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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (111)


I’ve been skillfully avoiding Chad because I realised that maybe he does like me more than a friend, but I’m not one hundred percent sure. I don’t want to confirm it because I’m scared of the outcome if it is true. So avoidance is the key, and every time he tries to come near me I make an excuse and leave.

Danger and I are doing well. It’s been a week since the day I realised there may be more to this whole Chad thing, and I’ve been paying Danger a whole lot more attention. But after avoiding Chad for a whole week and him finally giving up on trying to talk to me, I’m actually missing Chad’s company. We’re in New York and I’ve had enough time to think things over and I want to talk to Chad and try to fix where we stand. I’ve decided avoidance isn’t actually the answer after all, and maybe just trying to pretend like nothing’s happening is the key. I need my friend back, and I want to see if our friendship is still there.

But right now Dad has arranged for us all to go on a bus tour around New York seeing as how none of us have been here before. Danger isn’t coming as Recoil had some press releases to attend to, so it’s just the Staked and Slayed parties. Dad hired a tour bus for all of us, and I’m actually pretty excited to go and see the highlights of New York City at night.

It should be amazing!

I walk down with Annie to the foyer of the Hyatt hotel where we’re all meeting for the tour bus to pick us up and take us around the city. I’m really pumped and the buzz around the group is energetic, except for Annie of course, who’s still somber and doesn’t even want to go. I practically had to drag her kicking and screaming out of the hotel room.

“This is going to be fantastic, Annie. New York at night, I can’t think of anything more electrifying can you?”

“An electric fence?” she replies sarcastically as the bus pulls up to a stop.

“Ha, ha,” I mock and she places her earphones in her ears and ignores the outside world again.

I look over to Chad who’s talking to Caleb and he seems excited too. I’m glad there’s someone else who shares my enthusiasm. My stomach flutters slightly looking at Chad and Dad walks over to me and Annie and pushes us toward the bus.

“C’mon girls, time to go sightseeing, rock-star style,” he says. I giggle as Annie ignores him totally and steps onto the bus, but continues to look at her phone rather than anything else. I shake my head and race onto the bus and straight up the top of the open canopy area where I can see the sights and breathe in the fresh open air.

I notice Chad, Aston, and Caleb come up here too and Dad drags Annie up as well. We all sit up the front and wait for the bus to take off. Mum comes up and sits next to Annie, as I stand at the edge of the bus and look over the edge out at the beautiful setting sun over the New York City skyline. The purple hue of the city lights glowing under the pinks and yellows of the setting sun makes for a breathtaking scene before my eyes. Nothing is more beautiful than New York at night.

The driver comes over the speaker announcing that we are departing, and our first stop is none other than Times Square. I bounce on the spot and giggle to myself as I look out over the city in awe and take in the atmosphere around me. The rest of the band are laughing together and looking out over the side of the bus. Mum and Dad are sitting with Annie while the rest of Slayed is downstairs with the other kids and some people who joined us for the tour. I’m happy being on my own at the front. I like that I can take all this in and enjoy the peacefulness surrounding me.

Being on tour means you never get time to yourself, so now, even though I’m surrounded by people, being by myself at the front of the bus gives me time to think about what I’m going to do. I need to talk to Chad, maybe I can do it when we get off at the end of the tour. All I know is I want to do it tonight. I’m sick of avoidance, that’s definitely not what I want to do anymore. I miss him. I miss his laugh, his smell, the warmth of his touch. I just miss him, and I need to let him know that our friendship still counts for something.

I’m enjoying Manhattan’s beautifully lit up skyline. Times Square was incredible, but the sun was still setting, so I think the brilliance of it was not what it could have been if it were a little later in the evening, but we’re coming back there at the end of the tour. After Times Square the bus made its way to The Statue of Liberty, then onto Central Park, which was beautiful, then Rockefeller Center, Fifth Avenue and the Empire State Building. The bus then made its way over the Manhattan Bridge showing us the glorious Manhattan skyline from the Brooklyn waterfront. It’s been absolutely amazing and everything has been so eye-opening and beautiful, but now we’re headed back to Times Square and this time the bus is going to stop. We have security on board with us, so we’re allowed to get out and have a look around the famous intersection.

I can’t wait.

The bus pulls up and the driver announces that we can all get off. Dad yells out for us to stick together and for no one to wander off. I race down the stairs and look up to see Mike as he smiles. I smile back, then he steps up to me and walks off the bus after me.

“This is so exciting, Mike!”

“It sure is, Miss Ella, but stay close. There’s a lot of people here, okay?”

Annie steps off the bus and I look out into the sea of faces, then up to all the laminated screens in Times Square and it really is a sight to behold. Seeing it now in the darkness really is something magical. It is breathtaking. And I smile so wide as Staked and Slayed all walk off the bus and press the button on the sidewalk lights for us to cross into the middle of the street. I must admit I’m a little on edge because it only takes one person to recognise one of us and this could turn crazy, but we have to have a life to live and seeing one of the world’s most famous landmarks is something I’ve always wanted to do, and I’m not missing this for all the tea in China. The buzzer sounds for us to cross the road and everyone is chatting cheerily as we walk into the middle of the road onto the path section, so we can look up at the billboards and gaze in awe. I’m so excited I could squeal, but I try to keep my enthusiasm to myself. I look up at the changing billboards and I’m excited to see ads for television shows that are on in America and Broadway acts. Everything looks so bright and exciting. I’m in my element when suddenly a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist embracing me tightly. I giggle and lean into the arms, feeling instantly safe and warm knowing who they belong to the moment they’re wrapped around me. I know his smell, it’s so uniquely him. I turn in his grip to see Chad and I smile.

“Isn’t this amazing, wasabi?” he asks.

I laugh and nod. “Yeah, it really is. I missed you and I’ve been stupid for ignoring you this past week and for trying to stay away from you. Our friendship means too much to me to let it slip away over something silly,” I say and Chad looks at me raising an eyebrow.

“I thought you were avoiding me. Why?” he asks holding me a little tighter.

“It doesn’t even matter, it was stupid and I’m over it now. Let’s just go back to being friends, I hate not having you around.”

“Okay, was it something I did, though? Like did I do something?”

“No, really don’t worry about it. It was all me,” I say and he furrows his brows like he isn’t convinced. I turn in his grip and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug.

“I’m just so glad we’re friends again,” I say and he chuckles.

“I didn’t know we weren’t friends, but I’m glad you won’t be avoiding me anymore.”

Pulling back from him our eyes lock and I swallow hard as that surge flows through me again, that unmistakable swell of something that I can’t control or understand. But as I look into his eyes I know that Chad can feel it too. Caleb calls out for everyone to look up which forces Chad and me to break our gaze. We look up at the billboard to see a Slayed World Tour ad come up with Staked as the backing band. The picture of Slayed is huge and a smaller picture of Staked is at the bottom of the advertisement. I smile so wide and can’t contain myself. I scream jumping in Chad’s arms making him laugh. Chad cheers with me too and then everyone else starts to cheer as we all look up at the advertising on the billboard. Mike shakes his head and stands closer as we notice people milling around us starting to stare at us laughing as we all make a scene in the middle of Times Square.

“Fuck yeah baby, we’re on a screen in Times-fucking-Square!” Caleb calls out and then a girl from the other side of the road screams loudly. We all stop celebrating and check her out as she stares at us and then it clicks.


“Shit!” Dad says as she races toward us not even looking at the cabs coming her way. They honk their horns while she screams running straight for Dad.

“Mike, get the girls to the bus…now,” Dad calls out.

“It’s Colter-fucking-Slade,” the girl calls out and then more people turn to see what’s going on. Mike grabs Annie and then the other security start to surround us as people start to scream and rush forward.

“Oh my God, it’s Caleb!” someone screams out and runs up to him.

“It’s both of them, it’s the band’s Slayed and Staked, they’re both here!” someone else screams and then it’s pandemonium.

“Fuck,” Chad says as he grabs hold and pulls me to him forcefully as a swarm of people rush through the streets not caring about the traffic just so they can get to us. Security surrounds us, but as Chad clings onto me some of the crazy fans try to grab at him.

“Chad. Oh my God, it’s Chad Everly, the drummer. Hit me with your sticks, big boy.” One girl yells out as Chad tries to walk me to the bus.

“Ella, Ella, are you and Chad a thing?” Someone else yells out.

“Colt, I want your babies.” Another girls screams.

“Mike, get the girls on the bus, now,” Dad yells out and Mike continues to pull Annie and Mum to the bus. Chad follows sheltering my head from the girls trying to pull at my hair.

“Just let us touch you, please, just one touch.” Someone calls out and I furrow my brows wondering what kind of freak she must be. Chad holds onto me for dear life as Mike pushes through the crazy minions. I look back to see Caleb, Aston, Dad and the rest of Slayed dealing with the minions, and I’m actually scared for them. I see they have security with them, but I’m still worried. I know what the minions are capable of and especially in such a high traffic area. They nearly killed Mum in an incident, not unlike this, where the fans were out of control and they pushed her into the path of a van. This obviously wasn’t the smartest of ideas, I don’t want any of my family or friends put in danger.

“Chad, what about the rest of them?” I ask as we fight through the crowd and make our way back to the bus.

“Don’t worry the security team will get them back here. If not, the police will be here soon I’m sure, they won’t want a disturbance like this holding up the traffic in Times Square for too long, Ella. It’ll be okay.”

Mike ushers us onto the bus and Chad walks with me to the back. Mum and Annie follow and Mum rushes up to me looking over and touching me frantically.

“Are you okay sweetheart? Did they hurt you?”

I can see the concern etched on her face as I brush down my dress.

“I’m fine Mum, Chad kept me safe. How are you and Annie? Are you two okay?” I ask as Annie sits down in the seat right next to where I’m standing.

“Bloody minions, they’re everywhere, ruining everything. I didn’t even want to come on this fucking bus tour and look what happens,” Annie says. Mum exhales and runs her hand through her hair looking out the window at Dad, who’s making his way back to the bus now with everyone else.

“We’re fine, Ella. I just get very tense when there’s minions and traffic,” she says. I nod rushing forward and hugging her tightly.

“I know, but we’re all okay, Mum.” She nods and sits down in the seat her eyes firmly set on the window watching Dad and the others.

I turn to Chad and we sit down as Mike guards the door of the bus while people are screaming and trying to get on board. Chad takes my hand and looks me in the eyes.

“Thanks for helping me back here.”

He smiles. “Hey, I would protect you with my life, Ella. There was no way those minions were getting to you.” I lean into his side and he wraps his arm around my shoulders and cuddles into me. The warmth and admiration I feel oozing from him is unmistakable. I always feel safe with Chad, like I know he’d protect me with his life. Like I’m more important to him than the air he breathes.

Mum suddenly stands and rushes to the front of the bus making me look forward as Dad and everyone else climbs on board. She collapses into Dad’s arms and I breathe out a relaxed sigh as everyone makes it back to the bus without any apparent harm or injury.

“Dad, are you guys okay?” Chad calls out to Dingo, who’s walking toward us.

“Yeah, we’re okay. Lucky your mother and the boys are back at the hotel. I’m relieved they didn’t get caught up in this. I would’ve been worried sick. I’m glad you got Ella out. I’m proud of you son,” Dingo says and Chad smiles and wraps his arm tighter around me pulling me into him even further.

“I’m just glad everyone is okay,” I say as people start to bang on the windows of the bus.

“Jesus Christ,” Chad says looking at the fans crying at the windows.

“Okay, if everyone is accounted for I think we better head back to the hotel,” Johnny states and Dad agrees as he holds onto Mum tightly while she softly cries into his shoulder. I knew she wouldn’t deal too well with this.

The bus starts to slowly drive off and the fans run alongside as we move, but eventually they can’t keep up as the bus drives off down Forty-Second Street and away from the chaos that we caused.

“That was hectic,” Caleb says and the whole bus apart from Annie laughs.

“That was fucking idiocy, that’s what that was,” Annie pipes up and puts her earphones back in her ears.

We all look at each other and smile, even though minions are terrifying, it was kinda cool to be in Times Square and to see our names up in lights. But then to have the fans react to us like that, it was like recognition that we deserved to be there.

Was it scary? Yes.

But was it also thrilling? Hell yes.

“You okay, Worcestershire?” Chad asks.

I laugh and shake my head. “How many more food names have you got in that head of yours?”

“A shitload, vinegar,” he replies and I laugh again.

“Yeah, I’m okay, just trying to live in the moment I suppose,” I answer his previous question.

He smirks and raises an eyebrow. “And what’s that moment telling you to do right now?”

“Cuddle into my best friend all the way back to the hotel.”

“That I can live with.” He leans in kissing my head softly while running his fingertips feather-light up my arms.

We arrive back at the hotel and we all make our way to our rooms. Everyone is talking about how crazy it was that the people in Times Square suddenly went crazy when they recognised us. Chad hasn’t let go of me since then and I haven’t wanted him to. Being in his arms at the moment feels right, and as he walks me to my door, I feel like we’re back on the same page.

“I’m glad you’re talking to me again. I hated it when you would walk away from me for no actual reason all week. I still don’t know what that was about, though,” he says and I shake my head.

“Doesn’t even matter, it was nothing. I’m just glad to have you back. It feels wrong when you’re not around.” I take his hand in mine as we walk up to my door. Annie walks past us and opens the hotel door with her keycard and walks in letting the door slam behind her. I chuckle and shake my head.

“She’s in a great mood, as usual.”

Chad smirks and moves a strand of hair behind my ear and his hand lingers on my cheek making my breathing hitch. I look into his eyes and swallow hard as our eyes lock and an intense feeling fills the air. His thumb gently smooths over my cheek and the warmth of the sensation sends a chill down my body.

“Thank you for protecting me from the minions,” I whisper, barely even audible as my breath seems to be taken away.

“I will always be here for you, Ella.”

My stomach does a little back flip and then a swarm of butterflies flurry around making me feel nervous. I clear my throat and he leans in close. I lick my lips inadvertently and exhale looking at his lips. They’re so soft looking, so pink and inviting. I blink my eyes a few times trying to stop those thoughts as I lean in to kiss his cheek goodnight. He turns slightly, and I end up kissing the side of his mouth. The touch of our lips although only slight, sends a shock wave through me and I don’t know what to do so my only reaction is to chuckle. He laughs with me at the accidental almost kiss, and I shake my head and lean in hugging him as my lips tingle from the electrical surge I felt from our lips touching. I swallow hard while an awkward tension fills the hallway.

“Okay, well, good night then,” Chad says.

“Yep, good night,” I reply in a high-pitched tone, making me sound even more flustered than I wanted to let on. I mentally slap my head and pull back from him with a racing heart and rapid breathing.

“Thanks again,” I say and he smiles.

“Anytime, baking powder.”

I smirk and shake my head taking my keycard out of my bag, turning and swiping the door.

“Night, Chad.”

“Night, Ella, sweet dreams.” He then turns and walks down toward his room with Aston. I take a deep breath and shake my head as I move into my room.

Get a grip!

Walking over to my bed, I see Annie is already curled up in hers with the television on. Pulling on my pyjamas, I hop into bed and snuggle down cuddling into my pillow, and when I close my eyes Chad’s face is the last thing I see.




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