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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (129)


A month has passed since the news of our headline tour was announced, and Staked have been rehearsing and getting ready for the tour. Before I know it, I’m in our jet landing in Stockholm. I’m beyond excited because I know I’ll be seeing Danger again for the first time since last month when I get to the hotel. He’s been excellent over the last month, calling every day and Skyping every chance we get. He’s actually pulled up his act. I’m not sure whether it’s because he knew he’d be spending five months with me on tour, or because he really is trying to do better. But either way I like it.

Chad has been distant. He only really talks to me about band issues and I miss him…terribly. I miss his friendship. I miss the sizzling connection we have, but I guess if I chose Danger then I don’t have the right to want to feel that connection with Chad anymore. So having a friendship, even if it is only to do with the band, is the right thing for me right now.

We arrive at the hotel and I’m practically bouncing in anticipation. I know Danger is already here. He gave me his room number, and as soon as I’ve set up my room with Annie I’m going to go and see him. As a group, Staked and our mothers all walk down the hall finding our allotted rooms. I can’t help but notice Chad is only three doors down from me and Annie, but I ignore it and walk straight to my room. I set up my luggage and do everything I need to do with lightning speed, a racing heart and tummy full of butterflies. I race out of the room leaving Annie behind and practically run down to Danger’s room at the end of the hall. I casually knock on his door and wait smoothing down my dress trying to make myself look perfectly presentable for him. The door swings open and I look up to see Danger smiling brightly at me.

“Sugar,” he says and rushes forward taking me in his arms and lifting me up swirling me around.

Laughing at his pure strength, I embrace him back as my lips crash down to his kissing him with everything I have. He stops spinning and slowly slides me down his body, our tongues entwining as he holds onto me tightly. Turning and pinning me to the wall, his hand comes up cupping my cheek as his other grips my waist firmly. His body grinds into mine while my hands fist in his hair taking in every ounce of him. Even though I’ve gone much longer than a month without seeing him, it still felt like an eternity, and reconnecting with him is the best part. He slowly pulls back and looks at me with the biggest smile he can muster.

“Fuck, it’s good to see you,” he says and I smile.

“It’s good to see you too,” I say as his forehead rests against mine.

“I’m so glad your dad’s not on tour with us right now,” he whispers.

“Me too, gives us a little more freedom,” I say and he nods quickly pecking my lips again.

“Don’t have to worry about him finding us in the halls,” he says and I smile remembering we are actually in the hallway.

“Well, he’ll come and join us at some stage, so we have to make the most of it while we can,” I say and he grinds his newly formed erection into me.

“Oh, we will. I wish I could make the most of it right now, but we don’t have long to get reacquainted before we have to go to the Ericsson Globe to set up,” he says and pouts which makes me giggle.

“You’re too cute. Well, for now, a kiss and a cuddle will have to do. We have five months together to get reacquainted Danger, and it’s going to be amazing,” I say and he smiles brightly and nods.




The lights strobe and the crowd roars, screaming and cheering so loudly it vibrates through my very core. You can’t wipe the smile off my face as I run off stage from the encore of our first show as the headline act. We were on fire tonight, and being the headline act for the night and having the fans here solely for your band is some sort of rush. I never thought it’d feel this utterly electrifying.

Placing my guitar on the stand, I jump up and down letting some of the excitement flow through me as everyone is cheering and excited. Danger runs and grabs me in a bear hug then swirls me around kissing me. I giggle against his lips as he slowly slides me down his body. He keeps hold of me as we pull our lips apart and I look at him and smile.

“That was unbelievable,” I say and he chuckles.

“Sugar, you were mesmerising,” he says leaning in kissing me again.

I hear someone coughing so I pull away from Danger to see Mum staring at us. I bite my bottom lip as she hasn’t seen us together like this yet. She knows he was in my room, but she hasn’t seen us so openly together. Danger takes a step back out of respect for Mum. He really is thankful she hasn’t told Dad.

“Good job, Ella,” Mum says smiling and then she looks across at Danger.

“Thanks, Mum,” I reply and she looks between us, exhales and shakes her head then walks off not saying anything else. I look at Danger and raise my eyebrow with a smirk.

“It’s so weird that she knows,” he says.

I wrap my arm around his waist cuddling into him. “I’m glad, it makes life easier, I think.”

“If you say so. Let’s go to the after party,” he says and I lean up on my toes in excitement.

“Hell, yeah,” I reply.




We’re sitting in a booth at the VIP section of the after party and everyone is having a good time. Annie and Aston are back to their old romantic selves while I sit next to Danger, who’s having a hard time keeping his hands to himself under the table. Mum went back to the hotel, so she’s letting us have our first after party as a headline act to ourselves, which is something Dad would never have done. It’s nice to know that she trusts us like that.

“Want another juice, baby?” Aston asks and Annie nods as he leans in kissing her cheek. “I’ll be right back,” he says and slides out of the booth walking across to the bar.

“So you really aren’t going to drink anything with alcohol tonight, Annie?” I ask sipping on another cocktail because I plan to have fun this evening.

“Nope, I’m done with that shit. Look what happened last time I drank. I yelled at you, went home with a stranger and ended up in the hospital, not to mention the damn photographs. Nope, no more alcohol for me,” Annie says.

I smile as Danger nuzzles in behind my ear. Annie smirks at him and he straightens up like he’s embarrassed he was caught being affectionate, which makes me roll my eyes.

“Well, I’m proud of you, sis,” I say and she nods and then looks over at the bar.

I turn and look at Danger, who’s trying to look casual.

“You okay there, tiger?” I ask and he exhales and slumps his body.

“Yeah, it’s just, I’m trying to maintain my image here, sugar. I’m a bad boy rocker, and I find myself nuzzling into you and smelling your fucking incredible hair, and doing shit like that isn’t good for my image, you know?”

“Danger, are you falling for me?” I tease poking him in the ribs, he chuckles and shakes his head.

“No, I’m rugged and manly and I don’t smell hair and nuzzle, or cuddle, or anything else that I do with you, okay?” he says with a great big dirty smirk.

“My guess is you secretly love this new side of you,” I say leaning in and kissing his bottom lip.

He groans and exhales as I look into his eyes. “You’re the devil you know that?”

I giggle and wink at him.

Suddenly, Annie steps out of the booth. I look up at her and follow her line of sight to Aston. There’s a redhead walking up quickly behind him and she launches herself at him. I gasp as Danger turns to view the commotion. She jumps wrapping her legs around Aston’s waist and her arms around his neck. Poor Aston stumbles as he tries to pry her off, but she leans down and kisses him right on the lips. My hand shoots to my mouth as I look at Annie and she does not look happy. Her face is bright red and her nostrils are flaring.

“Annie!” I call out as she starts to race forward, but she doesn’t stop.

This is bad.

This is very bad!

Aston pulls the girl from him and then Annie reaches her and grabs her hair pulling it so hard that strands of her hair fly off in all directions.

“Oh, shit!” I say as Danger and I race from the booth and toward the fight.

“How dare you kiss my boyfriend? He’s mine,” Annie yells pulling at her hair so forcefully she falls to the floor. Annie kneels down and starts to slap at the poor girl.

“Annie, stop!” Aston calls out looking as utterly shocked as the rest of us. He grabs at Annie and tries to pull her off the girl.

“You’re a crazy bitch,” the redhead yells, and right now I think she’s right. Annie’s lost it.

Annie screams and slaps her across the face as Danger moves in helping Aston pull Annie away from the redhead. Aston pulls her back into his muscular chest as she heaves taking in deeps breaths.

“I’m going to press charges you psycho,” she yells and runs out of the VIP room.

“Do it then you stupid whore,” Annie yells.

“Annie shut it,” Danger says stepping in front of her as Aston releases her.

“She deserved it, stupid bitch,” Annie says and runs her hands through her tangled hair.

Aston grabs her arm and pulls her around to face him, his nostrils are flaring like he’s beyond mad.

“What the fuck was that Annie?” he demands.

“What? She was all over you.”

“So that gives you the right to beat her up?”

I look at Danger, grab his hand and we walk off leaving them to argue about Annie’s insecurities.

“Holy shit that was intense,” Danger says as we walk back over to the booth.

“Tell me about it. I’ve never seen her act like that before. I mean I knew she was a jealous person, but to ultimately beat someone up over it was mental.”

“Would you beat a girl up for me?” he asks and I giggle.

“Maybe,” I say and he smirks.

“Would you do it in a bikini and in a pool full of Jell-O?” he asks and I laugh hard.

“No Danger, I will not do Jell-O wrestling for you,” I say and he pouts and furrows his brows.

“Aww, spoil-sport,” he says and leans in kissing my head. “I’d do it for you.”

I raise my eyebrow and smirk. “What wear a bikini and wrestle another girl in Jell-O? Yeah, I bet you would.”

“Yeah, it would be hard, but baby, I’d do it for you,” he says and I take a seat and sip on my cocktail.

“You’re a dickhead,” I say and he smiles.

“Yeah, but I’m your dickhead,” he says and I smile and nod.

I notice Annie and Aston about to walk off. He wraps his arm around her shoulders and they proceed to walk out of the room.

“Shit, wait here,” I say to Danger and run after Annie.

“Annie, hold on,” I call out and run after them. “Are you okay? You’re not going to go off and do something stupid are you?”

She chuckles and shakes her head. “No, I think I’ve had my fill of stupid things for one night. We’re going back to the hotel.”

“Okay, well I’ll meet you there. Is it okay if Danger comes back to the hotel room for a while?”

Annie smirks and nods her head. “Aston, can I stay in your room tonight?”

“Of course, if you think we can get away with it?”

Annie smiles and nods. “Have the room to yourself Ella, and have whoever over you like. Just be safe.”

I smile wide and my heart jumps a beat. “Thanks, guys. I owe you,” I say and run back to Danger to tell him the good news.

Danger is watching me as I run back and his smirk is broad. “You look like you’re in a good mood,” he says and I nod and pull his hand dragging him out of the booth. “Where are we going?” he asks.

“Back to the hotel, Annie is staying in Aston’s room tonight so I have my room all to myself. I can think of a few things I’d like to get up to with the peace and quiet, can you?” I ask and he grins wickedly and nods.

“Let’s go.”




I’m naked and cuddled into Danger in my hotel room. Last night, we got reacquainted with each other really well. To be honest, I still haven’t had my fill and I need a little more Danger, so I run my hand down his chest and straight toward his cock. His deep breathing tells me he’s still asleep, but I plan on waking him up. I wrap my hand around his semi-erect cock and start to pull on it slowly. Leaning in, I kiss his neck trying to make sure when he wakes up that he knows exactly what I’m doing and what I want from him. He shifts and moans as his cock starts to grow harder at my touch. He sniffs and exhales as his eyes flutter open. He looks down to see my hand stroking him and then he looks at me and smiles. Without saying a word, he leans in kissing me. His tongue dances with mine as I stroke his now fully hard cock in my hand. I love the feel of his velvety stiffness between my fingers. Knowing that I have the power to do that to him makes me feel fantastic.

He shifts his weight and moves me over so I’m on my back and I take my hand from his cock as he moves his weight over the top of me. Opening my legs for him to move in between, he seats himself between them and the feeling of his naked flesh against mine is what I’ve been craving. His tongue still dances with mine as my hands run through his hair. He shifts his weight off me and pulls back breaking our kiss. I pout and he chuckles as he grabs my thighs and pulls my legs up either side of his head resting them on his shoulders. I smirk as he comes back down bending my legs back toward my body and he positions himself at my opening.

I smile at him, we still haven’t said one word to each other as he slides his cock inside of me making us both moan out in pleasure. He has me bent in a weird way, but this way is always good for us. It’s deep and it gets us both to climax quickly. He moves his hand down to my clit and starts to rub as the sheets fall down off his body exposing our nakedness to the room. He thrusts inside me and I moan loudly as he begins to work me up. I hear a strange noise like a door clicking, but I ignore it as the pleasure is hitting me.

“Girls, I wanted to surprise you…What the fuck?” Dad’s voice rings clear and I open my eyes wide and Danger’s head shoots around to see Dad standing in the hotel room gawking at the weird position Danger has me bent in.

Danger quickly pulls out of me and jumps off the bed standing to the side looking mortified holding his junk as I grab the sheets and pull them up to cover myself.

“What the fuck is this? Danger, what the fuck?” Dad says standing there with his eyes fully open like he’s about to explode.

Danger grabs a pillow and covers his crotch. “I’m sorry, I never meant—”

“You never meant to fuck my daughter? What the actual fuck? I can’t believe this. You think you can bed my daughter for a one-time thing?” Dad asks and I sit on the bed mortified as I look at Danger, who’s visibly shaking.

“It’s not a one-time thing, Colt,” Danger says and Dad’s nostrils flare while he turns red looking at Danger like he wants to actually kill him. His fists clench at his sides and he starts racing toward him.

“Dad!” I yell out as Danger stands there bracing for the impact.

Dad grabs Danger by the throat and starts to drag him.

“Oh my God. Dad…Dad, stop it!” I yell as I gather the sheet and wrap it around me and follow them as Dad drags a choking Danger out of the hotel room completely naked.

“Dad, please stop it. You’re being a jerk. Stop!” I yell as he pulls him into the hall and holds him by the throat up against the wall. I claw at Dad’s hands to get him to let go, but he’s choking Danger and he’s turning bright red.

“Dad, for God’s sake, stop it! Please, stop it,” I yell as the hot tears pool in my eyes and flood down my face. My dad is in a rage, and I don’t think anything is going to stop him from actually following through and killing Danger right now.

“Help!” I scream so anyone in the other rooms can hear as I cry hard while Danger struggles to breathe.

Annie and Aston race out and they both cover their mouths as they take in the terrifying scene in front of them.

“Dad, let him go,” Annie yells.

Mum flies out of her hotel room and gasps looking at what Dad’s doing. I claw at his hand trying to release it as he turns to look at Annie and Aston. Something in Dad’s face clicks and he turns from pure anger to devastation and with that realisation he releases his hand from around Danger’s throat.

I cry hard as Danger’s body falls to the floor. Racing to the ground to support him, I hold onto him tightly trying to comfort him as he takes in much-needed air.

“Wait! Were you two in a room together, too?” Dad yells at Annie.

“Stop right there. You do not get to be angry at Aston. I know you’re pissed about your little girls growing up but Dad we’re adults, and we have men in our lives now and you definitely cannot stop us from seeing them.”

Mum rushes toward Dad stopping him from reaching Aston. “Colt, stop!” she says tugging on his arm. He looks back at Mum and shakes his head.

“And you’re okay with this?” he yells and Mum shrugs.

“They’re adults now, babe. Annie and Aston are a couple. It’s okay for them to spend time together—”

“Yeah, what about Ella, huh? Her and Danger definitely aren’t together, right? I don’t need her slutting herself around with the likes of him,” he says looking at me. I can’t help but continue to cry as I comfort Danger, who’s still recovering from Dad’s aggressive attack.

“Dad, you need to remember we’re adults. We are allowed to have relationships, and that means we are allowed to have sex—”

“Jesus Christ,” he murmurs running his hand through his hair.

“We are even allowed to get tattoos because by law we’re all legally grown Dad, and you have to let go a little. I know we’re your little girls and we will always be. But Dad, little girls grow up,” Annie says trying to calm the situation. I’m glad she’s taking charge because I certainly am not capable of that right now.

His anger subsides and he turns his back to Annie and exhales, resting his hands on the wall and taking some calming breaths. “So you’re telling me that you’re both old enough to have sex now. Is that what you’re saying?”

Mum is standing there rubbing Dad’s back as I continue to rub Danger’s back as he continues breathing deeply.

“Yes Dad,” Annie says. “And you can’t take it out on the guys we have sex with, that’s not fair. If you’re angry yell at us, don’t beat the crap out of our boyfriends.”

He huffs and turns around resting his back against the wall and rubbing his face with his hands.

“I know this is hard Dad, but—”

“No...wait…what? What did you say about tattoos?” he asks looking directly Annie and so does Mum.

Annie shows Mum and Dad a tattoo she got last night, but I don’t care about that right now all I care about is Danger who’s sitting in the hall of the hotel naked and trying to catch his breath. I caress his face and look into his eyes as he looks past me like he isn’t even focussing. The look worries me and I’m starting to feel like this could be a big issue for us. Danger didn’t want Dad to know, now he does and he found out in a terrible way, I don’t know how Danger will deal with this.

“They’re my babies Lia, and I just don’t know how to cope with this, you know?” he says to Mum seeming all out of sorts. I know he’s hurting, but the way he treated me and Danger, well, I’m hurting too.

“I know, babe. C’mon. Come back to our room and we can talk about it,” Mum says pulling him away from us.

“You’re really both having sex?” he asks one more time turning around to face us all.

I glare at Dad while Danger just sits on the floor naked and looking a little lost. I can’t believe he manhandled Danger like that. I’m so angry right now.

“Fuck!” Dad says and turns around walking with Mum back to her room.

I stand up and try to pull Danger with me. He’s slightly unstable on his feet, but he stands up. I look over at Annie and notice her looking down at Danger’s cock. I move in front of him covering his junk and Annie giggles, I can’t help but smirk.

“Are you okay, mate?” Aston asks Danger and he nods.

“Yeah, I was more shocked than anything. I respect Colt, so this was a bit of drama that I didn’t need,” he says and then steps out from behind me and walks into the hotel room, leaving me out in the hall. I exhale furrowing my brows and shake my head.

“Great, now he’s going to shut down again,” I whisper to no one in particular and turn following him into the hotel room and close the door.

Once inside I find Danger sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I walk over and sit down next to him. I go to wrap my arm around his shoulders, but he flinches.

“Hey, it’s just me,” I say and he exhales and nods. “Are you okay?” I ask and he shakes his head.

“No Ella, I’m not fucking okay,” he says and stands up walking over to his clothes and starts to get dressed.

I bite my bottom lip and swallow hard. “Okay, well, I know that was horrible but can you just talk to me?” I ask sitting on the bed watching him as he angrily puts his clothes on. I can feel the disconnect creeping up on us already and I hate it so much. “Danger?” I ask and he pulls his shirt over his head.

“I need some time to think,” he says bending down to put on his boot.

“What does that mean?” I ask and he says nothing. I fold my arms over my chest and hold onto myself for support. “Danger talk to me!” I almost yell getting frustrated with his cold shoulder attitude. My eyes well with tears and I can’t help it as I start to cry again. “Danger please, just sit down and talk to me. I’m sorry about Dad, but this doesn’t change us, though, right?” I ask standing up and walking over to him as he finishes putting on his other boot.

“I told you, Ella, I need to think,” he says and I put my hand out grabbing his arm. He flinches away from me and starts to walk off.

“Danger, seriously?” I ask standing in the middle of the hotel room watching him walk away. “Danger?” I call out, but he opens the door and walks out without saying another word and without turning back. With the slam of the door, my heart cracks open and blood oozes from every broken piece. I know how embarrassing that must have been for him, it was embarrassing for me too. But to leave me here like this without talking about it and to leave without any idea of where we stand, that’s just cruel. I burst into tears and flop down onto the bed crying into the pillow that he slept on last night.




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