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The Next Generation Box Set by K E Osborn (142)


It’s Dad’s eightieth birthday and everyone is gathered at the manor for his birthday bash. Our family is huge now. Mum walks over with the cake as everyone sings happy birthday. Caleb and Indi’s children Aria, Coda and Treble, all have their own families. That family is massive, with Aria marrying Jason and they have three kids of their own. Coda married Alison, and they had two children and then there’s Treble, well she got married three times and had four kids by three different fathers. She always was trouble that one.

Annie and Aston only had one child, they named him Dylan after Bob Dylan. He married Katie and they had their own little girl Liana, and she’s the most adorable little thing.

Carter found a girlfriend when he went to college, and they got married quickly and had a baby girl called Rylee. He works as a mechanic at the local dealership.

Carlton had a bit of a tougher life, he had a harder time dealing with the grief and turned in some bad habits. He went from woman to woman and ended up getting two different woman pregnant around the same time. So he has a daughter and a son. The son he sees every now and then, but his daughter he doesn’t get to see much of. He’s settled down a bit more now and has finally met Fee. She’s lovely and doesn’t put up with his shit, so I hope she sticks around.

And Chad and me…well, we had twins. Can you believe it? We named the girl after Sia, and Chad wanted to name the boy after my dad – Colt. Because his dad hated his name Rupert and Chad didn’t want to name his kid after a dog (Dingo) so we honoured his dad by naming our son after his best friend and my dad. Sia and Colt are both married and have their families too. Sia married a dog trainer, which we found quite ironic, and they had our first grandchildren Kaydence and Oscar, and then Colt married his high school sweetheart and they gave us some more grandchildren soon after in Ruby and Olivia.

Our family is huge and birthdays and events like this are always massive at the Slade manor. Dad is getting old even though he’s still really spritely for his age.

Chad and I are still as in love as ever. Choosing him was the right thing…it was the only thing to do. And I haven’t regretted it for a single second, since making my choice. Living with him has been the best part of my life, and we’ve been together now for the better part of thirty-something years. It’s been bliss, and now that we’re getting on a bit and are in our fifties, we’re thinking of retiring from Staked too. The band has seen its success and we’ve done many world tours. Our kids have grown up with music and can all play instruments. They grew up and loved it like us and played in their own bands, but were never serious about it.

We all finish singing happy birthday, and after gormandizing ourselves on cake and too much food, Mum and I take a seat on the lawn watching Chad play with our grandkids.

“The party is going so well Mum, Dad seems to be in his element,” I say and Mum laughs.

“Yes, he did always love a good party,” she says. I look out at Chad and even though he’s in his fifties now, he’s still fit and looks completely gorgeous.

“He’s so good with the grandkids,” I say and Mum nods.

“He really is. I’m pleased you knew to follow your gut instinct. You always knew how to listen to your instincts, and in the end you chose the right path like I always knew you would,” Mum says making me think back to Danger. I haven’t thought about him for so long.

I wonder how he’s going?

I think of what Mum has said and think back to that time when I was young and Mum told me to always follow my gut. Mum was right, and I just had to see it myself. It’s such a shame it took a plane crash for me to see the light.

The party comes to an end and Chad and I are staying over tonight. We walk up the stairs and say goodnight to Annie and Aston, who are also staying over. Chad and I walk into my old room, it’s been so long since I’ve stayed in here.

“Today was great, wasn’t it?” Chad says as we both get changed into our nightwear.

“It really was. Dad had a great time. It was so nice to have everyone together like that. Thank God the Manor is huge and can hold everyone,” I say and Chad chuckles.

“Yeah, for sure. Now come here and let me cuddle you in your childhood bed,” he says sliding under the covers.

I smile and slide in next to him snuggling into his side resting my head in the crook of his neck and my hand on his naked chest.

I remember back to when we were teenagers, and all the angst and heartache that I felt in this room. It seems like it was all to get to this one place, where I am right now. Here with Chad, where everything is perfect. I cuddle into him and plant a soft kiss on his chest.

“You’re so good to me you know that. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I say honestly.

“Well baby, I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m so lucky to even have you. I cherish every second with you,” he says and I smile. Leaning up and looking down at him.

“I love you, you know that?” I say and he smirks.

“I know that. But I love you to the ends of the earth, Ella Everly. You’re my world,” he says and I lean down and kiss him passionately. My heart flutters and my stomach is giddy with excitement. Even all these years later, he still has this effect on me and I know without any hesitation or question that I made the absolute right decision.

Chad is my forever.