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BILLIONAIRE GROOM by Kristina Weaver (11)


My balls hurt. It feels like someone drove a needle into them and is filling them with molten lava and yet Tink’s smile before I dragged her back downstairs was all I needed to tell me that I made the right move.

I was going to take her, I was but the panic and fear in her eyes when I ripped her panties off told me some things that almost drove me insane. She’s innocent. I suspected before but knew for certain in that moment.

And self-conscious about her pussy. I don’t like that, usually it would turn me off a lot but I understand that it stems from her innocence and for that reason I was more turned on than anything else.

Yeah. I’m that pig who likes knowing my woman will only ever know my touch, my mouth and my cock. I get that it’s hypocritical but it just is what it is so I’ve chosen to go with it and just enjoy Tink’s innocence.

She’s beautiful. Have I mentioned that? Her folds are pink, pink like her favorite shade and perfect in every way. I almost blew my load when I saw them peeking out from her outer lips, as if inviting my touch.

And her taste.

Stop thinking about that. No sense in making your dick hurt more.

When we get back downstairs I want to bark my amusement because mom is scowling and glaring at Char and Lizzie who are now setting platters of actual food down on the table and calling people over to eat.

Lizzie is even handing out plates filled with what I think may be ribs but I can’t be sure. All in all things are going great tonight. That is until I look over at the potted plant beneath the stairs and see what I think is a pale ass and the bottom of a dress.

“Oh Abe.”

That groan. Oh shit. Praying now, I try to steer Tink away from our position and maybe go over to distract Lizzie, but the damn oaf I’m trying to help chooses the moment to let out a bellow of a groan and things just go in slow motion from there.

Ian thins his lips and closes his eyes, his shoulders heaving. Tink buries her face into my chest and moans. Cece looks over and manages a gasp before keeling over right beside dad who doesn’t even twitch to help her.

Lizzie though, she’s the star of the show. That dynamo peers around me, gets one look at that ass and stiffens up like a rooster on the hunt. Her lips thin, her shoulders go up and she starts marching at us with a purpose that has me stepping away and saying to hell with Abey boy.

He can fight his own battles, I’m not getting in front of that force of nature not for any amount of money in the world.

“Abraham Gregorian Egan! Get yourself up and off that woman this instant or I swear by the cross I will use this opportunity to tan that bum with gusto. Up! Now.”

Abe obeys that shriek, slowly rising and zipping up, his grin so wicked I can’t decide whether to respect his bravery or pity his stupidity. Christ, under the stairs?

Tink’s shaking as Lizzie keeps yelling and it takes me a beat to realize that just as before, she’s fighting mirth. I am too but Lizzie looks at me and just as Tink warned, I swear I see flames in her blue eyes. Hell flames.

“Ian we are leaving.”

Her voice reminds me of something and I bite my lip when I get it. A howler. She sounds like a howler letter with the voice of the Weasley mother.

“Abraham! Car. Now. And you! He’s only a child!” she yells at a woman I vaguely remember but can’t pinpoint.

I do know she’s in her early twenties though and shouldn’t be looking at Abey boy. Although, the kid looks like he’s hitting twenty eight with that muscle and the swagger he’s putting off.

“Oh mama, I just turned eighteen. I’m a man.”

Hell. The boy is a fool.

At least I’m not public enemy number one though. And really, from the sight of mom, who’s finally conscious again and looking around, dazed and mildly horrified I’d say this night turned out even better than I could have hoped for.

“Blain George. This is not acceptable. Those people-”

“Are going to be family soon mom so I’d break out the smelling salts if I were you because you’ll be seeing them pretty often. Hey Lizzie, cut the kid some slack and let Char tell you about the time she caught Gray doing the housekeeper. At least you only saw ass, she got a full frontal of his vagina.”

Gray laughs and I hear him cheer along with Ty, Rus and Tink’s friends as if he has no shame about that event.

“I still remember Consuela with fondness. She was a peach.”

Char huffs and grabs Lizzie, steering her away from the still grinning Abe.

“It was enlightening Lizzie dear. I thought my son took after me, but he’s his father’s son through and through.” Char cackles, shuddering lightly. “And to make it worse that poor woman pined for him something fierce. I had to send her on a cruise and set her up with my stylist to save his cheeky ass.”

Lizzie looks fit to be tied but is letting herself be led and the other guests are all smirking as I breathe a sigh and kiss Tink’s hair.

“Phew, I thought we were all doomed there for a second babe. I saw the fire Tink and it was evil.” I shudder.

She doesn’t laugh back but looks up at me through narrowed eyes.

“You better not be planning that wedding yet George. I told you, trial run.”

My smile is all teeth when I grin and shake my head.

“Not if I have anything to say about it.”



I have a hangover of mega proportions as I crack an eyelid the next morning and peer blearily at my surrounding, knowing automatically that I am not in my own bed.

This bed does not contain a spring that seems to move every time I move or smell like Jack. And it’s so soft I know that should I wish to move, which I don’t, I’d just find and equally comfortable spot.

This bed smells like Blay and it dawns on me as I groan and wish for a lobotomy that I left the party with him at some point. A party that soon turned into a kegger when the rich folk started really enjoying themselves and loosening up.

A party that I went full hog on after hearing Blay tell an entire room of people, his family and my fire breathing mama that he intended to make me his and join our families.

I am not too proud to admit that scared me to death, and I may have used the drink to numb the glares that mama was throwing at me and avoid Blay and his penetrating stare.

He watched me all night while Ing and I took down a bottle of some fine brandy with Ed and my papa. Turns out that money or not, people are all the same when you get them liquored up.

I’m shamed by my behavior, I’ll admit because I know better than to drown my fears in a bottle. I’m even more ashamed of the hurt I must have caused a man who’s done nothing but be nice to me since we met.

But that’s the problem, I don’t get it. Blay is hot, rich and he has it all. He can have anyone he wants, anyone and he wants me? For more than just some sex and laughs?

I really don’t get it.

“Here, Tink. Drink this and let me help you into the shower. You look like you could use it.”

I turn my head and moan as it starts throbbing, my lip quivering out when Blay saunters in wearing nothing but silky bottoms and comes my way.

“Aw babe, don’t look at me like that. It’s breaking my heart.” He says softly after lifting me up and popping two pills into my mouth.

I drink the water he holds to my mouth only because he won’t let me stop until the bottle is empty and look up at him.

“I’m sorry.”

“What for Tink? It’s just a little hangover and besides, I like taking care of you. Now stop worrying and relax, Char says these pills work quickly but you’ll need to eat something as well to really take care of that head.”

He’s being so sweet about all this and that just makes me feel ten times worse because I know I don’t deserve it. The man hasn’t done a damn thing wrong to me since we met and I’ve done nothing but wrong.

Starting with meeting my family all the way up to ruining his mom’s party because I got scared about giving him what we both want. You think I’m stupid? Of course I could want more from Blay. He’s got keeper written all over him and he’s certifiable enough to like my family.

That makes him special. Maybe a little wrong special since it’s just wrong to like those lunatics without the use of heavy narcotics, but you know what I mean.

If anyone should be due some slack, it’s Blay. He’s been attacked by a rabid dog since he met me, lost a tooth to those moonrocks mama keeps throwing at people-FYI, I’m convinced it’s the same batch she baked back on 2005 and just keeps bringing out to see what happens-he likes my friends who are an acquired taste to say the least, just like the bread and he’s done all this and given me an orgasm without once demanding anything in return.

The man is a saint in my book and darn it, I deserve him, even if he doesn’t deserve to get stuck with me and my dog.

“No, I mean I’m sorry I freaked out when you said…you know,” I mumble, closing my eyes against the head splitting power saw in my brain.

“Tink, it’s okay. I came on too strong.”

“No! Oh poop, that hurt,” I moan, rubbing at my eyeball.

“Be still until it stops.”

“No. I want to talk. I want you to understand. I never had a boyfriend, besides Cooper Foster but that was more of a sentence and punishment than anything else. I think God was punishing me for having immoral thoughts and sent me to him to either contract an STD or become a nun.”

Blay laughs and runs a hand over my hair in a soothing motion.

“That’s an understatement. Your dad told me he’s got ten kids and gave his last girlfriend herpes. I’d say God cut you some slack considering you didn’t take up orders.”

“Don’t make me laugh, my head hurts. And that’s not the point. I don’t do well with commitment because then you might see that I’m not all that nice when I don’t have to be.”

“Tink, that’s just not true.”

“It is. Last year my neighbour’s dog kept pooping on mama’s stoop and she kept calling me to come fix it so I put a spoon of dish soap in his bowl and when he pooped all over the carpet I laughed my butt off. It was so bad Mrs. Keough was crying and puking on the lawn and her husband had to hire someone to come rip it all out and replace the carpet. And you know what? I wasn’t even sorry because that demon dog knew, he knew what I did and he never pooped on mama’s stoop again.”

Shameful. I’m a shameful bully but give me a break. I have a weak stomach. Even I puked on the lawn just listening to Mr. Keough laugh and describe the scene to papa while his wife was heaving. And I didn’t even see or smell it.

“When Ing and I left school and looked for jobs I knew she was going to get this bartending gig because the owner liked her and that I’d have to work at the diner alone so I put cough medicine in her coffee and she slurred so much during her interview the guy kicked her out and told her he couldn’t have a lush handling his stock. We ended up pulling eight hour shifts for minimum wage. And I never told her because I was so happy I didn’t have to be there alone that I didn’t regret it.”

Blay’s lips keep twitching and I scowl because he’s not taking this seriously at all. I’m a meanie! I am and I just can’t let him think I’m all sugar when mama and I both know I’m a sneaky little sinner.

“Tink baby, no one is perfect. I dipped my mother’s hair curlers into hair bleach once because she missed a soccer game. She looked like a spotted hyena and screamed her head off while Gray and I laughed in the cupboard under the stairs. Gray once stole a girl I had my eye on in high school and I shaved his head while he was sleeping. People do bad things sometimes because we’re all just human.”

“Oh yeah! I went out with this guy and let him get all hot and bothered and then had Ing come banging on the door, threatening to kill him for touching her ‘girl’. All because I was a coward.”

“So you didn’t want to sleep with him-”

“No! That wasn’t it. I did. I was raised Catholic but I was always just a little wild and I was curious. I was just too self-conscious to ever let a guy go downstairs,” I confess, blushing deeply.

Blay gives me a stunned looked for long seconds before he busts his gut so hard he falls off the bed.

“Oh God. You’re a nut.”

“It’s not funny! People called me Flapper all through high school. I got a complex about things.” I whisper yell, leaning over the side of the bed to look down at him.

It’s then that I realize I have no clothes on, not a stitch and it all comes back in a screaming rush. Me. Ing. The brandy. Karaoke. And shoving my head at Blay’s crotch while saying some lewd, lewd things about blow jobs before puking on his crotch and passing out face first in my puke.

Oh sweet hell. Father O’Leary was right, I am destined to die alone.

“Oh God. I puked on your…”

“Yeah. It was truly gross Tink. I mean epically gross. You ate a lot of ribs while you were drinking. You need to chew babe, you really need to chew before you swallow. Food I mean, not my dick.” He rushes, making me gasp and giggle at the horror on his face.


“It’s okay, Tink. Ing took off her dress in the middle of All about that Bass, and Tyson was so plastered he passed out and fell face first into my mom’s cleavage. I bet he’ll acid scrub when he wakes up and remembers that. If not I’ll have to call him and remind him.”

My groan is loud as I fall back onto the bed and cover my eyes with my arm, the sheet pulled all the way to my neck.

“Your parents will hate me.”

“Mom already hated you so chill out.”


“She doesn’t like anyone, Tink, it’s got nothing to do with you. And dad snuck out early to go visit his girlfriend,” he says, popping onto the bed with a grin.

The man is not sane, I know that now and I should not encourage him but darn it, I’m too secretly gossipy to let that slide.

“Your dad has a girlfriend?”

He shrugs and flops back beside me, turning to smile at me.

“Sure Tink, it’s not like mom cares though. She sleeps with cold cream on her face and a stick up her ass, where would his dick fit.”

“That’s gross.”

“You’re telling me. I once heard Aunt Char ask him if he has frost bite on his dick. Honestly, I don’t think my parents care as long as mom still does the parties for dad’s charities and he stays out of her way.” he says unemotionally.

That makes me sad though and I have the urge to go over there and give poor Cece a hug. Everyone needs love and if Edmund is getting his somewhere then she needs it too.

“That’s sad, Blay. Your poor mom is probably just lonely. You should be nicer to her.”

“Nope. She forgot my birthday and sent me to fat camp when the other camps were all full for the summer and she had plans. I had to eat tofu and string beans, and do purges, Tink. I lost four pounds and had to call Char to save me from death. She can kiss my ass. Now, I want to talk about us. Don’t think you can side track me,” he chides, making me blush guiltily.

“Fine. I can do dating and sex, but I’m not ready for whatever you’re thinking. I have to find a job and figure out a way to sneak at least six puppies into my apartment without getting evicted.”

Blay sighs and blinks back at me lazily.

“Okay, but we make a schedule for sleeping arrangements. You do at least three nights a week here with me, and date at least two of the others.”

“What? No. We can date and…”

And what? Have sex before you run out? I have no idea how to do this sort of thing. All I have are stories from my friends to guide me and those three are not exactly what you would call girlfriend material. Just ask Ing who told a date to beat feet and sleep in his own sheets after they did it.

Part of me wants that. A clear shot at sex and then a night in my own bed where I can dissect everything without the stress of after sex cuddling and talking. And yeah, I get that Blay will want it all because the man is just too nice to want anything less.

Because he likes you loser. That is not a bad thing. You shouldn’t want to be treated like a quick tumble before he shows you the door. What is wrong with you?

“Nope. Not a chance in hell my gypsy fairy. I am not a piece of ass for you to experiment with and toss aside you know. I have feelings too.” He says seriously, making my lips twitch.

“Yeah? And I suppose you’re just dying to watch The Sisterhood of the traveling pants with me and talk about menstrual cramps and hormonal acne outbreaks?”

His face goes slack and then the stupid man starts laughing as if what I just said isn’t gross and off putting.

“I liked that movie. The Greek girl was hot and the little Mexican chick was from Ugly Betty. I had a thing for her and got the whole series on DVD before I realized I’d lost my balls somewhere and had to stop to look for them.”


“As for the menstrual cramps I have an Aunt who was never shy about those sorts of things. Trust me, I could probably take care of that stuff in my sleep, with one arm tied behind my back. The hormonal acne sounds gross though, I ain’t gonna lie.” he admits, pulling a face that has me giggling hysterically.

Mostly because hormonal acne is gross and despite wishing differently I am not one of those perfect women who doesn’t get that stuff. Trust me, I could buy out a cosmetics shop to cover one zit at that time of the month.

“Okay. Darn it. We’ll do two nights here, two date nights and no, you do not get to come to my apartment. It’s small and the toilet makes a running noise constantly and darn it, it’s my space.”

Lips twitch up at me and I have the feeling that nothing I say will change whatever this man has up his sleeve. He’s brought out negotiations but the man is a shark. He told me so many times and from that gleam in his eye, he’s planning to take a huge chunk out of my butt. And enjoy his dinner.

“I was promised sex.” He says, changing the subject.

The sneak.

I say this because the minute the words seep into my brain everything under my skin goes mushy and starts buzzing in agreement. I haven’t forgotten last night and the way he mastered my body and I want more of that.

My hangover is abating but not completely gone and I feel like I just crawled out of a dead person, and I smell even worse so…

“Keep it in your pants chancer and do something about breakfast while I go wash Slaughterhouse Five from my skin. And besides, I believe we said we’d talk about sex.”

Blay mutters something beneath his breath and rolls from the bed with a grumble, not even bothering to hide his erection as he rises, stretches languorously and levels a seductive smirk at me.

My eyes are bugging and I’m gaping like an idiot at the sheer size of him as those bottoms tent. I want to look away, I need to look away. Instead I think of him, last night, being pinned to the door as he humped me blind with that thing.


“Like what you see Tink?” he asks wickedly, swivelling his hips for emphasis.

“Yeah.” I breathe, shaking myself vigorously when the aroma of my overindulgence wafts to my nose. “Go away and take that thing with you.”

I can still hear his laughter even after he saunters out of the room, leaving me behind in a puddle.








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