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BILLIONAIRE GROOM by Kristina Weaver (34)


Mari’s been a peach all week since we all found out her dirty little secret and people started calling her up for advice. And by peach I mean she’s gone stark raving mad and threatened at least eight members of the family with a knife and bodily harm when they came over to elicit advice from the woman.

I still laugh at least three times a day, along with Blay, every time I think about the way Mari bolted from the park and ran six miles to get home and escape what she calls persecution.

I followed of course, still shell shocked at the very notion that Mari has a kind bone in her evil little body. Plus, the house was empty and my balls were ready for some angry sex. Mari was plenty angry when I met her there and couldn’t stop laughing.

“You little fraud!”

“Suck my balls, pretty boy!”

She’d screeched this at me between intervals of pulling at her hair while trying not to have a break down. I hardly minded when she tried to kick me in the sac or even when she threw a sucker punch at me because in the end I got some wicked awesome angry sex and sweet cuddly Mari when she started crying and begged me not to let them get her.

Even now, I am bowled over by the fact that my girl is sweet. Like actually truly nice beneath all that piss and vinegar she spits at the world. According to Blay, who still laughs every time he sees Mari, she’s been closely guarding that secret since she was five and realized the flesh eaters would kill her if they knew she’d inherited an extra gene that spewed real goodness.

According to Tink it was their only means of surviving in a family full of rot and predators.

I get it. Mari is not into people sharing their feelings unless she gets to be in charge and tell them what to do. In this family that has about a negative ten chance of actually working. Also, Mari confessed that the good father once advised her never to let the mothers see any true weakness.

I have to hand it to the old fart, he knew his business because in the last week I have seen the vultures descend en masse expecting to take advantage of Mari’s ‘kind soul’.

“She actually did that?” Blay howls, snorting coffee through his nose as Ty and Rus both hoot loudly.

I myself can’t fight a chuckle at the memory of Jojo and the barbecue fork sticking out of his ass after Mari let off a war yell and charged him. In her defence she did warn him not to even attempt to make fun of her. Plus, well Jojo must be a little soft in the head because anyone who is anyone knows that Mari is all kinds of special under that human shell and she will straight up kill if you get on her bad side.

Jojo asked her if she’d be willing to smuggle some suspicious packages that had to be swallowed and pooped out across the border. Mari said no in the way only Mari can say no.

Ro told me after she came back from the emergency room where she had to watch the nurses pull that fork out of Jojo that he’d never ever come near her baby again.

Then she laughed her ass off retelling the stitches and bleeding details of Jojo’s hospital visit.

“Yeah she did it! You know Mari, guys. She may be a little soft but that shit is buried deep down. Way deep down. Christ, the woman has sickeningly good aim. From where I was standing it should have been impossible to get that fork all the way in him but fuck me if they didn’t have to extract it.” I wheeze, laughing so hard I feel my eyes water.

“It went in?” Blay yells, snorting harder.

I myself am still shocked, and feeling a little sorry for Jojo, but the little shit was asking for it trying to turn my wife into a drug mule. At least that’s what we thought until Lizzie stormed over to inspect his merchandise and we all discovered that what he thought was blow is actually icing sugar.

Even Mari laughed after that. Then she baked cupcakes, iced them with the ‘product’ and had Lizzie deliver it to her cousin with a little note that made Mitch laugh so hard I had to look away lest his tiny whities couldn’t keep up with his dong moving so hard.

“Deep. He was crying like a baby the whole time. Ingram and Rox ended up taking footage of his ass bandage, because you just know Lizzie called them and those cooks couldn’t resist going to see for themselves, while he was knocked out and threatened to put it on the net if he didn’t tell his family to stay away from Mari.”

Of course they still uploaded it because yeah, they’re not even embarrassed to admit that they lied through their teeth and I got to watch that shit with Mari while she screamed with mirth all over again. Little sadist.

“So she’s okay?” Rus asks, smiling because as opposed to everyone else, the man is not normal.

He always maintained Mari was nice and is grinning like a bitch because he thinks her little Samaritan special proves him right. I wanna mention that she karate kicked a hobo yesterday when he crept up on her, innocently asking for some change, and then yelled at the man for scaring her into her ‘instincts’-Mari’s way of saying that she reacted the way she was supposed to so it’s not her fault the poor schmuck has a broken nose.

I should mention that she felt so bad she gave him two hundred dollars and a jacket. All of which she took from me. After she grabbed my nuts in public and threatened to squeeze them off if I didn’t help her make things right.

“Okay? The woman is floating on air since her father told us to go home so she can escape the family. Mari actually looked like she is capable of crying until Ro walked into the laundry room to ‘check the drier’.”

Blay grins and I feel my own mouth twitch because I swear to God, Mari is not normal and doesn’t possess one decent bone in her body.

“The stash?” Ty chortles.

“Mari gave her about thirty seconds to uncap and get a mouthful before she told Ro she let the dog piss in the bottle. I have never heard that sort of language from anyone in my life. And I live with Mari. Ro washed her mouth out with detergent. Four times before Mari came waltzing out of the laundry, buzzed off her ass and told Ro she’d been had. Because they don’t have a dog!”

And then we had to leave because Mari finished Ro’s last stash and believe you me, an Irish woman with red hair ain’t pleasant when her whiskey has been fucked with. Or her pride. I can still see her flaming hair in the rear view mirror as she shook her fist at us and yelled obscenities. Ro must be taking a miracle drug because that woman can run fast. So fast I had to floor it because she almost reached my door and it scared me so much I screamed like a girl.

Mari laughed her ass off but lost the smirk when I slowed down and she realized her ma was on her side and coming for her door. Then she shoved her foot over mine and screeched like hell until we lost the old bat.

That brings me to the reason for my current good mood. I am home. I have my woman all to myself. My life is officially perfect. Unless you count the fact that Jojo filed charges against Mari for assault and hired a lawyer to handle the case.

“Christ! I have seen Lizzie hitting the wine with Cece and I know exactly how serious those women are about their booze.” Blay shudders. “Tink says it’s on account of them needing something to thin out the black blood pumping through their dead hearts. Anyway, how’s everything else? You still trying for a baby?”

Trying? I’ve been in Mari so much she’s complaining I broke her snatch with my insatiable dick. I’m so tired I plead a head ache last night and rubbed ointment on my dick.

Woke up screwing her this morning. Correction. I woke up balls deep in my wife after a particularly raunchy dream that involved her pussy and bananas-what, I never said I wasn’t twisted!-Only to have her bite my nipple so hard it bled.

That will teach me to sleep fuck I guess.

Although…Mari was wild after I returned the favour and nibbled on her tits. I came so hard my balls are still dry and throbbing and I am pretty certain I planted a baby in her.

I hope so or I’ll soon be toting around a piece of dried jerky where my once potent sac used to be. I want my baby in her. I think my baby is in there.

Which should make me happy. I am happy. Just thinking of that tie with Mari, that a part of me will forever be mixed into part of her makes me want to tear up like a girl and dance a jig.

The only problem I have here is that Mari doesn’t seem as excited about it as I want her to be. In fact it seems to scare the hell out of her.

“Gray?” Ty pushes, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Uh, sorry, yeah. Yeah we’re trying.”

They share a look and it pisses me off because I don’t want them knowing-

“She’ll come around man.”


“Don’t bullshit us Grayson, I don’t like it. We’re family and we stick together. I know you want kids, especially with Mari and I also know that she’s shitting herself about the whole thing.”


“Don’t clam up because you’re hurt by it man. That shit won’t help. Ask me, I know. I got so messed up after Cece spilled the gory details about what my father did to her and me I almost fucked up my whole life. Don’t do the same shit just because of pride.”


“Tink told me all about Mari freaking out about kids even as she gets all gooey about it.”

Which pissed me off because it’s not supposed to be something everyone else knows. It’s our thing and it ticks me off that she won’t talk to me about it but my fucking cousin and the rest of the free world are in the loop with her.

One thing about that stubborn female is that once you try to force the issue with her it’s done. She does the exact opposite. Case in point, babies. I yelled at her two nights ago and told her she had to talk to me. Mari? Hasn’t said a word about it.

Instead she just seduces me for hot sex and then rolls over to go to sleep after. It grates. I’m the man! It’s my job to fuck and roll over afterward. At this point I’m the bitch in the relationship and she’s scratching her nuts and grunting after refusing to talk.

Just about the only time we have a real conversation is when I tie her to the bed and go down on her till she begs me to stop. That’s how I got her to tell me about her work with those men and how she thrives on getting them to understand their worth in society.

I wanted to bust a gut because she thinks she’s nice-she complains and shudders at the thought of being a decent human being as if it’s a stain on her soul or something-but the truth is that my mercenary little spit fire just enjoys spitting in her Catholic family’s eye while also going on ride alongs with her ‘people’ and telling their families what assholes they are for not accepting their kids.

I got no problem with people loving who they love. Man, woman, old, fat, thin, weird. Whatever. You love who you love right. Mari, she’s still a good Catholic girl who is tormented by her family and their indoctrination so it’s not so much that she actually gives a shit about the homosexual issue, truly, the woman couldn’t be bothered. Nuhuh, her whole thrill is getting to tell a Jewish mother and her rabbi husband to suck a bag of uncircumcised dicks when they tried to send their daughter to a ‘retreat’ to be cured of her ‘indecency’.

Suffice it to say, she’s no longer welcome in synagogue. Or the Jewish deli that makes her favorite sandwiches. Poor baby tried to get in there yesterday wearing a red wig and shades so big she looked like a walking guidette. They saw her coming and kicked her out but not before Mari stole some poor idiots sandwich and made a run for it, eating so fast she had to stop a block up and puked her guts out.


Of course Ing was there, along with Rox who swears Mari tried to reclaim what she just lost and actually cupped her hands to catch it, so I got every detail, accurately despite Mari’s denials.

But whatever, I get off point here. I know Mari. She’s evil and devious and she hasn’t got a kind word in her body most days. I love that about her because it provides hours of entertainment watching her cut people to ribbons with her tongue.

My issue is that she keeps me at arm’s length and uses her insults to push harder. Because she isn’t ready for a baby and I am and she doesn’t want to budge. Is it selfish that I don’t give a shit? Yes. Will that make me change my mind? No.

Because I need that connection. Especially since she’s started walking around muttering that she could be getting free meat and slow swimmers if she wasn’t stuck with my virile ass.

“She’ll be fine once it’s done.”

They all wince and Blay’s eyes widen.

“You’ve met Mari right? Like actually met your wife? Not just the sweet little miss you’ve been cooking up in your head?”

“Shut up asshole.” I snort.

I wince a little too because the man has a point.

“God help you man.”



I will kill someone. I need to kill someone, I think as I pull my head out of the toilet bowl and flush with a groan.


That one’s for Gray because despite my fervent prayers I am definitely cooking a Georg baby in my uterus and the little darling has me puking at least twice a day for the last two weeks.

I want to be happy. I mostly am, but visions of Glorietta and the other offspring in my family have me so spooked I am terrified of what might crawl out of me eventually.

“Mari! Babe. Where are you?”

Gray’s yell has me groaning as I push myself off the blessedly cold tiles in the bathroom and scramble to brush my teeth. I feel like elephant shit and a side of horse turd as I gargle and push out of the bathroom, shaking and sweating before face planting in the mattress.


When he finally comes into the bedroom and plops down beside me I’m done being mad. Well almost. Give me a break. I deserve a little mad, I am after all brewing a kid that contains half of ma’s DNA which basically means I’ll be mothering a hunchback little demon child who feeds off the souls of innocents.

I feel like freaking Rosemary here. The only thing that saves this situation is Gray leaning over me and kissing me sweetly, that playful grin of his making me hot and happy all at once.


“You did it you fiend. I hope you’re fucking happy because you’re going to be staring at an alien baby for the next eighteen years.”

Gray stills, like freezes into a motionless slab, his eyes going wide and hopeful, so hopeful I feel terrible about being such a ninny all this time. Well almost. I am Ro’s kid and that means I am not capable of human emotion. Besides, I’m a little pissy that his balls don’t come with a warning because I swear to God those things hold at least ten gallons of sperm, so I was basically screwed from the get go.

False advertising if you ask me. Freaking Char probably pulled off the tag to fool my unsuspecting ass in the need for grandbabies!


His eyes, God why can this man do this to me with just one look, go all soft and I feel my eyes burn when he cups my face and smiles so hard I see his cheeks dimple.

“Congratulations come factory, your sperm will fertilize,” I mutter, giggling because dammit, he’s so happy I can’t hold onto my mad anymore.

He whoops, pushes me to my back and starts kissing me so deeply I feel my clit pulse a hello and send the signal to my nipples.

“So happy. Fuck, that makes me hot,” he mutters, shoving his tongue into my mouth with gusto.

I kiss him back, loving the taste of the mints he likes to suck, totally ignoring his grunt when a little after taste of ‘morning’ sickness enters his mouth.

“You brush your teeth?”

Like I care! I have to taste puke for the next few months he can suck it up and kiss my dirty mouth. Or lose his balls. Virile little shits.

“Shut up and kiss me loser, it’s your kid making me spew,” I growl, pulling him back in for an extra sloppy tongue bath that make him shudder before he just gives up and kisses me back, his mouth sucking me in with desperate need.

It takes a long time for him to finally raise his head but when he does I am blissed out, sexed up and ready to ride him like a porn star. And yet I don’t move or growl or do any Mari like shit because, well because the man is looking at me with so much love and tenderness I am blindsided.

“I love you Mari. That may make me a pussy and a sap and all the ball-less phrases your nasty little mind can conjure up but I don’t care. I am beyond happy that you’ve got my kid in you. I know you’re freaking out and I get it but-”

Shit. Don’t cry Mari!

Instead of listening to my snarky inner voice, which feels weird, I melt and wrap my arms around his neck, my eyes misty as he leaves little kisses on my swollen lips.

“I’m happy, Gray. Shh, no let me finish. I am freaking out a little, for a lot of reasons that may not be sane, but I am happy, I swear. I just, shit, I don’t know, I’m just a little scared. I watched that DVD with Ginny the other day and duuuude, I do not wanna push one out after seeing that horror show. Vagina’s tear. And bleed. She ate popcorn while watching it and it was traumatising. And then there’s the whole gene thing! You’ve met ma. God help us, the DNA is strong in that one! What if our kid comes out looking like a redheaded Billy Connelly with a love of whiskey and a forked tongue? It could happen. This is Ro’s blood we’re talking about.”

It’s a legitimate worry! Have I mentioned Glorietta?

I shudder as an image of the kid flickers through my mind and feel my eyes go hot with the need to cry. I love the girl but Jesus, I am not sure I can be down with my baby if it comes out looking like that kid. Just the thought makes my vagina go dry with worry.

Gray, as usual, laughs his ass off, shaking me and the bed as mirth overtakes him and I swear to God I’m on the verge of killing him before he kisses me blind and settles his cock into me, rubbing the length into my sweet spot with enough skill to banish images of snaggle toothed redheads and make me wet in a rush.

“He’ll be perfect and you’ll be a good mama, Mari.”

I want to snort because all the experience I have comes from The Soul Eater I call a mother, but moan instead when he starts grinding his length into me and moans when I push back, wanting him harder, needing him inside me with a sudden lust that leaves me gasping.

Everything flees as he rips my panties away moments later, his mouth leaving mine to settle between my legs. I yell at the contact, almost coming because instead of going for my clit the wicked rogue spreads me wide, palms my ass and shafts his tongue between my lips to lick a trail from my opening all the way to the skin surrounding my clit.


“You like that Mari.”

It’s not a question but even if it was I can’t answer because he starts tonguing me over and over in the same rhythm, sucking at me on every upstroke as delicious curls of lust pool in my belly.

Over and over, licking, sucking at my lips, biting just above my burning clit, loving on me with such patience that I build hard and fast only to scream when he backs off and starts all over again.

Grabbing his hair in my fist I try to ride his face like a wanton, needing more friction and sucking and direct contact. All he does is laugh though and keep it up until I’m sweating, pulling at his hair and babbling for him to do me now. Hard. Fast.

I almost get there when he settles his mouth over my clit and bites down but he pulls back all too quickly and starts in on me again, building the heat and pulling back until I am so wet I can feel my juices on his cheeks every time he rubs against my inner thighs.




“Suck me.” I plead, beyond pride, just so needy I feel the pain of un-sated orgasm cramping in my sex.

“Nuhuh. Gonna drink this cream till you’re crazy for me baby. Till you’re so wet you beg for me to fill you with everything I have.”

“I will!” I cry, wrapping my legs around his neck to keep his mouth plastered to my sex.

I am beyond caring that he probably can’t breathe. I want his tongue in me. His fingers. His cock. Anything, just as long as he does something, I think wildly, yelping out a gasp when he suddenly twists and rolls bringing me up over him so that I straddle his face.

Holy shit. It is so hot this way and he knows I have a love for this position because he pulls back far enough to grin at me before pulling me down and attacking my sex with his mouth.

One, two hard orgasms later he pushes my spent, boneless body to the bed and rears up over me, licking his glossy lips as he palms his cock and runs it through my slit, spreading his pre-come and my own juices all over us both.


His thrust is slow, steady, possessive as he fills me to the hilt and stops, groaning so hard I feel it vibrate where he’s joined to me.


He’s panting so hard as he starts making love to me I feel his every breath where his face is buried in my neck.

“Need it hard. Need more.”

I gasp again when he pulls out, rolls me over and hikes my hips before driving back in. Deep. Hard. Groaning when he goes so deep it forces me up on the bed before he grabs onto my hips to keep me steady.

My knees leave the bed, as my face mashes into the sheets but Goddamn, it feels so good when he starts fucking me all I can do is moan and use my arms to push back, meeting every desperate thrust with one of my own.

Heat builds. Wetness coats my thighs and his as I keep flowing, getting more aroused with every unhinged stroke of his girth into me. He’s so deep it almost hurts. He’s so hard I feel stretched to the limit. And yet it’s magical in its wildness as he loses all control and just takes, ploughing into me with all his strength and need.

Slapping noises as our flesh meets. My moans. His guttural growls. My sex getting tighter as the coil tightens. His heartbeat throbbing against my inner walls.

I detonate before I can suck in air, coming so hard I feel my mind shatter along with every nerve I possess. It’s so intense and consuming I scream silently and then again when the heat of his come pushes me high and has me contracting in a vise like grip the holds him trapped inside me.

“Fuuuck, Mari. God yes, babe. So tight. So warm and smooth,” he grunts as his chest plasters to my back and his teeth sink into my neck.

Pleasure like that…scary. And yet I feel so complete when he comes down beside me and pulls me into his arms I can only smile and groan my surrender to the mastery that is Grayson George.

Gone is doubt and fear and every other small emotion that has plagued me for the last weeks as I tried to pull back from him, stupidly thinking that if I can just keep one part of me, I can be safe.

I guess papa was right when he told me running would be futile because man oh man, the only running I want to do right now is into Gray’s arms. I don’t even care that I’m unemployed and that Gray likes it that way. I don’t care that all I have to rely on is him. I just feel so content that for the first time ever I want to stop worrying and just be. With him. Completely.

That scares me a little, but not enough to give a crap as I smile up at him and accept that for this idiot, I may just be more of a sap than I keep accusing him of being.

“You love me. Face it, Mari, you love me so much you don’t want to shake me.” He grins, putting my dander up so fast my sweet glow almost disappears.

Christ. Smug. I hate smug. It looks sexy on him but still, it’s the freaking principle!

“Kiss my ass.”

I squeal when he obeys and laugh so hard as he does indecent things to my butt I can barely breathe by the time he forces me to admit that I do love him.







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