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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (33)


The date with Aston was nothing but pure perfection. Even though everything in me wanted to sleep with him again, he kept his promise to Dad and we didn’t make love under the willow tree. But it came pretty close. It was nice to get reacquainted with him and his body. After the three courses of food had come out the waitress left and that’s when we could really relax and just enjoy each other. We stayed out under the stars for hours, and if it wasn’t so cold we would have stayed out there all night. But eventually the bitterness of the early morning got to us and we came inside at around 4:00 a.m. We made our way to the living room seeing as everyone was asleep and Aston didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in my bed with me with Dad in the house, so we cuddled up on the lounge suite and fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was a perfect end to a perfect night.

The next day everyone was quiet when they came downstairs. They tried not to wake us, but I was awake. Aston was snoring slightly, so I just cuddled into him until he eventually woke up. We spent the day together in the music room and he showed me a whole bunch of songs he had written when we weren’t together. He never brought them to the band because he didn’t want to show me how lost he was without me. But now that I’ve heard these songs, it makes me sad that we spent so long apart and that we were feeling the exact same way.

I wrote a song too, and I sang it to him. The words are so sad, and it made him hold me tightly after I’d finishing singing it to him. The words flowed effortlessly as I sang.


I felt I was never good enough to be with you.

I gave up my best friend, my lover because I felt I couldn’t be enough.

And how could you possibly love me, when the ones who gave me life didn’t?

I was broken and you couldn’t see,

It wasn’t you, it was me.


You’ve moved on, and you’re happy now.

But I can’t handle seeing your eyes light up for anyone but me.

I blew it and you’re gone.

A stranger in a room that I once knew.

I am broken and you couldn’t see,

It wasn’t you, it was me.


I want to end it, what is the use.

I lost my friend, my lover, the only one who knows me best.

I am broken and you couldn’t see,

It wasn’t you, it was me.


You’re the one who completes me, loved me, but defeats me.

Your heart belongs with mine, entwined for all time.

But it was never you, it was always me.

It was always me, now your heart’s been set free.

It was never you, it was always me.


It was really a waste of time us being apart and I know it was all my fault, but I’m just glad that Aston has taken me back with open arms and has such a forgiving heart. Because honestly, another day without him and I might have lost the plot completely. He saved me from myself and I can’t ever thank him enough for being the one to bring me back from the brink.

We have been inseparable ever since we got back together, and for the last week he has stayed over every night but sleeps on the lounge suite. Dad is very adamant about that. I think Dad is being his usual over-protective self. I mean for God’s sake, I’m twenty! But Aston is fine with it, he knows our time will come. Aston came with me and Mum to an appointment with Dr. Ludwick and she filled him in on everything. It helped him to understand what happened with me a little better and, to be honest, it just made everything feel like it made more sense. It was great that he was willing to go and I couldn’t have been happier about it.

We’ve been in rehearsals all week as the tour is going to start up a lot sooner than we expected. Rob really got everything under control for us and said we had to act quickly to keep up the momentum surrounding Staked. Dad tried to find out who leaked the photographs, and with some time I even remembered that his name was Trent, but I couldn’t remember where he lived, so it all faded into nothing. And anyway the photographs were out, so what’s finding Trent really going to achieve? He can’t turn back time and make the pictures disappear, so really there’s nothing more to be done where that’s concerned.

Tonight though, Mum and Dad are attending a gala dinner for a charity that Mum deals with, and Dad is the special guest of honour. Slayed are performing and all the adults are going. Therefore all the members of Staked, except for Caleb, are staying over at our house, so we can all be together… I think mainly to keep an eye on me. Dad still doesn’t trust that I won’t sneak out and do something stupid. He figures if all my friends are here, I won’t need to sneak out. I keep assuring him those days are behind me. I have Aston now, so there’s no need to seek attention from anyone else. Mum understands and tells me just to ignore Dad, but I guess I don’t blame him. After all, I haven’t actually given him a reason to trust me, and it’s only been a week and a half since the incident with Trent. But anyway everyone is here and the house is buzzing with noise. It’s getting close to five p.m. and Mum and Dad are ready to leave.

“Mum you look beautiful,” I say as she fusses with her hair in the mirror.

“Oh thanks, sweetheart. I needed to hear that. I’m so nervous about making my speech.”

“You’ll do great, Mum. Just look at Dad when you’re talking and speak just to him that should make it easier.”

“You really are smart sometimes, you know that? Now, I know I don’t have to say this, but please try and behave tonight. I know you’re all young adults now, just be sensible and don’t give your father a reason to be angry.”

I nod my head. “Got it! Don’t worry, Mum, I’ll behave myself. I’ll just be in the lounge room watching movies with everyone else, and maybe eating too much pizza and making myself feel sick from all the cheese, but other than that, nothing dramatic will happen. I promise.”

“I know, just make sure you spend time with everyone and not just Aston,” she says and I smile.


“And if you find yourself sleeping in the same bed rather than in the lounge room with everyone, just make sure that you are safe and well protected, okay?” she says and I blush.


“No, really Annie. I’d prefer it if you stayed in the lounge room with everyone, but I’m also a realist, and I know you and Aston are dying for some alone time. So if that happens, I just want to know that you will be cautious and use every protective method you can.”

I swallow hard. “Okay, I promise,” I reply and she exhales and looks around the room.

“Now, don’t tell your father that I am talking to you about this. He would want me to forbid it, but like I said I’m a realist. And, to be honest, when do you ever not do something when we tell you not to?” she asks with a slight chuckle.

“I know, I’m sorry, I don’t listen to you more. It’s gotten me into a lot of trouble, so don’t worry, I’m listening and it’s coming in loud and clear right now.”

“Glad to hear it, just be safe,” she reiterates and I chuckle and shake my head.

“Mum, I got it. We’ll use a condom if we have sex tonight,” I say and her eyes open wide and she blushes this time.

“Geez Annie, I wasn’t expecting you to be so forward,” she says with a laugh and I smile at her.

“I am an adult now, Mum, and our relationship is one of complete and open honesty. I think now, instead of us darting around what we’re trying to say, let’s be adults and talk like adults, yeah?” I say and she smiles at me brightly and blinks her misting up eyes a few times.

“Well, I haven’t heard you talking so grown up before. I’m proud of you, sweetheart. I’m so proud of how far you have come this week, and I know taking Aston to see Dr. Ludwick was the best idea you’ve had. After that appointment where she filled him in on everything, it’s like a weight was lifted from the two of you. I feel like I have my Annie back, and I couldn’t be happier,” she says and a tear falls down her cheek.

“Oh, Mum stop. Don’t cry, you’ll ruin your makeup.”

She gathers herself and wipes away the tear looking at herself in the mirror again.

“You’re right. I love you Annie, and I couldn’t be happier to call you my daughter,” she says and this time I tear up.

“Thanks Mum. I love you too. Now go, have a great time tonight and I promise I’ll be good.”

Dad walks in and smiles at us. “You ready to go, baby?” he asks and I smile that he still calls Mum baby, it’s so nice to see them still as in love as ever.

“Sure am, Rock God,” she says and she looks back and me and winks.

We walk toward the staircase and all the rest of the Slayed members and partners join us at the front door.

“Have fun guys,” I say and they all smile at me, especially Anna, Aston’s Mum, who seems delighted that I’m back in the picture with Aston. I think everyone is delighted to be honest.

“Chad, look after Carter and Carlton. Your brothers are only eleven and they think they know everything,” Sia calls out and the twins peer out of the lounge room and shake their heads in unison, they’re so in sync.

“Mum, we do know everything,” Carlton says and everyone laughs.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of,” Sia replies and Dingo laughs.

“Leave them alone. They’re spending time with the older kids. They’ll keep them in line, won’t you, Annie?” Dingo says and I nod.

“Yep, we’ll make them do the dishes and clean-up for pocket money. We know how to work them,” I reply and Dingo laughs and Sia looks at me wondering if I'm serious or not.

“She’s joking, Sia,” Mum says and Sia’s body relaxes as she laughs.

“I can’t promise Chad won’t put them to work though,” I say and we all chuckle because we know that statement is probably true.

“Look after everyone, okay?” Sia asks and I nod.

“Don’t worry, it’ll all be fine,” I say and she nods. I know she’s very over-protective of her kids just like Dad. Sia had heaps of miscarriages before she finally had Chad, and then between him and his twin brothers there is an eight year age gap where she kept miscarrying. So she treats her kids like they’re precious because she had so much trouble having them.

“Okay, now go. Your stretch Hummer is waiting. Have fun, you all look fabulous!” I say and they all smile and walk out the front door.

Mum stays behind and hugs me tightly. “I love you Annie and remember—”

“Be safe… I know Mum. Now enjoy and don’t worry about us. I’ll call if there are any issues,” I say and she smiles and nods and then turns walking toward the Hummer. I call the dogs back inside and then shut the door.

Aston walks across to me and pulls me into an embrace. “Did they all get off, okay?” he asks and I nod.

“Sure did.”

“Awesome, now I can kiss you all night and not have to worry about your dad belting me for it,” he says and I raise an eyebrow.

“Dad wouldn’t belt you. Would he?” I ask suddenly concerned that Aston’s avoidance when Dad is around is because of something more sinister.

“No baby, not at all. He’s harmless really. All talk. But I respect him, and so I do as he wishes when he’s around. But when he isn’t, I plan to take full advantage,” he says and dips me down kissing me strongly. I giggle into his mouth and kiss him back passionately as he pulls me back up.

“I love you,” I whisper against his lips.

“I never get tired of hearing that, you know?”

“Just like I love it when you say it.”

“Say what? I don’t know what you’re talking about?” he teases and I slap him on the chest.

“Say it!” I demand, and he shakes his head.

“I don’t know what you mean?”

I slap him again. “Say it, or I won’t kiss you for the rest of the night.”

“Well, in that case, I love you, Annie Slade. I love you more than ‘Edward loves Bella,’ more than ‘Christian loves Ana,’ more than ‘Harry loves Sally,’ more than—”

“Okay, okay, I get it,” I say with a giggle. “Now kiss me again or lose me forever,” I say and he smirks and leans in kissing me softly. He releases me from his grip and takes my hand leading me back into the full lounge room.

We’ve been in the lounge room for hours watching endless horror flicks and eating an enormous amount of pizza. I’m sitting on the lounge cuddling with Aston and he’s holding me so tightly. Everyone is intently watching the axe murderer chase down the beautiful blonde and I decide I need something sweet. Moving Aston’s hands from around me I stand up.

“You okay?” he whispers and I nod.

“Just going to get something sweet.”

I walk into the kitchen and over to the cupboard and open it looking around for some sort of chocolate I can gorge myself on. I’m not hungry, just have a craving. I grab a block of chocolate from the cupboard and turn around closing the door and jump when I see Aston standing there smirking at me.

“Jesus, you scared me. Don’t sneak up on a woman after she has been watching horror flicks!” I say and he chuckles walking across to me.

He looks into my eyes and I instantly ignite into flames. He takes the chocolate from my hand and places it on the counter.

“I think I can give you something sweeter than that,” he says and my knees feel weak as he talks in such a deep sultry way. My heart rate spikes and my breathing is instantly rushed and harsh. I know what he wants, and right now by the way he’s looking at me I want that too. Way more than chocolate.

“I don’t think they’ll miss us, do you?” he asks and leans his forehead against mine.

I shake my head and smile as he takes a step back from me and takes my hand. He starts to walk me out of the kitchen and suddenly for some reason I feel nervous. It feels like this is our first time, and I can’t control the banging in my chest from my heart pounding so ferociously. I feel breathless. He turns back and looks at me as we walk past the lounge room on our way to the stairs. I look into the room and no one even cares that we’re gone. I turn back to Aston and giggle as he starts to walk faster. We reach the stairs and we race up them like it is a race. We both start laughing as we run to my room. We get to the door and stop as he pulls me to him and spins me around to face him. I smile and he leans in kissing me passionately. He backs me up against the door forcefully, and I open my mouth to let his tongue dance with mine. I run my hands up his hard arms and into his hair. He moves his leg in between mine and parts them, placing his thigh right up against my pussy. I moan into his mouth as the throbbing in my clit is now ever present and is aching so much I can’t wait to have him inside of me.

He moves his lips from my mouth and he kisses along my jawline and down onto my neck as he rubs his thigh against me. I tug on his hair and he moves back up kissing me passionately. I notice his hard cock against my leg and it only makes me heat with even more desire. I want him so badly.

His hand moves up and caresses my breast and I moan into his mouth as he stimulates between my legs at the same time he’s kissing and exploring me. I take my hand from his hair and reach behind me and open the door. I stumble backward into my room and Aston catches me before I fall over. He closes the door with his foot and moves back in to kiss me again.

My heart is pounding and all that nervous energy is now built up into sexual tension. I’m not sure why, but this feels even better than when we were in the green room. I think he’s had a bit more practice at it now, and he knows exactly what to do to make me hot for him, which he’s achieving perfectly.

He leans in and pulls my shirt over my head. I move in and pull his vest over his head. I look down at his chest and stomach, his muscles are so well defined it makes me ache all over. That perfect v shape right above his pants is making me want to drop to my knees and admire the perfect sculpting. He moves back in kissing me and shifts me backward toward my bed. I’m not wearing shoes, and he took his off earlier so the plush carpet under my feet feels like heaven.

He walks me backward against the bed and then drops to his knees. I look down at him completely breathless and wonder what he’s doing. He moves his hands slowly up my legs and to the top of my jeans undoing the button and fly and with each slow movement my breathing hitches up a notch. He leans in kissing my belly and then pulls my panties and jeans down at the same time. I step out of them and he kisses up my leg as his hands gently move along them with his mouth.

Every inch of me is tingling and being near Aston always makes me tingle, but when his hands are on me it’s a whole new set of emotions and feelings. The tingles are off the charts and every inch of me feels like it’s shaking with the vibration of ecstasy that his mere touch brings. I move my hand down into his hair as he kisses up my thigh and toward my pussy. I rest my head back enjoying the pressure of his kisses. He moves his hand between my legs and parts them. I take a step to the side with my right leg, so I’m open to him. I have no idea what his plan is, but I’m enjoying everything he has on offer. His mouth connects with the top of my pussy and his hand massages the inside of my thigh. I breathe rapidly and the tingles are only intensifying and really he hasn’t even touched me properly yet. The spark emanating from him is doing something to me and the emotion I feel this time around is so much more vibrant and alive. I know this is right with Aston and I know this time it’s forever.

He moves his tongue out and it glides against my folds and I tense up enjoying the feeling of him on me. He moves his hand up and gently places a finger inside of me as his tongue connects with my clit. I moan as he swirls his tongue in a perfect rhythm over my sensitive spot. He gently eases his finger in and out of me and I savour the feelings. He starts to move his finger in and out quicker and then inserts another one. He grazes my front wall and I moan out loud as his tongue circles on my clit. I’m finding it hard to stand and my knees start to buckle under the pure pleasure he’s giving me. He pulls his fingers from me and rests his hand on my tummy gently pushing so I fall back on the bed. My knees are hanging over the edge and he parts my legs so he can get in between them easier. I rest my head back on the mattress as he moves his fingers back inside me and his tongue comes back to my clit. I moan as I move my hand down into his hair and grip tightly. The pleasure flowing through me is just like I remember, every time Aston would do this to me. But this time it’s so much better. I arch my back as he finger fucks me faster and deeper. I writhe on the mattress and he continues to work me up. I tense my body and heat starts to engulf me. I know this feeling. I remember it well.

“I’m close, Ast,” I murmur and it only spurs him on more.

He pushes inside me harder and his tongue dances on my clit as it throbs violently for him. My body starts to mist with a fine coat of sweat. He’s working me up so fast I don’t have time to catch my breath, as I heave in and out of my mouth so fast I feel lightheaded. I grip onto his hair with one hand and onto the quilt with the other as he works wonders over my body. I clench my eyes tight and start to see stars as I can’t hold in my moans any longer. I arch my back further and clench my toes tightly, shaking as the pressure builds up and up until it explodes inside me, like an earthquake that’s so high on the Richter scale it shakes me to my core. I call out his name as the ecstasy rips through me until my body finally starts to relax back to the bed. He kisses up my thigh and leans over me.

“You are the sweetest treat I’ve ever had, Annie Slade,” he says and then sucks on my nipple biting it softly making me giggle in pleasure as I come down from my high.

“Holy shit, Aston. That was the most amazing thing you’ve ever done to me,” I say and he smirks as he leans his weight on me.

“You thought that was good, wait for what I do to you next,” he says and I open my eyes looking into his blue sparkling pools that are hooded with lust.

If he can do that just with his fingers and tongue, I can’t wait to find out what else he can do!