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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (114)


He rolls his eyes and nods. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” he says.

Immediately I stop laughing when I look at him and see he’s completely serious.

“Wait! You’re being serious right now, aren’t you?” I ask and he nods. “Oh, wow! Danger, I’m so sorry for laughing.” I bite my bottom lip and furrow my brows feeling like a complete bitch.

“It’s okay, don’t worry. That’s the kind of reaction I’ve had all my life,” he says holding onto me a little tighter.

“No wonder you gave yourself a nickname. I can see why you didn’t want people knowing the truth, and I can see now why you were so funny about telling me.”

I get it, being named something like that is terribly embarrassing. His parents are nothing more than jerks.

“Yeah, the nickname just kinda stuck. I was teased so much as a kid, so that’s why I just called myself Danger. No one knows my real name, well apart from you.”

“How did you come up with Danger?”

He lets out a small chuckle like he’s fond of the memory and it makes me smile. “While my parents were off partying and being stoners, me and my sister would watch cartoons to pass the time. My sister’s favourite was Danger Mouse. She would call me Danger and I’d call her Mouse. It kinda just stuck from then on. I still call her Mouse even now, but her real name is Copper. Yeah, my parents weren’t kind to her either,” he says as I say it out loud to myself.

“Copper Pipe. Oh geez,” I say and Danger nods.

“Yeah, like I said my parents are assholes. Dad’s a plumber and was obsessed with naming us after his trade, seeing as we had Pipe as our last name. They think it’s hilarious, me and Mouse however, had to cop the full brunt of the pain and torture from the other kids for their so-called joke. Mouse’s treatment was appalling, because her name was Copper and she has red hair too. So it became exceptionally bad for her at school, but she’s tough. It’s a miracle she’s even slightly sane, but she has a boyfriend now and is really happy. She says he’s a really nice guy, a bit of a nerd and nothing like our parents.”

I smile because this is the most open Danger has ever been about his family, and I can see that he actually cares about his sister.

“It looks like you have a good bond with Mouse then?” I ask.

“Yeah, she’s a great sister, even though she is slightly self-centred. You’d get along well with her well, I think.”

I smile at the thought that maybe one day I might get to meet her.

“Your parents don’t sound like they really thought about your feelings, or how it would affect your lives. Let’s face it kids can be cruel and that must’ve been hard on your both.”

“Yeah, like I said, they are assholes. Even now, they still see the funny side of our names, and they don’t regard all the pain and suffering we went through as kids other than anything but spirit building. They said it made us tougher and stronger. When I really I think about it, I know it just fucked us up mentally. I mean look at me, I’m one big fuck-up really.”

I furrow my brows and frown. “Why would you say that?” I ask and look into his eyes.

He sniffs and looks away from me. “Because Ella, I don’t treat women well. I’m cocky. I’m arrogant. I don’t have good people skills because people have treated me like shit my entire life, so I treat them like shit regardless. It’s a cycle, and the only person who’s given me a chance is you, and I still can’t treat you right.”

“Is that what you think? Just because you’re a little different that you don’t treat me well?” I ask, grabbing his chin with my fingers and forcing him to look at me. He hesitates, but eventually his eyes meet mine and they are full of confusion and hurt. I can see how much pain he’s in and how much damage his past has caused him.

“I’m no good for you, sugar,” he says and I purse my lips and frown.

“Danger, no one has ever taken me to an island and shown me the type of kindness and devotion you have today. You may not think you’re a good person, but underneath the scars, the hurt, the pain and the bravado, is a man trying to be a good guy. And today Danger, that guy is shining through brighter than any person I’ve ever seen before. You are a good guy, Danger. You just have to believe in yourself. Today has been incredible and you planned all this yourself. You’re the only reason I’m sitting on this totally stunning beach, in the arms of a remarkable man, watching the sun go down on one of the best days I’ve ever had in my entire life. And I’m the daughter of a rock star, who is a rock star herself, I’ve lived a privileged life. So saying that this is one of—if not the best day of my life—is massive Danger, and that’s all on you.”

“The best day of your life?”

I lean over so I’m straddling him and take his face in my hands and his hands make their way to my hips.

“Yes, Danger, the best day of my life and it was with you.”

He smiles so brightly, his eyes glimmer as I lean in and press my lips to his. He chuckles against my mouth and moves his hands from my hips up my back, forcing my body against his. We kiss passionately, and my tongue dances with his letting all of the emotion I feel for him and all of the excitement from today escape into our lust fueled embrace. My hands run through his hair and I pull back spotting some left over bird seed from Emu Estate. I can’t help but laugh as Danger looks at me wondering why I broke the kiss.

“What’s so funny?” he asks raising an eyebrow. I pick the seed from his hair and bring it down for him to see. He smirks and shakes his head running his fingers through his hair.

“Damn seed, and damn those prehistoric birds, those things were terrifying,” he says making me giggle again. As I look at the light-hearted Danger in front of me, I realise my feelings for him are running deep. He’s getting to me, and I just hope he’s feeling the same deep emotions I am.

“I’m sorry for interrupting Miss Ella, but we should be going,” Mike says appearing out of nowhere.

I look up at him and nod. “Thanks, Mike,” I say and look back down at Danger, who’s looking at me and smiling.

“Thanks for today,” I say and he moves his hand to my cheek and caresses it tenderly.

“No, thank you. I’ve never had any semblance of normal in my life, and today I got that with you. Even though I’m trying to be better for you Ella, you make things better for me too,” he says and leans in and gently kisses my lips. I kiss him back and he slowly pulls away and then exhales looking in my eyes. I search his dark blue eyes and I see a spark in them. A sparkle that intensifies with every second I stare into them. He feels it too, I know he does. This isn’t one-sided, things with us are intense and I know that it’s going to be so difficult when this tour ends and he goes back to America and I go back to England. I have no idea what’s in store for us.

He pulls back and exhales. “We better go before Mike has a hissy fit,” Danger says and I laugh.

“Mike having a hissy fit? He’s so cool and calm, I can’t even picture it.”

“Yeah, me either actually. But we better go, don’t want to miss the ferry back to the mainland,” he says while lifting me off him. I stand and he gets up dusting the sand from his arse. I grab his hand and look at him. He smirks and looks at me sideways.

“It’s rude to stare, you know?”

“I know, sorry, it’s just you’ve never opened up before. I’m kinda in awe of you right now. I’m so honoured that you felt relaxed enough in my company to tell me all this stuff. Thank you, I really appreciate it.”

“It’s okay, you deserve to know, but if you tell anyone my real name I will throw tomatoes at you on stage,” he says making me laugh out loud.

“I promise your secret is safe with me. I do have one more question though?” I ask and he raises his eyebrow.

“Okay, yeah?”

“The birds! The tattoos on your hips, right by your…”

“My cock? The swallows, either side of my cock?” he says making me laugh because I couldn’t say it.

“Yeah,” I giggle.

“What about them, sugar?” he says with a shit-eating grin.

“Well, what do they represent?”

He smiles and shakes his head and exhales groaning slightly. “I was young when I got them, sixteen I think, from a backyard artist. I had them done so I could walk around saying shit like, ‘at the base of my cock you’re destined to swallow’ or some crap like that,” he says and I burst out laughing.

“Oh my God, really?” I say looking at him and he nods his head and tries to hide his laugh. “Oh geez, I don’t know if I can date someone like that now.”

“Hey, I was young, dumb and full of—”

“Okay, stop right there. I’ve heard enough,” I say interrupting him as he starts to laugh.

“Yeah, I was a tool back then.”

“Was? You still are,” I exclaim and he feigns shock and wraps his arm around my shoulders as we make it back to the rocks to climb through to get to the car.

“You’re kinda perfect,” he whispers and I look back at him.

“I don’t think I am.”

“Sorry, I was looking at your arse when I said that,” he teases. I roll my eyes and proceed to climb through the craggy rock formations that are all around us. It’s a tight squeeze in places, but quite stunning when you look through the rocks and out to sea.

“Caveman,” I murmur and he chuckles and slaps my arse making me giggle.




We drove back to Penneshaw and ate dinner in the same pub we had breakfast in, but this time Danger and I sat by ourselves and right in front of the open fireplace. It was so romantic and this day really couldn’t get any better. I haven’t thought of the tour or any of my other life problems at all today. It really has been a perfect distraction from everything. But now Danger, Mike, and I are boarding the ferry back to the mainland, and then we have the hour and a half journey back to the hotel in the city. On the drive, I cuddled into Danger with a full belly and a contented persona. Danger met all my needs today. He was caring, romantic, sensitive, funny and open. It was the most I’ve ever gotten from of him and I will remember today always.

Danger is playing with my hair as we listen to the talkback radio in the car. Some guys called Hamish and Andy are chatting away on the radio and they’re really quite hilarious, so I’m giggling along to their antics as we drive. Dad and his band were doing press tours all day today, and Staked had a day off to do whatever, so I was able to go out without raising any questions or suspicions. I hope Annie had an okay day and didn’t spend it in the hotel room wallowing.

Danger pulls out his phone from his jeans pocket and starts fiddling with it. I’m not paying attention to what he’s doing while I cuddle into him as the driver pulls into the hotel car park.

“We’re here, Miss Ella,” Mike says. I exhale and frown knowing my perfect day will soon be over.

I sit up straighter as Danger’s phone beeps. He looks at the screen and smiles brightly and then puts it away in his pocket. I wonder what that was about, but I don’t bother to ask. I’m actually quite tired. I’ve been up since four this morning and it’s getting close to ten at night. I’m honestly looking forward to bed. Mike opens the door, Danger steps out and I slide out after him. He takes my hand and I see Mike and smile.

“Thank you for today Mike, you and the driver were excellent,” I say and he smiles.

“Anything for you, Miss Ella. I’m glad you had a good day.”

Danger gently tugs my hand and I walk with him into the hotel and up to the elevators as I let out a big yawn.

“You tired?” he asks and I nod and blink a few times.

“Yeah, it’s come on suddenly.”

“Yeah, we’ve been up since stupid o’clock,” he says and the elevator opens and we step inside. I giggle and break our hands and move in to wrap my arm around his waist wanting more contact. I nuzzle my head into his chest knowing when the doors open, I’ll be leaving him for the night. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and leans in kissing my head.

The elevator dings and the doors open. We separate knowing my dad could easily be in the hallway as we step out. No one is there, and I smile and grab his hand again wanting any last little bit of contact I can have with him for today. I turn right to head for my door, but he steers me left. I raise my eyebrow at him.

“Where are we going?”

“To my room, if you want to that is? Ryan’s out for the night, and I thought we could spend the rest of the night together? End the date like we should.”

“I’d love to spend the night with you, Danger,” I say as we continue to his room. He opens the door and we walk in. Danger turns around and lunges at me wrapping me in his arms tenderly and kissing me resolutely. I run my hands up his arms and hold onto him kissing him back. I love that we are able to end the night like a proper date, instead of me going back to my hotel room with my sister.

I make a mental note to thank Ryan tomorrow.

Danger slowly pulls back and looks at me and smiles. “Shower?” he asks and I bite my bottom lip.

“Together?” I ask and he chuckles.

“Yeah, if you’re okay with that?” he asks.

I nod as I slide out of my jacket and he smiles and starts to remove his clothes as I continue to get undressed. Even though I’ve been naked in front of Danger a number of times now, I have never showered with him, or anyone else before, so this is a new first for me and I’m a little nervous. I pull down my panties and he takes off his jeans and we’re both standing in the hotel room naked. He looks at my body and smiles.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, do you know that?”

I shake my head as I stare at all the artwork lining every inch of him from his chest all the way down his legs and even on his feet.

“C’mon, let’s get wet and wash away this dirt from the Estate,” he says. I nod and he takes my hand and we move into the bathroom. He walks into the shower alcove and sets the temperature, then pulls me in with him. I’m nervous and have no idea what to do in this situation and he must see my apprehension.

“Hey relax. Just let me take care of you, okay?” He places me under the steady hot stream of delectable water and it rushes over my hair and down my body, it’s pulsating pressure makes me feel like I’m on my way to heaven. He moves in and wraps his arms around my body and pushes his chest flush with mine cuddling into me. I love that he’s cuddling me, it feels so romantic. I nuzzle my head into his chest and let the water cascade over my back.

“So, you had a good day, honestly?” he says moving his hand up to my scalp and massaging it tenderly making me want to fall asleep.

“The best, Danger,” I reply and look up at him leaning up kissing his lips tenderly.

He pulls back and smiles and brings his hand up to caress my cheek. “You’re just so God damned beautiful.”

He grabs the small container of supplied shampoo and squirts some into his hand and then pulls me from the water a little bit. I wonder if he’s really going to wash my hair, when he runs his fingers over my scalp and massages it thoroughly. He really is making such an effort with me today.

“Rinse,” he says moving me back slightly into the water. I lean my head back and let the water rinse my hair. He repeats with the conditioner and then he does his own hair, washing out any remaining bird seed. Then he washes my body down seductively which wakes me up completely. The way his hands working over me is making me want him so badly, and I know when we get out of the shower and into the bed that today’s romance won’t be over.

After thoroughly washing each other and enjoying our first shower together, Danger moves us out of the shower and he dries us both. I try to dry my hair as best as I can with a spare towel, but I let it dry naturally. Walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where Danger is waiting on the bed, he throws back the blanket and pats the mattress for me to join him. I can’t help but notice he’s still naked. I smile and race over to the bed and climb in next to him. He pulls the blankets over us and I lean over and kiss him softly. Today has been all about the soft and gentle romance, not the hard, typical fucking style that Danger is usually accustomed to. So I want to try and continue the gentle style into tonight if possible.

My tongue dances with Danger’s as I move my entire body on top of his and straddle him. He chuckles against my lips as I feel his cock growing against my pussy.

“Taking charge are you, sugar?” Danger murmurs against my lips.

“Is that a problem, Mr. Control Freak?” I ask placing my hands on his inked up chest.

He smirks. “No, I guess not,” he says. “As long as I can still have some control?”

I raise an eyebrow. “And what do you mean by that?”

He slides his hand up my thigh and I watch as his grin turns into a salacious smirk. His hand continues up my thigh until it reaches the top, and then he moves inward and slides his thumb down toward my clit. I close my eyes at the contact as he starts to move his thumb on my throbbing sensitive bud. He knows how to rev me up, and with our time in the shower he’s able to work me up quickly. I open my mouth and let out a small moan as my head falls back and I enjoy his touch. My hips start to move involuntarily on top of him, and his cock really starts to get hard beneath me. His piercing is pressing against my flesh as I move my hips in time with his thumb strokes.

“God, I love working you up, sugar,” he says as he starts to move his hips against mine causing a sweet friction. The pleasure I’m feeling is making me hot, but I need more. I want more. So I look down at him and sit up a little bit moving my hand under me to grab his cock.

He looks at me and smirks. “You want to go already? Before I make you come first?” he says and I nod.

“I need to feel you.”

I position his cock at my opening and then slide down on top of him, and we both moan out in pleasure as he fills me entirely.

“Fuck Ella,” he groans while he grinds up into me. He pushes hard on my clit and I jolt at the feeling. I put both hands back on his chest and begin to ride him. I’ve never done this position before, so I hope I’m doing it right – it feels fucking right to me. I close my eyes and relish in the glow surrounding us as we both moan at the feeling of being connected this way. His hand on my hip is gripping me tightly and helping my movements along while his thumb on my clit is circling causing my breathing to be forced. My heart is hammering in my chest, and I’m feeling connected to Danger like never before. I ride him feeling the pleasure hitting me quickly as his thumb works me higher and higher to the edge of the cliff. I grind down on him and he groans as I move my hips on him forcing a delicious friction. He’s enjoying this as much as I am. I clench my eyes closed as he rotates on my clit again and presses hard. I’m moaning in staggered breaths as my back arches and my body begins to tingle. I flame in an intense heat and my skin coats in a fine mist of sweat as he presses firmer still. I start to shake as the pleasure hits and I’m right on the edge, he swirls his thumb and I grind down on him as he pushes up with his cock deep inside me, and that’s just what I need to send me over the edge. I moan loudly as I fall, shattering into a million pieces all cascading to the ground in a brilliant afterglow of light. I’m shaking all over as I come back to earth from my mind altering climax and Danger is moaning right along with me. I know he’s close, and even though I’m mentally spent, I keep going so he can have his release.

Grinding down on him, I scrape my fingernails along his chest. He groans because I know he likes it rough, so I dig my nails into his skin. He grasps my hips and pulls me on and off him faster at the tempo he needs. I’m breathing rapidly just trying to keep up when his body tenses and he groans. His back arches and he pulls me down on him.

“Fuck,” he calls out throwing his head to the side and thrusting his hips up into me as his body tenses and I can feel the force of his release as he unloads inside of me. His breathing is harsh and rushed, then he relaxes back into the bed and his hands flop down either side of him onto the sheets like he’s spent. I move down resting my chest on his and my head in the crook of his neck. One of his arms comes up and wraps around my back.

“I could get used to this,” he says breathlessly. I smile and kiss his neck as we both pant coming down from our highs and I can’t help but think to myself, so could I.




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