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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (146)


Mase stands up and crosses his arms over his body. “Another man living here, I don’t think so,” he says and I look at him in shock. I was on the same page as Mase, but him making decisions for me only makes me want to disregard his wishes.

“Hey, I can have whoever I want stay here,” I tell Mase.

“Amber, my daughter’s living here. Brax could be a pedophile for all we know?” he says and Hunter laughs.

“If Brax is a pedophile, I’m an ordained priest,” Hunter states.

“He’ll be living in the guesthouse Mase, not in the actual house. It’s a whole different place. There’s a garden in between us. Wouldn’t you feel safer knowing we’re protected when you’re not here?” I say, and then feel weird for taking this standpoint just to annoy Mase. When, to be honest, I don’t really like the idea of Brax staying here either.

“Amber, it’s another man. Why can’t I stay here and protect you?” Mase asks and Hunter laughs. “Shut up dick,” Mase spits at Hunter.

“Mase, look you’re great. You’re a wonderful dad and friend, but do you have military training? Can you take down an intruder with your bare hands? I’ll answer But Brax can, and he’s the best man for the job,” I say turning to look at Brax. He’s smiling so broadly it makes my heart flutter.

“I don’t like it, Amber,” Mase says.

I put my hand on his arm trying to placate him. “Mason Anthony Hughes listen to me…this is a good thing. It will keep me safe and our daughter safe from the crazies of the world. Isn’t that more important than your pride right now?” I ask and he huffs and looks away from me down toward the guesthouse as if he’s imagining Brax living there.

“I guess it’s not that close to the house, but close enough that if something happened he could get here quickly,” he says under his breath.

“See, wasn’t that hard was it?”

He rolls his eyes and looks back at me. “You know I just want you girls to be safe. I love you both so much,” he says with brutal honesty that breaks my heart every time he says it. I gnaw on the inside of my cheek and nod. He knows I can’t say it back, because the truth is, I don’t love him. Not the way he wants anyway. I love him as a friend and as the father of our daughter, but that’s it.

“So it’s settled then, Brax is moving in, not that we’ll be here long. Red Velvet is going on tour soon and Brax will be coming with us obviously,” Hunter says breaking the icy cold tension between Mase and me. I look at Hunter and thank him with my eyes, he half smiles and winks. He knows everything that’s happened with Mase and me. He was my rock when it all went down. I’d be lost without my twin.

“Okay, I’ll have my stuff sent through and I’ll move in tonight,” Brax says with an air of cockiness.

I open my eyes wide. “Tonight?”

“Yeah, may as well start the protection straight away,” he says with a smile.

“But I need to make the guesthouse presentable and prepare,” I say and Hunter laughs.

“Amber, the guesthouse is fine the way it is. It’s furnished, there’s not a thing out of place. What’s the issue?” he asks.

I take in a gulp of air in frustration because I’m not sure what the issue actually is. I guess I just wasn’t as ready for a man moving into my space so soon.

“Well, I’m not ready, I need time to process,” I say and Mase laughs.

“See, not so exciting now it’s actually happening, hey?” he says and I frown at him.

“Hey, behave, Mason,” Hunter says.

I fold my arms over my chest. “Yeah, you’re not helping,” I say and he smiles.

“Oh, what can’t take it now it’s being thrown back at you?” he asks playfully, but internally I’m starting to feel like I’m panicking. My breathing is becoming rushed and my heart rate has picked up. I hate the idea of my world changing. I like it here, just me, Clara and Charli, and now a big muscular man by the name of Brax is stepping into my personal space and fogging my brain. My chest tightens and my throat closes up as I try not to show that I’m freaking out in front of these men.

“Amber, are you okay?” Brax asks.

I look at him and it’s like the walls are closing in on me and everything is getting smaller and smaller. My rushed breathing is harsh and I know I’m starting to panic. I don’t like change. I don’t like that I’m forced into having a man live with me that I don’t know, and I hate that I can’t control my panic attacks.

“I need Charli,” I say turning to race inside, my feet are heavy as they pound the ground. I need to find my daughter. She’s the only one who helps me with these attacks. I run through the kitchen my feet sliding on the marble into the dining room to see Clara pulling Charli out of her high chair. So I run forward on unsteady feet, with tears in my eyes as my chest is so tight I can hardly breathe.

“Amber, are you okay?” Clara asks as I put my arms out. She nods knowing what’s going on. She’s seen this before and knows what I need. She places Charli in my arms as hot tears pool at my chin. I pant trying to get breaths in and out as I hold onto Charli tightly cradling her to my chest, smelling her hair. She cuddles into me and I bounce around taking her in and holding her tightly, but not too tightly, I don’t want to hurt her. Being close to her and hearing her baby noises calms me instantly as Clara rubs my back.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing. Mama's gonna buy you a…diamond…ring,” I struggle to sing the last two words as the tears fall down my face. Suddenly warm arms wrap around me tight encasing both Charli and me.

“Hey, hey. Shh, it’s okay, Amber,” Hunter says surrounding me in his warmth and love. “You were singing Mum’s song.”

I nod and look up at him as he nuzzles into Charli and kisses her forehead. “I miss her.”

He winces. “Me too, life’s not the same without her,” Hunter says and I nod. “Why are you freaking out?” he asks pulling back as Clara walks out of the room to give us some space and time together.

“Change,” I say and he raises an eyebrow.

“You lost me?” he asks.

“I hate change. Brax is moving in. It’s different. You didn’t give me a choice in this, and it’s happening so quickly. I’m such a mess, and this is all so new and I just freaked. I don’t deal too well with change, Hunt. Ever since Mum…” I stop talking because I can’t say the word.

He sighs and nods. “I’m sorry I’ve thrust this on you. I should’ve talked to you about it first. But Amber I need for you and this little angel to be safe at all times. Seeing you attacked by those girls only brought home how unsafe you actually are and the fact that you’re all I have left. You’re it, you and Charli, and I have to take care of you. So if that means I have to take charge and make you feel a little uncomfortable just to make you safe, then I’m going to do it. Brax is a good guy, Ambs, he’ll lay down his life to protect you. His life is all about protecting and serving. He will keep you guys safe.”

“Okay,” I say and he nods.

“Good. I’m sorry for contributing to this panic attack. I’m just glad Charli helps,” he says and I nod and snuggle into her further.

“She really is my angel. I don’t know what I’d do without her,” I say and Hunter nods.

“I know. Let’s go back out and give Brax the housewarming he deserves, okay?” Hunter asks.

I take a deep breath and nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. “Okay,” I say placing Charli on my hip and wiping my cheeks with my free hand.

“You’re stronger than you know, Amber,” he says and I sniff.

Nuzzling into Charli as he places his hand on my back we walk back out on the uneven sandstone courtyard. To my surprise, Brax and Mason aren’t talking, but sitting there both tall in stature with stiff shoulders and facing away from each other. They both look up at me as I look between them.

“Let’s show you the guesthouse,” Hunter says walking over to Brax.

I gaze over at Mase and furrow my brows, he frowns and shakes his head as Brax stands up and starts to walk off with Hunter.

“What’s going on?” I whisper.

He shrugs and walks off behind Brax and Hunter. I shake my head and follow them across the lush grass to the guesthouse.

“Is it open, Ambs?” Hunter calls out.

“I’m not sure, I think so,” I say catching up to them.

Hunter pulls open the guesthouse sliding door, it moans from underuse and we all walk into the living room.

“Wow, this place is great,” Brax says.

I used to spend a lot of time out here when I was a teenager, primarily living in there. So I understand the appeal. “Yeah, it’s great,” I reply. “So obviously, this is the living area, it has a television and a desk with computer access. You can tap into the house WIFI. I’m pretty sure you can get satellite television out here, too. All the exercise equipment you can use as you wish. Down the hall is the bathroom and the bedroom. Unfortunately, there’s no kitchen in here, though, which could be difficult—”

“He can just have all his meals in the house with you girls,” Hunter says and Mase scoffs.

I tense up slightly, but nod as Brax looks at me and smiles slightly.

“Okay, well that’s all settled then. Brax you happy with your new digs?” Hunter asks.

Brax chuckles and nods. “More than. Thanks for this, bro. I appreciate it,” Brax says.

Mason huffs, turns to me and rubs my shoulder. “Look I’m gonna go, walk me out?”

I nod and look back at Brax, who’s looking at Mason’s hand on my shoulder. “Sure,” I reply and shrug my shoulder so his hand falls subtly. “I’m just going to walk Mase out, I’ll be back in a bit.” Brax smiles and Hunter nods.

“See ya, mate,” Hunter says and Mase gives him a curt nod.

Mase wraps his arm around my shoulders and we walk out of the guesthouse and back through the garden and courtyard into the kitchen.

“He seems like a douche,” Mase says and I chuckle.

“You’ve hardly even spoken to him?”

Mase grunts. “Well, I had the car ride over with him and that was awkward. Then in the courtyard we had nothing to talk about. He’s completely boring.”

“Well, he may be boring Mason, but he’s in our lives now and we have to deal with it, unfortunately.” We walk over and I place Charli in her high chair ready to eat some pasta.

Mase leans down cupping her head and kisses it tenderly. “Bye beautiful girl.” She ignores him and starts to eat while Clara stirs something on the stove that smells delicious.

“See ya later, Clara. Keep looking after my girls for me,” Mase says and Clara turns and smiles at him.

“Of course, have a good afternoon, Mason.” She turns and goes back to her pot.

“Walk me out?” he asks.

I nod and we walk in silence to the front door. I turn the handle and it clicks open as I pull the heavy wood and stand to the side letting him walk through the archway. He turns back and looks at me furrowing his brows and pursing his lips. “If Brax tries anything with you, call me immediately and I’ll come over, okay?” he tells me in all seriousness.

I exhale and shake my head. “He’s here to protect me not take advantage of me. You’re being silly. He’s here for a job, not to get laid.”

Mason nods and moves in hugging me tightly. I embrace him and he pulls back and looks me in the eyes. I know that look! He moves in to kiss me and I pull back pushing him in the chest playfully.

“Mason, what the hell?”

He chuckles and throws his hands in the air in surrender. “Sorry, was worth a try,” he says and I push him in his hard chest again. He chuckles and I fake glare at him. I know he’s only fooling around, but he shouldn’t try to kiss me.

“You need to go now, you idiot,” I say and he laughs and shakes his head.

“One day you’ll kiss me again, Amber Jewel,” he says and turns to walk toward his car.

“Only when you’re dying, and I have to give you mouth to mouth to save your life would my lips touch yours again,” I tease.

He faces me and brings his hand to his heart and fakes like he can’t breathe.

“And maybe not even then. So you better catch your breath, Mason Hughes.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “And you wonder why I love you? Look after our girl, Amber. Have fun with your babysitter. Please don’t fuck him!”

I screw my face up and bend down picking up the daily newspaper and throw it at him. He chuckles as it misses like a lifeless scrap and he slides into his car.

“Drive safe you imbecile,” I say and wave as he reverses out of my drive and drives off down the street. I shake my head and giggle as I walk back inside closing my door and walk down the hall to the kitchen where lunch is being served. I move over to Charli now she’s finished her lunch and pick her up cuddling into her.

“Smells divine, Clara, as always,” I say just as Hunter and Brax walk in.

“Thanks, darling,” Clara replies as I look at Brax and smile. “Just in time, sit and get ready for lunch.”

I move across to the dining table and Hunter comes up to me and smirks taking Charli from me. I frown because I only just got her, but I can hold her anytime I suppose. I slide into the high seated black leather chair, the wooden leg squeals on the marble floor as Hunter takes Charli and sits on the other side and Brax sits opposite me.

“I don’t think I’ve had a home cooked lunch for as long as I can remember,” Brax says just as Clara brings over our bowls of pasta. She places mine down in front of me and the aroma wafting up from the bowl fills my senses with reminders of my childhood. It smells delicious.

“Well, I hope you like it. It’s my mother’s recipe,” she says.

Charli plays with Hunter’s shirt collar as he picks up his fork and digs in. I smirk at Brax and he smirks back as we both pick up our forks and start eating. It’s actually nice to be having a meal without a one-year-old on my lap. Just as Brax goes to take a mouthful Hunter’s phone rings and he drops his fork and pulls his phone out of his pocket and answers.

“Montgomery,” he says in his professional voice.

He looks at Charli and then to Brax and he stands up and hands Charli over to Brax, who stiffens. He shakes his head and tries to fight against it, as I chuckle while Hunter continues to talk on the phone while palming my daughter off to the nearest person. I laugh as Brax finally grabs Charli and holds onto her awkwardly. I could get up and help him, but it’s too much fun watching. Hunter walks out of the room talking about tour dates leaving us alone. Brax looks down at Charli, and he relaxes a little as she grabs his nose.

“You’re actually a natural,” I say and he chuckles and shakes his head.

“Really? You think so?” He relaxes a little more holding Charli in a way that makes him look adorable.

“I can take her if you want?”

He smiles and doesn’t say anything looking down at my adorable little blonde angel and smiling at her brightly. “She looks like you,” he says looking up at me and then back at her. He’s bouncing his knee slightly making her giggle as she grabs his nose again. He smiles at her, and if I didn’t know better, I think I can see his big masculine heart melting a little for my daughter. This tough ex-military man with his broad chest, muscles on muscles, and eyes deeper than an endless pool looks like he might just be enjoying time with a twelve-month-old.

“Except she has blonde hair and mine’s red, right?” I say and he chuckles and nods.

“Yeah, right,” he says smiling at her again as she grabs onto his chin this time. Suddenly, his face contorts, his nose wrinkles and he frowns. I furrow my brows as he picks her up and walks her over to me holding her out at arm’s length. I inwardly giggle thinking I know where this is going.

“I think she needs a nappy change,” he says and I laugh as I take her from him.

“Mm-hmm, bonding moment over then?”

He nods and tries to hide his smirk. “Definitely.”

I smile looking at him as I pull back Charli’s pants and look into her nappy, sure enough she definitely needs a change.

Hunter walks back in looking at me and then to Brax. “You guys okay if I head off? I got some managerial stuff to attend to.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Anything exciting?” I ask as I stand up.

“Just organizing some tour dates. Should be starting soon…very soon. I’ll keep you posted. Have a good night you two,” Hunter says and then walks out without another word.

I nod and go to walk out of the room to change Charli when Brax clears his throat. I turn back to look at him and he smiles.

“Thanks for letting me take this job on. I think it’ll be a pleasure working for you Miss…wait, what do I call you? Miss Jewel? Miss Montgomery?” he asks. Amber Jewel is my stage name and Montgomery is my actual surname, but he doesn’t need to call me by either of those.

“Just Amber will do,” I say and he nods.

“Okay, just Amber, it is,” he says.

Turning toward Charli’s room with a spring in my step and a flutter in my chest that makes me giddy, a tingle runs up my spine and I smile so bright that I can’t seem to shake it.




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