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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (21)


I walk in and Aston looks up at me and smiles. “There she is the girl who wrote the best song ever,” he says and I smirk.

“Well, it’s really the lyrics that make a song great, you know?” I reply and he rolls his eyes.

“I think this song is going to be great and I can’t wait to learn it. Hopefully we can perfect it in time for tomorrow night’s gig so we can include it in the music lineup,” Caleb says and I smile.

Getting Caleb’s approval on a song means everything to me. It’s just like Dad giving a song his stamp of approval. I walk over to Aston and he smiles wrapping his arm around my waist and Caleb grins at us both.

“So, is this thing happening with you two now?” he asks and I smile while Aston nods.

“Yep, we’re together, aren’t we?” he asks double checking.

“We sure are.”

Dad walks in and Aston drops his arm from around me and backs away as Dad looks over at us. He frowns and furrows his brows, but doesn’t say anything. I decide to test how well Mum’s talk went and so I turn to face Aston and lean in kissing him gently on the lips. I hear gasps all around us, but I wrap my arm around his waist and cuddle into him taking my lips from his and turning back to look at Dad daring him to say something.

Everyone watches as his nostrils flare, but he doesn’t say anything. I notice Aston is tense in my grip and isn’t holding me back, but I know that’s because he’s scared to death of Dad.

“Okay right, well, if we’re all here then let’s get started,” Dad says and I smile brightly. He looks at me and nods with a slight smile. That’s enough for me.

Aston relaxes slightly and wraps his arms around me.

“Okay, not what I was expecting from you Colt, but anyway, here’s a new song Annie and Aston were working on outside. Personally I think it rocks. Can you tell me what you think?” Caleb hands Dad the notebook and Dad looks over at us and then back to the notebook.

“You did this?” he asks us both.

We nod. “You two make a good team,” Dad says and I giggle as Aston chuckles like he’s still in shock.




Things with Aston and the band are amazing. Dad has loosened the reins on us and we’re now able to cuddle and kiss whenever we want, but we’re respectful and try not to do it too often in front of him. The rest of the band were so excited for us. They knew, just like everyone else that we would get together… eventually.

Aston is never allowed in my room alone with me and I guess I understand because things are a little more serious between us now. I really feel strongly about him and I know he feels it too because we have been writing some really amazing songs together and I know they’re about me.

It’s been nearly a year since we first got together and since then the band has gotten crazy big. We recorded an album while Caleb was recovering from a car accident because he couldn’t perform on stage for a while. So Dad said we should put our energy into recording while he recovered, and Dad’s record label signed us within hours of hearing it. Our album ‘The Next Generation’ went on sale and was platinum within a few days of release. We’ve been doing so many live shows that Susan has to come with us to make sure our education in on track. It’s so hard to study and work with the band at the same time, but it’s what we need to do, so we all do it. Ella is so much more confident now, or at least she puts out that vibe, but she still nervous eats. She’s lucky she has a fast metabolism because she never puts on an ounce of weight.

Dad’s band Slayed is going on tour soon and we’re the backing band. So we get to go on our first tour. It’s with our parents, which is great because they can teach us everything we need to know. Everyone is excited and it’s just turned May so the weather is still bearable in the UK. Last month I turned eighteen, and in four months it will be Aston’s nineteenth.

We have been trying really hard to take things slow and it’s been torturously slow. We hardly have any time to ourselves other than when everyone comes over and we escape down to the willow tree for some much-needed alone time. For our one year anniversary, he took me to the tree seeing as it’s our spot and he brought me a home-made a picnic dinner. I think Mum helped him with it, but it was nice and we had a lot of fun that night. Candles and the romantic atmosphere sitting by the lake in the moonlight.

We might be young still, but we know that all we want is each other and that nothing could tear us apart. Not even the stupid minions that throw themselves at him when we play a gig. I know when he talks to them that the only person he’s thinking about is me. I know because when he’s talking to them he keeps looking up to see where I am. My bad moods have improved and Dad and I are getting along better than ever. Everything is running smoothly and I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve all this joy in my life.




It’s the first live show of the Slayed world tour with Staked as the backup band. Dad decided to have two backup bands so the concert could go longer, plus he found this new band. He loves their sound so he asked them to join us on tour. We haven’t met them yet, but from what I have heard, their music is awesome. The band is called Recoil and they are going to be the introduction before Staked goes on and then Dad’s band Slayed will play their concert after we finish. The shows have completely sold out and it’s the first time Staked has been on a tour. Even though we’re not the headline act, it’s still amazing to think we’re on tour and going to be performing for the next six months of our lives all around the world. I couldn’t be happier to be doing it with my Dad and my band, the people I love most in the world. The only thing I don’t like about it is leaving the dogs behind, but Uncle Joseph and Uncle Danny are going to take great care of Sassy and Snaggy for us.

We arrive at Wembley Stadium and the buzz filling the air is palpable. Aston walks over to me in the green room and wraps his arms around me while the others chat amongst themselves.

“Tonight is going to be amazing, Lennox. Rocking it out with you by my side at Wembley no less. Well, I can’t think of anything more unbelievably wonderful than that!”

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck and lean in kissing him gently. “I can’t believe it either. I mean seriously, Wembley fucking Stadium? It doesn’t get much bigger than that, right?”

“Well, maybe Madison Square Garden, but other than that nope. We’re gonna kill it tonight, baby,” he says and I nod as Ella comes over.

“Did you guys meet the members of Recoil yet?” she asks as Aston lets me go.

I shake my head. “Nope, have you?”

“Nope, but I can’t wait to meet them. Especially because we’re going to be spending the next six months with them. I hope they’re nice,” she says and I smile knowing they will probably be arseholes. Most male bands are, particularly when they have been picked up by Slayed. They end up thinking their shit don’t stink. When most of the time, it really does!

“Well, don’t be surprised if they’re douchewads. I bet they are so far up themselves—”

“Who’s up themselves?” a man with a deep American accent interrupts. He’s tall with black hair, short, but curly. He’s quite good looking and he’s covered in tattoos. He looks young, like maybe early twenties, maybe even younger and he’s looking at Ella in such a way that even I feel embarrassed for her.

“And you are?” I ask as Aston wraps his arm around my waist pulling me to him, obviously letting this guy know I am his.

“Danger,” he says and sticks his hand out for Ella to shake. He hasn’t taken his eyes off her.

We all raise our eyebrows. “What makes you dangerous?” Ella asks sounding slightly breathless. I furrow my brows at her reaction as she shakes his hand.

“The name is Danger because it suits me. We all have a little danger inside of us, don’t we sugar?” he asks looking at Ella and winking.

I’m pretty sure she’s breathing heavy and I have no idea what’s wrong with her.

“Umm… I guess,” she says and I notice they’re still shaking hands. This is weird.

“Do you want a little danger in you?” he asks, looking at Ella in such a way that even I shudder. He has the most intense gaze. She giggles and he smirks.

“Okay, well, thanks for the intro Danger, but I think we better get ready for the concert,” Aston says and he looks at Aston like he couldn’t care less about him.

“What’s your name sugar?” Danger asks Ella.

“Ella,” she says shyly biting her bottom lip.

“Sexy name for a sexy lady.”

I open my eyes wide while she blushes dramatically. “Okay well, it was nice to meet you, Danger. Stupid name, by the way,” I say getting annoyed at the obvious flirtation he’s showing toward my little sister.

He looks at me and frowns and then looks back at Ella, who’s still swooning. “Until next time sugar,” he says and then takes their still joined hands up and he kisses the back of her hand. She giggles like a school girl and he smirks licking his lips looking like he wants to devour her.

“Okay, you know she is only seventeen, right?”

Ella glares at me. “I’ll be eighteen soon though.”

“Hmm, age is only a number,” he replies and then winks at Ella, who giggles again and blushes once more.

“Nice to meet you, sugar. I wonder how sweet you really taste?” he whispers, but loud enough for me to hear. We all gasp as he lets her hand go and then walks off not looking back. I look at Aston and he’s trying to hide his smirk, but his eyebrows are raised quite high.

“What the fuck was that?” he asks looking at Ella.

“I know! Wasn’t he… spectacular?” she asks and we both laugh thinking she’s joking. She looks at us and furrows her brows apparently not understanding why we’re both laughing at her.

“Oh wait, you’re serious?” I ask and she frowns folding her arms over her chest.

“What, a guy can’t like me?”

“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that maybe Danger is not exactly a person you should be hanging around with? He doesn’t exactly seem… inexperienced.”

“Oh my God, Annie, I wasn’t thinking like that. I don’t even know him,” she says looking like she doesn’t mean a word of it.

I smile and place my hand on her shoulder. “Just watch yourself around him, okay? And I saw the way you were looking and giggling with him, just be on your guard. A man like Danger has that nickname for a reason, Ella.”

“I bet he’s a soft, kind-hearted guy under all that bravado. You just don’t give people chances like I do, Annie.”

“Ella, you’re like my little sister and trust me Danger is only after one thing from you. I could read it a mile away,” Aston says and Ella shrugs.

“What does he want?” she asks.

“Your innocence… Just watch your back and don’t fall into any traps with him, okay?” Aston says and she nods looking like it might be sinking in.

“Okay well, I better go and get ready,” she says and I chuckle.

“You mean eat?” I ask and she clenches her face tight and flares her nostrils.

“Shut up, my nerves are shot right now. At least you have someone to comfort your nerves!” she says angrily then storms off over to the food platters.

I look at Aston and grimace. “Oops, I think I pissed her off.”

“Don’t worry about it, she’ll be okay, but we have to watch out for this Danger character, he seems suss to me.”

I nod in agreement. “Absolutely. Who the hell is he anyway?”

“Beats me.”

“Annie, Aston, come over here,” Caleb calls out. He still seems a little down, especially considering that we are performing tonight for the first time at Wembley Stadium. Aston and I walk over and we have our typical chat about how tonight’s short gig will go. Recoil are on first and then us, so we really need to amp up our performance to introduce Slayed. Facebook is trending with people heading to tonight’s concert and half are going for Slayed, but the other half are coming to see Staked and that makes me undeniably happy. I know Rob is talking about Staked doing a tour of our own when we finish this one, and I know everyone is excited about it. We just have to record our second album and then we can take on the limelight and Staked can be the main attraction and I personally cannot wait for that to happen.

I’m not sure why, but for some reason as Caleb talks to us preparing us to go on stage, I can’t help but think about my birth parents. I wonder if they would be proud of me? This isn’t our first concert, not by any means, but it is the first in a world tour as a backup band and that is something pretty special. I just wish I knew if they know about me or not? Whether they know I am their child, and whether they care about the fact that I am quickly becoming well known on my own merits?

I wonder if they miss me and if they would ever come to a show and be standing at the back without me even knowing?

I wonder if they love me? Of course, they don’t love you, Annie! If they loved me, they would have never given me up. The only people that I trust to love me are Mum, Dad and Ella. Aston makes me feel like he loves me, which I know is impossible because anyone else who says it must be lying because I’m incapable of being loved. That’s obvious because if my own parents, the people who made me and gave birth to me don’t love me enough to keep me, then I am obviously not worthy of being loved.

“Annie. Earth to Annie? Are you with us?” Caleb asks and I shake my head and look at him. I hadn’t realised I’d zoned out and wasn’t paying attention.

“Yeah sorry, I was miles away,” I reply and Aston reaches out for my hand as a slight wave of dejection washes over me.

“Well, keep up Annie. This is important stuff we’re talking about here,” he says and I nod. “I guess we’re done now anyway, so just be focused and on your game tonight guys. We got this! It’s our chance to show Rob we can pull off a show like this with ease. If we can do this right and the crowd love us, this time next year we will be back here as the headline act,” he says and we all cheer. “Recoil are about to go on, so don’t go too far, their set will be over in half an hour and then we’re on ten minutes after that. So no wandering off, got it?” he says and we all chuckle and nod. He can be so bossy sometimes.

Twenty minutes passes and Aston and I spend our time cuddled up on the sofa, but Caleb walks into the middle of our room and clears his throat gaining our attention. “While our dads are getting into the zone we need to be getting ready, so let’s head out now.”

We all nod and walk as a group out of the green room and down toward the stage where Recoil are nearly finished their set. We move around the back and notice everyone standing around. There're people everywhere, including our mums. They’re all here waiting for us. Dad and the rest of his band aren’t here yet because they’re probably still running through their pre-show routines.

I listen to Recoil and they sound great and I have to admit the singer’s voice is mesmerizing. I notice Ella looking up at the stage from the side and she’s smiling so widely it even makes me feel happy. I walk over to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder looking up at the stage and I see Danger is the lead singer of Recoil. I roll my eyes.

Of course, he is the lead singer!

That would explain his cocky behavior. Women drool all over lead singers all the time, just look at Caleb! I look over at him to see he’s on his phone again and he’s grinning. He’s certainly happy with whoever he’s talking to. It’s nice to see a smile on his face.

“Isn’t he amazing, Annie?” Ella pulls me back to look at her.

“What? Who?” I was lost in my own world for a moment there.

“Danger. I wonder what his real name is? I bet it’s something mysterious and sexy,” she says and I exhale and shake my head.

“Elle’s Bells, you have got it bad,” I say and she looks at me furrowing her eyebrows.

“What do you mean?”

“You want his cock inside you, right?”

She gasps and shakes her head breaking away from me and then slaps my shoulder. “Don’t say that. What if someone heard you?” she says her face going bright red as she folds her arms over her chest.

“It’s okay Ella, no one can hear us over the band, but I’m right though aren’t I?”

“Don’t be so crude, Annie. I’m seventeen and I don’t lust after men, thank you. I’m a respectable young woman and I would never—”

“Suck his cock?” I tease and she gasps again and ducks down looking around to see if anyone heard.

“Annie, shhh,” she says and I laugh and shake my head.

“Sucking cock really isn’t that bad. It’s not comfortable or easy, but once you get the hang of it, it’s quite fun,” I say and she opens her eyes and mouth wide.

“Annie!” she says and I chuckle and pull her in for a hug.

“Just teasing.”

“So seriously, have you and Aston done that?”

“What, oral sex?” She looks around embarrassed by my words making me chuckle. She nods. “Yes, and at first we had no idea how to do any of it, but once we figured it out we both love it. You should try it one day, but not with Danger,” I say and she rolls her eyes.

“He’s probably too old for me anyway, and could you imagine Dad and how he would react to a tattooed bad boy rocker like Danger from Recoil? If it’s taken him a year to warm up to Aston then imagine how long it would take for Danger?”

“Absolutely. Just get him out of your mind and go for Chad or something?”

“Chad Everly? Our drummer?” She laughs.

“Yeah, why not?”

We both look over at him as he looks at a blank television screen and fusses with his hair making it even messier than it was originally.

“Umm, because he’s like a brother to me and anyway he’s Chad. Just like… no! It would be like hooking up with Aston, no offense, I just couldn’t do it.”

“Okay guys, let’s get in the huddle,” Caleb calls out and I look at Ella and she takes one last look at Danger and I think I see her sigh. I shake my head and pull her by the hand over into the huddle. Aston wraps his arms around me as we stand in a circle.

Caleb gives us our usual speech and we all listen intently as our excitement grows. We put our hands in and say our mantra. We split from the circle just as Recoil comes off the stage and our dads all walk down the hall to see us play. I notice Danger wink at Ella and she giggles. Dad noticed too, I think, and he frowns and shakes his head.

“Right play well, have fun, and rock solid all right?” Dad says and we all nod and smile. “Go get ‘em.”

I lean into Aston and he squeezes me tightly and I lean up kissing his cheek.

“We got this baby, let's rock it out,” he whispers and then kisses under my ear.

Dad shakes his head again and we all walk up to the edge of the stage. My heart is thumping in my chest and I’m so excited that I’m actually shaking. I can’t wait to play our first show on the tour and, to be honest, the roar of the crowd is like an electrifying shock to my system. Each cheer jolts me and with each jolt I feel more and more alive. Music makes me live and right now I’m living a life so fantastically bright that I can’t ever see my light fading. Aston grabs my hand and squeezes as the lights dim and that’s our cue. I turn to him, kiss him quickly and then run out onto the stage. The place where I feel most at home.