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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (32)


As we walk toward the music room, I hear them all talking. I grip onto Aston’s hand tightly and he turns to look at me.

“I’ll be here, right with you, okay? You and me, we’re in this together now. Always,” he says and it eases my nerves just enough to let the joy and excitement of his words seep through to my soul.

He loves me.

Of that, I am completely and undeniably sure.

Aston Soulding really loves me.

Who would have thought?

He leans in and kisses my temple. “Okay let’s do this. You ready?” he asks and I nod my head leaning up on my toes and kissing his lips quickly. He smiles and grips my hand tightly as we walk through the doorway and into the music room. Everyone stops talking and looks at us and they all focus on our hands.

“What the hell is this then?” Dad asks and I tense up.

“Dad, Aston and I have sorted things out. And before you go ballistic about how bad an idea this is, please just think that this is what has been making me so depressed. Not being with Aston was slowly killing me, and definitely causing me to make very wrong choices. I can see now that he does love me, and I was the one standing in our way. So please Dad, please don’t go off about how you hate this. Because right now, I feel bad enough about my actions and I don’t need another reason to argue with you,” I say and he smirks and raises an eyebrow.

“You think it’s okay to talk to me like that?”

I huff and shake my head. “No, but I just needed to get it off my chest before I chickened out,” I say and he smiles wide and stands up walking over to us.

I raise my eyebrow wondering what he’s about to do. He leans down hugging me tightly. I stand here not knowing what the hell is happening. Aston lets go of my hand and I slowly bring my arms up and hug my dad back. Still unsure as to what the hell is going on.

“It’s about bloody time,” he says and then leans back holding me at arm’s length.

He looks at Aston, smiles then pats his shoulder.

“Thank you. She’s been a mess without you, and hopefully now that you’re back together you can help her down the right path.”

“Wait! What? You approve?” I ask and Dad chuckles.

“Annie, when you were with Aston you made the right choices. You were happy and he made you feel good about yourself. Without him, you fell into this dark cycle of depression and nothing I could do or any of us could do was helping. I don’t like that you rely on him so much for your happiness, but if you two can make this work and I get my Annie back, then I am all for it.”

“What the hell?” I whisper to myself in complete shock.

“Wait till your mother finds out. She will be so ecstatic.”

I shake my head and chuckle. This is not how I was expecting this to go at all. But I guess Dad is right, Aston is the reason I’m happy. He is the reason I breathe, the reason my heart beats and without him I was a shell… a void. I lived, I breathed and my heart was pumping, but it was doing it for nothing. I wasn’t happy. I was miserable and I know it’s bad to put all my happiness onto the shoulders of one person. But Aston is my light and without him my world is utterly black, engulfed in a darkness that I couldn’t escape. Now with him back in my world, the colour is back, and I know that nothing on this earth could ever break us apart now. Aston and I are together for good. Until we’re old and grey and that’s how it should’ve been from day one.

“Right, well, if we’re all done with the niceties, let’s get back to the elephant in the room shall we?” Rob says and Dad lets us go and nods.

Aston takes my hand back in his and we walk over to the spare spot on the lounge suite.

“Okay, so obviously Annie, these photographs are not a great thing for any of us to deal with. But in saying that I think that any publicity for the band is good publicity,” he says and we all look at him confused.

“What do you mean?” Dad asks.

“Well, just like when you and Hux went into rehab and when Lia had her accident it was all bad publicity, right?” Rob says and Dad furrows his brows and nods.


“Well, just think about what happened after those events, Colt,” Rob says and Dad has a slow smile crossing his face.

“The fans wanted more of us. They wanted to see the recoveries, and then when we came back we hit it harder and they loved us even more for it,” Dad says and I look at Aston wondering what this means.

“Exactly, so we just have to put out a report saying that Annie had a moment of weakness, and that she was under the influence of the wrong crowd of people and that Aston has pulled her back into the light. Now that you guys are back together it works perfectly. Annie was lost without him, so she chose the wrong path; isolation, dissolution and abandonment issues were running rife tearing the band apart. But when Annie’s photographs surfaced Aston came to her rescue and now she’s back on track with some therapy and Staked can go back to normal. With this spin on things, I should be able to set up a tour for you guys starting as soon as possible. That is if you’re all in on the plan?” Rob asks and I can’t believe how he’s able to spin something so horrible into a story of love lost and a happily ever after.

“What do you think? Annie and Aston are you two on board with this plan?” Dad asks and I look at Aston and raise my eyebrow. Aston nods and we both smile.

“Sounds good to me. You really think we can spin this into a positive?” I ask and Rob smiles.

“My dear, for a band as talented as yours I can spin anything into something good. The world needs Staked, and they’re going to get them. Your tour will start soon and you’ll be the headline act for the first time. You can even pick your own backing band,” Rob says and I look at Aston and smirk.

“Not Red Velvet,” I say and Aston chuckles.

“Yeah, I think that would be awkward,” he replies and everyone smiles knowing that he and the lead singer Amber probably don’t talk now.

“You guys have a think about it and let me know. In the meantime, I’m going to contact everyone I know so we can get this underway. I know it’s late notice, but we need to ride on the coattails of this scandal right now before the publicity dies down. Staked needs to be at the forefront of every newspaper and radio station from London to Los Angeles. Don’t worry guys this is going to be the best thing to happen to you all. From tragedy comes triumph and you my little Stakettes are going to be the next big thing. You’re already huge, but this will take you to superstardom, as long as we can all promise to be on our best behavior from now on,” Rob says and looks directly at me.

I nod and smile. “I promise guys, no more acting out.”

“Well, this is fucking great news. I came here today thinking the band would be over and it’s only just beginning. Thanks Rob, you really know how to make things work for us,” Caleb says and I smile at him.

I know how much this dream means to him. I know he really wants to make Uncle Hux and Dad proud of him because they’ve given him so much. I know he feels like he owes them something, but from what I’ve heard he’s the one who gave them a new lease on life. Caleb coming into their lives when he did, made Uncle Hux a better person. I’ve only known him as a great guy and a supportive Uncle, but from what Mum has said, Uncle Hux wasn’t always the nicest of people. He was a bit like me. Lost and confused, living without the one person that meant everything to him. Macy was Uncle Hux’s true love, and they we’re apart for a lot longer than Aston and I were. No wonder he turned to drugs to soothe the loss. I’m just glad he and Macy found their way back to each other, otherwise I may not have Caleb as my cousin and that would really suck.




We spent the rest of yesterday afternoon talking and discussing how we would proceed and who we wanted as the backup band. Ella was quite adamant that she wanted Recoil and I know it has something to do with Danger. So we all agreed and Rob was going to ask them about their schedule. Ella couldn’t stop smiling. I’m going to have to ask her what’s going on there.

Mum was ecstatic when she came home from her visit to see Uncle Joseph and Danny. She noticed Aston and I cuddling together in the corner and she screamed. She actually bloody screamed. Needless to say, she was over the moon just like Dad was. She said she couldn’t wait for me to come to my senses. She had hoped Aston would be there to catch me when I fell, and I fell straight back into his arms. And man does it feel right.

But today, today Aston decided we needed to go on an official date. Even though we were together for a year, we never really did anything other than spend time watching movies in the living room. We were younger then, and now he wants to wine and dine me like he always wanted to. I’m in my room getting dressed in a beautiful black lace dress. It has long sleeves and a low back. I can’t wear a bra with it, but that’s okay, I don’t really need one because it has inbuilt support. I decide seeing as Aston is making an effort I will too. I pull out my black pumps from under my bed and slide them on my feet. It’s a big change from my usual bare feet or combat boots. I’m a little unsteady on my feet, but it’s okay Aston will help me I’m sure. I make my way downstairs and Mum and Ella are waiting there for me.

“Wow Annie, you look beautiful,” Mum says and I roll my eyes.

“No, I don’t, but thanks,” I reply and Mum shakes her head.

“No, really Annie, you actually look really nice,” Ella says and I smile and decide to stop doubting it and just believe that maybe I am actually worth something.

“Thank you guys.”

Mum hands me a small bag. “In there is a new phone. I got it for you today and programmed all the numbers in for you,” she says and I smile and lean in hugging her.

“Thank you, Mum, I’ve been dying without it.”

“Aston is in the kitchen with your father. He looks really grown up. I can’t believe how much you’ve both grown,” Mum says and I smirk at her.

“Are you getting all sentimental on me, Mum?”

“No, just happy that even though something horrible happened, it brought you two back together,” she says and she can’t hide the tear that falls down her cheek.

Ella and I both chuckle and I move in hugging her tightly.

“Thanks for everything, Mum. I really appreciate it,” I say and she lets me go.

“Let’s get you in there to your man, hey?” I nod.

We walk into the kitchen and Aston is standing there wearing a black button down shirt and some jeans. He looks delectable. So much so that the breath is all but knocked from my lungs. When he turns, he smiles so brightly it literally makes my knees go weak. I stumble on the spot and Aston rushes forward and takes me in his arms holding me tightly before I fall to the ground.

“I got you,” he says and I smile.

“I think I literally just fell for you,” I say and he smirks.

“I fell for you a long time ago,” he says and I lean in gently kissing his lips.

“Okay, don’t do that in front of me, it freaks me out,” Dad says with a chuckle. I laugh and look over at Dad, who is actually smiling at us.

“C’mon Miss Slade, let me take you out on a date,” Aston says and I smile.

“Sounds great to me,” I reply and he lets me go and takes my hand tightly in his.

“Have a good night you two,” Mum says as I turn to walk toward the front door.

“No, it’s this way, Lennox,” Aston says pulling me toward the back door.

I raise my eyebrow in confusion until I look out of the window and see a dim light glowing down by the willow tree. I smile and look up at Aston excitedly.

“We are having a date under the willow tree?”

“Is there any other kind?” he asks and I shake my head with a smile.

“Have fun,” Ella says as Aston leads me toward the back door. He opens the door for me and we step out into the crisp night air. He wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me close to him.

“I don’t know how I’m going to walk on the grass in these heels,” I say honestly, not knowing how I will manage. He chuckles and steps aside making me look at him when he bends down and lifts me up. I squeal and wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me effortlessly. “Aston you can’t carry me the entire way, it’s too far.”

“Baby, I would carry you for the rest of your life if it meant I got to hold you,” he says and leans in kissing me softly.

“You’re such a romantic. Who knew?” I say and he chuckles.

“Only with you, baby, only with you,” he says and starts to walk toward the willow tree.

I run my fingers through the back of his hair and I smile at him the whole way. I just keep staring at his face and watching as he slowly starts to smile.

“You know looking at a man for this long could give him a complex.”

“I’m only looking at you because it’s like the first time I really see you. You’re kinda breathtaking.”

“Breathtaking hey?” he says and I nod and lean up kissing him again. He kisses back and I’m not sure how he’s doing it, but he continues to kiss me, carry me and walk toward the willow tree at the same time.

I notice we’ve stopped walking, but we’re still kissing. He slowly sets my feet on the ground and wraps his hands around my waist pulling our bodies flush together as my tongue continues to dance with his. Feeling his tight and toned body against mine again for the first time in so long is taking me right back to when we were eighteen and wanted only each other.

Right now, I want only him.

He pulls back slowly and takes his lips from mine. I pout and slowly open my eyes to look into his. It’s like time stands still and all the time we had apart is null and void. Right now, I’m here with Aston and everything is utterly and beautifully perfect.

“So what do you think?” he says breaking me from my trance and I raise an eyebrow at him. He tilts his head and looks behind me so I turn in his grip and look at the masterpiece in front of me.

I gasp as I see four posts standing tall under the willow tree with white curtains draping from them, giving it a romantic feel. Inside the four posts, which is making a kind of tent, is a mattress looking thing on the floor covered in silk and there are rose petals spread all over it. Candles light the floor in every direction for as far as I can see and purple lanterns adorn the top of the posts giving a purple hue to everything inside the tent. I look back at Aston and smile.

“Holy shit, it’s beautiful,” I say and then turn back to look at the romantic ambiance in front of me. “Did you do all of this?” I ask and he wraps his arms around my waist holding onto me from behind.

“Yes. I did it for you, Annie.”

I smile so brightly as I bring my hand up and caress the back of his head as he nuzzles into me. I shake my head slightly and Aston starts to move us forward toward the tent. We walk inside and I notice music playing low in the background. Could this be any more perfect? He walks me over to the mattress and we sit down on it and I raise my eyebrow.

“Does Dad know you’ve practically set up a bed for us in his back yard?” I joke and he smiles.

“Yeah he does, and I’m under strict instructions not to have sex with you here,” he says and I laugh out loud.

“Like that’s stopped us before.”

“Well, we might have something stopping us tonight,” he says and then gestures to a waitress coming inside the tent. I look at him and furrow my brows in confusion.

“Good evening. Would you like me to bring your selection of foods now Mr. Soulding?” she asks.

“Yes thank you,” he says and she nods and walks away.

I giggle to myself at how amazing this is and kick off my shoes and lay down on the mattress and rest my head on the soft pillows. Aston quickly joins me, laying down next to me and I roll on my side and cuddle into him.

“This is amazing, babe. Thank you so much. I really don’t deserve all this.”

“Annie, stop thinking so lowly of yourself. You’re worthy of all of this and more. Annie, you’re everything to me, you always have been.”

“I can’t believe I ever let you go,” I say honestly and he frowns.

“I know, it was a tough time for us both, but I’m not going anywhere, Lennox. Even if you tell me too. I’m yours forever,” he says and I smile feeling the happiest I’ve felt since I can remember.

The waitress brings in a platter of food and we both sit up as she places it on the mattress for us. It’s a selection of finger-type foods, but they look super fancy.

“Where did you get these from?”

“Your Uncle Joseph helped. He cooked everything for us tonight.”

“You really are a romantic, you know that?”

He picks up a crostini covered in a delicious looking topping and moves it toward my mouth. I open up and take a bite. It is delicious.

“Annie you deserve to be shown how much I love you. And all this… ” he waves his hands around, “all this doesn’t even begin to show you how deeply and utterly in love with you I am, and have always been,” he says.

I swallow my mouthful and lean across kissing him.

“I have a gift for you,” he says breaking the kiss.

“I thought this was my gift?” I say waving my hands around like he just did.

He shakes his head. “No, this is my gift. It’s not much, but I had it made just for you. It represents us,” he says and hands me a box.

I smirk and undo the purple ribbon on the white box and lift the lid. Inside is a white bracelet. It has many layers but is so beautiful. I pull the bracelet out and study it. The thin bands are of white leather and at the top it has a silver infinity sign. The next band is simply the word love in silver. The next band is plaited white leather and the next band is a set of wings with a diamond in the middle. Then the final band is another simple plait and at the bottom is two silver entwined hearts. I smile brightly as I turn it over and the clasp that holds all the layers together has some charms hanging from it. I study them further, one charm is music notes and the other is of a willow tree. It’s the most amazingly gorgeous gift I’ve ever seen. It’s not your typical girly bracelet, it’s way more rock and roll than that, and it suits me perfectly.

“Aston it’s…” I pause as he takes it from me and undoes the clasp.

“Do you like it?” he asks and I look up at him with tears stinging my eyes.

“I love it! I love you!” I say and he fastens it around my left wrist.

He chuckles and runs his fingers over the leather. “Can I tell you what they represent?” he asks and I wipe a falling tear from my cheek and nod.

“Please do,” I say as he touches the infinity sign.

“This represents our bond. You and me. We have known each other our whole lives, a bond like ours will live on for infinity,” he says and I smile and wipe another tear. “The love symbol, well that’s self-explanatory,” he says making me giggle. “The wings, they are for when we’re together we’re free as a bird. When I’m with you, I can soar high in the sky and nothing stops me from flying,” he says and I bite my bottom lip knowing I feel the exact same way about him. “The two hearts is you and me, in love and forever entwined. And the willow tree represents us. We have shared so much under this very tree and without it I don’t think we would be as close. The tree is a giver of life and I think each time we come here it breathes new life into us, forging us closer together each time,” he says and a tingle shoots down my spine. He’s so charming, and the love oozing from him right now is making me feel like I’m the most special woman in the world. “And the music notes, well they represent Staked and the bond we have when we play together. Even though we haven’t for two years, the memory of leaning on you while playing makes me smile every time.”

I lean forward and caress his cheek. “Aston Soulding, you are the most amazing and wonderful boyfriend I could ever have imagined. We have been apart longer than we were together, but I know with every fibre of my being that we won’t spend another moment apart for as long as we live. I can’t believe how lucky I am that you gave me another chance, and I promise I will lean on you when we play for the rest of our careers. If you’ll have me back, that is?”

“Baby, I want you to lean on me for everything for the rest of our lives. I’m here for you Lennox, no matter what life throws at us. I will always be your greatest support,” he says and leans in kissing me strongly and that continues into the early hours of the morning.