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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (158)


As the bus takes off back toward the hotel, Brax’s fingers entwine with mine as we sit back in the plush seats. I lean into his side as the guys down the back start to sing the Manchester United football team song for some weird reason. I giggle as Brax looks at me and smiles.

“Thanks for dedicating the show to Evie, she really got a kick out of that.”

I smile and tighten my hand in his. “My pleasure. She seems sweet. I like her. I like all of your family actually. Derek is quiet, though,” I admit and he laughs.

“Yeah, he’s shy around new people. But thank you so much for the effort you put in tonight. I know it mustn’t have been easy meeting my parents so early on, but you handled yourself really well.”

Leaning up I chastely kiss his cheek. “Thank you, I was hoping I made a good impression on them. I want them to like me, especially if we’re dating,” I tease and he smirks and leans in kissing my forehead.

“So we’re okay with all that then? The dating thing? If you think it’s too soon to be putting that label on us, I completely understand, though—”

I bring my hand up to his cheek and caress it tenderly, his stubble tickling my palm sends a tingle down my spine. “I’d love to date you, Alex Braxton.”

His face lights up in an intense, awe-inspiring, panty dropping, heart melting, type of smile that literally takes my breath away. “I’d love to date you too, Amber Montgomery,” he whispers inching closer to me resting his forehead on mine.

“It’s a date then,” I whisper and he smiles brilliantly again.

The bus pulls up forcing Brax and me apart. We definitely don’t need to put on a show for Hunter. Brax stands up and I follow as we walk off the bus with the rest of the band toward the hotel, while Hunter parks the bus. Brax is subtly touching me in any way he can while Mason comes over and smiles at us.

“So your sister is really sweet, hey?” Mason says to Brax being cordial to him for once.

Opening my eyes slightly at Mase’s confession, Brax looks at Mase and chuckles. “Yeah, she’s great. Really innocent and naïve, and my baby sister…You get where I’m going with this?” Brax asks puffing out his chest.

I try to hide my smirk as Mason frowns at Brax’s refusal of Mason making any sort of move on Evie.

“Right, I see where you’re going. I’ll lose her number,” Mase says and draw my brows together in surprise that he actually got her number after the show. I didn’t know that. Brax tenses next to me obviously not knowing that either and he nods as Mason turns and walks away with his shoulders slumped and his head hanging low.

I turn looking at Brax and he exhales running his hand through his hair.

“What would be so bad about Mase and Evie? I think they’d be cute together,” I admit and Brax huffs.

“Sorry, just no. She’s too young to have a boyfriend.”

I can’t stop the laugh from erupting out of my chest. “Brax, she’s twenty, not twelve.”

His eyes squint as his lips squeeze into a tight thin line. I quickly stop laughing. “She’s my baby sister,” he says and I smile and nod thinking of Hunter, and how even though I’m nearly twenty-three he still doesn’t want me to have a boyfriend. Must be a brother thing.

“Okay,” I say interlacing my hand with his and walking us toward the elevator.

Inwardly, I giggle at the tough macho display that Brax is putting on, it’s kind of sweet in a weird way. I bet Evie wouldn’t think so, though. As we step into the open elevator, I nuzzle into Brax’s side. We’re in here alone, so when the doors shut I turn to him and place a kiss gently on his lips.

“I’ve needed to do that for a while,” I whisper against his mouth.

He chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist pulling me to him. “Well, I plan on kissing every inch of you in about five minutes. I hope you’re ready?” His deep, seductive voice sends a shockwave straight to my core making my panties instantly wet. Feeling his lips on my skin is a pleasure I’ve started to crave. I’m just so pleased I’m able to have him every night. The elevator dings and we break apart stepping out onto the hotel floor, we walk to my room and the door clicks as I swipe the card. Brax grabs my arse as we walk in and I giggle. Clara is, of course, on the lounge waiting for us as is our new normal.

“How was your night?” she asks looking over as Brax wraps his arms around my waist. We feel comfortable being ourselves around Clara, she doesn’t judge, in fact, she welcomes it.

“Great thanks, Clara. How was my ladybug?” I ask wishing I could hold her tight right now.

“She was so good tonight, went down like a light. Anyway, I better go and leave you two alone. Have a good night, sweetheart,” Clara says walking past me and patting my arm tenderly as she moves toward the hotel door.

“Thanks again Clara, I’d be lost without you,” I admit. She smiles and walks out of the room and before the door is even closed Brax turns and pins me to the wall. His hard body pressed against mine and his lips firmly push against me passionately. At first I’m shocked by his display, but quickly I’m sinking into his arms and folding my fingers through his unruly hair at the nape of his neck. Our tongues entwine and finally I get the feeling I’ve needed all day, just being wrapped up in Brax is an emotion that gives me a natural high. His hands slide down my body to the hem of my camisole and he lifts up. We part lips briefly, allowing enough time for him to pull it over my head. A low throaty growl erupts through his chest as he looks down at my breasts in my bra. His mouth connects with my neck as I breathe heavily, panting with the need I have for him. His slight stubble on his face grazing my skin sending a tingle all the way down my spine is only making me pant harder.

My bra clip is unfastened with ease and as it falls to the floor Brax’s hand comes up to massage my breast so tenderly. My clit is throbbing needing him to touch me as my hands move into his shirt and pull it up over his head. I mourn the loss of his hand from my breast, but he quickly moves in so our bodies are flush with each other chest to chest, skin on skin, and I love the feeling of our closeness. Mouths connect, our tongues going rogue, dancing with each other as we kiss passionately. My red and black tartan mini skirt starts to slide down my legs as Brax pulls on it gently. I bring my legs together to help ease it down. I need to be naked with him as quickly as possible. Standing in just my black panties and Madden Girl embellished flats, my hands run up his muscular back feeling every toned section of his shoulders. He moves his hands down to his jeans and makes quick work of the button and zip and soon they’re on the floor. He steps out of his shoes and kicks off his jeans leaving him in his briefs. His hands move around to my arse and he pulls me to him, my legs wrapping around his waist. And as he lifts me, my shoes fall from my feet to the floor hitting the ground with a thud as he carries me from the small hall to the bed. Our lips tangled in one another’s kissing fervidly. His heavy footsteps take us to the waiting mattress where he gently eases me onto the bed and I grin against his lips knowing we’ll be together soon. I’ve come to enjoy this part of my daily routine. He pulls back and stands up taking off his briefs and I lean down pulling off my panties and throw them on the floor next to him. He smirks looking down at my naked body as I take in his. He really is a masterpiece of brawny brilliance. Leaning over me, my back hits the mattress and he smiles.

“You really are exquisite.”

His words shock me and I part my lips letting out a small breath. His mouth moves back to mine and his teeth draw in my bottom lip biting it softly, I moan in response. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I don’t want to spend any time working myself up tonight, I’m already panting with need for him. As if to read my mind Brax grinds his erection against my pussy and we both groan into our kiss. My hands run along his back and grip into his shoulder blades as his tongue dances with mine.

“Brax, I need you,” I murmur against his lips and he pulls back and looks in my eyes raising his eyebrow.

“Do you need me to work you—”

“No, I just need you, all of you…please. I’m ready,” I say and run my hand through his hair and pull his lips back to mine.

He chuckles slightly and moves his hips to position himself at my opening. We’re both so ready for this. Our hot skin burning against each other is only setting an insatiable fire inside of me. My legs wrapping around his waist pulls him to the right spot and his tip slides to my entrance. I gasp at the feeling and tilt my hips up higher easing him in slightly further. He groans and can’t contain himself as he pushes inside me, fully burying himself to the hilt. We both moan as our mouths move together along with our bodies. The friction as he slides in and out of me is like a heaven on earth. He thrusts inside me as his hand comes down to my face to caress it tenderly. Opening my eyes, I look at him, his eyes open and focused on me. A spark, a bright, luminous spark shoots through me and straight into him. It’s like a bolt of lightning that ignites us both and sends our lust into overdrive.

Feeling this intense connection with him sends me to a place I’ve never been before. Sure with Aston I felt the love, but the pull to him wasn’t as powerful as I feel with Brax. I never thought this magnetism could exist, and yet here it’s right in front of me, with a guy I’ve known most of my life but who I’ve only truly known for a few weeks. The pull is intense and though it’s not love, it’s something powerful. And as I stare in his eyes, they glisten and gleam staring back, the way they sparkle and shine with such intense luminosity, tells me that he’s feeling it just as powerfully.

He thrusts again and moves his hand into mine intertwining our fingers. Running my hand up alongside my head he rests our joined hands on the mattress and I clench onto his hand tight as we continue to move together in a blissful harmony. His lips trail feather light kisses along my jaw as he breaks eye contact with me and I close my eyes relishing in the connection. Our bodies slide together and I love the ache developing inside me. The heat building up on my skin, the tension expanding through my abdomen, the satisfaction pounding through my chest, all of it is overwhelming and leading me to a beautiful building sensation. Beads of sweat form on my sizzling hot skin and as he moves in me, the heat inside ignites even more. I moan as his lips come back to mine. Kissing him passionately I move my hips in time with his, back and forth in a steady rhythm sending an intoxicating pleasure through me. The heat is building to boiling point, my back begins to arch off the mattress delving my body into his further. My breath is coming fast and strong as I pant hot breaths against his mouth. He continues to kiss me working through my pleasure as my skin prickles with goose bumps and my muscles begin to tremble with pleasure like they can’t contain their excitement. My head starts to fog and through the wave of ecstasy I’m feeling lightheaded, as the heat washes over me again building up all over my skin. My body clenches tight and my nails dig into Brax’s shoulder blades making him groan. With another thrust, my walls collapse around me and splinter into tiny fragments shattering all over the floor, taking my climax with them. I moan out his name as my orgasm rolls over me, sending breathtaking pleasure right through my body. Brax continues to move inside me as I relax my body down to the mattress and try to keep up with him through my foggy afterglow. He’s panting and his head is buried in my neck as his teeth glide along my sensitive skin. Trying to maintain my composure and not flake out on him completely, I move my hips in time with his and he pushes in deeper. A jolt runs through my body awakening me again. I pant opening my eyes wondering how that’s even possible. As he continues to move inside me, my body is tensing and building to another climax. My muscles still ache from the last one, but I welcome the new wave of pleasure as it begins to roll through me.

“Amber, I’m close,” he murmurs and I want to get him there with me, so I move in time with him putting in as much enthusiasm as I can. My nails dig into his back again as the heat builds in me once more, but quickly this time. I pant as my body begins to tremble all over. He’s moaning and tensing like he’s right on the edge and as he calls out my name thrusting into me deeply, the barrier breaks and we both moan as fireworks explode for us both at the same time. He unloads inside of me as I tense around his cock wringing him out through my climax. Our mouths collide together drawing out the last of our pleasure as we kiss, bringing each other down from our miraculous high. He takes his lips from me and rests his forehead against mine as we both pant frantically. Feeling his hot skin against mine is only making this a more exciting experience.

“You’re incredible, Amber,” he whispers then gently kisses my lips.

I smile and bring my hand up to caress his cheek. “Right back at ya,” I say and he chuckles and slowly pulls out of me. He rolls onto his back and I move into his side straight away right into the nook where I belong. His hand runs up along my skin gently stroking sending goose bumps blistering up my arm.

“We’re getting so damn good at that,” he says leaning in kissing my hair.

Giggling, I nod my head against his chest as my finger runs circles around his nipple. “I know. I wish we could stay locked in here forever,” I admit and he chuckles, the sudden rise and fall of his chest is making my head bob up and down.

“Just you, me, and Charli, hey?” he asks running his finger along my cheek and the thought of running away with Brax and leaving everything behind is suddenly very appealing. But I wouldn’t do that. I couldn’t take Charli from Mase, that’s not fair, and I couldn’t not see Hunter all the time. He’s my twin and we have a bond. As much as Brax is under my skin, I can’t leave everything behind as tempting as it is.

“Wouldn’t that be nice,” I say and he squeezes me to him.

“Mmm,” he murmurs as his lips kiss my head again.

I cuddle into his side getting as comfortable as I can, I know this won’t last long so I’ll take what I can get while I can get it before he does his disappearing act for the night. His gentle strokes on my arm and the peaceful silence washing over the room is making my eyes heavy. Yawning as I slowly close my eyes just to rest them and bask in the afterglow.




I’m jolted awake by my body moving forcefully as a groan echoes through the room. I’m disorientated slightly as I wake up and try to take in what’s happening around me. I’m knocked again as Brax thrashes his body around and his hands flail about above him. I sit up watching as he’s clearly asleep but having a nightmare about something horrible. He groans loudly as his body stiffens, the muscles in his neck go so tense and I’m worried they might snap if he doesn’t wake up. He’s sweating profusely and shaking. He groans again then yells something incoherently. His back arches off the bed as his body contorts twisting and writhing like he’s in immense pain. I sit back on my knees and gasp rushing my hand to my mouth watching Brax’s body turn bright red as a stream of sweat beads drip down his crimson body. The noises he’s making are intense, and I start to wonder if he’s having some sort of stroke or something?

“Brax,” I call out not wanting to touch him as he writhes around, his face contorting and tightening like he’s in extreme pain.

Hot tears pool in my eyes watching him, feeling helpless that I have no idea what’s happening.

“Brax, wake up,” I say and grab his shoulder and push him forcefully. His body contorts again and I gasp letting him go in case I’m causing him pain. Tears fall down my cheeks as my heart races so fast it’s pounding practically out of my chest.

“Brax,” I yell this time trying to break through the noises and moans coming from him. It shocks me when he opens his eyes and sits bolt upright panting and breathing hard. I watch him as his eyes come into focus as he looks around the room while I hold myself in shock at his sudden change.

His face is contorted and his eyes are glassy as he looks around the room taking in his setting and then he turns suddenly looking at me and winces.

“Shit, I fell asleep,” he murmurs running his hand through his hair.

I swallow hard and move my hand out to touch his shoulder. He flinches at my touch and his skin is damp and flaming hot. “Are you okay?” I stammer.

He looks at me, his eyes running over every inch of me. “Are you okay?” he asks running his hands over my arms and up my neck like he’s checking for something.

“I’m fine, just worried about you. Do you know what was happening to you?” I ask and he exhales and stands up from the bed pacing the floor and rubbing the back of his neck.

“Did I hurt you?” he asks pain ripping through his voice.

“What? Brax, no. But what was that?” I ask and his body slumps like he’s relieved and he exhales turning to face me.

“I’m sorry you saw what you did. I’m just glad I woke before…” he stops and looks past me, his eyes glazing over and his jaw clenched tight.

“Before what Brax?” I ask and he shakes his head and picks up his briefs starting to get dressed.

I furrow my brows and watch as he hurries to pull his clothes on. “Why are you getting dressed?” I ask and he looks at me like I’m being ridiculous.

“I can’t stay here. I can’t believe I fell asleep, anything could have happened. I could have…” he stops again and he exhales abruptly as his eyes begin to water.

I stand up from the bed and pull him to me. “Brax, what was that? What could you have done? Talk to me, please?” I beg and he shakes his head running his hand through his hair and pulls me off him and bends down to put his shoes on.

“I have to go. I’m such an idiot,” he says and then straightens up and walks toward the door, his heavy footsteps pound to the beat of my heart.

“Brax!...Alex, talk to me,” I ask and he shakes his head and without looking back, he walks out the hotel door, the door banging so loudly it makes me physically jump.

My eyes flood with tears. I can’t believe he just left me with so many unanswered questions. I don’t understand what that was. It could possibly have been a nightmare, but I don’t know that they make you contort like that. I can’t help but wonder if this happens to him every night and how often per night. Maybe this is the reason he never wants to sleep over with me because he’s scared of me seeing him like that. I understand why, it was as scary as hell to witness, but I just wish he would have talked to me about whatever that was.

I walk back over to the bed and look down at the tousled bed sheets where we laid naked together mere moments before. We finally fell asleep together and it ended like this? I wipe the stray tear that falls from my eye and sniff as I climb into bed. I curl into a ball and cry into the pillow wondering what’s wrong with Brax and why he couldn’t stay to talk to me about his problem. I’ll have to make sure to discuss this with him tomorrow. And with that thought I close my eyes pushing out some more tears and trying to rid the imagery of Brax’s contorting body from my mind.