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BILLIONAIRE GROOM by Kristina Weaver (42)


I’m sweating bullets again. At this point in my life I’ll be broke replacing my shirts and camis because the pit stains are getting to the point of disgusting.

As Ty walks into the dining room and takes his usual seat between Abe and Davey, I feel my heart stutter for the hundredth time since meeting him and shake at the enormity of what I plan to do.

It’s been a nail biting two days since I made that bet with Mari and despite my fear-and mama’s absolute fits after Mari told them that I have a wetty for Ty, I am so doing this.

Part of me refuses to back down from a bet, but that’s not the only reason I‘ve decided to take the bull by the horns in this instance.

No, the truth is that make or break, I am just so freaking tired of pining for Ty when all I really want is just…him. Not his money, though God knows mama was having such a meltdown about me being with a rich guy I had to slap her once and get her schnapps from the liquor cabinet.

I don’t care about anything he has, or will have and I don’t care about what he doesn’t. All I want is him because truth is, I only ever see him. Not his thousand dollar suits. Not the Rolex he wears without thought, though man, it makes me tremble just thinking about the differences we have.

At this point I can safely say I don’t even see his scars anymore because to me they aren’t scars, just a part of Ty. The man I want. And okay, I want his body.

There! I said it. I am so in lust with that muscle packed, tattooed body of his it’s indecent. The nuns would probably faint in horror if they got wind of the obscene thoughts running through my head at this point and mama, she’d start praying over me with a vengeance and cry hysterically if she knew her precious only daughter wants to build a life with ‘an other’, what mama calls anyone who’s not Catholic.

Or in possession of at least one wife beater and a pair of brown socks.

As he walks in, his face strained with a tense smile, I feel myself melt and tense at the same time, wondering what the problem could be.

“Tyson. You are late,” Lizzie huffs, making his lips twitch despite his current mood.

You all are thinking Ty is one of those easy, laid back guys who smiles all the time because of the way I’ve described him, but actually that could not be further from the truth.

Ty’s usual the quiet guy who stays on the side lines and watches things unfold. He smiles and laughs along with everyone when things are funny, something I am glad to report happens a lot in this family because we’re all carnival freaks from another dimension.

But he never, ever steps out of his comfort zone and honestly, if it wasn’t for my family cracking the guy up most of the time I would be seriously intimidated by Ty.

His serious. Stoic. Often expressionless at times. Well most of the time. And he keeps to himself unless he’s with Russell, Gray or Blay. Most of the time when we’re alone I am so nervous and tongue tied because the man is capable of dropping any and all expression from his face at the drop of a hat.

And I never know what he’s thinking. For a girl like me who’s used to the guys in my circle just dropping comments and random bodily functions at the drop of a hat, I’m disgustingly out of my element with Ty.

That’s maybe the biggest reason that I haven’t made a move on him yet. I just can’t be certain that he’ll even respond.

As everyone digs into the food, the table for once subdued and somewhat quieter than usual, I risk a glance over at him and blush to the roots when he suddenly glances up and catches me gawking at his mouth.

“You okay?” I mouth silently, ignoring my discomfort in the face of his obvious mood.

Ty just nods silently and goes back to eating as Joe throws an arm over my shoulders and treats me to a bath that smells like meat, Brute and that vegetable we will not mentioned ever again, along with corn and broccoli.

“That Western deal is turning out to be a real pain in the ass huh Ty,” Russell comments around a mouthful just as Davey decides to give up the act and be true to himself.

“Davey Egan, you keep your bowels under control or I will make you drink a cleaning tonic all through next week. Swear to God Ian, your sons.”

“My sons? I will maintain till the day I pass you left that damn hospital with the wrong kids. Overgrown shits,” he mutters, making Ginny chortle when he winks and blows her a kiss.


“Hush you and keep your ass close you heathen. Russell was speaking,” Lizzie huffs, smiling kindly at Ty who still hasn’t bothered to answer his friends.

He shrugs and seems to get a little tenser when everyone turns to look over at him. We may not understand half of the crap these rich boys blather about but we never just sweep them under the rug. Not even if some of their talking is plain idiotic. Honestly. Whoever heard of paying for condoms. The free clinic is just fine thanks.

Unless you count Arianna Maples down the road who got knocked up not once, but twice thanks to the free condoms her boyfriend uses. Whatever, sometimes they just don’t make sense these rich boys but man is it interesting to hear them talk about all that high falutin’ stuff like taxes. And actually paying them.


“You see the specs for the extensions on that property?” Russell pushes again, his frown at Ty’s silence making my skin chill.

“Yeah. I ran the numbers down to the wire and even tallied the additional costs if we go with something more upscale and it’s still well within our budget.”

Okaaay. Even I get that that sounds great. I mean I am no money man, er girl, or anything but within budget even with extra shit sounds like a good deal.

So why does he look so pissed off.

“That’s great. Blay will probably go for signing off on the deal and I know Gray likes the location for the next resort.”

“Yeah. It’s fucking great Rus. There’s only one Goddamned problem with this whole situation, one Blay didn’t even see because he’s so freaking busy with his family and focusing on what his wife wants instead of business that his head is shoved up his ass and he’s dropping the ball left and right,” Ty explodes, making us all jump when he shoves up to his feet and pants down at a narrow eyed Blay. “If you’d spend half the time you do on your kid on some of the deals you put together maybe you’d have freaking known what this deal entailed instead of sending me in there like a sacrificial lamb.”


Seeming to visibly collect himself, and by that I mean it looks like my sweet Ty is struggling to wrestle a beastly temper back down, he turns to Lizzie and closes his eyes briefly.

“I apologize for my behavior. I’ve had a bad day and I think I should just go home. Thank you for dinner, Lizzie. Ian.”

“Wait a Goddamn minute!” Blay barks, shoving up when Ty walks away without a backward glance and storms out the front door.

We all share a look for about three split seconds when the front door closes and then it’s off the races as we start rushing and jumping over each other to form a pile at the window.

What. Are you kidding me right now thinking we’d just sit there in awkward silence and wonder about what the heck is going on. Nuhuh. Not my family. We’re nosy. Intrusive and if I tell you that my mam knows what my estregen levels are before I get test results back from Doc Vince, I am not kidding.

“You’ve been a fucking asshole for the last two Goddamn days and I want to know exactly what your problem is!” Blay yells, grabbing Ty’s arm before he can slam through the gate and onto the sidewalk.

Oooh. Blay looks pissed. I can’t blame him. I mean from the stricken expression on Ginny’s face when Ty yelled at Blay, I’m pretty sure Ty’s life may be in danger.

Blay is laid back and all but no one messes with his Tink and Little B. No one.

“My problem Blain? Where the hell should I start? Hhhmmm. Let’s see. I’ve been working twelve to fourteen hour days for the last three months picking up your slack because if Tink so much as sneezes you’re out the fucking door and handing her a box of tissues. You’re unfocused, you run out of the office as soon as you can justify it and you hardly spend any time researching the people involved in some of the shit you’re trying to get us into.”


“And you know what really sucks? I was okay with all that because I adore Tink and B and I understand wanting to be there with your family. I get that. I don’t even mind putting in the extra hours so you can be at home with them more often. What I do fucking mind is walking into a meeting and being blindsided by me ex fiancé and her Goddamn asshole father!”

Lizzie and Ginny share a look of shock and a little too much anticipation and I feel Abe look me over with a look of pity as Ian groans.

“Well, I’d say he’s in a fine lather about that and rightly so huh?”

Russell closes his eyes and I’m pretty uncomfortably sure his reaction and the look he gives me are not good signs, swiftly proven when I turn back to the window and see Blay grimace.

“Ty, man I didn’t know.”

“No shit! You think I don’t know that Blay? I do. Right now I can’t decide if I’m more pissed at you for not knowing or the fact that you didn’t know because you’ve been so out of it lately. I get that you have commitments and I am happy for you but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a right to be pissed about being thrown under the fucking bus because of it.”


“No, you know what, whatever. I don’t even care anymore. I’m going to go home, get a good night’s sleep for once in months and just tackle this shit tomorrow.”

And then he’s gone, striding away so angrily I have the insane urge to yell out and remind him that he came in his car.

“Oooh man, Rox. I hate to say this babe, but it looks like your man is still hung up on his ex,” Abe mutters, making me lash out and slap his head just because I can.

I hate to say it too but from the pale cast to Blay’s face when he walks in and catches us all at the window, I totally have to admit that shit does not look good.

“Well, I’d say I more than deserved that,” he says dejectedly as Ginny goes over to hug him and whisper reassurances.

“Right you are boy! But arguing blame at the moment would be a waste of time.” Lizzie sniffs, her blue eyes narrowing in on me in a way that makes my lips shrivel. “You.”

“Me?” I gulp, looking behind me and praying that someone is standing there although I already know it’s me that demon’s eye is focused on.

Ooh God, I knew the day would come but I never thought Lizzie would practice her human sacrifices out in the open with her family here to see.

“You. What the hell are you still doing standing here with a mouth of air and a brain full of marbles girl! Go after the boy.”

“Erm, uh, Lizzie, I’m pretty sure that would so not be a good idea.”

Because I am scared, there I’ll admit it. To myself. Not these blood thirsty animals looking my way like a pack of wolves on a fresh kill.

“Why not? You’re all hot and bothered for the boy and you’re easy on the eyes, even if you do look a little like that mother of yours,” She barks, making Ian groan.

“Er, aunt Lizzie, I’m pretty sure I look like you too seeing as you and mama are almost identical.”

“Nonsense! She’s shorter and her ass is fatter.” Lizzie sniffs, giggling when Ian slaps her behind and mutters an appreciative groan that has Ginny shuddering and pulling a face.

I’m not even going to touch on that one. My mam is in fact shorter and while her crazy is enough to make her seem ten feet tall, Lizzie is definitely not in any way leaner than her.

It’s Mari’s opinion that they expanded outwards instead of upwards because of the souls they consume regularly but I just keep maintaining that papa stole mama from Willie Wonka and keeps her happy with chocolate and theme songed sex.

Trust me, I’ve heard what they call foreplay and it involves a lot of singing and an ear pounding amount of candy references. Yuck.


“Roxeleatta Crocker, you adore that man and while I have no idea what he sees in your wicked hide it’s plain as the nose on your father’s face that he likes you too.”

“We’re just friends!”

“My ass. You were so hot for him at Mari’s wedding shindig I had to keep your mother occupied while your bikini dried out and that Finn idiot swanned around with Fay. Swear to Jesus Ian, that girl is looser than the control Abe has on his bowels.”


“Hush you. I wash your underpants boy, I know exactly what the situation is down there.”

I want to laugh. I mean I’m so used to this level of crazy that it’s almost second nature not to be offended that my own aunt just insulted me and one of her own kids in the same breath.

Can’t though because I am seriously close to just shaking to death and crying it’s not even funny. I saw that look on Ty’s face. He looked…shattered. Defeated. And yet he softened when he said that woman’s name.

“Rox, mama is right, though God knows I feel a piece of my soul bleed just admitting it. Ty shouldn’t be alone right now. Go to him and talk. I mean what do you have to lose?” Ginny asks, her sweet face curved into a pout I can’t resist.

“What if he like…doesn’t like me that way?”

“Rox, he lives with a dog that makes the entire block around his apartment smell like a toxic waste dump. He took the dog because it gives him a reason to see you. You. Trust me Ty likes you just fine.” Blay grunts, smiling kindly.

“Fiiiine, but if I embarrass myself I will kill you all and I mean it! I still haven’t forgiven you all for the nun’s toilet stall and the laughter was just mean.” I sniff, swallowing hard as I walk to the door and pull it open.


I turn just in time to catch as Rus tosses Ty’s keys my way and feel my apprehension climb a little more. Should I tell them I am legally prohibited from ever getting behind a wheel again. For life.

Nah, I think, eyeing the sleek black Jag with a grin.

“No sex Roxeletta! I have it on good authority you still haven’t cleaned up the jungle and no man enjoys extras.” Lizzie yells as I float out, the sound of snickered male laughter making me wince.

“Don’t listen to her Rox. Go get your guy,” Joe yells out, throwing me a thumbs up.

Oh why couldn’t I just like cabbage I wonder as I get behind the wheel and start the engine with a purr that leaves me hot and grinning.