeling somewhat lighter, but still thinking of Ria and how I should be inside her right now, but she’s with her parents and I’m here aligning my dairy free chakra instead. Fuck my life.




My eyes flutter open as I stretch and yawn taking in the coolness of the morning air. I’m jolted back to reality that I’m home and not on the tour bus. I smirk slightly as my muscles smile with me at the comfort of my soft mattress and not the hard bus bed, but I hate that Ria isn’t next to me. Then it dawns on me, I’m going to be heading into the filming today totally blind… again. I was going to run over the script with Ria last night, but her parents kinda stopped everything.

Sighing, I roll over in my bed and grab my cell from the bedside table. I miss her and I wanna send her a text.

Or at least try to.


Me: I cant wate to see you.


I hit send, I’m pretty sure I’ve spelled some things wrong and my grammar’s up the shit, but I’m trying and still learning, so I’m sure she’ll forgive me.

My cell beeps letting me know there’s a message and I look at the screen seeing it’s a reply from Ria.


Ria: I can’t wait to see you, too.


She replies and now I can see my errors, so I make a mental note and file it away for later.

Matt and I make our way to the studio. We’re running a little late as Matt needed a caffeine hit, so we had to stop at Starbucks, where he proceeded to chat up the clerk for fifteen minutes. But as we walk in, the halls are buzzing with energy and everyone seems excited.

Matt takes his coffee and heads off to the viewing area as I go in search of Ria’s dressing room. As I walk toward her room, a medic is walking out. Furrowing my brows I walk quicker and step in seeing her pacing back and forth.

“Hey, I just saw a medic leaving. You okay?”

She sniffs like she’s on the verge of crying and smiles too wide in compensation as she nods. She looks pale and a little sweaty. “I’m good. Too much stress, as usual. Felt a little fainty, so Tillie sent a medic in. You know how protective she can be.”

I raise my eyebrow and exhale. “How’d it go with your parents last night?”

She groans while rolling her eyes and flops herself onto a chair. “Urgh, they’re frustrating as fuck. Mom’s obviously only staying with him because she’s worried leaving him will cause another heart attack. But they’re flat broke and asking me for money which of course I can afford, but it’s all a bit scary, you know?”

Exhaling, I walk over and place my hands on her shoulders massaging gently. “It can’t be easy, baby, but you need to look after yourself in this, too. If this is making you sick you need to step back.”

She sniffs like she’s trying not to cry again as her hand comes back up embracing mine on her shoulder. “I’m okay, I’ll be fine. I’m always fine.”

“Ria, we’re ready for you now,” Mindy says as she comes rushing in, then rushes straight back out like a mad thing.

I chuckle.

“Okay, thanks.” She looks up at me. “We didn’t go through the script.”

“I know,” I reply with pursed lips.

She stands up facing me. “It’s you… only ever you.”

Mindy comes rushing back. “Ria! Now!”

Ria nods and takes my hand as we walk out toward the set. I lean out giving her a kiss and as her lips kiss mine this kiss feels different, there’s a need in it, an ache, like something’s changed. I’m just not sure what? I pull back looking at her as she smiles at me weakly and is rushed off and onto the set. I exhale and make my way up to the viewing area where Lunar is sitting already looking like she could murder someone with just her glare, so I move in beside her and sit down.

She slumps back beside me. “Didn’t think we’d be back here again,” she says.

“Yeah, I know what you mean.”

“You prepared this time?” she asks and I can’t help my laugh. She looks at me and rolls her eyes. “How come you’re not prepared again, doofus?”

“Her parents got in the way this time.”

“Okay, well, it’s pretty much the same shit, just with fucking lip action this time.”

“Lip action?”

“Neck kissing and nipping… etcetera.”

“Oh right, okay, I can handle that.”

“Yeah, I think it’ll be okay. We have each other to keep us in line anyway.”

I smirk. “True story. No bourbon and tequila parties this time.”

“Yeah, none of that.”

I turn in time to see Ria pulling off her robe and stripping down to her panties, the tape is on her nipples and I close my eyes and slowing open them again seeing her so exposed.

I fucking hate it.

I hate it even more that my cock is waking up seeing more of her than I have for two damn months.

Danger walks in and is wearing some slacks and no shirt as he gets into the bed. Memories of the first time this happened come flooding back and the emotions from then filter in too. Knowing Danger and Ria are even closer now than last time is weighing down on me as she climbs into bed and gets into position on his lap. My jaw clenches while waiting for action to be called. They get into position and my heart rate spikes as his hands run up her naked back.


The music starts and their bodies mold together working in unison like they’re fucking. I swallow hard as his fingers dig into her back, her fingers pulling at his hair while they grind into each other. His mouth connects with her collarbone kissing her skin, and I tense up completely, my knuckles turning white as she looks like she’s gasping for air. His tongue darts out licking up her neck as he moves to her ear and he bites on her lobe. My chest is heaving while I watch him do what I’ve been aching to do for two months. I feel like I could burst. Her head falls back as she fake moans and I wince as the director yells ‘cut.’ I let out a heavy breath I didn’t know I was holding as they stop rocking back and forth and she starts laughing, slapping Danger’s chest playfully.

I’d like to punch his face not so playfully.

Lunar reaches out grabbing my hand and squeezes. “Did you think it would be easier?” she asks and I shrug.

“I dunno, yeah, I guess. I thought I’d be better prepared, seems like I’m worse off this time.”

She nods. “I know how you feel. I was prepared but the chemistry they have now and that… the way he was with her just then… we shouldn’t have to watch this shit again, Nate. We’re fucking amazing partners if you ask me.”

“Quiet please,” someone calls out and I know this means we’re going again. I exhale and take in a deep breath as Ria and Danger get into place.


I turn away looking down to the floor as my heart pounds in my chest. I don’t even really know why I’m here.

I don’t need to watch this.

It’s only torturing Lunar and me.

Surely Danger and Ria would understand that?

But instead of getting up and walking out like I should, I sit here through another day of watching my girl get licked, nipped and her grind down on Danger. Lunar isn’t fairing very well either, and I’m sure we’re both pretty much at breaking point.

“Okay, one last take, guys. Make this one count,” the director says and I take a relieved sigh that this is the last time I’ll have to witness this shit live and in neon color right before my very eyes. I figure it’s my last one, so I’ll try to show my support while watching this take.

“Action,” the director calls.

Danger’s hands slide up Ria’s back as her fingers fist in his hair, they rock against each other, her chest pressed against his firmly as his mouth connects with her collarbone. He kisses her harder than the other times, it’s more primal. I can feel the sexual energy buzzing around the room. My heart rate spikes, he’s not just kissing her as a friend he’s kissing her like he’s done it before. She moves in motion with him differently, like it’s turned from a performance into actual pleasure.

My teeth grind hard as he bites down on her neck making her back arch and her tits press into his chest further. His tongue darts out licking up her neck as his teeth grab ahold of her ear. They rock back and forth together in time with the music. They’re really going for it this time. The music is about to reach its big crescendo when Danger pulls back kissing across Ria’s jaw. Ria’s fingers tighten in Danger’s hair and she pulls his mouth to hers, they lock lips in a deeply passionate kiss, bodies rocking back and forth, teeth crashing, lips colliding… hearts shattering. Lunar gasps beside me as I stand up even though my legs feel completely weak.

“And cut…” the director says. “That was perfect. Exactly what we needed, guys. Well done!”

I shake my head slightly as Ria jumps off Danger and Lunar jumps up pushing past me almost falling over in the process as she runs out of the viewing area trying to hold back her tears. Immediately I take off after her as she races in front of me down the hall.

“Lunar,” I call out as she stomps and turns around, tears streaming down her face. I reach her and instantly she pushes me hard.

I jolt back shocked.

“You! This is your fault.”

I take a step back to steady myself and shake my head in bewilderment. “Mine? Why?”

“Because you wanted an A-lister to do a video with Recoil. This is all on you, Nate. My marriage is over before it’s begun and it’s all because of you.”

“Hey, your marriage isn’t over, Lunar. You’re still going to marry Danger.”

She laughs almost maniacally. “Oh really? ‘Cause from where I was watching, he’s got his cock firmly set on someone else.”

I pull her to me. She pushes at my chest trying to get me away from her, but I hold her tighter and stroke her hair. She shoves me again, but I don’t budge so she gives in wrapping her arms around me tightly in a strong embrace.

“I’m sorry, Lunar. Watching that was horrible. Them kissing was…”

“Heartbreaking,” she murmurs.

I nod and lean in kissing her head softly as I caress her hair and hold her firmly while she cries.

“Get off her…” a thunderous voice booms down the hall. I turn to see Danger running toward us, fury evident all over him. I let Lunar go and she furrows her brows as he races toward us. “Couldn’t wait to get your mitts on her, huh?” he yells as he reaches me. He draws back, his fist coming full force into my jaw before I have time to react. The pain radiates through my face as I fall to the side. Lunar screams as she launches onto Danger to stop the assault.

“What the fuck, Danger? Are you fucking insane?” Lunar screams.

“He was hitting on you.”

I stand up straightening myself out. “You gotta be kidding me.”

“Danger, he was comforting me after you sucked face with his girlfriend.”

Danger stops and looks from me to Lunar, his breathing slows and he looks back to me furrowing his brows. “You weren’t hitting on her?”

I let out an insulted laugh. “No Danger, I have a girlfriend that actually means something to me.”

His face falls. “Fucking hell… I’m sorry for punching you, man. I just saw you kissing her hair and after today I’m on edge, I just wasn’t thinking straight.”

“It’s fine, but it’s not me you need to apologize to,” I say looking at Lunar. She half-smiles at me as I nod to her and walk off leaving them to their shit. I have my own to sort out. Caressing my jaw I move it from side to side and walk down the hall toward Ria’s dressing room while taking a few calming breaths. I knock on the door and wait.

“Come in.”

I open the door and walk in to see Ria standing in the middle of her room looking a little lost. My jaw hurts so I move it from side to side again as I close the door behind me. “So… that last take was ah…” I pause not really knowing what to say.

“We got what we needed.”

“You were really playing the part well,” I murmur and she slumps her body and frowns.

“I was acting, Nate, you know that. I can tell you’re jealous of what happened here today, with Danger and me. I know what you saw would have been hard to watch, and I hate that this has hurt you—”

“Then why push it that far, Ria?”

“Because that’s my job, Nate. This is what I do. Gah! It’s always going to come back to this with us, isn’t it? You not understanding the choices I make for the good of my career.”

“Ria, I understand why all this happened today, but I don’t have to like it. I mean… fuck! How the hell am I supposed to like you kissing another man? Not just another man… my friend?”

“I was acting for God’s sake!”

I know! I’m not debating that, why are we even arguing?”

“Because, this is going to be the same dance we always have, Nate. You getting upset every time I kiss another actor.”

My body tenses and I clench my jaw grinding my teeth together so harshly they almost squeal. “Ria, it won’t.”

“It will, Nate. We can’t get past this. There’s no options here,” she says letting out a small sob.

Every part of me tenses as a shudder runs through me. “So what are you saying?”

She flares her nostrils and shakes her head. “We’re done, Nate.”


“Just go. I can’t deal, you’re too much. My time with Recoil is over now, you don’t need me anymore. You don’t even know… you have no idea what I’m dealing with right now. Everything is changing. Everything. And you’re not helping with this… is it jealousy?” I go to answer but she puts her fingers up to stop me. “It’s only going to make things harder. We’re done!”

“Ria! No!”



“I said go!” Exhaling as she turns her back to me, my heart pounds ferociously in my chest and I clench my swelling jaw closed and turn opening the door forcefully, walking through it and slamming it shut behind me. I stand with my back on her door panting for breath not knowing whether I should go back in and apologize or not.

I make my way to my car where Matt’s already waiting. He half-smiles at me and takes a deep breath.

“Guess you’re staying home tonight?”

I simply nod and he nods back as we get in the car and head home. I guess Whisper’s thoughts on us seeing improvements in our lives has gone very, very wrong.